The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1148

Zelin coughed heavily.

"This incident... has passed. Anyway, the picture scroll world is large enough to accommodate all the survivors."

Demon hunters have heard that in Towsonte’s family of wizards, there is a spell in the Wei Ge family that can create a space in which life can live and live in a book. Originally, he was thinking about whether he could buy such a magical magic book at a big price, so that the members of the black church in the picture scroll world and the followers of Gwendelin could live separately, in case they appear like Hillis and Frid. Such a contradiction. As a result, he was unable to leave the north due to various things during this period, and he inquired about the news of the Rhodesan survivors. Their lives were more harmonious, so Zelin temporarily gave up this idea.

"You are a knight... No, you are not a knight. Zellin invited me here, and I gladly accept it. Why do you have to be so arrogant here?" Frid held the wine glass in both hands, raised his head, and stared at the opposite side. Hillis. "Unreasonable. Zelin?"


Zelin was considering how to make them understand each other. Both of them are not what each other thinks. The knight who arrested the undead and put them into the furnace had nothing to do with Siris, and the leader of the black church who tried to prevent the flames from continuing for many years was not Fried. At that time, Fried had already been arrested in the battle to protect the sisters. After being burned into mummy, it was buried in the cemetery. He didn't want Siris and Frid to continue to be entangled by the hatred that had long since disappeared in the dark, let alone the prejudice that caused their relationship.

I have to say that he seems a little powerless tonight. Having just solved Buren’s troubles, he did not rest for several days.

"Today..." Freid hesitated for a while. "Remember what happened when you gave me Mars?"

"Of course." Zelin nodded. He saw Frid's soul and memory, and felt Frid's emotions, so he would want to help her at that time. "Yes. Maybe it’s not so easy to describe when I say it. Why don’t you repeat what Rodland’s knights did to continue the flame? And you, Hillis, instead of arguing with each other, why don’t you think of yourself? So tell me why you don’t like each other? Misunderstandings are resolved in communication, not in mutual attacks and suspicions."

"You are already tired." Frid stretched out his hand and pressed Zelin's wrist. There was a little joking in the voice, but more serious. "Me too. In that case, why don't we go back to your room and communicate deeply with each other again? You have seen everything about me, but I don't know much about you."

Hillis took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly.

"Master. This place is sinister, please allow me to stand in your room."

Suddenly there was a burst of unsuppressed laughter from the side.

Zellin, Frid and Siris turned their heads at the same time. On the side Hawke covered his mouth awkwardly, and then gave a dry smile.

"Uh, I just wanted to ask you if you want something to drink? I mean, something to eat. You only have wine glasses on the table."

Frid retracted his gaze and looked at Zelin again. Siris also retracted his gaze, ignoring Hawke. Hawke sighed, shrugged, and walked back to the outside of the room.

Zelin took a deep breath. Hold Siris' arm with one hand, and hold Freid's hand with the backhand with the other.

"I may know what you are thinking, but I can't make any more mistakes."

Facing Zelin's bluntness, Siris and Frid both froze for a while.

"I know, it sounds arrogant, but... I have made a lot of mistakes. Someone can forgive me, but if I come a few more times, I can't forgive myself."

Frid was silent for a while, then smiled again, like snow melting in spring.


The first thousand nine hundred and eighteen chapters

Demon hunter Zelin.

A demon hunter who founded the academy.

Finally died of greed.

"...My epitaph will end up with such words." Zelin paused and coughed twice. "The demon hunter Zelin, set an example for later generations of demon hunters, that is, never be greedy, and even after realizing that you are a greedy bastard, you still don't know how to repent, and you still want to go your own way."

"You're still young." Guksart watched as the tavern waiter brought a plate of grilled fish skewers onto the table. "Why do you think about the epitaph? Did you only live for a hundred years? But it's still very young. By our standards, you are not yet middle-aged. Although many demon hunters are not alive at all. Died in monsters and wars in 1 year. I still remember the past, before Kyle Morkhan was destroyed, many demon hunters like you didn’t realize that their power could make a career, but made money. When the money was wasted in wine, women, and casinos. We originally wanted to establish a rule that when a demon hunter came to their 100th birthday, let them go through a trial and realize their Life should not be simply wasted in enjoyment. Because a hundred years is enough for a human body to experience all kinds of things in the world."

In the morning of the next day, Zelin, who was sluggish, came to the civilian square by appointment to meet with Guksat. The latter had already waited here, and found a table in the corner.

"Career? Maybe." Zelin shook his head with a wry smile. "Thank you for hosting me today."

"Don't thank me, actually, I want to thank you. The things here are over, and I don't think I have any reason to stay here. But if you still need me to do anything, I will stay." Gu Kesat poured a glass for Zelin. Zelin humbly reached out and took it. "It looks like you didn't sleep well last night."

"Is it that obvious?"

"Even if it is a demon hunter, the signs of sleepless night will appear on the outside. Although we will not feel tired, I see more helplessness in your eyes." After resolving the concerns, Guksart It looks very relaxed and cozy. To solve the trouble in July, he and other hunters of the cat school have enough time to prepare for the following winter. Zelin suggested that George should entrust part of it to him and his cat school hunters, but Guxatt politely refused. "Are you worried? Is it because you are worried about Buren's trail?"

"No, I'm not worried about Buren." Zelin shook his head. "I have some... friends in the south, I can ask them what Buren is doing."

"It's a personal matter." Guksart drank the wine in his glass, took out a skewer of grilled fish, three fingers pinched the salt in the side dish, and sprinkled it on it. "Young people, only opportunities and women will make you uneasy."

"I'm not young anymore."

"When you live to be two hundred years old, let's say this again." Guksat took a bite of the grilled fish, chewed it up with the bones in the meat, and swallowed it. "You remind me of an old acquaintance. Vesemir, do you know him? That old wolf. He knew a noble lady when he was young. As a result... if Vesemir hasn't forgotten, he must still be there. Regret. But I don’t think he can forget it. I’m afraid this incident has been pressing him in his heart for decades. Sometimes, the choice of fate is in your hands, not others. The long and short pains lie in Your decision."

"Ah, it's better to talk about these fateful topics at night or when the stars are shining. However, I know Vesemir and I can build a castle academy thanks to his help." Zelin raised his eyebrows in surprise. "I didn't expect you to know him too, were you friends before?"

"Usually there are only three things that impress two men with each other. I have killed people, found prostitutes, and went to jail together. I went to jail together with him." Guksat did not hide his past. "Actually, I know most of the members of the Wolf School, whether they are still alive or dead. I know Geralt, but I don't know why he doesn't know me. Maybe time has passed too long."

"Geralt has lost his memory." Zelin explained. "It's because we fought Wild Hunt two years ago, and Geralt lost his memory since then, and he is still recovering."

"So that's it." Guksat put down the wooden sign and took out another grilled fish. This kind of fish didn't suit Zelin's taste, so he chose to drink soup. "At the demon hunter competition, I should have warned others."

As he said, he sighed heavily.

"If it hadn't been for the cursed contest, the demon hunters in the northern continent would not have declined to such a point."

"Devil Hunter Tournament? I don't remember I heard about it."

"Vesemir and Geralt haven't told you about it?" Guksart was a little surprised. "I thought they would use this as a lesson to tell all the demon hunters of other schools. It has been almost eighty years. I still remember Geralt at that time, a teenage The hairy boy, Bai is like a vampire. At that time, the great master of the wolf school, Ryans, favored him because he had undergone more mutation processes than ordinary apprentices, and showed much more talent and potential than other apprentices. Of course, this comes at a price. His soundtracks are damaged, his facial nerves are almost withered, and the melanin on his body has disappeared. At that time, he was the most eye-catching new star in the Demon Hunter competition."

"Devil Hunter Tournament? After Kyle Morhan was breached once?" Zelin put down the spoon and asked curiously. "I thought that after Kyle Morhan was breached, the Demon Hunter would completely fall apart."

"Originally, after Kyle Morkhan was breached, the wolf school and the cat school stayed in the north, and the bear school went to the Skellig Islands and the Hinterland and Anglin regions, which is the middle of this continent. And the viper school and the lion school The Eagle School went to the southern countries. The former retains secret knowledge about wild hunting and the demons in the void, and the latter—that is, your school—is an imitation of the magician by the demon hunter. The plan at the time was, if We can cultivate magic hunters who can face warlocks, and we don’t need to be subject to the warlock cult. In order to avoid the secrets of griffon and viper from being discovered, these two schools have gone far and completely left the warlock teaching. The scope of influence of the regiment."

Ze Lin listened quietly.

"A hundred years ago, or eighty years ago, of course, it didn't make much sense to us. At that time, the great master of the wolf school was Reins, and the great master of the cat school was Treys. Kodwin at that time King Radovite II was disturbed by such a powerful group of warriors in his territory, so he wanted to solve the hidden danger of demon hunters. Treys accepted the king’s deal: Treys took all the wolf schools The demon hunters gathered together and then worked with the guards to solve them. In exchange, he would get the land near Kyle Morhan as a reward and recognize the demon hunters as a member of the Kingdom of Kodwin."

"Treis organized a demon hunter apprentice exchange event in name-a demon hunter contest. However, he was also betrayed. When the cat school demon hunters and the Kodwin soldiers attacked the wolf school members , The king suddenly ordered his people to destroy all the demon hunters in the arena. At that time, Vesemir and I happened to be in jail, so we escaped. Thanks to the three druids around the king at that time, I still remember , The leader of the druid named Ermia, he helped Geralt and several other demon hunters escape. Otherwise I don’t know how many people from the Wolf School and the Cat School will survive. As a result, after this, The demon hunters in the north were completely depressed. The wolf school and the cat school were originally the most numerous factions, and they represented our friendship with the ancient race."

"Friendship of ancient races?"

"At the time when the relationship between humans and elves was at its best, there were many people of different races who united together, and their offspring were half-elves. As a result, when the two races fought, the identities of these half-elves became extremely embarrassing. So some female elves Unwilling to abandon the children, but there was no way to feed them, so they were sent to the Demon Hunter Academy. Many half-elf hunters at the time did not accept mutations at first, but specialized in swordsmanship. They wanted to pass swordsmanship and sword oil. To make up for the deficiencies in potions and seals. This is the predecessor of the cat school. So you see, Bren is a half-elf."

"I thought it was a rumor that there are more half-elves in the cat school..."

"Most of them left later and chose to live on their own. Some became killers, some became real hunters, but they had nothing to do with the academy." Guksat shook his head. "So when we first heard that you were still working with the Warlock Order to build the academy, we were worried that the young people might have forgotten the disaster of that year. It seems that you did very well, very well. On the contrary, it is ours. I'm worried too much."

"No, worry is never superfluous. If you are not careful, you might not even notice when you step on the trap." Zelin shook his head. "Caution is a good thing, after all, there are not so many opportunities to correct mistakes in this world."

"Have you found an opportunity to correct a mistake?"

"I don't know whether it should be corrected, or it is better to make mistakes and make mistakes."

Zelin looked at the circular arena in the distance. Under the rising sun, the four-corner towers cast shadows on the arena. The high summit will be held soon.

"What are you going to do?" Guksart heard something different in Zelin's words. "This summit?"

"Yes, the summit meeting." Zelin nodded.