The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 121: Three consecutive upgrades

This girl not only saved their "sex" life, but also healed them, forcibly broke through the out-of-aperture stage, just to make a way out for them, and now she is suffering from spiritual exhaustion and bruised and bruised.

If anyone wanted to attack her at this time, it would be easy!

"Second Miss!" Yu Kui stood up and bowed his hand at Feng Ruchu: "In my life, Yu Kui has never convinced anyone except the master. I am a rough person and I can't say anything nice."

"In short, starting from today, my Yu Kui's life is your Miss Feng Er, you let me go east, I will never go west, you let me go up the sword mountain, I will never go down the fire!"

"me too!"

"So are we!"

A dozen martial arts men, all followed Yu Kui behind to show their loyalty.


Feng Ruchu took a few pill "medicine" and adjusted for another hour, finally his body gradually recovered.

To her unexpected thing, she thought that using spells to force her to increase her spiritual power would damage her veins or aura.

But I didn't expect that the five auras not only did not collapse, but methodically surrounded her golden core, especially the fire line. After forcibly out of the body, it jumped from the original foundation building to the late stage of fusion!

Could this be a tyrant? Jump three levels in a row?

After Feng Ruchu was recuperating, he was alive and well again, lowered his head, twisted the burned ash roots, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed.

She was confused and said: "Why does the Blood Maple Forest have such a large area of ​​Eroded Bones? How much flesh and blood of a living person has to be sucked when it grows so large? Huh...?"

Seeing her frown, Yu Kui also became nervous, and said: "What's wrong, what did you find?"

Just as Feng Ruchu was about to say something, suddenly Xixi Suosuo's voice came from the grass. Yu Kui grabbed the machete and guarded Feng Ruchu, and yelled, "Who? Get out!"

Later, I saw a young man rolling out of it, covered in blood and blood, as if he had been bitten by something, his facial features were unclear.

"Southwest...southwest...ten miles away...Yes, there are demons..." The man died before he finished speaking.

"The people of Jin Gangzong are still disciples of the inner sect." Feng Ruchu picked out his clothes, a golden "color" robe, with a Jin Ling around his waist, the uniform of their sect.

"It looks like they are in danger." Yu Kui looked at Feng Ruchu and asked, "Are we going to go there?"


"Help! Help!"

"Pill "medicine", pill "medicine" pill "medicine", I was bitten, I was bitten!"

"His Royal Highness, be careful!"

Next to him, a disciple in a golden robe flew out suddenly, blocking Nangong Yan's body.

I saw a **** skeletal ghost hand ‘hiss...’, penetrated into the man’s shoulder bone, and brought out scarlet flesh and bone marrow.

The disciple Jinpao backed away in pain, and was quickly supported by a middle-aged man behind him.

"Junior Brother, how is the injury on your shoulder?"

Junior Brother cut off the ghost hand with a sword, gritted his teeth and said: "It's okay, but I hurt an arm!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as his voice fell, his body suddenly twitched, and countless bright red blood vessels climbed up from his limbs like vines, straight to the door, and his pupils burst.

The middle-aged man felt that the situation was not right, and asked quickly: "Junior Brother, why are you..."

However, before the words were finished, Junior Brother jumped forward with a tiger leap, and the evil wolf took a bite towards the neck of the sword bearer, and the blood immediately overflowed.