The Job of an Imperial Concubine

~: 13 true illusion

Feng Wei looked at the woman who was kneeling in front of her and bent down to help her: "Love doesn't have to be polite." The line of sight swept over the knee that was covered by the robe, and turned to the high morale behind him: "Calling people Come to the doctor."

"Yes," Gao Dezhong heard and retired. Yun Xi saw that he was still carrying a hot pot. When he retired to the door, he looked up and looked at the past. He saw the emperor holding the master and sat down. Retired.

"Look up and show it to you," Feng said, looking at the tight knees, the plain voice: "Is there anything I can't know?"

Zhuang Luohe hesitated to pick up the pants, revealing the seemingly scary bruises. "It's not really serious, it just looks scary..."

"Your father is a good official," as the emperor, generally do not easily talk about the former dynasty in front of the shackles, so the seal only said such a sentence and then turned the topic, "What disease is more attention, too hospital What do people use for leisure?"

The emperor did not mention how her injury came. Zhuangluo naturally would not say anything else with affection, just smiled: "Hey, just thinking about the night, it is not appropriate to quarrel with other people in the palace."

"You are a jealous woman, don't worry too much," Feng Yan patted the back of Zhuang Luo's hand, with a bit of gentleness in his tone. "You don't care for your body, how to make you feel at ease."

"The emperor," Zhuang Luozhen moved to see the emperor, slowly bowed his head, believe that the emperor's mouth, it is better to believe that day to hell.

Someone once said that when a woman bows her head, she is most attractive. The seal is a normal man. Therefore, under these faces, it is inevitable that some thoughts will be moved. He just thought that Zhao’s lap had not been applied, he just reached out. Caressing the green silk, the other hand held the cool softness.

The Taoyu Pavilion does not burn incense, only smells a touch of fruit. I want to come to Zhaozhao to put the yarn in the dress and put it into fresh fruit. This taste is light, but it makes people feel very refreshed.

Zhuang Luo does not know what the emperor is, so she will not move easily, but pretend to be inadvertently approaching the emperor's arms, as if this is the body's instinct, rather than deliberately made and hooked.

The soft touch in the arms made the seal unconsciously hold on to the people in his arms. He didn't talk, and he didn't want to talk at the moment. The rare silence and ease made his mouth rise comfortably.

Gao Dezhong, who was outside the door, heard that there was no sound in the room. He was a little surprised. So a good chance, Zhao Zhao should not put a block in front of the emperor. It’s hard to be this Zhao Yu’s deep roots in the emperor. Seeing the emperor forget everything?

I really don’t know if Zhao Zhao is stupid or lucky. If the emperor happens to hear their master servants, then Zhao’s grievances can only be accepted, and I am afraid that I will be wronged in the future.

After all, although the grace in this harem is very important, but the position is equally important, not to mention the emperor is not the kind of lord who has forgotten everything, in this harem, the rules must be required.

"Grandfather, the doctor has arrived," the little **** followed the two doctors, watching the costumes of the two, they know that the qualifications are not low.

Gao Dezhong nodded. He thought about the injured knee. It was not appropriate for the doctor to be a doctor. He arranged for the little **** to call the doctor. I wonder if the emperor would not blame him for making his own claim.

"The emperor, the doctor of the hospital is seeking to see." Outside the door, Gao Dezhong slightly raised his voice, enough for the master in the house to hear.

"Xuanxuan," Feng Yi opened Zhao Zhao, and was very satisfied with Gao Dezhong. After the two medical women came in, he waved his hand. "You don't have to be polite, you can hurt your knees."

The two doctors still walked close to the bed when they bent their knees. After seeing the wound on Zhao’s knee, the two men slid, and they were doctors in the palace. Where can’t they see why this bruise came? However, taking advantage of the attitude of the emperor, I am afraid that the main cause of the blame is somewhat troublesome.

A slightly older medical woman said: "The emperor, the main son of Zhao Qi, this injury did not hurt the bones, the medicine will be fine for a few days, just to open the bruises, Zhao Zhao main son to suffer some pain."

“No problem,” Zhuang Luo smiled. “You are taking medicine.”

"Zhao Yu master, the court will offend." The older doctor took out the ointment, opened it in the palm of her hand, and then covered it in the bruises, and increased her strength.

Zhuang Luo had a lot of pain in his eyes, and he turned his head to the emperor who looked solemn: "The emperor, nothing."

Feng Yan looked at Zhao Yan’s fine cold sweat and her natural smile on her lips. She reached out and held her hand. “Oh, I know.”

Gao Dezhong buried his head lower. He thought that Zhao Zhao was smarter than he used to be. He is still a fool today. If he is weak at this time, the emperor may be more distressed. Now it is hard to bear, just to fear the emperor. Worried, just stupid.

Emperor he... Where would you really worry? No one in the world knows, the most ruthless emperor.

Gao Dezhong is not a real man, so he will not really understand the true state of mind of men. A weak woman sees more. If a woman is strong for him, sometimes it will make men more pity.

The soft and silky hair has been pressed against the slightly sweaty face, and the palm of the hand is also sweating, but the woman still smiles softly, as if it is really painless. Rao is a hard-pressed person, and can't help but soften two points.

After the medicine is applied, the faint herb smell is filled indoors. This taste is not unpleasant, and even gives a faint sense of clearing.

Feng Yan personally wiped the fine sweat of Zhuangluo. "How many times does this medicine last?"

"Return to the emperor, this medicine is only once in a day. In the future, it is only necessary to apply the ointment evenly to the wound." The medical girl was also surprised that Zhao Qi was not sighed.

"That's fine, you can retire." Feng Yi gathered up the outer shirt of Zhuang Luo's body, and after retreating the medical girl, "come, wait and see."

"Emperor..." Zhuang Luo's eyes widened, and it seemed that he did not expect that the seal would rest.

Feng Yan looked at her and raised her eyebrows slightly. "What is love?"

Zhuang Luo shook his head, "No..."

After the wide clothes, the seals and Zhuangluo were lying on the bed, and the seals were stretched out, and the people around them were taken to the side. "How old is this year?"

Zhuang Luo stunned a disdainful expression in the darkness, and rolled up so many sheets, even the old lady did not know. But the tone is with joy and shame. "The emperor, passed the next sixteen and eighteen."

"Eighteeneen is just like the age of flowers." The chin was smashed a few times in the top of Zhuangluo's hair. "When you were 18 years old, you are not eight years old?"

"The emperor was enthroned on the day, when the women were visiting the shrine, because they were the prostitutes in the government, they could follow the mother to pay homage, so I was fortunate to have seen the heroic posture of the Majesty at that time." I remember that the weather on that day was exceptionally sunny. At that time, I didn’t understand the rules. When everyone was squatting, I sneaked up and looked at the emperor. At that time, the emperor stood on the high jade steps, and it was dazzling."

Feng Yan reached out and patted the back of Zhuangluo, with a smile in his voice: "I don't know the rules."

Everyone in the world loves to listen to good words, and love others has always been concerned about him. Even if this person is an emperor, it is Ming Jun, and he is still an individual.

In the dark, Zhuang Luo smiled like a flower, but in this laugh, there is no half love. 2k novel reading network