The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1149

"Need help?"

"Only I will go, don't involve the whole demon hunter." Zelin shook his head. "Help people to the end, I am going to solve the matter here completely."

"Don't die."

"The coup on Sinide Island didn't do anything to me, nor will this summit meeting." Zelin pushed aside his chair and stood up. "If in the next six months, where do you hear that I am dead, remember to help write the sentence I said before on my tombstone."

"You are still young, how could an old man write an epitaph for a young man?" Guksat muttered. "Don't you eat more fish? Eat more meat to keep your strength better."

"No, I will ask you to eat beef when I have a chance in the future."

The first thousand and ninety-nine chapters of the Lomune summit

July 20, 1271

Lomugne summit venue.

The noon sun cast the shadow of a participant on the dusty ancient stone slab.

With heavy footsteps, Radovide walked into the venue surrounded by guards. The sun shone on him, and he felt a burning sensation. It's not hot, it's another hotter thing. He felt excited and couldn't help himself. For hundreds of years, Emperor Radovide, there has never been a second person qualified to receive such a title. But he was never willing to spend his entire life in the kingdom like other kings, and finally became a dispensable term in the history books.

He raised his head, raised his hand, and slightly blocked the dazzling light. A touch of petals slowly fell.

The spell of the warlock.

He thought with disdain. A petal fell on his hand, and Ladovide threw it to the ground with disdain.

They are all fake, fake spells, meaningless, just like their masters.

Radovide looked into the venue. Other attendees have arrived, Saqiya of Fagan, Natalis of Tamoria, Sdennis of Aden, Hillard of Nilfgaard, and a noble of Kodwin whom he does not know. With a smirk on his face, he kept flattering other people. But no one paid attention to him. Everyone's eyes, the warlocks in the circular auditorium on the high platform, and the representatives of various countries in the center of the venue, all looked at Radovide who stopped at the entrance corridor.

Everyone is waiting for Radania's response.

But Kodwin was already out.

When a country is weak, who cares about its people?

Radovide strode towards the meeting place, stomping the petals under his feet. Kaduin of the Blue Mountains bends to him, and Dole Gare of Ben Ade bows to him. He walked straight to the place belonging to Redania in the venue. Shir on the side raised his hand, and the petals falling in the air stopped abruptly.

"I am honored to invite you distinguished adults, kings, and marshals. I am honored to invite you to this sacred ancient site to discuss the possibility of restoring the glory of the past."

Kaduin walked to the venue. Nilfgaard, Redania, Kodwin, Tamoria, and Aden stood in different positions in a fan shape, surrounding the representatives of the sorcerer order, as if they were listening to the sorcerers' speeches. But this is exactly what it looked like when the Novigrad Treaty was signed in the past. The warlock separated the conflicting kings to prevent them from fighting in the meeting. Behind each representative stood six heavily armed soldiers, staring at each other.

"According to the Novigrad Agreement, we are ready to extend a new agreement here as the framework of the new northern order. Whether it is a prince, a warlock, or a commoner, we hope that everyone can find their own in this chaotic era. Position, and work together to survive the crisis."

Natalis nodded. No objection was expressed. Saqiya also nodded, and Sdennis focused on Saqiya, not commenting on Kaduin's words. Radovide looked at Hillard, who lowered his head absent-mindedly.

"I will not object because my issues at the summit lack national support. There is no doubt that after the summit, Her Royal Highness Princess Aneth will return to Vizima and become the heir, and I will be her Regent until she becomes an adult." Looking at other people's suspicious eyes, Natalis raised his hand. "I don't intend to race for the throne, because my background is humble... Besides, as a soldier, I know where I am."

"I respect your choice, Marshal Nathalis." Saqiya said. "Loyalty and conscientiousness are commendable qualities. If Tamoria needs help, Fuda will lend a helping hand."

Natalis nodded in gratitude to Saqiya.

"Wait, wait. Maybe I made a mistake. If I remember correctly, shouldn't Fujian be the territory of Aden? Why is there a representative of Fujian on the venue?" Ladooved suddenly said . "Isn't this supposed to be a meeting of kings? When can city representatives enter this kind of meeting place magnificently?"

"You are wrong, Ladovide. Forjan is now in Freedom!" Saqiya raised her hand. "If you want to get Fujian back under the servitude of your slave owner, you can give it a try, but the consequences will definitely not be what you want."

Radovide glanced at Hillard, who was still bowing his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Freedom?" Radovide asked suddenly curiously. "What the **** does that mean?"

"The nobles of Kodwin can no longer send troops to encroach on Lou Mark, and the slave owners of Aden never want to continue to seize serfs from Upper Aden. This place belongs to the residents who live on this land, and we have the freedom to choose what to do to gain power. , Let alone the laws that deliberately turn farmers into serfs will continue to imprison everyone. We expelled Prince Sdennis..." Saqiya gushed.

"King Sdennis," Radovide corrected.

"...And gave Hensett's army a sensational defeat." Saqiya looked at the representative of Kodwin, who smirked and nodded. "I am here to ask Kodwin to honor the war reparations they promised on the battlefield of Forge."

"My dear young lady, your army is just a mob of rebellious peasants and elven bandits. Sooner or later they must swear allegiance to whom, otherwise they will not escape the fate of being crushed and scattered."

"The people of the Pontal Valley swear allegiance to me-Queen Saqiya. As an independent country, we are here to speak and support the reconstruction of the Order of Warlocks." Saqiya said solemnly. "And I hope to work with other kingdoms for the future of the North."

"You are such a lovely woman, but you have a humble background." Radovide snorted disdainfully, his eyes swept over everyone present. Kaduin held a clause and waited for the king's speech to end. Natalis didn't say a word, his mind didn't seem to be here. And Hillard also lowered his eyes, wandering beyond the sky.

Radovide couldn't help but feel annoyed.

Did Hillard really think he was here to listen? !

Hillard didn't seem to be aware of Radovide's anger, nor did he make any appropriate response or signal. Suddenly, Ladovide noticed that everyone else seemed to be looking at him, including the participating warlocks in the auditorium. The scene quieted strangely.

Radovide continued.

"The only thing you are qualified to wear is a wreath made of wild flowers. Redania will not recognize your coronation ceremony."

Outside the meeting place, Ze Lin stood on a high platform, looking at the meeting place. Suddenly, the air beside him twisted slightly, and Tisaya's figure emerged.

"The summit has begun?"

"Yes." Tisaya nodded, her expression serious. "It's started. We are also ready."

The first thousand nine hundred and twenty chapters

"You said King Hensett recognized your throne and promised to pay war indemnities. But as everyone knows, the beloved King Hensett died in a melee. Not many people can testify to prove what King Hensett admitted or promised. What happened. Just like after the death of His Majesty Hunsett, I would express condolences to Kodwin instead of claiming what His Majesty Hunsett promised during his lifetime. Your royal identity lacks pedigree and legal documentation support, Redania There is no way to recognize a man as a king just because a few farmers support him."

Radovide talked freely.

He knew that all he was talking about was nonsense. Saqiya defeated Hensett head-on on the battlefield of Forge. The descent identity is meaningless, and the winner speaks. Once there was only one king, but now there are many royal members from different families. Just prove yourself on the battlefield, and then let a member of the family have royal blood, no matter how distant the bloodline, as long as the ancestor hundreds of years ago is a king. This is just a name. If farmers realize that anyone can become a ruler, the world will be messed up.

The warlocks in the audience were as motionless as possible, showing a respectful look.

The female warlocks quietly wiped the corners of their eyes with handkerchiefs in order to avoid sweating their makeup. Someone murmured privately and regretted forgetting to put sunscreen on their arms and shoulders this morning, but everyone sat quietly in the audience because of the representatives of the warlock. Kaduin of the Blue Mountains and Shir Tansaviye also stood between the kings' mouths and said nothing.

"This is a rogue behavior, Your Majesty."

"This is not a rogue, it is a rule. Just like the title of king can only be used by a few people, if everyone can call themselves king, human beings have long since died out in history like the original master of this city."

Radovide raised his head, the golden armor shone in the sun.

"But the promise will never die with the wind, and your behavior cannot match the king. King Sdennis was one of the participants in the war. He also witnessed my negotiation with King Henset that day."

Saqiya said righteously, her gaze shifted to Sdennis, who left a little sweat on the corner of her forehead. He bit his lower lip, smiled and nodded.

"King Henset is a great ruler and warrior." Sdennis cleared his throat. "As his former opponent, I still have to pay tribute to him."

Then he shut his mouth.

He won't go on, that's enough. No statement, no standing in line. When the form is not clear, he will not support or oppose anyone. Smart gamblers should know what it means to wait and see, when to ride the fence, and when to bet on both sides.

Sdennis looked at Saqiya, at the woman who took away one-third of his land. Of course, the more important thing is Shir Tanshavier standing next to Kaduin.