The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1050

The next day, Dole Gare sent the reward they had said before: the mutant and mutant organization of the octopus monster. The old mage was very curious about how Zelin planned to deal with these things. He asked if he needed the help of the warlock from Ben Ade Academy, but Zelin refused. It's not that the demon hunter doesn't believe in Dole Gare, but this incident may involve many secrets that he does not want to reveal. He believes Dole Gare will not betray him, but what about the other people in the Ban Ade Academy? The college is a neutral zone, and spies from various countries are not allowed to step into it, but there is never a gate in front of gold.

When Zelin arrived at the floating port, the atmosphere of celebration had not completely dissipated, and people were walking listlessly on the street, as if they had not yet recovered from yesterday's carnival. Before approaching the tavern, Dandrien's singing and playing sounded from the open door. In the tavern, people are gathered together, listening to Dandrian playing the lute while telling adventure stories. On the other side, on an empty table near the corner, Geralt and Zoltan were drinking sullen wine, holding their foreheads with one hand, as if facing something difficult to look at directly.

"Geralt." Zelin walked over and greeted them. "Zoltan, are you okay?"

"Fortunately," Geralt said dullly. "The boxing match here is boring, and throwing dice is fun."

"I hope your opponent won't be beaten too badly by you." Zelin glanced at the other side of the tavern. Apart from them, there were only two men who didn't pay attention to the story of Dandrien. Wearing only a thin shirt and a pair of shorts, they are staring at the dice in front of them attentively, thinking about whether to throw them again.

"Yes, I believe they will not need more medical expenses than the boxing bonus handed to me." Geralt sighed. "But it's not the point."

"Yes, because the key is on the other side. If you can stop the drake, we will feel better." Zoltan shook the empty glass. "He has told a night of adventure stories, oh, honestly, if I hadn’t participated in these stories and knew what was going on, I would have listened to them as mesmerized as these listeners. Dandrien took everything The protagonist of the story has been replaced by himself, a bard who killed a dragon?"

"This is indeed an exaggeration." Zelin sat next to Zoltan and waved to a sleepy maid. "Two more glasses of ale, fill this side."

"Thanks, Zelin, I know you have always been generous." Zoltan said happily. "I just finished the last diamond cut that I just handed to me by the Sorceress today. She is now upstairs, saying that she will be paid for coming down in a while. I hope she can settle the bill as soon as possible. Now I will think of it when I hear of the delay in paying the pay. The wages are in arrears, and then the boss runs away with the money."

"Don't be eager to be happy, Zoltan." Zelin stretched out a finger. "I need you to do me a favor."

"What's up? As long as I can do it, wrap it on me." Zoltan said. "Cut diamonds? Identify the ore? Or does your castle need to be renovated? I can help you find a team of the best technical dwarf construction team and goblin artisans at the cheapest price."

"No, it's not that troublesome." Zelin said. "I'm looking for Yaiwen, Eofis, or anyone in the Squirrel Party who has enough voice and knows more secrets."


"Don't worry, Zoltan, I have no ill will towards them, and I don't want to accept Rogliedo's commission to destroy them. Don't forget, I have a very good relationship with a certain elf. As long as they are not too aggressive, I will not care. What are they going to do. But..." Zelin looked around, Dandrian's playing voice overwhelmed all the conversations, and filled every corner of the tavern. No one could eavesdrop in such a noisy place from a distance. "I have to talk to them, this matter is very important."

Chapter 1798: Research on Osenfurt

"I know Eofis... Are you sure you want to see him? I once told him about you, but he doesn't like you because he doesn't like your elf lover."

"I know that the Squirrel Party doesn't like her, and won't give me a good face, don't worry, Zoltan." Zelin made a relieved gesture. "Unless they attack me, I will never draw my sword. I want to inquire about the news, the body will not tell me anything. That's why I came to you for help, Zoltan, with you as a middleman, I think they will be willing Listen to me say a few words instead of greeting me with a bow and arrow."

"Do you suspect that there is a problem with the Squirrel Party?" Geralt was keenly aware of another meaning in Zelin's words. "There are rumors that they participated in Operation Assassin."

"Before the situation is confirmed, all the news in the rumors are questionable." Zelin spread his hands. "Think about it, the assassin who assassinated Demarvin and the assassin who assassinated Foltest is probably the same person. I know that many people like to follow trends, look for fashion, and make themselves famous, but I don’t I think there will be two different people at the same time deciding to assassinate two different kings."

"The same demon hunter." Jello nodded characteristically. "Roche said the same thing, this is the same person."

"Roche? He's here? I didn't see him."

"You went straight back to the castle. Roche went to find Rogliedo, but there was some trouble. The commander here didn't seem to wait to see him. He came back late yesterday, and he should be on the blue iron guard ship at the trading post. Stay with his colleagues."

"For those who want to have complete control of one party." Zelin rubbed the corners of his eyes. "Anyone who comes to the court is an unwelcome person."

"Perhaps." Geralt shrugged. "You keep talking."

"Okay. In terms of time, after killing Demavin, if you want to reach La Varetti within a week and be ready for the assassination, the only possibility is to take a boat by water and go to a floating port. It is their only way. Every ship arriving from the upper reaches of the Ponta River has to pass through the trading post of the floating port." Zelin paused and concluded. "So everyone in the floating port who has the ability to control the river can be possible. Rogliedo, the Squirrel Party. I have met Rogliedo yesterday, so I want to meet the Squirrel Party today to find out what they have there. What news."

"In that case." Zoltan scratched his cheek. "When do you want to meet?"

"The sooner the better."

"Okay, I'm going to prepare and come back soon." Zoltan stood up and ran to the entrance of the tavern, not forgetting to wave to Zelin. "We will meet at Robin Dan in a while."

Seeing Zoltan's back disappear outside the door, Zelin retracted his gaze. The maid with three bottles of ale came over and looked at the table with only two people suspiciously.

"Am I dazzled?"

"No, one of my friends is still on it." Zelin pointed to Dandrine. "One bottle is for him."

"Oh, is that the bard?" The maid put down the bottle and covered her mouth in surprise, her envied voice trembling slightly. "You are his friends, you, can you help me ask him when he has time? He is really a hero, fighting against the cruel green dragon, breaking the plan of the evil wizard, and so handsome. He, he, I really want to Be a friend with him, I love his adventure so much!"


Before Geralt could say anything, Zelin stood up and said to the maid.

"Look at this demon hunter, I think you must have heard it, that bard has always had a demon hunter in his adventures. That's right, this is it." Zelin pointed to Geralt. "If you want to be a friend of the bard, you should get to know him from his friends first. I'll leave first, Geralt, see you later. Also, say hello to Roche for me."

"I don't think..."

Before Geralt could finish speaking, the maid hurriedly sat next to her and asked eagerly. "He really went hunting the dragon with the king? He saved you and a warlock by the broken bridge, didn't he? And he once helped the queen of Livia defeat the man in black..."

No matter what Dandreen had said, it had nothing to do with Zelin who had already walked out of the tavern.

Just as he was about to arrive at Robin Dan and wait for Zoltan, two men in fitted robes and single-rim glasses walked over. One of them was wearing a hat decorated with peacock feathers, and the other was a soft leather hat, covering his ears.

"Demon hunter. You are a demon hunter, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am." Zelin turned around and looked at each other up and down. "What's the matter?"

"We are conducting a research experiment on the body of the demon hunter. Oh, we are from Osenfurt." said the man in the peacock tail hat. "We already have some research results, but we have never gotten the opportunity to experiment. We heard that many demon hunters can be found near the floating port, so we rushed over."

"Human experiment?" Zelin frowned. "I hope you don't have any special misunderstandings about the Demon Hunters."

"No, no, of course not. We first conducted experiments on animals and achieved certain success." The man in the soft leather cap waved his hand. "But we hope to finally be able to experiment and observe the effects on a demon hunter. In fact, the experiment is very simple. It is a kind of potion. We hope you drink it. After a year, we will meet with us at Vizima and tell us. What changes have you made this year. At that time, we will give you generous rewards."

As he said, he stretched out his hand, lying in his palm a thick glass bottle the size of a thumb, containing half a bottle of dark black liquid.

"What is this?"

"Some kind of valuable research result."

"What is the effect?"

The two professors looked at each other and shook their heads. "This is confidential, but I can assure you that it is not harmful to the body."

Zelin looked at the glass bottle in the opponent's hand. He had drunk a lot of strange things. Every magic hunter's potion was a highly toxic chemical substance to ordinary people. But he knew the effects of those potions, what kind of effects they would have on the body, and how to remove them. "No one would say that he has a bottle of poison in his hand. Tell me how it affects me."


"I can tell all the demon hunters nearby, do you think other people will drink some potions whose principles and effects are unknown, but may cause uncontrollable changes in their bodies?" Zelin continued. "We rely on swords in exchange for bread money, and fight to keep the wallet from deflating like leaves. This is all related to the body. A small accident in the fight may kill a demon hunter. This is with you. The room is different from the professor in the classroom."

"Okay." The professor in the peacock feather hat scratched his chin. "You must swear that you must never leak this news. Well, it doesn't make sense for you to leak it out, because you only know the effect. That's it, we are Professor of Osenfurt. During this time, we are studying Knowledge of biological reproduction. We found that different biological matings cannot produce offspring, but there is one exception, that is, horses and donkeys. The biological horse mules that bred between them have strong vitality and immunity, and have strong physiques. It has high stamina and is easy to control. But unfortunately, the offspring of this hybrid cannot reproduce."


"This is a potion that we have researched out to restore the fertility of a creature that is impossible to fertilize. But this potion seems to have some...toxicity. We know that the demon hunter can resist toxins, so I hope you can help. Let’s conduct an experiment, drink the potion, and tell us how it feels, because horse mules can’t speak human words, but demon hunters can. Oh, please don’t care, we don’t mean anything else."

"It's okay, it's okay."

"This potion may take a long time to work, so in a year, you can go to Vizima to find us, or go to Osenfurt and tell us the effect."


Zelin hesitated, stretched out his hand to take the potion, and at the same time took out the white honey with his other hand. He is very confident in the toxic resistance of the demon hunter's body, but who knows what these professors will research. However, since it is for ordinary creatures, it should not have any strong toxicity.

Open the cork and sniff the smell. It's like dirt that has just rained. After taking a sip, he found that the potion would not make him spit out immediately, or he felt unwell, he raised his head and drank the remaining half bottle of potion into his mouth.