The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 365: Go to the Underworld

The tea in Mo Qing's cup was cold, but he never took another sip. Finally, when Lin Yu's eyes followed Feng Ruchu's action of picking up vegetables, he turned for the seventh time.

The Lord Master raised his hand and held down her hand holding the chopsticks.

"Change your left hand to eat."

Feng Ruchu:...

Is it that difficult?

Isn't she left-handed?

Mo Qing's true nonsense said: "The left side is where the heart pulse is, which helps to smooth the aura."

"It can still be like this!..." Feng Ruchu looked convinced and admired: "Master, why didn't you tell me earlier!?"


He is speechless and can't make it up!

Fortunately, Feng Ruchu was heartless and didn't break the casserole to ask the end. He changed his left hand and continued to fight the chicken leg.

When Feng Ruchu was eating, he had a small habit of holding chopsticks in one hand and putting the other lazily on his lap. This time, he changed his left hand and left his right hand empty, so he hid it under the table and knocked his thigh.

Lin Yu...

He can't get under the table, right?

Mo Qing looked at Lin Yu with his light, and saw that his eyes were "chaotic" everywhere, and he had no place to stay. In the end, he could only stare at the table full of vegetables, motionless, doubting and resentful in his heart.

Lin Yu: He has lived for thousands of years. How come he has never heard that eating with his left hand can help cultivation? This Lord is very bad!

Junior sister is still too naive!

Believe him there should be a ghost!

In short, after the three of us had a weird lunch.

In this small county, a new practice rule has spread: eating with your left hand will help your spiritual power flow!


In the understanding of the Three Realms and Six Paths, Fengdu is indeed the only entrance to the underworld. Since the ancient emperor established the capital after the battle between gods and demons, creating reincarnation, all dynasties and dynasties have been guarded by heavenly soldiers and generals. Anti-underworld riots "chaos", from Fengdu flooded into the human world.

Therefore, Mo Qing was afraid of throwing grass and startling snakes, so she bypassed Fengdu and chose another entrance to the underworld that only she, Yu Xiao and Xuan Bing knew--Red Rock Canyon.

The Red Rock Canyon is located in the northwest of Yudu City. For thousands of years, it has been one of the scenic spots of Nanqiu Kingdom. Unfortunately, a hundred years ago, for some reason, it was sealed by the head of the Yungong Holy Realm. Six ways, no one can enter.

And it is rumored that the master Xuanbing of Sect Xuanbing would be outside this redstone canyon at the end of summer, staring at the barrier that no one can break, one stop for a day.

Red Rock Canyon can be said to be a rare paradise in the mortal world.

The red rocks in the valley are facing each other, the willows are shaded, the Yudu city garrisoned through the valley, the Yuxi River is endless, the gorge is facing each other, the steep and magnificent, and the forest is verdant, and the peanuts are gorgeous.

There are hundreds of large and small grottoes on the walls of the gorge, enshrining immortals and gods, and dense Sanskrit spells, which seem to be suppressed in the valley.

Standing in the valley, under the setting sun, Feng Ruchu watched the red canyon rising like a cloud. She said, "Master, is there really the underworld here? If you didn't tell me, I thought it was you and Uncle Master. Fake the public for private benefit, seal it to your own resort."

Mo Qing pointed to a rushing stream below the canyon, and said: "There, you can lead to the underworld."

Feng Ruchu stretched his head to look, but found a particularly wonderful thing.

It is obviously a pool of water, but it is divided into two sections of "color", one is dark and the other is white. The dark "color" stream keeps tumbling outwards, but whenever it encounters the innocent section At that time, the abrupt thing was obstructed, as if a pool of water was separated by an invisible transparent thin plate, separating the two colors.