The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1005

"Virginia!" Zelin yelled, "Virginia!?"

"Zelin, I am here!"

Virginia stood on tiptoe in the crowd and waved to Zelin. Zelin squeezed the chaotic crowd and walked towards Virginia.

"What's the matter? Wait, you are hurt?!"

The sleeve of Virginia's left arm was rolled up to her elbow, and her forearm was wrapped in a bandage. Zelin could still see some bloodstains leaking out.

"I was attacked by an archer during the day, but its archery skills must be terrible." Virginia moved her shoulder to indicate that she was fine. "Don't worry, I just don't have enough magic power, and I have stopped the bleeding. It is estimated that I will recover in a few days, but it is not important. Zelin, do you know where General Castamo is?"

"Kastamo?" Zelin frowned. "Isn't he in this tower? He didn't come out? After this happened?"

"No." Virginia shook her head, she pressed her forehead anxiously. "Idri said he would go inside with the other guard captains to meet with the general to discuss the next actions. She said that the meeting would not last long. She hoped that I would wait for a while, and then tell me what plans they have, and take me to get familiar with them. The situation in the city. So... you received my message, right?"

"Dagor told me that you are waiting for me here."

"Yes, I want to let you come over. If you are there, I can definitely hear the flaws in their plan."

Virginia looked at the tower worriedly, the ring spirit still hovering in the sky, attacking any soldiers who tried to gather. A sling shot through the air, and a soldier found a sling and bombarded outside the city. The ring spirit swooped down. The sling was shattered like an inferior toy in front of the sturdy claws of the monster, and the broken parts were caught along with it. The soldiers who lived together threw them into the sky, and smashed them to the ground amidst the screams of people.

"Oh, damn, we were being beaten for nothing, why didn't General Castamo and the other captains show up and tell the soldiers what to do?!"

Zelin frowned. Like Virginia, he didn't know what was happening in the White Tower. There were fewer and fewer people near the White Tower, and people flee in despair, but they didn't know where to flee. The city gate was on the verge of collapse under the devastation of the behemoths of war. This is the inner city. Perhaps no one had thought that an army could break through the outer wall of Minas Ihir. The gates of the inner city are not as strong and difficult to attack as the walls. This is the only way to break through the inner city.

They can't wait and die!

Zelin took a deep breath and raised his sword.

"Everyone!" he yelled, and his voice cleared everyone's ears amidst the noise. "Everyone, listen to me!"

The panicked people stopped their call signs and looked at the demon hunter, looking at strangers they didn't know here, wanting to know what he was going to say at such a bad time.

"Don't panic, everyone will have a day of death, but today, the shadow of death will not cover us! The spirit wants to play a game of cat and mouse, but we are not mice trapped in a cage. Today, I Fighting with the orcs on the wall for a day! Now, I will continue to fight them! If you have seen how I fight the orcs today, if you believe that I can fight the siege, then come with me! Don't let fear Occupy your hearts and gather courage. The only weapon these monsters have is fear!"

"I know him!" shouted a wounded soldier in the crowd: "He killed more than ten orc war chiefs on the wall!"

"He is the ranger who came back with Chief Idri!" Someone recognized the demon hunter: "He once burned down the camp of the orcs! And killed their commander!"

"He saved me once on the wall!"

Many soldiers and low-level officers who retreated from the city wall recognized that the demon hunters were the soldiers who killed one powerful orc after another on the battlefield.

"Take up your swords, soldiers, take up your weapons and summon the courage. We can defeat them once, and we can defeat them a second time! Fight for Minas Isil, for Minas Ish The people of Seoul fight for ourselves! Gather everyone who can fight and move forward!" Zelin looked at the people who came by: "Come with me, we must rush out!"

The demon hunter didn't know what happened in the White Tower, maybe he shouldn't instigate his army to leave with him without the order of Castamo. But what else can he do? The ring spirits raged in the sky, and most of those who could organize the battle died in the raid just now. People panicked, the guards were in chaos, the city gate was about to be breached, and the generals and high-ranking officers still refused to show up in the tower. Although he didn't want to believe that Kastamor or the other captains were afraid of fighting the orcs, no matter what plan they had, what was the point if the orcs rushed in and killed everyone?

People were still shaking, Zelin saw that their eyes were full of suspicion, but Zelin knew that they would come with him, because apart from that, they had no other way of life.

"Zelin, are you crazy?" Virginia lowered her voice and asked in disbelief, "These humans are not dwarves. You can't protect them from breaking out like you did in Moria?!"

"Relax, Virginia." Zelin said softly. "I have already passed the age of the blood."

This sounds dangerous, but in fact it is the safest and only feasible way. He believed what Shiluo had said before, that the ring spirits besieged Minas Isil in order to obtain Palant, the true knowledge spar. The demon hunter doesn't know what the meaning of this spar is, but if the spar is in the city, the ring spirit will focus on searching for the true spar instead of dealing with a group of escaped refugees. The orcs are looting in the city, and there is a pile of scattered sand. This is the best opportunity to break through. If they are regrouped by the war chief, it will be impossible to rush out. The only people who really besieged the city were the two war beasts and the ring spirit in the sky.

If organized, they might have blocked this attack!

But Castamo disappeared, and all the senior officers disappeared. They had already failed.

A sudden to incredible failure.

Maybe he can't protect everyone, but he will try to protect those who can be saved.

"Let's go! Everyone, follow up! Let's get out of here!"

Chapter 1735: Angmar Witch King

Inside the White Tower.

In the hall at the bottom of the tower, several military officers stood around the round table, waiting for the general's orders with anxious, doubtful, or expressionless faces on their faces. General Castamo stood on the main seat, looking at the plan of the city in front of him, without saying a word. Although this white pagoda is towering, it is only the lowest hall that is often used, which is negotiated by the city lord and other military officers. Of course, no one can go to the top of the tower. Every floor of the tower is closely guarded by guards. Many people know what is on the tower. True knowledge spar, a magic crystal that allows the user to clearly see what is happening in the distance.

"General, we can't hesitate anymore, we have to ask Baicheng for help." An officer said eagerly again. "If it drags on any longer, the inner city will probably not be able to hold."

General Castamo lowered his head, his eyes scanned the map, his lips stretched into a thin line. His sword was on hand, beside the map, there was something wrapped in black cloth. The officers didn't know what it was, and the general didn't explain it.

"Herian is right. To choose the best fighters, we don't need soldiers who are good at swords or horseback riding, but people who know how to conceal ourselves and avoid orc patrols and scouts." An officer proposed. "Also, General, I suggest that you allow Tarando and I to lead a team to the city tomorrow to attack the supplies of the orcs. They have just seized the city. Tonight, they will definitely relax their vigilance and have a feast. It will be them tomorrow. When the defense is most lax."

Castamo remained silent.

The officers were silent, and the general refused to speak. They didn't know what to say.

After a while, the side door of the chamber was pushed open and Barano walked out.


Hearing Barano's voice, from the beginning of the meeting to the present, Castamo finally lifted his gaze from the map, and he looked at the Hallard captain who walked in.

"How are things going."

"Everything is ready, General." Barano nodded to Castamo.

"Very good." Castamo nodded, reaching out to an empty spot beside the round table. "Sit down."

But Barano did not walk away.

"General." His voice seemed hesitant, as if he was wondering whether he should ask more, but in the end, the confusion in his heart caused him to say the problem. "I don't know if it is appropriate to ask. Why do you send Idri to the inner city alone to destroy orcs' supplies at night? You should at least send some brave soldiers to act with her."

"Ah, that's it." Castamo stood up straight, with his hands behind him, coughed lightly and cleared his throat. "Look, we were just discussing whether we should conduct a raid tomorrow morning while the orcs were not prepared. If we send a small team tonight, once it is discovered, it will easily arouse alertness and make tomorrow's attack plan fail. . And I sent Idri to go because she was lurking for a long time outside the other day. She knows how to avoid the orcs. After she brings back the information on the distribution of the orcs in the city, we can plan more accurately. The next move."

"Well, General." Barano sighed. "Please forgive my suspicion, I just..."

"Wait!" Suddenly, the officer named Helian raised his head and interrupted their conversation. Helian held his breath and slowly turned his head to look at the closed tower gate behind him. "Did you hear anything?"

Everyone held their breath and listened carefully to the sound outside the door. Castamo's eyes gradually fell into contemplation, and he looked at what was wrapped in black cloth beside him. The seriousness and firmness in his eyes were quickly replaced by anxiety.

"Why is it so noisy outside?"

Helian asked unclearly. Seeing no response from others, he walked to the tower gate, ready to open the door to see what was happening outside.

When the door was slammed open, the fighting habit he had cultivated during his career in the military green made Helian subconsciously touch the hilt of the sword at his waist, but the black shadow that broke through the door and the cold light flashing in it became his life. The last sight seen in. The black fog hit Helian, and the senior officer was knocked out, hit the wall beside him, and then bounced back to the ground. The splashed blood stained the wall red, and quickly covered the slate under Helian.


Tarando and Barano drew their swords at the same time. The next moment, Tarando suddenly fell forward to the ground, and another cloud of black fog rushed down from the vault of the chamber, and slammed into Tarando's back fiercely. The mist dissipated on the ground, revealing the figure of Ring Spirit holding a sword. Talando struggled to get up, Jie Ling walked up, pierced the officer's back with a sword, and the tip of the sword pierced out of the breastplate. The blood drenched the evil blade of Ring Spirit, and Tarando twitched, and there was no sound. Barano wanted to rush towards the Ring Spirit who killed Tarando with a sword. The anger dispelled the fear and allowed him to move his legs, but the anger also blinded his perception. He walked forward three steps, and then Turning his eyes white, he fell down, revealing the third ring spirit who still maintained a sword-wielding posture behind him. His head was red and swollen, and Jie Ling hit him with the hilt. But just when the ring spirit was about to end the human life with a sword, he stopped because a ring spirit with an angular metal helmet stepped into the hall.

The ring spirits present walked towards him and followed him like an attendant.

"Angema Witch King..." Castamo slowly knelt on one knee, unwrapping the black cloth with both hands, revealing a crystal clear round spar below.