The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1154

After three breaths, the hunter's muscles tightened and he loosened his fingers.

The arrow flew into the sky.

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ps: There are still three changes today, thanks to the blade and rewards

Chapter 1927: Offensive and defensive reversal

The hunter held his breath and opened his eyes.

Yada sat on horseback and considered for a while, she held her forehead, as if suddenly could not remember anything. But only a few people know that this is because some kind of poison affects her brain and makes her memory decline. But the hunter certainly didn’t know about it and didn’t care. He opened his eyes and stared at a parabolic arrow in mid-air, watching it fly through mid-air, over the highest point, and then towards Ya Where Da is located.

Towards a thousand crowns!

The hunter subconsciously held his breath.

One thousand crowns!

So close!


He seemed to hear the sound, and it did not seem to be.

A gleam of golden light hit the arrow in mid-air. The arrow broke into two pieces in mid-air, and kept rolling. One fell into the weeds, the other fell on the inclined stone pillar and rolled into the drain on the side.

On the top of the abandoned three-story stone building on the other side, the figure in the emerald cloak squatted halfway on top, taking out a new feather arrow from the quiver behind him. The newborn's fingers were pinched on the bowstring and stretched skillfully, his slender eyes almost narrowed into a gap. The bowstring was against her cheek, and the arrow feather was against the corner of her lips. A touch of golden light flows from the palm of the hand to the arrow. The cloak swayed under the push of the wind.

The real kingslayer disappeared.

If Ladovide wants to disrupt the summit in the same way, he can only create a new kingslayer. He obviously wouldn't regard himself as a target. For safety reasons, Prince Steinnis chose his residence on the first floor of the tower where Saqiya was located. He claimed that it was to better discuss with Saqiya about the separation of Fujian and Aden, but many people know that he was shocked by the assassination of Hensett. Then there are only two goals left.

Yada, and Aneth.

In the Tamoria camp, Aneth wielded a wooden sword and kept beating the scarecrow in front of him. After a while, she stopped, exhaled, and turned to look at the woman sitting on the side of the driving range.

This woman was wearing a black feather trench coat and a light black pointed hat. Her right leg was resting on her left leg, and the pointed corners of her leather boots were slightly raised. An unpredictable smile hung on her pale face, exuding a mature and elegant temperament that Aneth envied.

A day ago, Roche told Aneth that this woman will be responsible for your safety and swordsmanship during the summit. Her name is Irene.

"Offset by two inches. Your sword can't make the enemy incapacitated, but it will open your doors. Dexterity must be precise to make up for the lack of strength." Irene stood up, the feather cloak rustled. The leather boots made a crisp sound when they stepped on the stone slab. "I'll demonstrate it for you and watch it carefully. When you learn to accurately control one weapon, consider using a second weapon."

Aneth nodded vigorously.


Expectations on one side, disappointment on the other.


The hunter didn't know why he made such a sound.

One kilogram of Lang was robbed, and I don’t know what was robbed.

Suddenly he thought of his father's words in his mind.

Aim at the target, don't give up, the prey is always very cunning, they will laugh at you when you shoot into the air, they will run away in front of you and punish you. When you starve to death, rats will come to eat your corpse. See the target, aim, keep your eyes open, hold your breath, don't shake your hands, and then release the arrow. Take the opportunity and kill the prey, otherwise you will starve to death.

He picked up the feather arrow at his feet again.

These are his only eleven arrows left.

The lord has an order that all hunters must buy feather arrows made and sold in the castle for hunting, otherwise they will be regarded as poaching and hanged. A feather arrow requires two Ducats. To hunt a deer, you must leave the deer skin as a tribute to the tax collector. The venison must be kept for a living. If you are lucky, some merchants are willing to buy the complete deer head to make decorations. , He can earn money to buy three more arrows, otherwise he can only pray for the cabbage at the back of the house to mature earlier.

Sometimes a prey may not be found in a day, and sometimes the prey has an arrow but it is not dead, but escapes with the arrow. Sometimes it is not the prey, but the monster. It is the wolves in the mountains, the flying monsters, the witches crawling out of the mud pool.


The hunter felt his stomach tumbling, hunger squeezing his intestines. He drew the bowstring again and aimed at the money bag in the square.

There is only one meal of boiled cabbage every day. There is no prey in the mountains in winter, only snow. It is less than three months before the first snow arrives. Winter will get colder and colder. Last year, three people in the village froze to death. The winter is getting colder year after year, and he needs this money. After paying this month's tax and hunting tribute to the lord, he only has money left to buy five arrows. He needed this money very much to buy a better bow, which fell into his hands after his father died of evil spirits, and it has been used for almost ten years. It took him fifty ducats to hire a demon hunter to find it in the lair. He wants a better bow and buy more arrows. In this way he can fight more prey and make more money. There is no need to worry about paying taxes and spending the winter, let alone drinking only one bowl of soup with cabbage in a day.

He once laughed at the woman who went to the lord's house to work as a maid in revealing clothes for money with his partner. Now he understands that he was wrong.

His partner had long since died on the battlefield of Aden last year, and even the corpses burned by the falling flames in the sky were not left. Without money, he will be hanged for tax evasion.

He hates starvation, hates such a miserable life.

A trace of imperceptible black appeared in the sky, Altarel released his finger, and the arrow turned into golden light.

Another arrow was broken.

The next moment, she stood up and pulled the bowstring again. But it changed the other direction.

She found the target!

"The goal is here, hurry! Hurry!" A Nilfgaard officer stood by the narrow alley, holding the sword on his waist, beckoning to the soldier holding the spear. The soldiers ran past him one by one. "Encircle this tower! The assassin is here. He is very dangerous. If there is any sign of resistance, immediately cut off his hand! Surround him, hurry!"

More than 20 Nilfgaard soldiers in full gear ran to the tower. Unidentified passers-by saw the dazzling tip of the gun and the unsheathed long sword, and immediately screamed and fled. They quickly surrounded the tower, enclosing the only gap in the tower where they could enter and exit. The officer walked to the gap, stretched out three fingers at the soldier behind him, and waved forward. Three soldiers holding shields and daggers followed, and walked into the tower with the officers.

A soldier held a shield, dagger on the shield, and walked in the forefront. The other two soldiers stood on the left and right sides of the officer to prevent attacks from the side. The rest held spears and blocked the door, preventing anyone from escaping. Redanian soldiers also appeared in the streets and alleys of other houses around the tower. They ran into the alleys or collapsed houses near the tower, and the defensive target jumped from the tower to these places and escaped to heaven.

There is no ambush.


The officer held the sword. At first, he carefully ordered the soldiers to keep the formation and move forward. But after stepping on the crumbling stairs on the second floor, he immediately ordered the soldiers to run up to the tower as soon as possible to check the situation.

This is not the same as the planned plan. It should be the King Killer who shot the shield, was blocked, and then tried to escape from the building while being surrounded, and was then arrested by the Redanians who were ambushing in the surrounding abandoned houses. Then the Redanians will send him to the summit, and he will identify him as the sorcerer assembly to assassinate Ata.

"Go up, hurry!"

Nilfgaard soldiers climbed up the tower, and another soldier accidentally fell down. But the officer couldn't control that much. He climbed to the top of the tower and saw the hunter lying on the ground with his eyes wide open.

"You are waiting for me on the third floor!" The officer ordered, and the remaining two soldiers stopped, stood on the floor of the third floor that had not completely collapsed, raised their heads, and waited for further orders.

Adjutant Haywood walked quickly to the hunter's side. He saw an arrow on the corpse, stuck in his left chest, and it was fatally wounded. But his attention was not on the life and death of a Yankee, he quickly reached out and touched the pocket of the corpse. Want to find the most important thing.

But there was nothing except the blood stained on the gloves.

Ladovide’s letter of hiring a hunter is gone!

The first thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight chapters are dying

"What?! The King Killer is dead?!"

Radovide stood up suddenly. Looking at the soldier who was half-kneeling in front of him to report, his face stiffened for a few seconds, then he changed into an angry expression and looked at Kaduin. "This must be a warlock leaking the news, so that the female warlock assembly will send a killer to kill! The venue must be sealed off immediately, I will send soldiers to find the traitor hiding here!"

"Your Majesty Radovide, I must say that you not only have no direct physical evidence, but also no personal evidence. What reason do you have for announcing the cessation of the summit during the normal course of the summit?" Kaduin took a deep breath and tried to let his own The voice shows respect. "Such corpses can be seen everywhere in the sewers of Lomugne. Could it be that the summit can't be held? I think why there are so many corpses here. Everyone here has more say than me."