The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1108

"Some people say that it is the warlock who turned a living person into a broomstick. I hope this is not true, otherwise I will let these evil warlocks be punished!"

Zelin certainly knew that the rumors were false. But he really wanted to get a broom like this back, and Yusevka would be very happy to receive such a gift. But before that, he knew there were more important things to ask.

"Siegfried, did you see the warlock who was teleported over?"

"No." Siegfried shook his head. "They all came here by boat or on horseback. Even if they did, they wouldn’t let us see how teleportation spells were used. The sorcerers gathered in their camp. Some sorcerers have already entered Lomugne. You can go there. Ask at the barricade post. Everyone who enters Lomugne will register there."

"What about other travelers?"

Zelin was a little worried that Hawke and Curdin might not be able to enter Lomugne. This is not good news. He originally planned to have someone tell him in advance after he came to Lomugne that the situation and specific circumstances here would facilitate his direct search. But now it seems that he has to rely on his own eyes and ears to figure out all this.

"It's all in the central square of Lida Fort. It is overcrowded. Only people with acrobatics can find a place between the convertible and the stalls." Siegfried stretched out his thumb and index finger into the salt pan and sprinkled it on the grilled fish. . "Most people can only stay outside the city, but even if only one of ten people can get in, the ruins of the city are filled with speculators, representatives of warlocks, and noble guards."

"So the Knights should stay outside?"

"It's not." Siegfried shook his head and sighed heavily. "You have to help me, Zelin. My knights and I are not good at searching and tracking, and they are not good at finding two little ghosts in the endless forest. After a week, I lost three of my men, the locals. They don't want to go deep into the forest. They say there are monsters in the forest. And there are monsters in fact, otherwise my knight will not be able to escape."

"Your entire knights are looking for treasure in the forest?" Zelin chuckled lightly. "Please, even if Lomune has treasure, it is hidden in an undetectable underground chamber, closely guarded by magic, golems, and monsters living nearby. It doesn't make much sense to send more knights in the past."

"No, no, demon hunters, we won't covet the cursed treasures. We are looking for someone." Siegfried walked to the tent, raised the curtain, looked around, and confirmed that no one was eavesdropping nearby. He walked back. "The prince and princess of Tamoria were attacked on the way to Lomugne and disappeared."

Zelin opened his eyes wide.

"Assault, missing." He said these two words. "On the princess and prince of Tamoria?"

"Yes, we arrived at Fort Lida twenty days ago, ready to welcome the arrival of Prince Balsey and Princess Aneth. Marshal Natali is preparing to make the northern kings recognize that they are Ful at this summit. The legal heir to His Majesty Tester. Because they are illegitimate children under the law of inheritance, the nobles of Sorden and Aland have the right to claim the throne."

"I know that if they become legal heirs recognized by everyone, no one can question Prince Balsey's right to ascend the throne, and no one can question Princess Aneth's birth." Zelin immediately Understand the painstaking effort of Marshal Natalis. Only in this way can it be ensured that Foltest's bloodline continues to stay on the throne of White Lily. "But where is the problem?"

"It stands to reason that the convoy escorting Balsey and Aneth should have arrived at Fort Lida ten days ago. We waited until five days ago, after Marshal Natalis arrived, we did not wait to **** Balsey and Aneth. People showed up. So we searched for the route they had set when they left Vizima, and we found...there is a map." Siegfried walked to a map and pressed his palm on a sign of an intersection. "Everything was normal before arriving at Ben Green, but after leaving Ben Green they disappeared in the forest between the fortress and Lida Fort. No one saw them again. We searched along the road, don’t Speaking of the caravan, there were no ruts. There were no living people, no corpses, and the whole caravan disappeared like this. Some people suspected that it was a ghost of a warlock, but we have no evidence or clues."

Zelin looked at the map. There is only one trail through the forest.

"Where was the last time anyone saw the convoy?"

"Here, the hotel at the crossroads next to this village." Siegfried's finger clicked on a corner of the map. "The village has no name. According to the local innkeeper, he saw a heavily armed convoy arrived about fifteen days ago. They camped near the village for one night and left into the forest the next day. It stands to reason, They should spend three days walking through the forest and entering Lida Fort."

"So the problem lies here." Zelin pointed his finger from the village to Fort Lida. "Have you searched this way?"

"We are doing this these days and every day. There are many monsters inside. My knights and followers can only enter the search in groups, but the efficiency is too low." Siegfried's eyebrows were filled with worry. "Others don’t know about this, but I don’t know how long I can hide it. The summit will begin soon. If Marshal Natali doesn’t have a royal family by his side, Tamoria will be treated as barons like those mad dogs. We divide it up."

"What's the matter?" Zelin frowned. "I thought Natalis had taken control of the situation."

"You also know that when His Majesty Foltest was on the throne, Tamoria's territory doubled."

"I understand what is going on, after all I have experienced it myself."

Twenty years ago, King Eckhard of Sorden was half the brother of Foltest’s mother. After his death, there was no direct heir. The kingship of freedom fell to Foltest. At that time, many people were dissatisfied with this. They did not want a foreigner to become their king. However, Foltest later divided the threatened territory to many small lords by means of baroning. Maribo and the Ailand family have been fighting for the throne of Tamoria in the past. If the opportunity is right, the Principality of Ailand will be happy to be independent from the rule of the Maribo dynasty, let alone under the pressure of Nilfgaard. Brugge became a subject country. Although King Ventslav is an incontrovertible person, he prefers the Brokler Forest on the northern border. There are rumors that the king’s heart has been captured by a tree eld, so that he has not had a new wife until now. , Maybe one day he suddenly announced that a tree spirit would become his queen. But the titles of duke and king completely represent two different meanings, and no one can say what he would think.

"Do you know the result of the Vizima Royal Family Council's discussion some time ago?" Siegfried's fist was on the map. "The fifteen barons and earls announced that if there is no suitable heir on the throne, they will declare independence and form new earls and freedoms. The wolves are already eyeing them before Tamoria has died."

"Then I am going to take a look at the scene where the convoy disappeared."

"Wait a minute, I will write a commission."

"No need, Siegfried." Zelin shook his head.

"No, different things must be separated. Since you are helping, you must get paid."

"This is not reward, this is..." Zelin paused. "I owe other people money."

Chapter 1869: Imagining the future

The number of wizards in Lomune is more than that at the time of the Sunnid Island Conference. Perhaps Siegfried was right. Half of the warlocks in the north came here, and the remaining half were on their way. Since the Warlock Order lost its function, the warlocks in the north have not had an organization they can rely on. Just like a shoemaker in a city would organize a shoemaker’s union, mine owners would organize a mining union, and a place with a large number of fishermen would spontaneously form some kind of union. The Fisheries Association, walking in the aisles between several wizard camps, Zelin could hear the warlocks talking about the new warlock organization that will be formed next. An organization that unites the warlocks of the North will end the six years of chaos that has been going on since the coup on Sinide Island to the present.

"You are my students. Here, I will teach you a course to practice the target course. As a female warlock, you must understand what you can do in public. Look up and stand tall. , Confident! You are not servants tied to sinks and washtubs by men with ropes, nor canaries lying in cages waiting to be fed. You are educated, capable, and men can do things, you Can do it too."

A female warlock was speaking to the four apprentices next to her. On the other side, a male warlock with monocle eyes was bargaining with another warlock for a book that looked very old. Zelin suddenly thought of the strange diary he found in Aden. Perhaps he could find a magician who knew a strange language to help figure out what was written in the diary. Sabina's soul said that a spell drove the user crazy and killed three children. Zelin was very surprised, whether what she said was true or not.

"Please bring me the lipstick, yes, that's it, thank you."

Suddenly, Zelin heard a familiar voice. He followed the voice and saw Marty taking a lipstick from a woman next to him in a white tent.

Zelin walked over and Marty looked in the mirror and applied lipstick evenly on her **** red lips. She saw the people walking behind reflected in the mirror.

"Ah, Demon Hunter." Marty turned her head and smiled. "What a pleasant surprise, are you also coming to the Lomune Summit?"

"You will definitely not be able to enter the summit venue." Zelin glanced at another woman in the tent. She was wearing a headscarf, with freckles on the bridge of her nose, showing some unhealthy weight loss, and timidly tidying up. The bed. It wasn't until she went outside to dry the sheets carrying the sheets, that the demon hunter asked. "Your apprentice?"

"Yes, a girl who is fairly talented and is interested in anatomy and surgery." Marty lowered her voice and waited for the apprentice to go out before continuing. "Her father is a tomb-watcher. If it weren't for me to need a corpse to do experiments, and because she was indeed talented, I wouldn't want to accept an apprentice for free."

"Are you experimenting with corpses?"

"Yes, with regard to the potion for treating bacterial infections, I used to experiment on dogs and cats, but they can't fully simulate the human body, so I plan to start with dead corpses first, and then experiment on living people after ensuring safety. I thought about it, if there is a potion that can kill bacteria without destroying the human body, many people will die from wound infection every year.” Marty paused, unable to suppress a smile and cocked the corners of his mouth. . "Hospitals in the north all have to spend money to buy my invention! And in the south, I will be the richest doctor on this continent by then!"

"Is it true that the rumors that the warlock will steal the corpse for experimentation?"

"Ah, please, if no one does this, our medical level is still at amputation with a saw." Marty rolled his eyes and waved his hand. "So, I guess you came here looking for commissions? No, unlike, there are more commissions elsewhere that can make you a lot of money. What are you doing here? Are you looking for treasure?"

"Half and half." Zelin said vaguely. "I want to inquire about something in Lida Fort. Do you know Philippa?"

"I don't know if the Philippa you are talking about is the Philippa I know."

"It must be. She came to the Lomune Summit. Do you know where she is?"

"I know." Marty approached the mirror with a small brush and gently raised her eyelashes. "She went to Lomugne the day before yesterday. In the city, there is a separate room. Ah, I really envy her for having a clean and comfortable single attic, but I have to stay in this crowded camp and endure the flies. He Gadfly. I hope that after this summit, we can formally establish a medical research association. Well-known doctors and alchemists from the north are here. Then all the warlocks who know how to treat diseases will be gathered together. It will definitely be faster We’ve researched different vaccines and antidote. We can make a fortune at that time. Oh, demon hunter, look at my makeup now? Do I need to apply some powder?"

"No, it will be the same as a corpse if it is white again." Zelin watched Marty put down the mascara brush, then opened another small bottle, and smeared some kind of clear scented liquid on the nails. He will never understand how many cosmetics a woman can have. "Do you know there is a female warrior named Hawk here?"

"Hawker? Marian Hawke? Well, I know her." Marty said confidently. "She arrived a few days ago and has been trying to get to Lomugne. She met Tisya, and after knowing that she was your friend and you asked her to come, Tisya took She went to Lomugne."

"Oh, that's good." Zelin breathed a sigh of relief, and then he realized the person mentioned in Marty's words. "Tishaya is here too?"

"Yes, she is here on behalf of Eritusa College. People from Ben Ade College also came. Not only the Magic School, but also Long Essett University and Osenfurt College also sent professors and delegations. They have The subjects of supernatural power are mainly folklore and history. I dare say that when the summit is over, Lomugne will become the first academic city in the north."

Before leaving, Zelin and Marty talked for a while, inquiring about Lomugne. The warlocks and scholars in the north wanted to build a neutral city dominated by magic and research, they must get permission from the kings. Kaduin of Ban Ade drafted a declaration on the reconstruction of the Order of the Warlocks, and when the representatives of the nations signed it, a brand new Order of the Warlocks would appear in Lomugne. Many acquaintances of Zelin came here. Dole Gare, Kaduin, Tisaya, Marti, Margarita, and sorcerers from all over the world have all arrived in Lomugne. It is unceremonious to say that the last time such a grand occasion was four hundred and fifty years. Before, when the Treaty of Novigrad was signed and the Order of Warlocks was established.

Before leaving, Marty did not forget to remind Zelin.

"Zelin, the patient you sent to me, she has almost recovered. It's amazing. Her physical fitness is better than ordinary elves, and her level is far beyond ordinary people. Well, it's a pity that she doesn't want to, otherwise I really I really want to keep her and improve my experimental plan. It's a waste of such a good body to take part in the battle."

"You better don't even think about it."

"Ah, I know. After about a month, she will be able to recover, but if you want to hold the weapon and participate in the battle, you have to wait at least half a year. Then, you remember to tell her. I told her, but she She doesn't seem to believe me very much. What's her name? Aytar?"


"Oh, that's a name that's a mouthful."