The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1025

The golden light shrouded Sauron like a sprinkled fishing net, and like a palm pressed in the sky, suppressing the Dark Lord on the ground.

"Surrender to me, Sauron!" Celebrity grabbed Sauron's wrist with his backhand. "Today you will be destroyed and I will get Mordor and create a new order in Middle-earth!"

The Dark Lord and the Light Lord were in a stalemate and entangled, but under the suppression of Galadriel's light, they gradually revealed their defeat.

At this moment, a tired, heavy-stretched man walked step by step to the top of the Evil Black Pagoda. After reaching the last step, he bent his waist with his hands on his knees, panting heavily.

"I think I came just in time, Al... Tarrell..."

The elf assassin turned his head in surprise, bright blue light glowing in his wide-open eyes.


Zelin took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly, calming his undulating chest.

"Why are you here?" Altariel frowned in confusion. "You should resist the enemy's counterattack in the fortress of Gogolos, and you must block everyone who wants to go to this tower. This matter is about the future of Middle-earth and must not be disturbed. Oh, it doesn't matter." She said. He put down the other free hand, but looked reluctant. "This war is over, and we will be able to win immediately. After Sauron surrenders, the entire Mordor will obey the Lord of Light. After this, there will be an army that spreads the light and disperses the darkness out of Mordor. Destroy all the evil that remains in this world, the Misty Mountains, the Harads of the South, the Barbarians of Dunland, and the East who once loyal to Sauron and continue to invade the human tribes of the West. Look at the current Dark Lord and lose power. Ring, he no longer has the mighty power of the past."

"What we discussed before was to destroy him." Zelin said word by word. "It's not to dominate him, let alone become Sauron. Destroy him, take advantage of it, and then it's over! Losing the leader, the remaining evil forces are vulnerable to a single blow. Back then in Gushan, a group of humans could defeat the powerful Smaug, and the rest The same is true for the enemy. As you said, this is the most likely opportunity to eliminate Sauron from the Second Age so far. Don't let this opportunity slip away!"

"...We can't destroy Sauron." Alta Reall turned around, facing the Demon Hunter, standing between Zelin and Celebrity. "We can't find the Supreme Lord of the Rings back then, and we will never be able to do this. The only way to prevent the Mordor army from coming out of the Shadow Mountains is to control Sauron, and to control this army in our hands. Under the command of the Lord of Light. This is just an army, anyone can lead them, led by kind people, this will be the luck of the entire Middle-earth."

Zelin was silent for a few seconds. "You knew that we couldn't destroy Sauron anyway? You knew it, but never told us? You let us fight in the fortress under the mountain just to control Sauron and his army?! "

"What's the difference between this and destroying Sauron?" Altariel asked puzzledly, as if the demon hunter was asking why fish can swim in the water and why birds can fly in the sky. "He lost the ring of power, Mordor and the rule of his servants. Didn't this destroy him?"

"I am not a historian, but I know that there was once a human king who led a powerful army to surround Barado. His army was too powerful, so Sauron surrendered to him. The king thought he had conquered evil, but Sauron quickly turned from a prisoner to the king's most trusted advisor, which eventually led to the destruction of a powerful kingdom." Zelin stretched out his hand. "You are an elf, you have seen years and history, and you are walking on the same wrong path."

"That is human, whether it is Numanel or anyone else." Altariel smiled contemptuously. "When faced with the temptation of conspiracy, power, and power, the degenerate is faster than any race, just like facing the ring of power, the elves did not join, the dwarves did not join, but every human who received the ring of power became After the ring spirit, he became Sauron’s servants. Therefore, the only one who can fight against Sauron is us, and the only one who can control Sauron without falling like the Numanel."

"The Numanel king back then thought so too." Zelin waved his hand. "Until you realize your failure, you will never think that you are the same as someone who failed in the past."

"Oh, Ranger! Why can't you understand!" Altariel rolled his eyes helplessly. "You are as stubborn as a dwarf. Am I going to convince a rock to believe what I say? We have reached the last step. Don’t have any doubts. The Lord of Light will be able to win immediately. Next, Mordor will rebuild a new order, and then The whole world."

"In the name of Lord Light?"

"What does this have to do? He is righteous. Wasn't the Westerner emperor leading mankind in this way?"

"We are not defeating the Dark Lord to create a Light Lord!"


Celebrity shouted. "Suppress Sauron with your light!"

Without Galadriel's light, the darkness beside Sauron returned.

"You're here to help me, aren't you, ranger? The Angmar Witch King was lured to Minas Devil's Cave by me before, but it now knows that we are besieging Barado, and he and the other ring spirits will rush soon. Come, help me, help me resist them."

As if to confirm Altarel's words, there was a shrill scream from the distant sky, and several dark shadows on the horizon were approaching at a speed visible to the naked eye. But they failed, and several branded young dragons flew into the sky and fought with the ring spirit monster beasts.

"I can't maintain Galadriel's light while resisting the ring spirits! The Elf Lord should have successfully branded Sauron!" The Elf Assassin's fine eyes stared to the sky. "Angmar Witch King will arrive soon, stop him, delay time, we must not fail!"

"Yes, I will help you, Altariel, because you helped me, and I promised. Someone told me with an illusion that you will not destroy Sauron, but will control him and control the whole demon. Many, and then the whole world. I can't believe you would do this. You shouldn't be such a stupid person, so I decided to take a look in person." Zelin pulled out the ebony blade from his waist and pointed the tip of the sword at the elf. "You have been controlled by the Supreme Lord of the Rings! Take off that ring, Altarel, and see what you are doing!"

"Take off the ring?" Altariel widened his eyes in surprise. She raised her hand, and the runes outside the ring of power reflected in her pupils. As if frightened again, he put his hand down abruptly, with a mocking smile on his face. "Why? Take it off and leave it to you? Do you want the ring of power?"

Zelin raised his hand and picked up the Mara amulet he had been hanging on his body. "Compared with the ring of power, I like my amulet better."

"I asked you to help me when I needed it, but you betrayed me when I needed it most. No, want to stop me, stop the Elf Lord? You want to help Sauron? You are blinded by Sauron Eyes, ranger. Sauron’s voice is like poisonous honey. Numanel is bewitched and deceived by him, and you will too. I saved you, but I will continue to help you. You saved so many people in Mordor , I will not let you fall before victory."

Altarel took two steps back and drew out both swords. "The elven lord can lift Sauron's **** on the ring spirits, and he can break Sauron's imprisonment of your soul. Let me help you, ranger, for you as Lorraine warned me. Put down your sword, don't Play for Sauron!"

"You were indeed betrayed, Altarel." Zelin shook his head, and looked at the sadness on Altarel's face. He took a deep breath. "But the person controlled is not me."

"Don't let this human disrupt the situation, Altarel!" Celebrity shouted. "Beat him, when I brand Sauron, I can liberate him!"

"I will, Lord Light." The elf assassin's voice didn't hesitate. "I will."

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ps: The watch is slow and embarrassing. Fill up the picture immediately

The first thousand seven hundred and sixty-three chapters of Balado's ending

The demon hunter stared at Altariel's narrow, patterned hand wrapped around the hilt like a poisonous snake. She has no gloves, but a few thin threads sewn on the cuffs of her clothes, interlaced with each other on the back of her hand to outline a vine-like pattern, and then gathered together between the index finger and middle finger, turning over the palm of her hand, and passing it through the palm of her hand. Connect with the other end of the sleeve. This is the light of Galadriel. Demon hunters have seen Altarel use this light to turn evil orcs into ashes. He doesn't know whether this light will affect him, but although his eyes have been fixed on Altarel's palm, he knows that the real attack will first come from the sword.

He held his breath and waited for the moment when Altarel first made the knife.

In just the blink of an eye, a breathing time, he used the ebony blade to slam the weapon slashed on the left. He bounced off the blow, turned around again, fending off the short knife on the right.

The demon hunter turned smoothly, backed away, and moved away from Alta Reall while shaking his numb wrist. But the elf assassin did not hesitate, she took a step forward and immediately launched an attack.

Her power is stronger than in Lorraine!

Zelin brushed out a ball of sword flowers, blocked the blow, turned a half circle, and avoided another knife. But instead of counterattack, he continued to take a step back and opened the distance, hoping to reveal the flaws when Altarel pursued, and interrupt the opponent's rhythm with the length of the ebony blade. But the elf assassin was experienced and good at observing. She immediately jumped to the side of the demon hunter and attacked one after another with fast and unbelievable movements from the left, with double knives making waves in the air. At this time, Zelin approached unexpectedly, dangling his head, and quickly turned to his thighs, making the elf had to withdraw his weapon and guard against two directions at the same time.

Ding and Ding--

Every sword hit the blade. The demon hunter's sword was so fast that the two sounds seemed to be made at the same time.

The double knives flashed by, spinning quickly around the demon hunter. Zelin could almost feel the tingling pain caused by the potion flowing in his body. He stared at the double knives that were flying like a whirlwind. With all his strength, both arms swung the blade forcibly, resisting the opponent's attacks again and again, the tight muscles seemed to burst in the next moment. The speed is so fast that the eyes have no meaning at all. When the elves attack with two swords, the battle-tested body subconsciously reacts correctly. Perhaps his brain has reacted and commanded his hands, but when he realized it, it was half a second too late, but this half a second was enough to tell the outcome.

Both sides are avoiding each other's swords, but Altariel's speed is too fast, as if it is not the elf itself at all, no one can make such a move. The dance of death made up of blades turned into a whirlwind, as fast as lightning. Zelin was parrying his opponent's heavy blows time and time again, as if not a light and sensitive short knife, but a hammer that only a troll could wield. He was welcoming the sting of the potion, which at least proved that his arm still had a touch. He couldn't use his seal, and one second of Jieyin was enough for his opponent to defeat him twice. Alta Reall skillfully changed the angle of attack, and every time a hand-to-hand encounter, the sword uttered a low whine.

Suddenly, the demon hunter turned his wrist, and the diamond-shaped glass sheet inlaid under the wrist just reflected the light of the fire beside Sauron into the eyes of the elf assassin. This is a trick he learned while fighting the professor. Altarel frowned subconsciously. Zelin seized the opportunity, jumped up, held the ebony blade in one hand, and stretched out the other hand to maintain balance. Aiming at the blade held by the elf's left hand, he swung the sword with all his strength. He noticed that during the battle, the opponent had been using the right hand short knife as the main attack, which meant that compared to the right hand, her left hand was obviously not so powerful. The reflected light made Altariel stunned, but her reaction was fast. She turned around and tried to avoid the blow, but Zelin's attack was not aimed at her wrist.

With a crisp sound, a short knife took off and flew out. Zelin took a step forward and turned around in place, placing the weight of his body on his left foot, holding the sword in one hand and swinging the other sword, forming a rune of Alderfa in his left hand.

The second short knife flew out at the same angle

Altarel jumped back, and Zelin raised his head, preparing to chase after victory.

The golden light flashed in front of him.

When the demon hunter came back to his senses, he realized that he was lying on the ground with his back upside down, and Altariel held the light bow condensed in his hand, still maintaining the shooting posture.

Altarel condensed weapons when he jumped back. The demon hunter was hit by a light arrow and hit by the impact force. He flew straight to the summit, hit the metal outer wall on the other side, and then slid to the ground.

"You will be free, ranger, Sauron would never want to blind your consciousness." Altariel said gently, and walked quickly towards Zelin. "Don't worry, you will be fine."

The scorching heat in his chest seemed to burn in the chest cavity, the intestines were kinked together, and the potion could not suppress the pain caused by the burning of the light, Zelin clenched his arms subconsciously, but the palm of his hand was hollow. Altarel kicked off the ebony blade that dropped to the ground, and then picked up a short knife.

"I don't know how the Elf Lord Sauron controls the Ring Spirit, but I know how he disarmed the War Chief. Don't resist." She said softly. "This will soon, and you will understand how you were affected by Sauron before."

Alta Real walked over with caution. The demon hunter squatted on the ground, breathing heavily.

"Leave him alone, Altariel, suppress Sauron, his strength is recovering!" Celebrity warned loudly. "Quick! As long as you control Sauron, everyone under his control will be free again! If I fail, no one will be able to stop the Dark Lord!"

The elf assassin stopped.