The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 551: Those who follow prosper, those who oppo

The boy wore a red shirt, with cuffs and plackets embroidered with refined and luxurious cirrus clouds, but instead of the commonly used gold or white, it was black, which seemed domineering and gloomy.

He is still so handsome and beautiful, and he can't be exaggerated.

But his beauty is full of danger, shame, attack...

Jiuli lowered his voice and wanted to make progress gradually, he continued: "Xuan'er, you have been in the mountains for many years. I don't know that this world is weak and strong. You are kind to others, but others are calculating everywhere."

"If it weren't, when I was in my time, I would not be chased by the enemy, and I almost died in the mountains and forests."

"Those people are all dead."

Xuan'er took out her hand calmly, pulled the quilt, and covered her arm.

"The tribe that chased you back then, I know, hasn't it been slaughtered by you? If you want revenge, your enemies, even their relatives and friends, ethnic tribes, have been killed by you, even the infants. You haven't let go of your baby, aren't these enough?"

"How can it be?" Jiuli mentioned the past, his pupils suddenly tightened, and a dark red glow appeared in the bottom of his eyes, which was very shocking.

"At the beginning I was chased and killed by my enemies, hiding from many tribes, and begging many leaders, but they treated me like a snake and beast, fearing to avoid it. If I hadn't met you, I would have died a long time ago, and there would be no bones left. !"

"Those who are sitting on the sidelines, those who can't save themselves, I will let them taste the pain of abandoning me and betraying me!"

"I want to let the next know that I am nine-legged. Those who follow will prosper, and those who oppose will die."

Jiuli's words were unequivocal, and even when he mentioned the events of the year, he became extremely excited.

The pursuit of time, no one to help, suffered all the suffering, buried in his heart, has become an insurmountable obsession, under his hatred, it is bound to step on them all on the soles of his feet.

Even with their blood and their lives, can they alleviate the pain of being abandoned.

Xuan'er couldn't empathize with this kind of hatred.

She suddenly thought, that year in the dry well, she saved him, when in the moment of life and death, didn't he abandon her and betray her likewise?

If it's not that she is a divine body, if it's not that she has a master.

She may have long become a white bone, a lonely ghost under his feet.

Then who should she hate and blame?

Is it necessary to slaughter the Li tribe like him to heal the wounds?

"Back then, I also endured the same abandonment and betrayal." Inexplicably, Xuan'er felt a pain in his heart, and the words of sorrow caused the ghost to come out.

Jiuli's expression became stiff and pale suddenly.

" still blame me..."

"So, these years, have you avoided me and don't want to see me?"

"If you didn't come out to stop me from continuing to kill, you wouldn't want to see me again for the rest of your life, would you?"

Xuan'er was silent.

She can't tell whether it is or not.

After all, on Nine, she was in a coma for seven times, and when she woke up, she was confined for two more times by the master.

When he left the customs, Jiuli had already massacred half of the human world.

But even so, she still holds hope for him, hoping that he can turn his head back.

"You promised me, you are not killing the innocent in vain." Xuan'er's voice was dumb, and her eyes turned reddish.

For one thing, it was Jiuli's words that were not believed.

Secondly, she began to doubt, and even regretted, that the kind of good thought that year had harmed the entire human world, and corpses were everywhere.