The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1010

"Your hunch is correct, Gandalf, but it's not making preparations." Zelin shook his head. "Sauron is implementing his plan, and it will soon succeed. I'm here to warn the Regent King Dinether that the shadow of Mordor has poured out of the Shadow Mountains, and may pounce on Gondor at any time."

"Is it that bad?"

"It will only get worse."

Gandalf was silent for a few seconds.

"It seems that we have more important tasks and work ahead of us. If we can't succeed, Sauron's next conspiracy may be unimpeded."

"Anyone who has lived in Mordor for more than a month can come to this conclusion." Zelin shrugged. "But we still have a chance, right?"

"Yes, we still have a chance, and we must not admit failure, otherwise we will face even more terrible defeats in the future. Tell me about the recent events in Mordor. I asked Radagast and the Great Eagle before. Help me collect the news of Mordor, but since the re-eruption of the Doomsday Volcano, the power of darkness has become stronger and stronger. The messenger of Osgilius has already gone to the palace. Dineser and his generals will definitely want to know, Mordor What kind of strength does our army have?"

"A true gemstone fell into Sauron's hands."

Gandalf was startled when he heard Zelin's words.


"Yes, the Angmar Witch King got it."

"There is no doubt that Sauron will find a way to use it to peek into every corner of Middle-earth." Gandalf frowned like an old pine tree, but after seeing him fighting in River Valley, Zelin I don't doubt how much power is contained in this old body. "This news is very important, we must warn him when we see Dineser."

The urban layout of Minas Tirith is unique. The towering city wall divides the city into seven floors, and each floor has a gate as the city gate. But if you want to go from one gate to another, you have to walk along the outer street and pass through the entire floor to reach the entrance of the next floor. The attackers want to take this city, not only to break a city, but also a cruel street fighting, they have to face the same difficult situation seven times. The difficulty of breaking this city may not be easier than conquering seven towns at the same time. Although the inner city gate is not as strong as the main gate, the defender will lose the advantage of the siege tower when attacking, and will have to stand on the narrow streets to face the condescending rain of arrows from the guards.

The roads in the city are winding and winding along the hills. An extremely large boulder divides the city into two, like a huge knife that has been slashed. Whenever the street passes through the center, people have to get out of the boulder. Pass through the excavated tunnel. At the very top of the huge rock, another fortress was built, the palace of the regent. The guards on the huge rock can look down at the main gate of the city two hundred meters below.

The last **** leading to the seventh gate has been artificially renovated and is paved with neat white slate brick stairs. Up the stairs is a spacious palace. Compared with the noisy and crowded city, this place looks clean and safe. On the edge of the square, a Gondor guard with a weapon stands every ten steps. Gandalf must have some reputation in Baicheng, they didn't encounter any obstacles all the way here. But compared with the clean white ground and the majestic palace, the demon hunter placed his curious eyes on the most central position in the square in front of the palace.

There, four guards in special armor guarded a white tree that appeared to be dead. Under the towering tip of the guard, the temple is decorated with white feathers of seagulls. The wide skin is pierced with a white tree in full bloom like snow, and a silver crown under the starlight. When the other guards walked up to Gandalf and the Demon Hunter, their eyes subconsciously glanced at the two newly-appearing people, or stared at them calmly. But the four guards guarding the dead white tree stared straight ahead, seemingly not interested in anything other than the guard mission. If the sun hadn't completely set, and the demon hunter could still see the guard's firm and determined eyes under the dim sky, he would have thought that these were four lifelike sculptures.

They walked to the palace, and the two silent servants opened the door for them, revealing the straight and empty hall inside.

"What's the situation with this Dineser?"

Zelin said in a low voice.

The dim light of the sunset spilled in through the towering vertical windows decorated with window paintings on both sides of the main hall, reflecting on the solemn marble sculptures on both sides of the main hall. The pitch-black columns stood opposite each other and stood on both sides of the palace.

"He has always been too sad." Gandalf said: "As a ruler, he has enough reason to suspect that disaster will approach Gondor, but I am worried whether this doubt will make him behave towards people around him. Out of distrust, we must always maintain the suspicion of the evil forces, but suspicion will only make us destroy ourselves from the inside before the disaster strikes. Fortunately, when his eldest son Polomo is there, he can be relieved from grief. Coming out of sorrow, he loves his eldest son very much. Although he is still very young, Poromo has shown integrity and kindness."

"I don't want him to ignore Mordor's situation because of sorrow." Zelin sighed lightly and narrowed his eyes slightly. "You said, would he be cursed by someone?"

Gandalf glanced at Zelin unexpectedly.

"Why do you say that?"

"It's about Queen Marvin and Saruman in the white robe... You must know this after seeing Dinese."

At the end of the main hall, above the many steps, is a tall white throne, carved from neat marble. The towering backrest resembles a canopy, and on the backrest is a white tree in full bloom arranged with precious stones. But the throne was empty at this time. At the bottom left of the throne, a simple black stone chair was placed on the widest step of the lowest step. An old man in a black robe sat on the stone chair. Maybe he is still young, but he has dyed a lot of white silk in the black hair on the temples.

Gandalf walked forward holding his magic wand, and stopped when he reached a distance of five meters from the throne.

"Master Dineser, son of Aisirion, prime minister and regent of Gondor." Gandalf nodded to the regent in front of him. "Good day."

Zelin glanced at Gandalf and bowed his head slightly in salute just like him.

The regent raised his head and stared at the two people who came to the hall with his deep eyes in his sunken eye sockets, his arrogant cheeks brought a hint of coldness under the nose of the hook.

"I guess you have brought news of the crisis again, Mislanda." Dinether's face was stiff, perhaps solemn, and Zelin couldn't tell the difference between the two in the regent. When he spoke, Zelin realized that the man in front of him was younger than he expected, but he was older than his peers. "The ranger of the Black Gate fled back, and the exiled prisoners wandered to Gondor and Rohan under the pressure of death. Just now, I received the news of the fall of Minas Ihir. What are you going to tell me? Coming from Rohan, did King Xiuton ask you to send a message?"

"I am not bringing news from Rohan. Although King Xiurton is facing the same difficult problem, the real threat is here. This is why I came here." Gandalf looked directly at Di. Nether's eyes. "The shadows in Mordor are spreading. Action must be taken before the shadows can swallow more places. Minas Ihir and Black Gate have fallen, and the orcs may approach Osgilius at any time. Gather the army, Dinethor. My lord, we can strike head-on before the Dark Lord starts the real plan."

"Assemble the army." Dineser's mouth tightened, and no emotion was revealed in his deep eyes. "Send them to Mordor to die? I have seen enough of the Eastern threat. I see the army of orcs, which rush to the Shadow Mountains like a tide, filling every corner of the valley. Mislanda, How many troops should I gather to push back such a force? Who would think about pushing a wave? No, the sacrifices are already too much, and I don't need to send more good people to die."

"Master Dineser..."

"I will summon the army, summon my generals back." Dinese said: "I will order them to build a line of defense, I will order them to station in Osgilias, station in Andros, build fortresses, blockades On the river bank, I will build a line of defense, an indestructible river embankment that can withstand any wind and waves. I will not send soldiers to waste their lives and regain the Black Gate? To enter Mordor? Or to reclaim the abandoned fortress how many years ago? We need How much power can regain more land in the past when the dark power is so powerful today?"

"The Dark Lord will not be satisfied with taking the Black Gate and Mordor. He will not stop before conquering the entire Middle Earth."

Dineser looked at him directly, and the gray-robed wizard looked back unwillingly. Zelin found that the relationship between Gandalf and the ruler here does not seem to be as good as in the north. Perhaps Dineser did not like the advice brought by the wizard. But compared to these things, Zelin cares more about another thing.

Dineser did not want to send Mordor.

Chapter 1743: Gandalf's Friend

The conversation between Gandalf and Dineser did not last long.

The gray-robed wizard gave Dineser some suggestions, but the regent basically refused. Dineser has his own ideas. He is more willing to strengthen the line of defense on the Anduin River and protect the border security between Gondor and Mordor. Compared with the vast and generous coastal land from Minas Tirith to the green hills, he is not interested in Mordor, not to mention that Gondor's control of the territory on the east bank of the Anduin has been long ago. Existing in name only.

Zelin hasn't said much, he knows this is not the time for him to speak. The regent never asked the demon hunter about Mordor. Regarding the news of Minas Ihir, he said that he had a general understanding that he would send troops to the border between Gondor and Mordor to take care of any escape. Refugees coming out. Although Zelin was very doubtful, if there were no troops to enter the Minas Devil's Cave, whether someone could really escape alive.

Gandalf had not forgotten to warn the regent that a true-knowing spar had fallen into Sauron's hands, and Dineser thanked Gandalf for telling him about it. It was not that he refused all suggestions and requests. Dinether agreed to Gandalf's wish to enter the library in White City to read the scroll books.

By the time they walked out of the palace, it was already dark.

Dinese ordered the attendants to arrange a residence for them in the seventh-floor city, but Zelin really didn't know his kindness.

"Mordor is expanding, but he is thinking about how to hold the big river? Mordor's power keeps growing. If you don't want to delay it, in a few years, Sauron will sit on his vacant throne and announce Minas Tirith becomes the new cave!"

Walking on the streets shrouded in moonlight, Zelin endured as much as possible the growing dissatisfaction in his heart.

"He said that he saw Mordor's army flooding every corner of the Shadow Mountains, so he thought of a good way to give up the land east of the Anduin River, thinking that the border of Mordor no longer borders Mordor. Can you continue to sit back and relax? Oh, the sandstorm is coming, just close your eyes and you can hide it? What a smart idea."

"Dinese doesn't want to confront the army of the Dark Lord. Gondor is not ready for a full-scale war." Gandalf held his wand and took a few puffs of his pipe. "Middle-earth is not ready yet, but I suspect that there are other reasons for the Dark Lord to choose to act at this time. Oh, Zelin, what do you want to tell me before?"

"Marvin, Queen of the Coast, went to Isengard to visit Saruman." Zelin sighed lightly, and the cold night breeze in Baicheng couldn't make him feel cool. "As a result, Saruman cast a curse on Marvin. He has been controlling the Queen of the Coast and asked her to act for him in Mordor like a walking dead. As a result, Saruman not only didn't help her, but almost ruined Norn."

For more than half a month after Marvin returned, the Norns did nothing, except Lisa Riel and Zelin intercepted the slave convoy everywhere and released the prisoners. The rest have been running for Marvin’s order to collect the elves’ relics. , So that they wasted a lot of time in vain.

"Why did Saruman do this?" The wrinkles on Gandalf's forehead were filled with confusion. "The white-robed wizard has no reason to do this, or he has more reasons for not telling us. Well, a few days later, I will go to Isengard and ask Saruman why he did this. The white-robed wizard With wisdom and strength, it was he, Lord Elrond and Lady Galadriel who came to Dolgu to rescue me in River Valley."

"Then you better talk to him." Ze Lin pursed his lips. "But Dineser is unwilling to send troops to help. I doubt that the Norns can survive. They are trapped in the forest by the Norne Sea. There are also the exiles in Udon. Some of the exiles stayed with Mordor. In the struggle, everyone needs help, otherwise the isolated and helpless war will undoubtedly be defeated. Moreover, after Minas Ihir was breached, some soldiers did not die and they were captured. If we move faster, maybe we can They rescued it."

"Are you planning to go back?"

"I have to go back, Gandalf." Zelin wiped the tip of his nose and wiped the sweat from it. "By the way, Gandalf, are you going to the north? Send me a letter."


"Since the Regent is unwilling to send troops, then I must find a way to find a more reliable helper."

Jaques and his mutant soldiers are stationed in Gushan. There are hundreds of them, all elite soldiers, good swordsmen. They used to be members of the Knights and they know how to fight the enemy. The portal is also near River Valley City. He doesn’t know if anyone else is there, but Siris should come to help. As for the others, he can’t remember who the specific person will be, but he believes that many people will come. Helpful. For the world where the summoning talisman could not be used, he could only choose an older method to summon reinforcements—delivering letters.

"Oh, Zelin, don’t worry. There are many people in this world who are willing to lend a helping hand. Good people will be happy to provide shelter for a group of people in need. I didn’t come to Gondor alone. When I found Mordor’s After the shadows were darker than expected, I went to find a friend who was also here." Gandalf gave an unpredictable smile, but it was certain that he was certain.

"Who? Which local lord do you know here who is willing to provide an army for our operations?"