The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 872: Tu'er Tujia's Order

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

What can you get?

Of course, to gain strength!

This is what Zhuoya cares most about.

Zhuoya's pursuit of power is just like gluttonous things.

Yunhuang's aggression on this place in the Central Plains is becoming more and more frequent. In fact, many things are the power of Yunhuang's side.

Does the Snow Kingdom or the Zhenlan Empire make any attempt to this place?

But no matter who they are, their technology and power far exceed that of the Central Plains. If they want to invade, it can be described as easy, but why has it been so slow?

Or is it that in the Central Plains, there is the power of their fear?

Xuan Xiao really sighed, he knew too little about the world.

Two people wandering on the street, dragon battle and Liu fluttering, shopping is a woman ’s nature, especially in Tu'er Tujia, this is a magical place, not only the goods of the Central Plains, but also many cloud deserts from afar Specialty.

For example, the tears of sharks!

This may be seen everywhere in Yunhuang, but here is a pearl of precious stones. The merchant is a long ear like a fairy in a fairy tale. Dragon War wants to buy this for Long'er, but the value is more than 30,000 gold. This is something he cannot afford.

"I think Long Er will be very beautiful when wearing it."

When the battle of the Dragons was uncertain, Liu Piaopiao appeared like a ghost, and bought it with a generous shot.

"Sister Piao Piao, I can't use your money!"

Liu Piaopiao said while paying the money: "Tujia Tujia cannot bargain."

Although it was a deal, the shop owner was still unhappy, and Liu Piao Piao had to get 5,000 more gold, so he could smile.

"Sister Piao Piao, why do you have to give him more money?" Long Zhan did not understand.

Liu Piaopiao told him: "In Tu'er Tujia, only businessmen are protected. If you make people doing business here unhappy, your troubles will continue ..."

But he looked at Dragon Warfare again and again: "Warfare, you don't have to worry about it, but there are rules in every place, do you need to know?"

Long Zhan nodded to say he knew, but still said: "But Sister Piao Piao, I can't use your money."

"You are protecting me along the way. Without you, the husband will be very difficult. The right is your expenses."

Long Zhan had no choice but to agree, and Liu Piao Piao smiled a bit: "However, I have a little thing that needs your help!"

Liu Piaopiao turned around, dear fellow, there were dozens of suitcases piled up on the ground with large and small parcels of luggage, which were inherited by a line. This woman's combat power when shopping was really not to be underestimated.

Even the hired servant became dissatisfied, and Liu Piaopiao didn't do it by adding an extra 100 gold coins.

"Okay, I ’ve helped my sister with something. I ’m not alone. There are demon ... Murong ... Longer ... her husband ... your ..."

Long Zhan pointed to his nose in surprise, and said, "Is there still mine?"

Liu Piaopiao laid her hands on her hips, feeling exhausted and breathless, and said, "Of course, you are my cutest younger brother. When the younger sister and sister called me up, how could you be less?"

Then look at the dress of Long Zhan and say: "Besides, you grew up, from inside to outside, that one is given to you by an irresponsible dad, you can become a peerless handsome guy, Not all my credit? "

The face of Dragon Warfare was red and bashful, and it was really good, so it reminded me of a very shameful thing.

Even once again, Long Zhan looked at a little girl who was very beautiful. At the age of hair development and education, she couldn't help but hold up the small tent and was just hit by Liu Piao Piao, even giving him a box ...

Looking at the embarrassing look of Dragon Warfare, Liu Piaopiao also knew what he was thinking of, and quickly interrupted him and said:

"Okay, don't think about it. There is a tea house over there. Let's go sit down and have a snack!"

This dragon battle seems to be dragging a dozen large boxes in the back. Although it is very easy for him to drink, the number is actually the majority.

It attracted a lot of people around, and it felt that such a beautiful young guy worked hard.

Others feel that Liu Piaopiao is a violent disaster, so close the door and enjoy it in bed.

Near the tea house, there is a standard meeting. Through the standard meeting, things will be transported to the Emperor Xuancheng in advance. It is no longer necessary to save here. Order a pot of fine Yunhuang famous tea "Xianghui" and Liu Piaopiao's favorite "Yang Jian!"

It was only after Long Zhan discovered that the people coming and going here are all unique, even a lot of strange people.

Liu Piaopiao told him: "These are people from Yunhuang. Many other main cities are aware of the existence of Yunhuang, but they can't accept Yunjiao's race, but this Tu'er Tujia is the habitat they come here. place."

In fact, they did not enjoy any high-grade treatment when they came here. It seems that they are all living at the bottom or working part-time.

For example, the beautiful fox girl with nine tails on the stage is scratching her head, showing off her figure and appearance, pleasing others, and getting some tips.

"It's said that fox spirit, fox spirit, it turns out that there are really fox spirits in this world." Long Zhan took a sip of tea and said.

"Don't talk nonsense, she is a demon fox clan, she is good at the charm technique, but the boss here invites you at a high price."

But no matter what it is here, as long as it is male, it is all overwhelmed by the fascinating soul, and the price is kept asking for a kiss or a glass of wine.

"Her name is Ali. Although she is here, she is very disciplined. He asks that no one can bid more than fifty gold coins, and no one can only do it once a day."

It's not easy to leave the country, which is why Ali is popular here. Although there are other demon foxes in this Tuer Tujia different teahouses, bars, ktv, but none of her business is good.

Liu Piaopiao explained to him.

Only Dragon Warfare was "Ao".

At this time, a discordant factor suddenly came in, and a giant brown monster with a huge figure suddenly came in.

This is a monster, and the Dragon War is definitely known. Wasn't the monster beast in the Tianmen World War I, and was forcibly sealed by the Seven Saints? Why is there still here?

Ye Xuan's instinct was about to start the sword, but Liu Piaopiao held him by his hand.

"He is Batu. Although he is a monster, he has a high prestige here!"


"He is the order of Tu'er Tujia. With him, this Tu'er Tujia has order!"

The Dragon War is incredible. The monsters that slaughtered the world had become an order.