The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1043

"Your hair." Zelin reminded.

"Hair? Oh, **** leaves." Zoltan took off the fallen leaves on top of his head and threw them away. "No one reminded me."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Dwarf, I thought it was your personal artistic performance." said the three jackdaws. "It looks like a nice hat."

"I really don't like tradition and antiques, but it doesn't mean that I am a shameful performance artist." Zoltan waved his hand. "What did we just say? Yes, when we went to the forest, there was nothing but a bunch of evil spirits. Damn it, these annoying little guys are coming out of the dirt again."

"Don't worry, they picked the wrong place. Near my castle, someone will soon solve them. My brother George is still complaining recently that there are not many weak monsters near the castle where apprentices can practice their hands. Now." Zelin looked at the three jackdaws who had finished talking with the waiter. "Brock, I'm here to find you."

"No, don't worry, demon hunter." The three jackdaws stretched out a finger. "I don't know why you haven't been to the floating port in the past five days, but something happened in these two days. I can't leave if I want to."

"What's the matter?"

"Have you not noticed that there are more people in the floating port?" The three jackdaws opened their arms. "A huge octopus monster appeared in the river outside the city. It is not an ordinary octopus monster, but a real monster. It has sunk a merchant ship and swept away several fishermen. Now Mayor Bennard The river was blocked and a ballista was placed in his fortress. No ships could travel without his orders. Now, all merchants and travelers are trapped in the floating port. Oh, I think the residents of the floating port must be I am very happy, except for the victim’s family, I suspect that the beer in this pub will soon be out of stock."

Zelin thought of what he had encountered with the previous mayor. He scratched the back of his head and moved his somewhat stiff neck. "Well, it looks serious. I'll discuss it with Bennard Rolledo to see if he needs a demon hunter to help solve the problem."

"And the elves in the villages outside the city also need your help, Zelin." Zoltan added.

"Oh, suddenly you changed from a semi-retirement life to a young man working overtime every day?" Zelin picked up the wine glass in front of him, took a look, and put it back. He has drunk too much wine these days. What Gnaiya likes to do most is to ask Shang Zelin to get Francesca drunk. "It seems that I may need an hour to adapt to such a change."

"More than that, there is also a very important news." Zoltan said. "Foltest, the king of Tamoria, there are rumors that he was attacked by a powerful warrior loyal to Baron Alexandre on the battlefield to attack the castle of La Varetti. His knights are not that at all. A warrior’s opponent, he did not die on the spot because he was guarded by a demon hunter, but he was seriously injured after returning to the camp. Now rumors are spreading, Zelin."

The hand of the demon hunter holding the wine glass was stiff in the air.

"What the **** is going on, Zoltan? Tell me the details."

"I don't know the details, there are rumors everywhere." Zoltan spread his hands. "Some people say that Foltest is dead, and some people say that he is still alive. There are all kinds of news everywhere, and I doubt that I will hear ten more different statements tomorrow."

"Then tell me all the rumors you hear."

The first thousand and eighty-eight chapters escape experiment

It was a fierce war. The king led the knights on the wall with the help of the siege tower, and the soldiers fought desperately in the narrow and dirty streets. The fighting was fierce, the noble coalition refused to surrender easily, and the king's army continuously launched attacks under the encouragement of Foltest. They competed for every street in the city, fighting on the walls and castle towers. Although the commander of the coalition army is young, he has proved his strength. Many defensive horns and shooting to cover each other cost the king's army every step forward.

"The fighting lasted for a day and a night, and it was not until the next morning that Foltest's banner was raised in the town hall of Baron La Valetti." Zoltan took a sip of beer and moistened his throat. Continue to say. "But the castle is very strong. The gates are made of metal. The king's soldiers cannot destroy him. It takes more time to make the ladder. The siege hammer was burnt when it smashed through the gate of the city. When the king was going to send his special forces blue-clad iron guards to the trail behind the castle, an accident happened."

"Assassin." The three jackdaws stretched out a finger.

"Yes, an assassin appeared."

"This assassin really doesn't know how to choose a good opportunity." The three jackdaws shook their heads. "The success rate of assassination is very high during the most chaotic time of the war, but how can he succeed when the war stops and everyone is waiting for a new attack opportunity."

"He almost succeeded." Zoltan burped. There was mutton soup in front of them again. Three jackdaws are still inviting guests, and the man from Serekania likes lamb, fish and shrimp. "There are many versions of rumors that I heard, but every assassination version is the same. When the king’s followers stood in front of the castle gate and were helpless, the nobleman on the wall sent a messenger. They said that they wanted to prevent the soldiers. Continue to bleed in vain, hoping to send a strongest fighter, as long as the king's knights can defeat him, they are willing to surrender. But if their fighters win, the king will retreat and make unconditional peace with them."

"Very ancient fighting style." Three jackdaws commented. "The two kings take all the men who can pick up weapons to the agreed battlefield. When the two sides are evenly matched and it is difficult to win easily, in order to show kindness, they will send the strongest fighters to fight, and the king of the loser will win the battle. The surrendered from the king to the marquis. Although I think the reason for this tradition is that once the war is over, the population of the winner’s kingdom will drop sharply, so that it is impossible to guarantee a wide enough rule under the situation of monsters. Land."

"I think we are talking about what is happening now, it has not been recorded in the history book." Zelin gave Zoltan a look and asked him to continue. "What then? They sent an assassin?"

"I don't know if this can be called an assassin. The door opened, and a man with a sword came out and walked straight to Foltest. The guards around the king attacked him, but they were all killed by him." Zoltan Open your arms. "People say that his sword is as fast as lightning. After killing more than ten knights in a row, the guards around the king were shocked. However, he missed the final blow. Roche, the blue iron guard, was the king. He bounced off a sword, and the blow wounded Foltest's chest instead of his throat. Then Geralt rushed over and pushed the assassin back with the others. Then there was chaos, the castle The army took the opportunity to kill and drove the king's army out of the city."

"What about now?"

"Now?" Zoltan made an explosive gesture. "It's a mess. Now there are rumors everywhere. Everyone in Tamoria has to consider the issue of choosing sides, and whether Foltest is still alive. In case he dies, who will lead the country, or should Divide Tamoria into several parts. The aristocratic coalition controls the heirs, Prince Balsey and Princess Aneth. However, apart from these two illegitimate children, the most likely to win the throne are Baron Kimbert and Earl of Malaville, John. Marshal Natalis declared neutrality and will continue to be loyal to Foltest and his blood."

"Only these?"

"You want to hear all the rumors. We can talk here until the early hours of the next day, provided that there are no new rumors and what I have not heard before. They must argue for a while, or fight and throw them in battle. With more than a thousand corpses, it will be determined who will become the new king. But this has nothing to do with us. I only hope that the new king will not sign any decrees against non-human beings, or set up another blue-clad iron guard. Dealing with non-human forces." Zoltan shook his head and picked up the glass, only to find that there was no alcohol in the glass. "Boss, give me another drink."

With that, the dwarf looked at the demon hunter. "Zelin, you must go back to accompany your woman? I will discuss with Dandrien, and until tomorrow, if we can't get to Loukma by boat, we will cross the mountain road to Frogen."

"No, actually, I will go back tonight." Zelin shook his head. "Why don't we have lunch here? Then I will meet the mayor here again. If he is willing to provide news and rewards about the octopus monster. A monster that can destroy a ship? While in the river Not in the sea? I have never seen such a situation."

Zelin knows some rumors about octopus monsters. Most of these monsters live in the deep sea, and it is almost impossible for humans to see them, because ships will be destroyed by other more dangerous ocean monsters before they enter the sea that can accommodate octopus monsters. But such a monster appeared in the Ponta River, and Zelin saw it for the first time. It stands to reason that with such a huge monster, the creatures in the river simply cannot satisfy its food needs. It will eat all the way, eating all the creatures in the river. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that it will actively attack the villagers on the river bank.

"Zoltan, go tell the elves of Robin Dan Village not to go near the river. Compared with the trading post in the floating port, those fishermen..."

"Oh, Zelin! I thought of seeing you in your castle, but when I heard the sound just now, I thought it was yours."

Zelin knew who it was without turning around.

"Dole Gare?" Zelin looked at the old mage who rolled up the hem of his robe and sat next to him. "Why are you here again in the floating port? Damn, the ghosts who have been silent for a long time in the floating port just appeared, and you appeared. Your nose can smell the smell of these ghosts from Ben Ade Smell right?"

"How can you say that to your old friend." Dolgaray bowed to Zoltan and the three jackdaws, and stroked the beard of his chin. "I'm Dole Gare from Ben Ade, studying wildlife conservation and rare animal reproduction..."

"And to study the ecological environment of the evil ghost community." Zelin drank the beer and sighed. "I hope the evil ghost here has nothing to do with you."

"I don't study these anymore, because there are more important things that need to be studied and protected. I remember I told you."

"Oh... that's what I forgot. Sorry, I don't have a good memory lately, I guess it might be because I'm old."

"Don't be kidding, Ze Lin. If I don't know you, from the outside, I would think you are a person in your thirties."

"Perhaps." Zelin introduced the others to Dolgaray. "This is Zoltan, the dwarf who is going to Fjian. This is Lord Bullock. You can call the three jackdaws or Bullock. We are going to have lunch. Lord Bullock will entertain you. If he allows, you too Find a place to sit down."

"Brock...?" Unexpectedly, Dolgaray seemed to know three jackdaws. Seeing him sitting here, the old warlock widened his eyes in surprise, his beard trembled slightly, his mouth opened, but what Did not say anything. "How could you..."

"Long time no see, Dole Gare, it's been almost fifteen years since we last met, right? It's really nice to see a kind-hearted warlock. I think we don't just have lunch. "The three jackdaws proposed. "And we are going to have dinner here. How about you, Zelin? Is there anything you have to leave?"

"Actually, the later the better." Zelin shrugged, and he glanced at Bullock, then at Dolgaray. "You actually know each other."

"I've seen it before." Dolgaray said, and he looked at Bullock cautiously, and then asked Zelin. "Have you come here to hunt?"


"I'm here for the octopus monster." Dolegare took a deep breath. "I think you have heard the rumors about octopus monsters. But I can tell you that this is not an ordinary octopus monster, in fact, it ran out of the laboratory. This is not a real octopus monster. This is some kind of beast produced after magical experiments."

"Magic experiment?"

"Recently, our Ben Ade College is conducting an experiment about the consequences of connecting two parts that belong to different organisms together. Oh, of course, it is on plants. Like cabbage and carrots, if We can make a certain crop with cabbage leaves on top and carrot roots on the bottom, and we can grow two different crops on the same land. But... there is a problem with an experiment." After looking at it, he lowered his voice. "A warlock connected the crab spider and the giant octopus. As a result, when the creature was connected, it mutated and became very huge, and broke through the magical confinement of the laboratory and escaped."

"The experimental product of your academy ran out?"

"And also killed a few people." Zoltan added.

"The warlock has already paid for this. He was the first victim, so that's why I came here."

The first thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine chapters out of control plan

There was a problem with the warlock's experiment.

Any strange phenomenon can be answered with this answer.

"So this can be explained clearly. The organism that ran out of the laboratory contained a high concentration of chaotic magic. It moved downstream along the Ponta River until it stopped at this place with many people and boats. Come down. And the chaotic magic radiating from its body attracts the monsters in the forest to a place near the river, which is near the floating port? Wait." Zelin stretched out a finger. "You have this giant octopus..."

"Experiment No. 17."

"Are the details of the octopus monster? What will it do? Spray poison or fire, or acid? How big is its size, muscle density, strength, and reaction speed. Do you have these detailed data? I have to know this."