The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1139

"There are four days left."

"I'm not asking about the date of the summit. How many days has it been since Philippa was arrested?"

"Seven days."

"When Philippa was decayed in the dungeon, I couldn't eat and drink here peacefully." Saqiya threw the knife and fork on the table. "It has been seven days since the Redanians took her away, but I stayed motionless in this tower for seven days? There are four days left. I don't intend to let these four days continue to spend in this tower."

"You should act like a queen. Being too excited will only make your enemies aware of your weakness."

"Does the new identity have to exclude old friends?" Saqiya asked rhetorically. "If I become a queen, but have to part ways with my previous friends, what is the difference between me and the Adenian nobles I defeated? I lead people to overthrow their masters, not to become their new masters. I should act like A queen, should the queen be trapped in the tower and not be able to take a step?"

"No, I only hope that you can maintain sufficient strength during the summit. There are very important tasks waiting for you."

Saqiya sat in the armchair and was silent for a while.

"Xier, have you invited guests?"

"No. There are no guests."

"I heard someone coming up the stairs, and he was about to knock on the door."

As if to confirm Saqiya's words, the door of the tower immediately rang. Xi'er stood up subconsciously, chanted a spell, light blue magical energy gathered at his fingertips, ready to attack any attackers that might appear.


"Don't be nervous, Xi'er." Zelin's voice resounded outside the door. "It's me, Zelin. Put away your magic. I'm here to discuss with you about Philippa."

This time, Saqiya stood up directly.

"Xier, open the door."

"You should determine the authenticity first."

"The demon hunter fought with us. What is surprising, he saved my life. As a queen, does he even have to doubt anyone who has saved a life?"

"I mean... pay attention later."

Xi'er sighed, waved his hand, and the closed door opened. The figure of Ze Lin standing outside the door was revealed.

"Good evening, two." Zelin glanced across the room, and finally stopped at the dining table. "I hope I didn't interrupt your dinner."

"Of course not, Zelin, please sit down." Saqiya made a please gesture to Zelin, and immediately couldn't wait to ask. "You said you brought the news of Philippa. How is she? Is she okay? Ladovide decided to release her?"

"No, on the contrary, I suspect that Filipba will soon become a wanted man in the north." Zelin sat in a chair and looked at Saqiya's concerned eyes, pressing his left hand on his pocket and touching the cloth. The outline of a bony dagger. "Ladooved announced that Philiba was guilty of treason and was going to execute her when the summit was held. Moreover, Ladooved sentenced many warlocks to death. The charges should all be treason and the crime of slaying the king. I think the summit will be held. He would arrest a lot of people at the time, and Philippa was just the beginning."

"...Damn it." Saqia patted the armrest. "I have to save her. Demon hunter, do you know where Philiba is locked?"

"Wait." Xier heard other meanings in Zelin's words. "Ladooved also pronounced the death penalty for many other sorcerers for the crime of slaying the king and treason?"

"Xier? What are you still asking? We want to set off as soon as possible. Treason, King-killing, Ladovide may directly kill Philippa at any time."

"Don't worry, Saqiya, I have to figure out what Radovide really wants to do, otherwise he may fall into a trap if he acts rashly." Xi'er gestured to Saqiya with peace of mind, and then watched. Xiang Zelin. "Tell me, what on earth did you inquire?"

"No problem. Oh, yes, Saqiya." Before speaking, Zelin took out the bone dagger as if suddenly remembering something. "I saw Tisya before I came. This is a gift from Dean Tisya. She hopes to see you after the summit."

More than half of this sentence is true, and Tisaya really wants to meet with a dragon that can change its humanity. After all, the opportunity to talk to the dragon is rare in a century. Even if she lived for so many years, Tisaya could not talk to a dragon that was friendly to humans. Maybe it's happened before, but she doesn't know. So she didn't want to let go of such a good opportunity.

"The dagger? Really beautiful. A gift from Dean Tishaya? No problem. After the summit is over, I will visit her personally."

Saqiya took the dagger, and the moment she touched the dagger with both hands, she was stunned for a few seconds. But Xi'er didn't notice, she was focusing on Zelin.

"Ladovide intends to sentence many warlocks to treason and king-killing? What evidence does he have for doing so?"

"So that's why I'm here to discuss with you, Xier. Ladovide is confident about this, either he has solid evidence, or he is confident enough to be able to perform at a warlock ceremony like the summit. Come, all arrested a large number of warlocks."

Xi'er felt his chin for a moment in thought.

"No, he can't have evidence. Unless..."

"Unless the king assassin is in the hands of him or his allies, and this king assassin is unfortunately related to some warlocks." Zelin said slowly.

"...So you think the King Assassin is in Lomune now?"

"It's very likely."

"If Radovide catches the assassin, and then forces the assassin to prove that everything he did was planned by the warlock..." Xi'er's mind turned quickly, and immediately thought of this most likely and most difficult to deal with. Situation. "I want to make some preparations in advance, thank you for your information, Demon Hunter."

"Is there another possibility?" Zelin stretched out a finger. "That is, Ladovide and his allies do not have the king assassin, but he just wants to make a look to force some scared warlocks to do irrational behavior. In this way, he can also get the same The result."

Xi'er narrowed his eyes. "What do you want to say, Zelin?"

"You know very well, Xi'er." Zelin took a deep breath and looked at the slightly wary and nervous eyes in front of him. "Sometimes the handle is not found by others, but you hand it to the enemy."

Xi'er was silent.

"Stop the plan you discussed with Philippa."

"But we stop, Ladovide will not stop." Xi'er sighed heavily. "If the northern countries are like Kerviel and are sufficiently tolerant of non-human beings and magic, who would consider so many alternative methods? I won't sit and wait for death. Do you think that if we stop, Ladovede will be like a good person? Return to his position and continue to put on the mask of kindness? No, he won't, he will find new reasons and excuses."

"Of course I know." Zelin nodded. "I'm not a fool."

The Treaty of Novigrad stipulated that warlocks were not allowed to intervene in secular wars, let alone intervening in matters between kings, but in exchange, warlocks also received a status independent of the royal power. The kings don't have to worry that they will be killed by a meteor falling from the sky, but they can't judge a warlock either. But now, the warlocks are rich, but they don't have the power they had before.

Perhaps only one warlock out of a hundred warlocks has the ambition to participate in politics.

Most warlocks are more like Dole Gare, Marty, or Kalkstein. They have achieved success in a certain research, so they are wealthy, but because of this, they don't have much combat effectiveness. No one can ask a person to be a brave fighter when he is academically successful. Wigwarts is the first in two hundred years, and it is estimated that such a character will rarely appear in the next two hundred years.

But Ladovide will kill all warlocks.

Just because of the law and justice?

No, because the warlock is rich, very rich, and the king lacks money. A war will burn a lot of gold. If you want to gather people's hearts, you can't increase taxes on farmers and merchants. But simply adding taxes to warlocks is nothing but a drop in the bucket.

The wealth of all the sorcerers gathered in Lomugne may be worth the taxes of Redania for several years, or more.

Was it because the warlock’s inflated desire for power made the king decide to kill the killer, or did the king decide to rob the warlock so that the warlocks had to consider the means of confrontation?

Maybe both.

But at this point, who can tell the sequence.

"Warlocks must gather into a united force to protect themselves, otherwise they are like a wealthy businessman without any guards. Sooner or later, robbers will come to his manor and take everything from him. The summit is our most vulnerable time, if Without reserve forces, how can the kings admit to guaranteeing our rights?"

"You know that Kewell is very tolerant of warlocks. Yes, a commercial country values ​​personal property very much. But why don't you see that Ladovide is not the only king of the North?" Zelin asked rhetorically. "You see the warlock as a whole, but you also see the northern kingdoms as a whole. How can you fight the entire north?"

The first thousand and seven chapters of the assassin's shadow

"So your suggestion is to get rid of it?"