The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 108

"Shut up, Lambert." Triss spat out the wild vegetables in her mouth. "Also call me Triss!"

This castle will be deserted for another year, until the next winter comes, the wolf school demon hunters will come back here to reunite

But this banquet did not stop them from leaving Kyle Mohan. Vesemir would be the last one, and the old man was at the gate of the castle, watching these young people leave. He will always be the last one to leave and clean up the clutter in the castle. He was also the first to come back. Waiting for other young people to come back in the castle, prepare a clean castle for them.

I can't imagine. Kyle Mohan without Vesemir

Eskell watched the outline of the castle gradually hidden in the mountains. With emotion.

This time. Lambert rarely said anything.

The travel along the way was boring. After all, it was just spring, and there were very few pedestrians on the road. Until they reach the south of Kovind

Looking at the bridgehead submerged in the crowd, Zelin couldn't help wondering if he had gone the wrong way. It was not the small bunker with only three soldiers, a pony boy, and a toll collector. Marching tents were lined up next to the empty fence. At least 30 light armor soldiers were wearing the Kodwin badge, and the other fifty were wearing good shields. Most of them are concentrated around the fire, some chatting and some rest, seeming to wait for a mobilization order to be issued at any time.

Even on the deserted sentry tower stood two soldiers on duty, and the crossbows in their hands were already ready to go. In the crowded background, there are not only soldiers, but also various passers-by and livestock. There were only six farming trolleys and two commercial carriages parked on the bridge, so that the old bridge body did not stop trembling under the chaotic trampling of the carts. The corral is now also full of carts of cattle, each with their heads drooping, their faces covered with mud and fertilizer.

"It's the Squirrel Party again." Geralt returned after talking to the sergeant on the roadside and told them "Until the patrol came back, they would not allow anyone to cross the bridge to the opposite road. Clashes broke out not long ago, and some people died. On the other side of the river."

"Did they throw the body in the wild?" Lambert asked.

Featured Jello nodded, "Their patrol dared not go deep into the forest."

"It sounds like a place that attracts scavengers." Lambert snorted. "I'm going to stay here for a while, and soon the knight captain here will find that he needs a demon hunter to help him deal with the wilderness. And the monsters that rushed out of the ground. Do you want to continue walking?"

"I'm going to Anglin, there won't be many monsters attracted here." Eskell's destination is very clear, and Ren also nodded to indicate that he was going to the south.

"I should almost go back if I have a chance. I will also go to South Willen." There is a way to find him. Since she hasn't appeared yet, it means that the matter of the portal is not so urgent. In spring, the magical power is as active as the temperature. Zelin estimates that it will not return to summer, and the portal can be opened on time once a month.

"Well, those of you who are going to make big money will definitely not stay in this sordid place with me, a poor person."

"I really hope that the next time I see you, I won't be so good to see you being beaten on the ground for this **** tongue." Eskell hammered Lambert on the shoulder fiercely.

"Of course not, you will only see me beating people, not others beating me."

But the trouble that the remaining demon hunters have to face is not just the forbidden wooden bridge, Triss, the female warlock did not know when she actually started to have a fever, accompanied by abdominal pain and gastrointestinal cramps. This surprised Ze Lin. It stands to reason that people related to Chaos Energy, whether it is a demon hunter or a warlock, should not contract ordinary diseases. But what is certain is that this is not an infectious disease.

Unfortunately, the soldiers here did not want to listen to these explanations, especially after they let Triss drink the firewine mixed with chili powder and saltpeter, the situation still did not get better.

But luckily, the demon hunter actually met an old acquaintance at this outpost

Alpen Chigrin---and his six dwarves. This is a dwarf mercenary squad that killed Ochiwestern in Quartz Mountain. Zelin had heard of their trophies, the precious sapphires found in the dragon's lair, and the diamonds as big as cherries, and the prices they auctioned opened the eyes of the demon hunters.

"Triss has to rest for a period of time. I have to wait here for two days, at least until Triss is better before leaving." In the end Geralt decided to stay at the outpost with Triss and Xili for a few days, Ya Erpan Zieglin was willing to let them ride in a carriage. And Eskell intends to try his luck at Ben Ade and make money for traveling to the south. Although Zelin's coins were enough to support the travel expenses of the two people, the Demon Hunter would only accept the commission fee, not the grant.

"No problem, I hope we will have a period later."

"We will definitely meet again."

In the end, only Zelin went to Wilwater alone, the small town of Temoria near the jungle of South Willen.

PS: Sorry for something happened today, it was a delay. By the way, about the three witches. According to records, they appeared here before humans came to this continent. But they won't take that long to reach Willen. After all, how long has the Druid faith appeared.

Chapter 218 Old Friends, Old Enemies

The villagers ate a lot of garlic. Relying on the superstition of the magic of garlic, they wore a ring of garlic on their necks as a magic weapon. Some people, especially women, put garlic everywhere. The whole village is filled with the disgusting smell of garlic, but the villagers believe that they are safe in this way, and the vampires have nothing to do with them. But when the night fell and the vampires broke into their village again, they knew they were wrong, and they were terrified. The vampire laughed loudly and began to grind his teeth excitedly, "You smell so delicious!" he cried, "You all have seasoning for yourself! I like to eat meat with seasoning, and I am more appetite! Some salt! And pepper, by the way, don’t forget to put some mustard!"

Sylvester Buguiardo

"The Book of Darkness" is also known as "The Book of Fear"-a book that tells the story of real ghosts but has not been confirmed by science

This town is no different from other towns, with a few soldiers standing on a low stone wall. There are not many of them. There are about 30 people. Most of them are holding spears, wooden shields and iron helmets. Compared with the elite soldiers and soldiers led by knights at Kovind Outpost, they are just like a group of soldiers. Farmer with a spear.

However, compared with Kovind, although the jungles and mountains of Tamoria are also full of squirrel party guerrillas, the several punitive encirclements against them by King Foltest did not have any effect, but here After all, it was a town, and the five-meter-high wall was enough to stop the elves from attacking. Attacking the walls without heavy weapons is nothing but a dead end for the guerrillas.

Zelin met a group of frightened farmers on the road. They just wanted to bring a dozen Oren to the city to buy some seeds. This long cold winter caused them to eat the grain that should be used as seeds. Demon hunters protect them to reach the town safely in exchange for news about the druids.

"I am a relative in Island. Their village was burnt to ashes. Only my poor niece and Old Butler survived. The whole family depended on his wages at the lumber yard. Shooting to death on the road, pity his two children. Did they kill non-human beings? They lived and worked together, just like neighbors, but they were suddenly killed! And me? Who did I provoke? I have never harmed a non-human in my life, so why should I be regarded as an enemy by them! Last time the Squirrel Party wanted to burn the village, if it weren’t for the respected knights and soldiers, I would have been cow dung... "

"Some people say that the non-human race became the squirrel party because the noble lords and soldiers did not let them live. I don't believe that. Those knights and good soldiers who were slandered by them saved more than 20 lives in our village. , And the poor elves who were told by those people are going to kill all the people in our village. Fools know who is right."

These farmers who were frightened by the squirrel party elves were very happy to have someone who seemed to use a sword to follow them, whether it was a soldier or a demon hunter. After all, the demon hunter wants money, and the squirrel party kills. Besides, the demon hunter in front only needs news.

The vicinity of Wilvat City is safe. There is no forest around the city. The forest here was cut down a hundred years ago. Now there is only a piece of yellowed land and withered grass on the ground that has not been blown away by the cold wind. The scattered black trees, the leaves on them all fell off as early as autumn, and the bare branches swayed with the blow of the cold wind, as if the evil spirits were standing on the plain. It wasn't until the direction of Willen was approaching that there would gradually be traces of the forest.

The entrance fee is the same as other places, an Oren. The fineness of the Oren coin was getting worse and worse, and Zelin couldn't help but shook his head when he handed a coin to the tax collector at the gate of the city. If he needs a long-term plan, perhaps the stored coins should be considered for exchange. The fineness is poor, which means that the gold in the Foltest Kingdom is getting less and less. It seems that he is still too young, at least not economically. The opponent of Zmir II.

The two-story houses with wooden structures inside the city wall were crowded together. Zelin rode a horse on the narrow street. He looked up and could see the clothes hanging above his head. The streets are noisy, damp, and the watery ground is muddy. It rained here not long ago, and Zelin began to miss the roads of Kianan. If there is no animalized plague, Yanan must be a good city.

Zelin originally thought it would not be so difficult to find the druids. After all, they will not disappear or hide their whereabouts. Ask the locals and you will definitely hear useful news. But this hope was peeling away in front of the guide introduced to him by the old farmer.

Just like everywhere else, not everyone in this town has a job, such as a relative of a farmer in the town, a young man named Cicero. He is an irritable and arrogant young man-a typical street gangster. They were born in a slum, grew up in a slum, and often get drunk in the slum. Zelin is happy that he did not throw up when he vomited. On the boots.

However, compared with the bad first impression, Cicero has a good deal of the city. He knows where to go, what kind of people there are, and whether these people will use their fists to communicate with you, or will Pierce your heart with a dagger when you are welcome. He easily convinced the tavern owner that Zelin was actually a dangerous man who would drew his sword and cut people because of his displeased eyes, and then offset the drink money of the day.

"Druid, are you looking for a Druid?" The demon hunter didn't know if the bottle of wine was with Cicero's arm. He had never seen a young man put down the bottle, although there was only half of it inside. "Of course I know them. They will take in children after the war and find lost and homeless people in the forest. But I haven't heard from them for a long time. Who knows what they are doing."

"No news for a long time?"

"Those people in white robes used to come to the city to buy things." Cicero burped, and the smell seemed to be no different from the scavengers. "But after a battle with those **** southerners, the city got more. Many orphans, those in white clothes were supposed to come to the city to take the orphans away, but they didn't show up at all."

Zelin frowned. Druids are different from warlocks. They sometimes migrate the entire sect, from one oak tree to another. It does not rule out that Vesemir’s news is out of date. In fact, these druids left before the Battle of Sutton Hill. Up.

Maybe he wasted a lot of time, but did they really leave?

"A monster is looking for another group of monsters! There must be a connection between them!"

Suddenly, this familiar but slightly hoarse voice attracted Zelin's attention. When he saw that person, he knew that he could not find a suitable commission in this small town.

"Ike of Denners!"

Chapter 219 The Tightened Cobweb

Ike of Denners.

Zelin never thought that he would hate seeing such a face so much. It had nothing to do with personal preference, but with the profession itself. It is as if a fisherman brought the fish he had caught so hard to sell at the market, but in the end someone gave away the fish for free in the market and claimed that it was the will of the gods. As a result, the fisherman not only failed to earn his bread money by his own hard work, but was also accused of being a greedy person.

Ike Knight is famous for his behavior among all monster hunters. Monster hunters are different from demon hunters. They don't look for prey through clues like demon hunters, and then use their knowledge and power to eliminate monsters. They will only set off after they understand what they are facing, and then kill the monsters through things like poison bait and traps. But because of this, the monsters they can deal with are limited. Once they encounter monsters with a certain amount of intelligence, whether it is a swamp witch or a deer head spirit, these people who are almost the same as mercenaries will basically have no return.

And many things they deal with cannot be called monsters. Like flying species, most of them have been proven to be native species in this world, and are essentially no different from wild wolves. It's just that they happen to be carnivores and humans are on their menu. If you really encounter the monsters brought by the confluence of the celestial spheres, you still need a magic hunter to solve the problem.

Even so, no one would like to kill a few mutant wolves that the villagers hadn't seen after the hard work of solving a grave witch. The client doesn't care what you kill, monsters will kill people and eat meat, that's enough. Killing a real dragon is no different from killing an underage petrified lizard, at least in their eyes, and they can also deduct half of the commission fee.

Two hundred crowns is for you to kill a golden dragon with a wingspan of more than five meters, not for a petrified lizard that doesn't know anything.

Such a reason is really dumbfounding.

"This is a sacred expedition! An expedition to fight evil! Druids control this forest, and the forest is full of monsters! These monsters threaten the safety of mankind, and I will not turn a blind eye to these evils. I must completely eradicate them before they do evil!"