The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1120

"No problem, I know how expensive demon gold is." The sorcerer nodded. "Well, after you enter the laboratory, if there is something related to the battle, you can choose one. Or, we distribute according to the loot, and you have priority."

"Do you know that you are betraying the interests of the empire?!" Albert looked at Cynthia angrily. "How can you do this? This is betrayal!"

"You are now my subordinate, Albert, how dare you question your boss' orders?"

Albert shut his mouth abruptly.

"Very well, we have reached an agreement."

Zelin was also curious about what exactly Dihenner would leave in the laboratory.

Demon hunters carry some anti-magical metals with them, mainly used to deal with mages, curses or magic traps. Some magical summoned creatures are difficult to deal with, and it is more convenient to use anti-magic metal bombs. He would only bring so much blocking magic gold when he was in his own world. In another world, he never brought any extra anti-magic metal.

Mixing the anti-magic metal powder and the slime together, Zelin dipped the mixture and drew a circle of the rune of the Ardenfa seal on the stone arch. In the end, when Zelin finished drawing the last rune, there was a prickling sound behind the gate, as if the electric current had burned something. The next moment, Shimen slowly opened backwards, revealing the tunnel leading to the rear.

"Oh, oh, look at this door." Professor Harid bent over, walked behind the door panel, and gently stroked the lines embedded in the back with his fingers. "This is the conversion of magic power into electric current. I have heard of this kind of thing, which converts magic power into electric current, and when it is rainy or cloudy, the electric current can be converted into magic power through a lightning rod. The last one is to study the conversion of electric current and magic power. It was old Grazd. It is said that he used a very long thread to tie it to the top of his tower and caught the lightning. Unfortunately, he died on Sutton Hill."

"What can a barbarian who vainly fight the imperial army study? Defying the emperor's will is more than guilty."

Albert walked straight into the laboratory, and Cynthia walked over from behind.

The professor didn't pay attention to Albert's words, but still stared at the magic crystal intently. "Look at this spar, the spar inlaid in the middle should pass through here... Oh, **** it, Demon Hunter, this spar is destroyed!"

"I don't need to destroy it, but you are the one who is destroyed." Zelin walked past the professor. "Keep up, the laboratory is just ahead."

The first thousand eight hundred and eighty-four chapters looted treasure

Di Henner's laboratory is just below Camp Ridania.

"I'm not a rat rampaging in the sewer. What are we looking for? I only see a grave."

"The grave? There must be something in there for us. Look for it, and the treasure you find will belong to us."

"But what if you can't find it? The sergeant doesn't consider the actual situation at all! Let us look for treasure in a sewer that has been ravaged by monsters for hundreds of years, he is crazy."

"Shut up, do you want the sir to hear?! Go away, stop the ink, go!"

Redanian soldiers ran down the upper stairs, and torches cast shadows on the walls. The clatter of iron boots went from far to near, and with the fading firelight, flooded into the darkness on the other side of the tunnel.

"The Redanians have begun to act."

Cynthia walked out of the barrel hiding below and looked at the tunnel above which was again covered by shadows.

"The secret room is under Camp Ridania. They can't be ignorant." Zelin stood up and waved to the two professors behind him, indicating that they could come out. "Don't forget, there is a Philippa in their camp. As an archmage, it is easy to find magical changes in the basement of the camp."

"This can't be Philippa." Cynthia said. "It may be other warlocks or partners working for Radovide, such as Kaduin of Blue Mountains."

"What's the matter?" Zelin raised his eyebrows unexpectedly. "What happened?"

"You don't know?" Cynthia was as surprised as Zelin. "She is out of the game. The Redania soldiers arrested her. I heard that they launched a raid, and they almost made Philippa say the spell. Now she should be in the dungeon, waiting for trial. Oh, it’s normal if you don’t know it. I learned this news from the imperial spies. The Ridanians blocked the news. I’m afraid there are no more than ten people who know the detailed process of this incident. Most of them are just rumors on the streets. ."

Zelin was silent for a while.

"Well, let's move on."

"Hurry up, walk through here, there is a laboratory in front."

Zelin didn't know what Radovide thought, and why he arrested Philippa. But before the start of a warlock summit, this obviously sent a bad signal. Although he believes that during the summit, it is safer to stay in the dungeon than to stay outside. However, the Sorcerer's Assembly is not all the representatives of the summit, the warlocks of Ben Ade, the warlocks of Eritusa, and representatives from various associations in the north. He couldn't think of what effect would it have among these warlocks if the news of Feliba's arrest spread.

At the end of the tunnel, there is a round room full of alchemy equipment. The surrounding cyan walls are carved with various graphic murals. There is a circular workbench in the middle. The beakers and conical flasks on the workbench are covered with dust, and the metal closet linked by the brass conduit is rusty. Following the footsteps of the invaders, several mice squeaked and rushed into the shadow of the drain.

"This is the laboratory?"

"No, this is not the real place." Cynthia walked to a stone door. "The real secret is hidden in the back room."

She raised her staff and knocked on the stone door three times.

An eye was opened on Shimen.

"A group of travellers wandered in the dark. There were three guidelines above them, so they made three marks. At night, they were looking for the serpentine dragon and the maiden with silver luster. She was dazzling and elegant, making it impossible to look directly at her. Her appearance. During the day, they followed a mountain treasure house with countless treasures hidden in it."

After all, Shimen fell silent again, only the magic eye was still scanning everyone present.

"Now is the time for our warlock to show off his skills." Zelin walked away from the door and walked to Dihenner's experimental table. "I look around and call me when you solve the puzzle."

The remaining four people didn't care about Zelin, they all focused on the stone gate between themselves and the ancient secrets.

"The three guides respectively represent the three empty runes on the door, and at the same time correspond to the nine symbols on the wall." Cynthia touched her chin and looked around. "It seems that we must refill the runes in the correct position to open this door. First of all, they are chasing the snake-shaped dragon and the girl with silver luster at night, and the stars are pointing the way at night, so I Guess it is the three-headed dragon constellation."

Cynthia pointed to a mural of the three-headed dragon constellation on the wall. "The three-headed snake-tailed pterosaur represents alchemy, and usually capable alchemists are also astrologers, so the first line should be the constellation rune."

"Maybe it's original materials?" Professor Khalid suggested. "In alchemy, the winged dragon represents the original material of alchemy, and alchemy is the guiding discipline of scientific development. Considering Dihenner’s alchemy attainments, he might think that alchemy guides the world. Development."

"Trust me, Professor, Dihenner probably doesn't have as much as you think." Cynthia opened her hands. "Follow what I said. I think I am more knowledgeable than you and Professor Gasper in this regard."

Zelin searched the corner of the laboratory while listening to the exchanges of several other people. On the wall of the laboratory, there is a depression every five steps, inlaid with a sleeping gargoyle. But he discovered that three of the depressions where the gargoyles were supposed to be placed were empty, and there were some gravel residues on the ground nearby.

Cynthia painted the rune on the door panel without triggering any traps.

"Look, I was right." The female warlock said happily. "Okay, let's look at the second one. The girl with silver luster is still night. I guess it refers to the moon rune. In alchemy, the moon is related to the feminine element and silver. The silver luster moon is dazzling and elegant. "

"It may also be a knight. The white rose is a symbol of the knight. There is a coat of arms in the mural. The white of the coat of arms is usually represented by silver, and the white rose is the endorsement of respect for women, so the girl with the silver luster should be the white rose. "Professor Gaspar said. "It just so happens that there is a woman protected by a white rose in the mural."

"That might also be a skull." Albert's face was stiff. "Skulls can be regarded as death, and at the same time, the representatives of death are women. This is why the demon spirits are all born in the image of women. Death cannot be seen directly, and death also represents the Naousi of the Empire. The card legion, this legion is familiar to all the people of Nilfgaard, and their logo also happens to be a skull."

"Enough, gentlemen, put your patriotic feelings away first. We are exploring ancient puzzles, not discussing the pros and cons of the Knights and the Imperial Legion!" Cynthia waved angrily. "Do you still want to find Dihenner's secret? Listen to me, Albert, go and draw the moon rune on the second line. If you dare to draw a skull, I will turn your head into a skull. Head."

When Albert painted the moon rune on the door panel, Zelin noticed a diary opened on the experimental table. The contents of the diary record the three most famous treasures in the north since ancient times. They are the Amber Room, the treasure of Ovest Quartz Mountain, and an ancient artifact that has absorbed the lives of three magicians. There is also an astrological chart in the diary, which records the locations of the stars at different times. Starting at 5:14, the Saddle Star is located at -08°12’ to Aldebaran at 5:34, moving to +09°29’, which records the movement directions of the six constellations within half an hour.

Zelin just glanced at it and put the astrological chart aside. What really caught his attention were the handprints on the dusty diary. Obviously, someone is reading this diary of treasures from all over the world here, and judging by the handprints, the time is not far away, it should be within a month or two.

"Okay, now let's look at the third line. They found treasures in the mountains. There are endless treasures in them. Then it should be..."

"It should refer to the abyss and the cliff. Ancient alchemy stipulates that it seems to be above, but in reality it is below. The part of the puzzle should refer to the abyss." Albert said, pointing to an abyss mural. "Looks like a mountain, but in reality it is an abyss. Finding a treasure in a mountain should mean finding an artifact in the abyss. An alchemy artifact."

"But treasures, treasures should refer to real treasures. I guess it is the Mahakam fault where dwarves and goblins live. Many of the ores they mine are vital to alchemy, and many important alchemical materials come from Umar Hakan." Cynthia waved her hand. "Believe me, Albert, I have lived in the North for a while and learned their alchemy principles and doctrines. They don’t have this kind of transposition. Dihenner is a great alchemist, his Most of the laboratories are located in the deep mountains, because they can easily obtain a variety of materials. Therefore, the third line should be written with the rune of the mountain, which is the symbol on the mural of the mountain."

"It may also refer to some kind of moral." Professor Gaspar made a very attractive point: "The treasure house in the mountain should refer to a high tower. In legend, the high tower represents the place where the princess was imprisoned, or hidden. Where are the magic items that the hero cannot find. Dihenner is a genius who likes legends, so he will leave the treasure in the abandoned laboratory, then draw the treasure map, and sell it to the antique market as a mysterious old man. . You see, the whole puzzle is an adventure story, so the ending may also be that the heroes find artifacts and countless treasures in the tower. Although I don’t understand why Dihenner didn’t sell this treasure map, it’s in Found in his belongings."

"Well, what you said makes sense, professor." Cynthia looked at the three murals entangledly, each with a different rune, but after seeing the trap of the door just now, no one wanted to try. What kind of traps will there be on this door. "Maybe we have to think about it again... Demon Hunter, what are you looking at?"

Zelin stood in front of the mural on the fault of the tower, stretched out his finger and stroked the wall. Then he rubbed his fingers. Then he walked to several other murals and did the same thing. In the end, he stood in front of the mountain fault mural, turned around, and pointed to the door.

"It should be the Dashan rune, write the rune and try it."

"Try it? Are you crazy? Dihenner's trap is too dangerous."

"No, I mean." Zelin paused. "Someone may have opened this door."