The Immortal Doctress: Emperor’s Consort

Chapter 1492: It's hard to make money!

Gu Zening was completely dumbfounded when he heard the news, what the hell?

It was so hard for him to wait until the little junior sister's fight was over, and then another one came?

Little Junior Sister is still in the Gu Yuan realm anyway, this girl is also in the innate realm, isn't that on the same level as him?

"This day is really impossible. Is it easy to make some money?"

Gu Zening looked speechless, didn't this ruin his moneymaking plan?

When Mu Zhiqing walked downstairs when the settlement was completed, he heard the news, and an idea came to mind almost instantly.

At this time, to fight, and to be a girl again, the biggest possibility is Tongqin!

"It seems that Tongqin has already arrived."

Hearing the words, the little fairy's eyes lit up, and there was joy in his eyes.

"I guessed that Tong Qin would definitely come to the Xiu Luo fighting arena, and it really came."

The corners of Mu Zhiqing's lips twitched slightly. She is not sure whether others will come here, but Tongqin will definitely come.

"Tongqin is now Miss Mo's family, and her identity is different. Isn't there any obstacle to her coming here?"

The little goblin can't help being a little curious. Judging from the degree of Mo Huayue's previous appearance in the academy, Miss Mo's status is still very high. If you want to come to Tongqin, should the Mo family be worried?

"There will definitely be." Mu Zhiqing said affirmatively: "But Tongqin and Mo Huayue are not the same. Even the family's thoughts can't change her mind."

Mo Huayue spent the entire day thinking about how to be prestigious and how to live unrestrainedly, and Tongqin was very persistent in the pursuit of strength.

Nothing can stop her from improving her strength, she will definitely do her best to improve her cultivation.

"But precisely because of this, her status in the Mo family will definitely be higher than that of Mo Huayue before."

Mo Huayue had relied on his origin before, and his strength could not keep up, and his influence in the family would eventually be affected.

However, Tongqin is completely relying on his own strength, which is completely different.

At this moment, Mu Zhiqing saw the fourth brother who was frowning not far away.

I have to say that in this entire fighting arena, almost no one wears a mask, so when you see the person wearing a mask in the crowd, it is undoubtedly extremely obvious.

"Four brothers?"

Mu Zhiqing walked over quickly, looking at his frowning face, a hint of doubt appeared in his eyes.

"What? Did you collide with Hitomi when you were fighting?"

"Tongqin?" Gu Zening was surprised.

"A female fighter in the innate realm, don't you think it looks like Tongqin just by listening?"

Gu Zening was stunned, and said: "You said this, it is indeed the same thing."

"I heard that the royal family would not allow Nangong Xi to come to the Asura Fighting Arena, and Mo Tongqin's position in the Mo family is not simple. The Mo family will let her come?"

Gu Zening looked puzzled, which was why he hadn't thought about this possible reason before.

After all, ordinary people of good origin will not be allowed by their families to come to such a dangerous place.

As for the old man in his family, he obviously has different ideas from these people and can be ignored.

"Tongqin must have convinced them." Mu Zhiqing smiled lightly, "Would you like to check it out?"

Although Teacher Jiang said before that there should be no connection between them, but they have already come here, shouldn't it be too much to take a look?

"What are you looking at?" Gu Zening sighed, looking speechless, "I'm defeated by your hands. It's really hard to make some money!"