The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 13: Cloud Palace Holy Land

But the Feng family’s centuries-old inheritance, even the little servant who sweeps the floor and leads the horse, has a bit of spiritual power, but only a waste material and mentally retarded Feng Ruchu was born. The prince gave her the marriage since childhood. All sorts of things to make things difficult, all kinds of dislike, caused the entire Feng family to become the laughing stock of Nanqiu Kingdom because of Feng Ruchu's existence.

She became a thorn in everyone's eyes and a thorn in the flesh.

It's just that the former owner of this body has been hurting his brain since he was a child. Every day he knew how to wipe his nose and drool. For this Canglan Continent, he didn't know a general outline, and he didn't have any specific impressions about other more detailed situations.

For example, the sacred realm of Yun Palace in front of me.

Thinking of this, Feng Ruchu asked: "Xiao Zhu, who is this holy lord? How come even the current emperor treats him respectfully?"

"Then you need to say?! Not to mention the Southern Emperor, the four emperors of the Canglan Continent are superimposed, and there is no one-tenth of the nobleness of the Holy Lord!"

Speaking of the Holy Venerable Yungong, Xiaozhu's proud worship on his face, like a cat's paw pointing the country, clicked on this majestic holy place, and began to boast.

"At the beginning of the Great Wilderness, there were imperfections in the north, Yungong in the west, Yungong's cultivating method, and the Taoist cultivating method in Yungong. Ling, because of the lingering fairy mist all year round, it is also called Baiyun Mountain by later generations. Since the beginning of the Great Wilderness, the Holy Land of Yungong has been a place of pilgrimage from all over the world. Only after passing the trial of Holy Land of Yungong, can you enter the impunity and enshrine the way ."

"The old saying goes: Know the **** of Baiyun Mountain, and also know the **** of the world."

"And the Lord is the ancestor of this White Cloud Palace Holy Realm."

Feng Ruchu nodded clearly. On this nine-layered hall, the smoke and clouds were lingering in the distance, and it seemed to be falling in the west. was originally a sacred land of fairy mountains.

Outside the Hall of Nine Layers, there is a poem: Fengshen Baiyun Mountain since ancient times, purple qi lingers on the Nine Passes, the boundlessness of the dust is clear and the fruit, the nine layers are above the sky. ;

Yun Palace is not of the same name, and it is no wonder that even the highest leader of the Nanqiu Kingdom obeyed his words. It turns out that this saint is the ultimate boss behind the scenes!

"What about the six sects of the Yungong Holy Realm?" Feng Ruchu asked again.

"Six real people, each knows one method, each creates one school, Jin Gangzong saber, Bodhi Sect Yuzhi, Xuanbingzong and Chiyanzong are good at attacking with ice and fire, Ksitigarbha uses martial arts to enter the way, protect the family and defend the country, except for these five laws In addition to the department, there is also the Ci Hang Sect of Wanggu, "Yao".

"And the six real people are the direct disciples of Master Yu Xiao, Master Sovereign. All the spiritual masters in the Canglan Continent have become lifelong pursuits and lofty dreams for being able to enter the six major sects."

No wonder the six real people are located on the sacrificial platform, originally representing the Yungongmen in charge of the ceremony of sacrificing the sky.

Injustices have their heads, but debts are in the hands.

This holy boss is the one who almost killed her, the lord!

"Girl, you seem to be very interested in the Lord?" Zhu Mao couldn't help asking.

"Not interested, but rather curious about his disciples." The two brothers and sisters of the Feng family have all entered the six sects, plus a Feng Moer, knowing oneself and the enemy, so that they can survive all battles.

Zhumao shook his head disapprovingly: "The Holy Venerable has no disciples! The six real people are the disciples of the Jade Sect... As for the Holy Venerable, I have practiced in the Holy Land of Yungong for three hundred years, except for the Holy Venerable who sealed the seal a hundred years ago. He entered the world when he was 杌, and in the rest of the time, he never stepped out of the holy realm of the Cloud Palace."