The Invasion Day

Chapter 95

"Why?" Fu Shiwu asked puzzledly.

Wen Zhaoming saw that he really didn't understand, and said patiently: "This matter, you listen to me. Originally, you have a mental illness such as circumcision phobia, although it is not a very psychological problem that affects it. But it usually causes an impact. The reason for this is not to have a deep memory or to completely forget it. But you are in the middle now, and you are still dreaming about the situation at that time without an impression. What’s worse is that the scene in the dream conflicts with your own perception. If you leave it alone, it is very Prone to more serious psychological problems." Such as doubts about self-cognition.

The psychiatrist Fu Shiwu knew was the psychological counseling after a disaster or a car accident. He tilted his head: "In my case, what can the psychologist do?"

Wen Zhaoming had been in contact with a psychologist for a period of time after his disability, and he knew something about what the psychologist would do.

He said: "Don't worry, the psychologist is not scary at all. In your case, he will talk to you and slowly guide you to recall the situation at that time. If you really can't remember, he will hypnotize you. "

When Fu Shiwu heard this, he still felt very disturbed. But he was also very concerned about the contradictory scenes in his dream. His mother was indeed a very gentle and amiable person in his impression. Why would his little friend react that way?

Fu Shiwu nodded, "I see. Where can I go to the psychologist?"

Wen Zhaoming said: "I will take you with me tonight. Now Peicheng has a very professional psychologist. Although he is just an ordinary person, he is trusted by supernatural beings and mutants. After all, most people were before. Ordinary people, faced with aliens and killings, will inevitably be under psychological pressure. Peicheng opened a clinic for him in the business district to facilitate his treatment."

Originally, Fu Shiwu's plan was to talk to Hollande at night, but now he had to change his plan.

Tang Xuhai knew that he was going out tonight, and immediately indicated that he would go together.

Although Wen Zhaoming felt that going out to see a psychiatrist, it would be enough to have Fu Shiwu with him alone. But Fu Shiwu had no objection (on the contrary, he was still very happy!), and Wen Zhaoming naturally didn't say much, but just an extra driver.

Wen Zhaoming pointed the way, and the three drove toward the commercial street in a battery car.

After the New Year's Day, the streets were quite deserted at night, there were no people walking around, and the street shops closed early.

At this point, the psychiatrist had already left work. But Wen Zhaoming's face in Peicheng recently was quite big, and the psychiatrist waited for them to come over after dinner.

Contrary to Fu Shiwu's expectation, the psychiatrist was a middle-aged man in his forties. His temples had white hair, glasses, and well-fitting clothes. He looked very graceful. It made Fu Shiwu feel good at first sight.

The psychiatrist was surnamed Lu, and he was not as superior as the doctors who visited the outpatient clinic before Fu Shiwu. He didn't treat him as a patient, but just talked to him like someone he had just met.

Soon, the topic changed unconsciously with Dr. Lu's pace.

Seeing that the time was right, Dr. Lu smiled at Fu Shiwu, "Mr. Fu, let's go to my office and have a talk."

Fu Shiwu looked back at Tang Xuhai and Wen Zhaoming: "Aren't they going in?"

Wen Zhaoming said, "We just wait for you here."

Tang Xuhai disagrees with him. He can't wait to be behind Fu Shiwu as a behind-the-scenes spirit, but unfortunately because they will also do various psychological counseling after returning from a task, naturally knowing that this kind of thing is best one-on-one.

Tang Xuhai raised his hand towards Fu Shiwu: "We are right outside the door."

Fu Shiwu went in with Dr. Lu. Isn't it the kind of cold decoration inside, but it looks very domestic. Just like a person's study room, there are bookshelves, desks and chairs, recliner sofas, and even a Duobao Pavilion display rack with all kinds of peculiar shapes on top. There are metal, stone, and wood in these.

Fu Shiwu's attention was suddenly attracted, and he walked over to look curiously.

Doctor Lu looked at him with a smile, walked over to him, and gently introduced him to his exhibits. These things were given to him by those with supernatural powers, and being placed here has the effect of attracting the patient's attention and opening the topic by the way.

After talking for a while, the two talked on the sofa.

Fu Shiwu already trusted Dr. Lu very much, and Dr. Lu started to get into the topic and asked him about his dreams.

Fu Shiwu recalled two dreams and told Doctor Lu in detail.

After hearing this, Dr. Lu remained calm and did not express his opinion easily. Instead, he said: "Then how much can you remember about your childhood?"

Fu Shiwu stunned and said, "Well...When I was young, I lived with my parents in the unit where they worked. It was a confidential unit. The place is very big and there are many children. The relationship between father and mother is very good. My mother likes children very much and often comes to take me home when we play together."

Doctor Lu took out a small notebook and took a pen to write something on it. He looked up at Fu Shiwu, who looked at him curiously, and smiled: "Do you have any specific impressions? For example, the door of your house, the furnishings in your house, the scene of your mother moving around at home. For example: cleaning, doing Food, laundry..."

Fu Shiwu recalled bitterly and said, "I can't remember, but our family eats in the cafeteria. It's not surprising that my mother doesn't cook."

Doctor Lu nodded and said, "It's okay. Sometimes the memory of a child grows up but I don't remember it very clearly. Then I will hypnotize you."

Before I came, I heard that it might be hypnotized, and Fu Shiwu didn't object, so he just lay down on the couch.

Doctor Lu spoke softly, and slowly Fu Shiwu closed his eyes and entered a hypnotized state.

Dr. Lu said, "You are in a room with lots of toys, and you play doctor and patient games with three children." Following Dr. Lu’s words, a smile appeared on Fu Shiwu’s face, and Dr. Lu looked at him. The expression said, "At this time, the door opened. You saw a woman in a white coat with curling hair. You were very happy. You walked towards her and you called her."

Fu Shiwu's lips moved, and he shouted, "...Mom."

Dr. Lu paused, and then said, "At this moment, when you turn your head, what are the expressions of the three children behind you?"

Fu Shiwu said without hesitation: "They are all very happy and come around like me."

Doubts flashed in Dr. Lu's eyes, and then he said, "Then what did your mother do?"

Fu Shiwu's eyes turned under his closed eyelids, as if he was observing, and said, "Mom hugged us one by one, and then told us that the chef in the kitchen made us delicious beef rice today."

Dr. Lu lowered his head and wrote something in the notebook, and asked, "Who was your mother the first to hug? Is it another child, or you?"

Fu Shiwu said without hesitation: "It's me."

After asking about the plot that Dr. Lu wanted to know, Dr. Lu said softly: "There are no adults, only a few children together. You suddenly clashed with one of them, and he pressed the clothes on the ground around your neck. "

An expression of pain gradually appeared on Fu Shiwu's face. At this time, Dr. Lu quickly asked, "Who is the child riding on your back?"

Fu Shiwu opened his mouth, a name on his lips, but he couldn't say it. Sweat oozes from his forehead, and he shook his head resistingly.

Doctor Lu was a little surprised when he saw him resisting so much: "Okay, now listening to my voice, when I count to three, you will wake up. One, two, three..."

Fu Shiwu's eyes opened blankly, he blinked, sat up, picked up one eye and put it on.

"Doctor?" Fu Shiwu looked at Doctor Lu suspiciously.

Doctor Lu's confused look faded, then he returned to his smiling expression and said, "Mr. Fu, I have a preliminary judgment about your situation. Would you like to call your friends in?"

Fu Shiwu thought for a while, Tang Xuhai and Wen Zhaoming must both care about him, and they have to ask if they go out anyway, it might as well call them in together.

So he nodded, and Doctor Lu opened the door and asked the two people who were sitting outside to come in together.

Tang Xuhai unexpectedly: "So fast?" Less than half an hour!

Dr. Lu said, "Although the time is not long, a preliminary judgment is enough."

The three people were sitting on the sofa. Dr. Lu was sitting behind the desk opposite, holding a small notebook and said to them: "According to the conversation when I entered the door just now, some enquiries in the office and hypnosis. According to my observation, pay Mr.'s personality is somewhat introverted, and he is not good at expressing and communicating. This shows that Mr. Fu was weak in the group environment during the period of character formation. He may be denied many times, which makes his character weak to some extent. "

Tang Xuhai's eyebrows squeezed together fiercely: "What do you mean?"

Dr. Lu said: “In the process of growing up, children also have a group concept. Their subtle status will make their personalities and performances different. This is the case of Mr. Fu. Although he has his own small circle, he is influenced by the big environment. Rejected. That means being bullied by other children when I was young."

Tang Xuhai hugged his arms and looked at Doctor Lu with a heavy face, and said, "We know, isn't he just because he was bullied by elementary school classmates when he was a child, and he had a psychological shadow."

Dr. Lu shook his head and said, "This period happened earlier. And this kind of situation usually happens in a collective environment, for example, the type of children's collective accommodation like the orphanage."

All three were taken aback. Fu Shiwu couldn't believe it even more: "How is it possible! When I was young, I lived with my parents!"

Dr. Lu raised his hand to calm him: "But when you were young, you didn’t have the slightest impression of your mother at home, and you didn’t have any memory of living with your parents. So even if you are with your parents in their workplace, you may be with other people. Children live and grow up together."

Fu Shiwu frowned his eyebrows, thinking about it carefully, the truth... it might be so. With his parents' workaholic posture, it is very possible to throw him to the nursery!

"Even when you were young, your parents were just symbols, and you went to elementary school where you left. The impression of your parents only became deep and full." Dr. Lu said.

Fu Shiwu thought for a while, and said unwillingly: "My mother was very kind to me when I was young. Do you mean that they are irresponsible?"

Doctor Lu smiled, and did not say clearly: Isn't this kind of parents irresponsible? !

When Fu Shiwu grew up, he was sometimes very lonely, so he wasn't without the irresponsible grievances of his parents. There was a reason to leave his children to the nanny. You can only contact you by writing letters every year, and then you can change your message after you have a personal computer. Even video connections are rare.

Fu Shiwu was frustrated and said, "They are really busy. The courtyard is full of guards with real guns and ammunition. They are busy all day long and the scientific research tasks are quite heavy!"

Dr. Lu continued: "Next we will talk about another question. In fact, Mr. Fu himself has only a general impression of his childhood memories, and he does not remember specific events. In other words, he remembers his mother treated him well, but what is the specific thing? , He can't tell."

Wen Zhaoming was surprised: "How could this be?"

Dr. Lu calmly said, "It is very possible that he was mentally hinted when he left there. This is also a kind of hypnosis, but the technique is too high and I can't find any traces. And I think the plot in Mr. Fu's dream is very It may be a memory of his childhood. As his power level increases, his mental power becomes stronger and stronger, and his original mental cues will gradually become invalid. He will recall more and more previous memories."

Fu Shiwu was completely speechless.

Dr. Lu said: "Moreover, the contradictory scenes in his dreams are likely to be related to the events that caused him to develop phobias around his neck."

"In other words, I dreamt that the last person to rescue me was really my mother?" Fu Shiwu looked up at Dr. Lu.

Dr. Lu nodded and said, "It's very possible. When the mental cues disappear completely, all the obstacles that prevented you from remembering will disappear."

Fu Shiwu left Dr. Lu's clinic in despair, and then Wen Zhaoming and Dr. Lu had a good discussion about the professional ethics of psychologists.

Doctor Lu can't laugh or cry to ensure that his professional ethics is leveraged and will never reveal the patient's *. Wen Zhaoming paid and left the clinic satisfied.

Dr. Lu watched them leave, which was a lot of money.

He sighed and went back to the office to finish writing the complete case. After seeing the doctor, he made his diagnosis. Quite detailed. By convention, the names of his patients are anonymous, and only he himself knows whose code name is.

Fu Shiwu is a very rare case. If it were before, he would definitely persuade the other party to try to decipher the mental suggestion and speed up his recovery of memory.

For Fu Shiwu's past, he, a doctor who has always been very calm, is also curious.

Doctor Lu finished the case and filed him, then locked the clinic and walked home on foot.

Dr. Lu thought as he walked, but he was really confused about one thing. In fact, he himself was already at the level of a hypnosis master, but he couldn't find any traces of Fu Shiwu's hands and feet. I have to say that this was a very frustrating thing for him.

It was twenty years ago at that time! There were such masters in China at that time, but he had never heard of it.

There are people outside.

After Dr. Lu returned home, a person sneaked into the empty clinic, and he walked into the office lightly. Pulling open the case file cabinet, fingers flicked across the neat rows of cases, staying on the newest one.


Fu Shiwu was silent all the way, Tang Xuhai looked at him hesitantly, not knowing how to comfort him. Fu Shiwu's situation is so special that people can't say a few words lightly to comfort him.

Tang Xuhai silently looked at the road ahead, and when he returned to Xishan Garden, he said, "Shi Wu, no matter if you think of it in the future, I will definitely help you find your parents. I will confuse you. Clarify the matter." Then he beat all the **** who dared to bully him when he was young.

Fu Shiwu blinked, and the gloomy mood he had been feeling all at once healed, and he even showed a smile: "Thank you."

The two looked at each other and then smiled. There is a feeling that everything is unspoken, and the meaning of the two people's world is strong.

It made Wen Zhaoming, who was sitting behind him straighter than a straightedge, feel that something was wrong.

After the two people were unconsciously tired and crooked, Tang Xuhai said as if waking up from a dream: "By the way, I have integrated the personnel. This time the previous two teams, including the captain and deputy captain, have ten people. The newly formed two teams have one. There are ten people in the team. In addition to picking out the elite, you can also let them run in with each other."

Fu Shi Wun said, "I will bring Zhen Zi with you this time, so don't take Miao Jia."

Tang Xuhai said, "It's okay. Zhen Zi should feel panicked when she stays at home."

Zhen Zi is now in charge of the logistics management. At the beginning, it was because of her injury that was not good enough for her to recuperate. Later, the team formed and it became a problem to let her join. The captains of the two teams almost fought in order to grab her.

The author has something to say: I haven't finished this chapter, because the thunder is too strong, and I will add more on that day.