The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1146

"You were too careless." Ze Lin pursed his lips. "You should never come to the north."

"No, no, no, I have to come, because the world is no longer divided long ago. Things in the north may cause drastic changes in the south, and the conspiracy and power trading in the south will result in the north. Besides, I am very Curious, for a man who owns a castle in the north and convenes an academy to train apprentices, what does all this mean to you? A war, leading to a change in order, the king loses control of the place, the road and the countryside, People choose to take orders from strength rather than pedigree and identity. Isn't this an opportunity? A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?"

"This means that people have to experience a disaster, a catastrophe. This is not an opportunity, this is a disaster. And all this is caused by a demon hunter like you! I don't like politics, and I don't like conspiracy. Trick. The reason I stand here is because of you **** conspirators and careerists, and even more because you are a **** demon hunter! The wilderness is full of monsters, ghosts occupy the forest, there is not a single lake or stream. There are no water ghosts. You can see travelers killed by robbers and monsters on every road in the forest. The war makes this land full of monsters and grievances. This is what the demon hunter can prove himself , To prove that we are the guardians of this world rather than destroyers, let alone freaks and murderers, and all you think about is to disrupt the world and let everything burn in your ambitions?!"

"Look at you, like a sentimental fool!" Brun sneered. "I am irritated by the war and sad for the dead. What do they have to do with you? They will thank you? No, no, I can tell you that not only will they not thank you, but they will doubt your kindness behind the scenes. To murder them, you will suspect that you released the monsters to rob them of their money and lives. I know this group of bastards, and I know how ignorant they are! Why care about these mobs? Why care about the lives of these fools They are dead! Do you think this is an opportunity to prove a demon hunter? This is an opportunity for a demon hunter. Think about it, when we get a principality, we can build him into a new Towson! There is no safe place for monsters guarded by demon hunters. There are no bandits and no monsters. As long as there are enough demon hunters, we will become a force that cannot be underestimated in this world. This is neutrality, true neutrality, Powerful neutrality! The imperial council will have to listen to our opinions, and people will respect us, not because of your kindness, but because of your sword and majesty! This is one of the reasons why I came to the north. "

Bren reached forward, his eyes glowing with enthusiasm. "Let's work together, Zelin. I know you have safe mutation methods and huge financial resources. And I have methods, ambitions, and troops that you don’t want to use. With your help, I can assemble an even larger force. When the war goes on according to my plan, when the empire is defeated on the Ponta River. Whether it is people who support the emperor or those who want to initiate a coup, they need to win the support of the local provinces. At that time, they must admit that I am the actual controller of the province of Martina. At that time, while the weak empire can only lie quietly and dormant on the ground, we will be able to expand the scale of the demon hunters. Think about it, If there are one hundred, two hundred or even three hundred demon hunters to protect a principality, who would dare to look down upon us?"

"It looks like you have a perfect plan, eh?" Zelin raised his eyebrows. "So you think you can persuade me? I must admit, your strength and eloquence are very good. A great demon hunter? You want to do something that has never been possible for hundreds of years."

"Every great person is doing something that no one else has ever done." Buren took a deep breath. "You rebuild the Demon Hunter Academy, you try to change the status quo, instead of running around every day just to survive like other demon hunters, walking stiffly to the end of life, let alone those useless old hunters who are afraid to do Something that attracts attention has caused disaster. I think only you understand my plan and understand my thoughts."

"What you said sounds reasonable." Zelin shrugged, looking at Bren's slightly delighted eyes, he waved his hand firmly. "But unfortunately, I refuse."

Chapter 1915 The Vanished Kingslayer

Bren seemed to be slapped severely.

"Why?!" he shouted angrily. Siris and Frid raised their weapons subconsciously, preparing to attack when he drew the sword. But Bren was still hanging his sword, his shoulders heaving up and down with his breath, apparently trying to control his anger. "Why don't you understand how important this opportunity is for demon hunters!? Only the turmoil of the world can successfully usurp the power of a principality! And obtaining such power will give us a new future!"

"You hide well, Bren." Zelin said calmly. "I understand how you brought so many gangs together around you. Your provocative words may convince them, but you can't convince me. You only mentioned the possible benefits of your plan. You will become a duke, you will become an important figure in the empire, you will train a lot of demon hunters, and you need me to provide you with safe mutation methods. But what I see here is not the future of demon hunters, I have not seen The future belongs to the demon hunter, I only see the future that belongs to you."


"I see you use the demon hunter as a tool to seize power for your own ambitions!" Zelin interrupted Bren's words without hesitation. "I saw you use other demon hunters as pawns and weapons for your own power! Tell me, what did the demon hunters get in your plan? Get enemies? Get political enemies? Get war? You? Put them on the battlefield like consumables, train them as killers to remove political enemies for you. You want the demon hunters to become your vassals, yes, after experiencing all this, you will create a principality that belongs to you, But the demon hunter gained a safe principality, but lost the whole world! You keep saying that we are, but you can't even tolerate a verbal error by your subordinates. How can you tolerate other demon hunters who disagree with you! When you can’t tolerate other people, when you are in power, what do you do? Assassinate? Eliminate dissidents? Kill all hunters who are not willing to obey your orders?"

"Can you bear those untouchables calling you a mutant?!" Bren angrily squeezed his voice from between his teeth. "Cut off their tongues and they will know what awe is! Cut their eyes and they will know when to bow their heads! You are just a naive bastard, do you think you can influence them? Don't be kidding, they will only be Laughing at your weakness behind!"

"I wouldn't goug someone's eyes just because someone glared at me, just like I wouldn't kill the other person's family just because someone said a few words." Zelin's voice remained calm. "I will not be so angry as if a soup pot is about to explode. If someone steals the money, I will let him return the money and then use the whip to slap his hand, teach him to be punished for doing wrong, and let the thief be punished. Realizing what was wrong instead of cutting him with a sword. I know better that I will not kill a man and his wife just because he owes me money, and then sell his daughter to a brothel to exchange money."

Bren laughed. "You are just a naive idealist! This world has long since been an era where people can obey the rules without using a sword. The times have changed! Only with fire and sword can you gain your status and power!"

"I'm not a naive idealist. I'm just trying to avoid becoming the same person as other mobs after many years. Tell me, how are you different from those mobs you killed? You are just another person. Mob! You talk about the rules, but you just want everyone to obey the rules, but you can go beyond the rules. You are not a demon hunter, you are just an ambitious robber, a crazy mob! You never did Have been respected, you can shut up people, but you can’t really respect you. I never think that demon hunters are like the rumor spread on the mainland, but I must say that you are a mutant monster, Bren !"

Suddenly, there was a mess of footsteps on the other side of the square. Eofis walked onto the square with two men with their hands tied behind their backs, behind him were four heavily armed Squirrel Party fighters.


Eofes looked at the surrounded Bren warily, then looked at Zelin. "We rescued the hostages."

Bren opened his eyes wide and looked at Iofis in amazement.

"Look at this, Bren!" Zelin raised his sword. "Your enemy is here!"

Zelin had previously asked Iofis to ambush people at the entrance of every sewer. The robbers in the sewers could not see the signal arrows Bren sent outside, and a messenger must enter the sewer to notify them. Once the messenger is caught, the elves can follow the vines and find the hostages being held. Originally Zelin planned to ask Roche to do this, but to secretly monitor all the sewer entrances in Lomugne would require a lot of manpower. Roche mobilized a large number of soldiers from the Tamoria barracks to inevitably startled. So the only people who can do this are the Squirrel Party troops who are lying in ambush near the city and no one knows.

Zelin believed that Buren must have investigated him secretly.

It is indeed a good idea to use hostages to threaten him. He will not attack Bren forcibly regardless of the safety of the hostages. But now, when Bren has no other chips in his hands, he can let go of his hand to deal with him.

"Your plan really needs to be better..." Buren's shoulders rose and fell, his fierce gaze swept over everyone present. "But this is not the end!"

The Griffin badge buzzed.

Zelin subconsciously threw an anti-magic bomb at Buren's location.

The light from the portal burst out suddenly, illuminating the gloomy square in an instant. With a sudden wave of the sickle in Fried's hand, a string of ice thorns rose from the ground and took Bren directly. The crossbow arrows in Guksaat's hand and the bow and arrows of Iofis fired at the portal at the same time, trying to kill him when Bren pounced on the portal. When the anti-magic bomb flew into the air, Zelin suddenly opened his eyes.

"Not this!"

Another door is stacked behind the portal.

The second door is Buren's real goal!

The crossbow bolt shot into the first door, and Frid's ice thorn burst out beside Bren. Bren jumped up dexterously to avoid the blow, but it also slowed his speed. As soon as his figure stepped into the portal, the anti-magic bomb exploded in mid-air. The dust bursting out of the airflow was flying in all directions, and the light of the portal dimmed in an instant. There seemed to be a scream from a very remote place, but the scream disappeared into nothingness with the suddenly closed channel.


A sword fell to the ground. The Moon Blade glowed with cold light under the bright moonlight. Only one severed hand remained on the hilt, and the hand was covered with a thin layer of hoarfrost.

Siris's face was stiff, she was less than five steps away from the portal, but she was still a step slower than Frid's ice thorn.

After a few seconds, Eofis asked. "He's dead?"

"Maybe dead, maybe not." Zelin walked to the Moon Blade and picked up the weapon. He broke off the frozen severed hand and threw it aside. "Guxat." He turned around and looked at the cat school demon hunter who also came over, holding the sword in both hands. "Return to the original owner."

Guksaat took the Moon Blade, looked at the extremely sharp sword, and exhaled for a long time.

"Your plan..."

"In a sense, it was successful." Zelin sighed lightly. "Don't worry, Guksat. If we are lucky, Buren will be teleported to a few hundred meters high in the sky or in the deep sea, or appear under the ground or in rocks, and more likely to be pierced by a tree. But. Even if he was lucky enough to survive, he also lost a hand holding a sword. As long as Bren is not in Lomugne, my plan will succeed."

He didn't expect Bren to have the assistance of a warlock behind him, and there was more than one.

But soon Zelin wanted to understand.

Perhaps Buren is not the master of everything. He has said before whether his partner betrayed him. It seems that he has more accomplices in the empire. However, a demon hunter with a severed hand, how much value does he have to his comrades?

"Let's go, go take a rest, tonight is over." Zelin sighed. As long as the empire does not launch a kingslayer as a demon hunter at the next summit, their reputation will not be corrupted by careerists like Buren. Perhaps this is Buren’s plan. When the North rejects demon hunters because of the kingslayers, the South repels non-humans even more under the push of some people. In addition to joining his plan, the remaining demon hunters can also have What other way out?

He hates these people who force others to go nowhere, to force others to follow him.

Guksat thanked Zelin and invited Zelin to meet him in the square tomorrow. He has to thank Zelin for his assistance, otherwise he might have difficulty defeating Buren. Eofis also left. Before leaving, he did not forget to remind Zelin not to forget to help Sakia. After the others left, Zelin suddenly noticed that Siris and Frid were still standing at the place where the portal disappeared just now, looking at each other, without any intention of leaving.

"What's the matter?" Zelin walked over curiously. He was in a good mood to make Bren thin. Although he didn't solve him completely, he might have to dormant for a while. "Thank you for your help, otherwise it will be difficult for me to block the enemy here."

"Master, if there is something wrong with Xiris, please speak frankly, why call this enchantress to come?" Xiris stared at Fred with an unkind expression.

"As a knight, you are of no help to your master, and you call me a demon?" Friede replied coldly. "You are full of benevolence and righteousness, but you don't know how to be ashamed. You are ashamed of being a knight."

Zelin realized at this time that he seemed to have caused a bigger trouble.

The first thousand nine hundred and sixteen chapters another story

A dark and remote abandoned manor.

"Hiss..." Bren took a breath, and blood kept flowing from his broken arm. The wound was cut neatly, and he could almost see the broken hand bone. "Damn... the response is so fast..."

He squatted on the ground, took out the bandage and potion bottle hidden in his clothes, and lost a hand. Such simple movements seemed a bit strange to him. He tied the bandage, tightened his broken arm tightly, and resisted the pain, applied ointment to prevent bacterial infection around the broken arm. Finally, he took out a bottle of white Lafada potion hidden in the hiding place, bit the oak cork with his teeth, raised his head and drank the potion.

"Huh..." He sighed, his cheeks pale and bloodless, "Devil hunter...damn it!"

After a few seconds, he crawled to the side of the bed and grabbed a sword hidden under the bed from below. He knows how many enemies he has. He will leave potion bandages and spare weapons to treat wounds in many seemingly inconspicuous places. Once in danger, he can recover from his injuries at any time and prepare to make a comeback. Although this hideout was the first time he used it in ten years.

But now, he can no longer stay here.

Booming footsteps came from outside the manor, someone smashed the door open, and the rest rushed in.