The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1155

Natalis coughed heavily. "Your Excellency Kaduin is right. This meeting should continue. There is no evidence that this corpse is a kingslayer, otherwise our soldiers could find dozens of'kingslayers' in the sewers. The Nilfgaards are here. I have the right to speak in this respect, but please forgive me, I can’t just choose to end the meeting that is vital to the North just with the words of the Nilfgad."

"Yes, this meeting should continue." Saqiya said. "There is enough farce, what issues have we been on just now?"

"Let's sign the treaty declared by the Order as soon as possible." Sdennis glanced at Ambassador Hillard dissatisfiedly. Nilfgaard captured the entire territory of Aden during the second invasion and slaughtered 7,000 citizens at Van Geborg. For the Adenians, the Nilfgaard and the Kodwin were both hated invaders. The former is a butcher, the latter is an accomplice. "Then talk about the disposal of the Pontal Valley. I can agree that you-Saqiya-a person without royal blood will become the queen of Fjian, but the whole of Upper Aden cannot be completely separated directly. Aden In name, it must remain as a whole, even if there are two kings in it. King Sdennis and Queen Sakia."

Radovide pursed his mouth and bit his lower lip.

How could he not know Sdennis' wishful thinking. He had just ascended the throne, and if one-third of the country were divided up at once, the nobles under his hand would not surrender at all. But if Fujian and Aden are tied together, then how the remaining nobles want to rebel, they must consider the consequences. After all, Saqiya once led an uprising army composed of a group of farmers to smash the attack of the Adenian noble coalition twice. As time goes by, Saqiya will definitely get married, even if she is a saint. If she can marry the person sitting on the Van Geborg throne, then Aden will be fully unified again.

So after Saqiya agreed to support Stannis's throne, Stannis immediately chose to support Frjan on other issues in exchange for Saqiya's gratitude.

"I have no opinion." Baron Dart hiccuped and patted his belly. "Whether it is to continue or to pause...can I have another bottle of fruit wine?"

In the end, no one listened to him. Only Xi'er gestured to a servant on the side and asked her to bring up a tray full of fruit and a bottle of fruit wine.

Marty was wearing a maid's suit that didn't fit her well, holding a tray and lowering her head, as if to bury her head in her chest. She controlled her legs as much as possible not to tremble, holding the plate, and walking towards Xi'er step by step. Although she was also a female warlock, she was sitting in the auditorium just now, but watching the venue and walking directly into the venue are completely different things, just like drinking honey water but not walking into the hive.

Xi'er frowned slightly.

The venue became more noisy, and the topic of Kingslayer was enough to arouse the discussion of countless people, the differences between the kings on this matter, and the relationship between the envoys of Nilfgard, which made the warlocks and nobles in the audience No longer deliberately lowered the voice. The sun is slanting westward, but the atmosphere in the ring arena makes the forehead sweat constantly, and there are noisy discussions everywhere, and it is even more upsetting. Seeing the nervous maid with shaking hands, she sighed heavily.

"What's the matter, servant, are you too nervous? Baron Dart won't eat you, send things over, keep smiling, and then you can go and go to Coleman to settle the payment."

"Yes, ma'am."

Marty raised her head slightly. Schell raised his eyebrows unexpectedly. She knew Marty, although she was not a friend.

"Madam, please count the items in the tray.... are these?" Marty's voice trembled. "I, I don't want to get it wrong."

Xi'er immediately became alert.

The sorcerer's eyes scanned the tray, and she immediately found the letter dampened with blood and sweat between the wine bottle and the silver cup.

"...Let me see." Xi'er stretched out his hand, counted the contents of the tray, squeezed the envelope, turned his wrist, and hid it in the palm of his hand. On the other side, Baron Dart shook his empty glass and urged. "Yes, that's it, send it over. Relax, you will be fine."

Marty lowered her head, turned around, and walked towards Baron Dart.

While Kaduin was arguing with Radovide, Xier lowered his eyes and looked at the letter in his hand.

Then her eyes lit up.

This is an unexpected windfall.

"Your Majesty, the meeting should continue, and not delay in meaningless quarrels and suspicions." Kaduin straightened his chest. Radovide has no evidence, whether it is human or physical evidence. Otherwise, the rebuilding of the Warlock Order will be impossible to talk about. There are young sorcerers in the order, and it is difficult for Kaduin to separate the order from the assembly of the sorcerers who don't know what the situation is. Now, Radovide’s words are nothing but empty talk. At least Fjian, Aden, and Tamoria among the northern kings support the reconstruction of the Order of Warlocks. Kaduin's voice became more confident. However, he has made up his mind that when this matter is over, he will confront Xi'er and let her explain clearly what is going on.

"To cover the evacuation of your assassins? To cover up this matter?" Ladovide did not back down. "Until I find the traitor, I will never..."

"Your esteemed sires, your marshal, and your baron." Xi'er, who had been silent, suddenly took a step forward. "It's not early, it's time to sign the agreement, and then let us prepare a venue for you to discuss the next step."

With that said, without waiting for Ladovide's objection, Xi'er waved his hand. A mage held a declaration of terms placed on a wooden board and walked towards the king and ruler present.

Saqiya did not hesitate to pick up the pen and signed his name on the manifesto, and then Prince Sdennis, who wrote his name on top of Saqiya's signature, and deliberately wrote all the inheritance from her father. Title. Natalis picked up the pen. He seemed to be tired of such a dispute. Under the signatures of the two kings, he signed and sealed as a representative of the Regency Council of Tamoria.

Afterwards, the mage walked in front of Radovide with three signed and sealed declarations.

Ladovide picked up the pen, lowered his eyes, and looked down at the declaration presented to him by the mage without concealing his disgust.

"Such a clause..."

Xi'er spoke suddenly. "Your Majesty, please sign."

Radovide raised his head.

Xi'er crossed his hands on his chest, with a letter lying on his chest with his arms folded. People at a distance might use it as an ornament on the clothes of a sorcerer, but Ladovide couldn't help but widen his eyes.

This letter is too familiar to him.

Kaduin turned his back to Xi'er, ignorant of what was happening behind him. He looked serious and said to Radovide, who was stiff in mid-air holding the pen.

"Your Majesty, when the Warlock Order is established, we will assist your Majesty to investigate whether anyone in the northern warlocks is actually involved in the conspiracy to assassinate the king. But before the establishment of the Warlock Order, we have no right to do so. So hope your Majesty understands, The purpose of the Order is to serve the well-being of the Northern Kingdom. If a warlock attempts to harm the north, the Order will never do anything to cover up."

Radovide coughed heavily.

"Well said, Your Excellency Kaduin. That's why I respect you."

He lowered his pen and wrote his signature on the manifesto-Ladovide V.

The first thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine chapters of the crisis are fading

"He actually signed it," a small man with a pointed chin beside the table screamed. "It's surprising that Radovide actually signed it. This is different from what we expected."

"Of course, everyone. Although you understand trade and the political situation of the empire better, the empire and the north belong to two different lands after all. Your experience may not be so useful in the north." Francesca took a deep breath, her face With a strategizing smile, he tried to suppress the unrest in his heart.

This is different from what she expected.

She knew that Zelin was in Lomugne, and she would definitely do something. What she had expected was that Zelin would kill the Kingslayer or attack the Nilfgaard mission. Together with his friends, let the guy who tried to corrupt the reputation of the demon hunter pay the price. Or punish a few careerists, save a few dying people, and destroy one or two assassinations. Hasn't he always been like this before? This is the case in every world. As long as he is there, some people's conspiracies will go bankrupt.

But forcing a king to change his promise and sign a declaration that binds the entire north?

Does he know what he did?

Maybe someone told him to do this? Is it Tisya?

Francesca thought of many possibilities in an instant. Zelin often discussed plans and actions with Tisaya. She learned that Zelin's plan basically came from Tisaya. Maybe Tisaya was behind all this. It is very likely that the reconstruction of the Warlock Order meets Tishaya's expectations. Maybe she asked for Zelin's help, so Zelin stayed and helped her warlock order. Francesca quickly thought of a reasonable explanation in her mind. But in any case, his actions won her many advantages.

"This is the north. You don't know enough about it, so you made a wrong judgment." Francesca's eyes scanned the surroundings. There is a forbidden enchantment here, and she can't see through the thoughts of those present in front of her. But this will not always be the case. "To put it bluntly, the warlock cult and the kings who support the warlock will dominate the power of the north, and the laws of the north allow the monarch to directly intervene in the market, such as adjusting tariffs, confiscating merchants’ property, declaring embargoes, and blocking roads. You are in the south. Putting one set in the north will not work. You need someone who is familiar with the north and has enough contacts in the north to be responsible for expanding your association to more distant lands."

Several people at the round table fell silent.

Francesca certainly understood their intentions.

If the Sorceress gathering place is revealed at the Lomune Summit, the status and reputation of her and Dole Bretanne will inevitably be severely endangered, and will even affect the future and destiny of the elves at that time. At that time, these people can use this in exchange. After handing over the power of managing the north to Francesca, they will have enough chips to prevent Francesca from exceeding their expectations.

But now, they have fewer and fewer chips in their hands.

"Maybe you do have some specialties that we don't understand, Ms. Finbeda." The man sitting across from her interlaced his hands and placed it on the table. "But this matter is very important. If the merchants supported by the emperor are allowed to make profits in the north, it will be a major loss for the Association. We cannot risk giving this to you, because the sorcerer sect you rely on does not show The ability to deal with crises. You understand what I am talking about."

Francesca narrowed her eyes slightly.

It seems that the players in front of them still have the chassis.

But she must not show concessions and compromises.

Absolutely not!

"Of course I understand." She smiled. "I hope that the so-called crisis in your mouth will make people interested. I have seen many crises in the past ten years. Whether it is an enemy in the Warlock Order or an ambitionist named Wigwarts, they have all been defeated by me. Inside."

It's in our hands.