The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1147

Bren snorted coldly.

The warlock who stayed in the hiding place to meet him was long gone. Everyone knows that he has a hiding place, so in anticipation of letting others be exposed, it is better to choose to deliberately let out the wind. Every one of his partners knows what secrets there is in an abandoned manor here. But none of their partners know that the real secret is actually not here.

In the courtyard of the manor, more than twenty bandits with swords and maces gathered together, either fat, thin, tall, or short. Looking at the abandoned houses that are full of holes and roaring in the cold wind. Looking at each other, no one took a step forward.


The door panel slumped on the door frame was slowly pushed outward, and the low sound in these people's mind was no less than the thunder in the sky, and a pair of eyes stared at the gloom behind the door frame nervously or excitedly. Under the moonlight, Bren held the sword and walked down the steps step by step. His pace is slow and determined. The few people in the front stepped back subconsciously, but they stopped again because the people behind blocked them. Everyone was crowded in the courtyard, some wanted to retreat, some wanted to move forward. Seeing the scene before him, Bren sneered.

"Tell me, who sent you here?" Bren glanced fiercely at the bounty hunters and bandits in front of him, and Bren grinned with a bloodthirsty arc. "Baron Gardner? Earl Balfour? Hoffner? Why don't these old friends of mine come here in person? See their good partners?"

No one responded.

The answer to him was the sound of crossbow arrows breaking through the air.

The melodious sound of metal collision echoed in the overgrown courtyard.

The bounty hunter was surprised to watch Bren swing his sword with one hand. The arrow hit the blade with sparks, was bounced into the air, rolled nonstop, and finally fell into the nearby weeds with a slight clanging sound. In, disappeared in the bushes.

"Bounced away..." The archery bounty hunter panted. "One hand flicked away..."

"He is only one person, and he is also injured! How can a person who has lost a hand hold a sword!" Someone in the crowd yelled. "Block the door, don't let him run out! Surround him and go up together!"

"Kill him, his head is worth a thousand fraternities!"

Everyone slammed their swords, and the cold light of the blades flickered in the courtyard.

"Yes, yes, that's it!" Bren looked at the enemies who gradually surrounded him in a circle. "Come here all, surround them all! So I don't have to catch up and hack all of you to death!"

In the courtyard, the clash of sword blades one after another. At first, the sound was loud and intense, surrounded by shouts and metal collisions everywhere. Soon, there were screams in the shouts, one after another, the bounty hunters began to die, the one with the accent of Aibin was the first one, he slammed into a wall, and the blood sprayed red. The cement on the wall, followed by a female hunter. Her face has long been damaged by burns and scars. She was hit in the neck and fell to the ground. She stretched out her hand to grab the sword, but the remaining strength was only Lift your finger slightly. Then came the third and fourth. The sound of fighting gradually weakened, but the screams increased. Behind the blocked door came the crashing sound, which was quickly replaced by the wailing of dying.

When the last bounty hunter from Vikvaro fell to the ground, less than five minutes passed. The side of his head turned into scarlet meat sauce, and blood flowed out and gathered in a pool of blood in the yard.

The crow flew over the treetops and quacked.

Only dragging steps remained in the quiet courtyard.

Behind the door was the sound of the friction of the stone slabs, and then the iron door was slowly pulled inward, and the rusty door panel made a white mark on the ground.

Bren was standing at the door covered with blood, the sword in his hand was stained crimson with blood, and the blade was full of gaps. He walked out of the manor, closed the door, and at the same time shut the courtyard full of corpses behind him.

Outside the manor, a pale man stood on the road outside. Bren seemed to have known about it, he walked up to the other person and looked directly at the bright golden eyes in front of him.

He arranged a trustworthy demon hunter near each hiding place as a coordinator and spy. Someone will inevitably investigate his hiding place, so he can follow the vine and find out who wants to investigate him and what he is going to do.

"Who did it?"

"Hovner." The newborn mutant lowered his eyes. His blood-red iris and crunched teeth showed how unbearable pain his mutation had gone through. "He wants to take back Martina's estate."

"Which property?"

"It's the castle of Queen Zeverena, the one we grabbed."

Queen Zeverina was the last king of Martina, after which Martina became a vassal state of the empire. Once, she reached an agreement with a goblin named Lemprest Tilt at an accident rate: exchange her first child for the throne. Zeverina eventually became the queen, but when the local spirit came to ask for her child, the queen refused to hand over the child and used magic to drive him away. Soon after, the queen and her children both died of the plague. The empire used this to send troops into Martina in the name of maintaining order, turning this independent kingdom into a substantial vassal state.

"It was sold at a low price, idiot!"

"Yes, I bought it at a low price."

"How many people are there around?"

"Four." The mutant paused. "Count me four."

"Some people should die." Brun said coldly. "Call up the staff and let me visit my old friend."

Mutants followed him.

"Right." Bren turned around, his voice contained anger, but it was not like an erupting volcano, it was more like winter ice. "In the future, we will no longer be demon hunters. The demon hunters in the north have nothing to do with us! Let the group of homeless people lick their food in the swamps of the north. They are not worthy to join us! Our glory will not be the same as that of them in the future. In any case, our interests have nothing to do with this group of homeless people. They are just a group of old and stubborn people who stick to the rules, and a group of garbage that will go to the grave sooner or later!"

"From now on...we are the Vidimine."

Half a month later, in the city of Martina, when the morning sun passed over the towering city walls and projected on the castle on the hillside in the center of the city, the citizens who got up to prepare for a new day of work were horrified to find that the body of the richest local businessman was hung on it. On the fence in front of the castle. The bodies of his wife, mother, two sons, three daughters, two housekeepers, a pet cat, and forty-seven servants and gardeners were hung on the outer wall to form one piece.

The commander of the local garrison sent detectives to investigate. After an investigator and his female assistant disappeared, the commander announced that he had sufficient evidence to show that the Hövenners had died by suicide. Later, two unbelieving young men ran into the castle where no one dared to live in the dark, trying to find out the truth. They never appeared afterwards. The families of these two young men later died in a shipwreck. , A cruise ship sank on the lake, and a total of 32 tourists died from drowning or water ghost attacks. The reason was that the cruise ship was unmaintained all year round. Although some people said that they saw the corpse washed to the shore by the lake with signs of being chopped by a sword, the local garrison blocked the scene and hanged five people on charges of spreading rumors.

So no one paid attention to this matter anymore.


Vedyminers (Vedyminers), the monks, first appeared in the southern documentary records unearthed at the end of the 13th century, slightly different from the Vedymins or Vatt\'ghern in northern folk songs , May be derived from the different cultural heritages of the north and the south. According to documentary records, they appeared in the battle for hegemony between southern princes and northern tribal leaders in the form of war regiments, and expanded their strength during the war. Their leaders have the same names as the high-level leaders of the battle group, and these names are most likely to belong to a certain code name, passed down in a mysterious ritual that no one knows. Unlike the demon hunter heroes in the legends of Northern Notting, the Vidimmen were more conspiracy masters, assassins, and demon summoners, and in the Third Nilfgaard War and the subsequent Unicorn War Haunt. The last recorded leader of the Vidimmen died in the Haran invasion in 1350. When the steppe people crossed the Blue Mountains to invade the ancient empire, they completely destroyed the stronghold and headquarters of this assassination organization. Modern conspiracy theorists believe that the northern Vidimite branch still lives in the world by witchcraft, but this is as unproven as their theories originating from mutation and genetic engineering.

Effenberg-Talbot (Effenberg & Talbot)-the world's largest encyclopedia, the fifteenth volume "The Legend of the Demon Hunter and the Vidimman", recorded in the 19th century.

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ps: The second chapter is a little late today. I think this casting is still OK

The first thousand nine hundred and seventeen chapters night talk

What happened last night did not affect the peace of Lomugne.

At least the peace on the surface.

Zelin leaned on the wooden chair and poured himself a glass. Then fill the other two cups separately.

"Well, I know there is a contradiction between you." Zelin thought about what to say in his mind. Siris sat at one end of the long table with a stiff face, with a turban covering most of his face, and Frid with an unpredictable curvature in the corner of his mouth sitting at the other end. "I think of the advice Marianne gave me before, and she said it very well. If there is a contradiction, you may wish to talk frankly. Generally speaking, the contradiction will be resolved in this case. So, let us have a drink and treat it as Celebrate that you can stay at the same table without waiting for weapons."

Siris and Frid both held the cups at the same time, lifted them up, raised their heads, and drank them in one fell swoop.


The cups are put down at the same time.

Say nothing.

"Uh, you see, isn't this a good start?" Zelin recalled his way of mediating conflicts. Let both parties drink a little first, the alcohol will open the chatterbox of both parties and soften the tense nerves. Of course he will control the alcohol concentration. After all, he wants the two parties to communicate instead of punching his fists. "I know you have some historical issues in Rodland. But I think we can all sit down and have a chat, right?"

"Master, it's not that I doubt your eyes." Siris took a deep breath and lowered his head to Zelin. "Maybe you don’t know why the black church is doing so badly in Rodland, maybe there is a demon who is making trouble in your ears, but I hope you can be careful about this person. The black church is good at deceiving and disguising, and I don’t want to see it. The owner is blinded by this person."

"Don't be so serious, Hillis." Zelin poured her wine again. Hillis stood up and took the cup in both hands. "Actually, Frid and her sister..."

"Why do you need to explain this to a knight?" Freid said, her voice as cold as the wind and snow of Eleder. "How can the duty of a knight include pointing fingers at the master's decision? You have no knighthood, so how can you talk about loyalty. Your master has ordered you to come here to assist. The mission is complete, so why stay here? The castle still needs manpower to look after. , You are negligent here, yet can you be worthy of the trust of your master?"

"Actually, Frid." Zelin turned around and filled Frid. "Me and Siris are friends, I have never treated as my servants or subordinates..."

"In that case..." Freid sullied. "Why does this woman have to stay here? Only if you have a bad intention, you will stay forcibly. You are not a knight, why do you think of yourself as a knight?"

"I'm here to watch you." Hillis stubbornly confronted him unceremoniously. "I have witnessed the evil deeds of you and other treacherous people everywhere, doing everything to achieve their goals. If the master does not know you, how can the people of the black church escape the punishment of usurping the original fire? People of Rodland You all hope to survive the disaster, but you would rather be for your own selfishness and disregard thousands of lives. How can such a sinister and vicious person live here?"