The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 773: Fascinating Dafa

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

This kind of battle is the most useful for Murong Hundred Battles. Ye Xuanqi is very tight. Murong Hundred Battles will simply have no time to mobilize the spells and can only deal with them.

"This method is good, but the balance will be broken soon!"

The young man looked at him intently. When he looked at it, Murong flew into the sky at once. Ye Xuan's eyes were cold, and he also followed. Murong was a little flustered.

Moreover, Ye Xuanfei was taller than him. The one who directly took the lead was a punch, which fell from the sky, directly hit the ground, and the ring was destroyed.

"Good fight!" Long Aotian couldn't help shouting.

The following people are also full of blood, these people are watching the lively.

Ye Xuan couldn't give him a chance to breathe. A flashing body also followed. Murong had just jumped out of the battle. The heavy blow just now worked for him. They were all masters, and the fist was naturally unusual. Activating the spiritual power, but as soon as he raised his eyes, Ye Xuan followed up and punched him in Dantian.


Murong can't stand this kind of heavy damage to Dantian, his body is made into shrimp.

"City Master has kept up with the speed of blinking!" Yan Tianqiang also couldn't help but called.

Ye Xuan was not keeping up with the speed, but just now he was all laying out, using his own spiritual power to construct a space, he moved following the spiritual power.

Murong battles are frequent paroles, but Ye Xuan's speed is so amazing that there are still ghosts in the air. The same is true of the instantaneous technique.

"I want your life for this trick!" Suddenly Ye Xuan's eyes became cold, Murong's battles were no longer defensive, but he let Ye Xuan attack him frequently, and Dantian had seen deep Sink into it, so the strongest warrior has also been abolished.

"City Master, it's a good fight, it's a great fight." Long Aotian couldn't help screaming.

Unexpectedly, everything went so smoothly. Murong's battles were not as strong as imagined, and the dangling heart of God's Operator also dropped.

As long as Murong died in battle, Suzaku will not break through.

"No!" Yan Tianqiang suddenly saw Fu Tianqi, who was still drinking tea, and he thought he had no worries if his master had died soon.

"What's wrong?" Long Aotian asked quickly.

"Look!" Pointing to Fu Tianqi's position, not only Fu Tianqi, the warrior who had been killed by Ye Xuan, but also miraculously lived, and all were watching the battle quietly.

Suddenly everyone felt a wave of fear in their hearts.

Suddenly, there was a roar of applause throughout the venue, because Ye Xuan's punch was on the chest of Murong's battles, and a deep hole appeared.

When Ye Xuan took out his hand, the heart of Murong's battle was in his hand.

Win it!

But Murong didn't have a little expression, and a big hole appeared in his body.

"No, something went wrong. Hurry to evacuate everyone!" The drunken young man became serious, and Bing Qingya didn't know what was going on.

At the turn, the youth was already standing on the ring. Holding a big sword.

Ye Xuan glanced at him and was also surprised: "How did you come here."

"Don't talk about this first, this person has already entered the devil's path, and must be sealed immediately!"

"What are you talking about?" Ye Xuan hadn't responded yet. Suddenly the sky changed dramatically, the sky was white and the clouds changed, the sky was thundering and thundering, and the wind was wrinkling.

Murong has no heart body in a hundred battles and is dead but not stiff.

No, Murong did not die at all.

He can smile and say, "Ye Xuan, is this all your skill?"

Before this was finished, the young man had already carried the sword up and could not move, but the big sword had cut off the man's lazy waist, and Murong's body was separated from top to bottom.

"What's going on, what kind of exercises did Murong practice in a hundred battles?"

"This is the legendary" Extremely Promise "but people are already enchanted and cannot be killed. They must be sealed!"

The teenager eagerly said.

I don't know what kind of exercises the youth is practicing, the sword is thrown high into the sky, the hand is quickly solved, and the roar is loud:

"Heaven and Earth Promise, Swordsmanship of the Universe!"

The rust on the big sword suddenly fell off, and it became extremely sharp. Innumerable swords were transformed into the sky, fan-shaped and a circle spread out, all separated at once, and the Murong was directly trapped in a circle. In it.

But at the same time, the entire ground began to shake violently, as if a huge earthquake occurred, the ground was suddenly lifted, and the entire venue was pushed to the sky by a force. Those in the city, do not know what is going on. In such a fierce competition, some people can drag the entire venue up.

"Today is the end of you Ye Xuan and the Emperor Xuan City!" Murong's body separated from the battles re-fused together, and the big holes in his chest were restored again. It really seemed like a movie bridge.

Seeing the ground rising, some people suddenly realized that this was not a game, and it was already a mess in the venue.

With the power of Murong's battles, Ye Xuan could feel his violent ascension. His body seemed to be a vortex, quickly greedily absorbing from the surrounding warriors.

"Mr. Murong, you are betraying faith, you said that as long as we have a little spiritual power, why are all my people sucked by you!"

Suddenly, the city lord shouted, but Murong kept fighting him, and the man became jerky.

"I am the world, and I must surrender to me, the spiritual power of every district, why don't you give something?"

Murong has gone crazy in battle.

One after another, those martial artists have become jerky, and many others who have failed to cultivate are also drained.

"What's going on!" Long Aotian yelled, but he watched many people become jerky, and the people around him were fine.

At this time, the world was shocked and said: "Is this" Spiritual Dafa ""

After Murong battles and absorbing the spiritual power of many warriors, Ye Xuan even felt endless pressure. It seemed that the mountain was pressing on him. When he was about to fly, he suddenly heard the youth say: "You It ’s sword repair, hurry up with ten thousand arrows! "

Ye Xuan was surprised: how could he be familiar with his moves?

Seeing that Ye Xuan didn't move, the young man was anxious and said, "Don't ask so much, there are so many demons in this world, how many Holy Spirits will make charcoal?"

Ye Xuan saw that he was not a bad person, and the situation of Murong's battles was really wrong. Perhaps it was true that he might have become a devil. Perhaps the whole person had luck and skill, and had not yet exerted his power.

Fu Tianqi led people to kill.