The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1231

Chapter 2040: The Strange Mark

Zelin didn't know if Anbo, who had robbed the clothes, noticed that there was tobacco collected by the demon hunter in his pocket. The best Shire tobacco, Zelin originally planned to come to this world, just to relax and enjoy the luxury that was difficult to find opportunities in the past. It's just that whether it's Stormwind City or Nightlight Town, the successive troubles prevented him from finding a leisure time to enjoy the tobacco leaves seriously. So the tobacco hidden in the inner pocket of the clothes stayed there all the time. The smell of the tobacco is very strong, so every time Yusevka packs him up, he can always find the fish that slipped through the net.

"Well... the smell is still very clear, she hasn't been away for too long."

At the corner of a half-collapsed thatched hut, Ze Lin stood up, rubbed his fingers, and looked around. Anbo bypassed the prosperous area in Karazhan town and picked some corners that no one noticed. If it is in a bustling square, someone will definitely notice this woman in an unsuitable trench coat. Once interrogated by the Kenreit guards, it is difficult for her to get away. These guards who work for the mage maintain a high level of vigilance, and will check all possible outsiders, no matter what their status in the Alliance and the Horde. Here, the rules of the Alliance and the Horde are to obey the rules of the mages in Dalaran.

Including Karazhan.

If it weren't for the howling mountain wind in the Upwind Path, Zelin believed that he would be able to track down the traces of the smell at a faster speed.

Following the traces left by the smell, Zelin moved on. The smell climbed over a collapsed wall and entered an abandoned two-story building. The roof of the house and the floor on the second floor have disappeared, and you can see the sky when you lift your head on the first floor. The smell led the demon hunter to the fireplace in the abandoned attic.

"She stayed here." Zelin knelt down and looked inside the fireplace. Then he reached in a hand and took it out again after a few seconds. "Then lighted a fire in the fireplace and lit a firewood. Are you worried that someone will notice the fire?"

The demon hunter swept around, and it didn't take long before he found a half-burnt branch in a gap behind the fireplace. He took out the branches and carefully observed the traces left on them.

There was still black ash in the front section of the branches, and the sparks had been completely extinguished. He raised the branches and was level with his sight. The burning end of the branches presents an unusually flat cross section. Generally speaking, there are many kinds of marks left after burning, but they are definitely not as smooth as being hit by an axe. This situation can only be caused by man.

"...Burn branches and use them as markers?"

Zelin threw away the branches and began to inspect the walls, floors, and any shaded areas around the fireplace. He is not sure whether his inference is correct. If it is in the world of demon hunters, he can determine as quickly as possible whether the branches on the ground are placed as the emblem of a secret organization, and what is the meaning of the broken spider web. . The floor of the abandoned house is covered with dust, and the white spider web hanging on the wall is the only spot so spotless. He went around the place several times, just when he was about to give up here temporarily and continue tracking along the smell that was about to be blown away by the cold wind. On the floor where there are countless back and forth footprints, consider the corner on the right hand side of the door to have the fewest footprints.

An Bo is obviously trying to prevent someone from tracking her. Footprints were everywhere on the dusty ground. She must have walked several times in the room, or even walked backwards again, to interfere with the tracker's judgment, pretending to be a panic. But near this corner, the number of footprints is the least. Zelin walked over and lifted the wooden plank in front of him. On the corner of the wall, abstract symbols painted with charcoal come into view.

The symbol is very vague, like a clenched arm grasping an arrow, or the blade of a dagger. He couldn't tell, there was still some dust around, it looked like rain water washed the dust in the fireplace to the corner of the wall, waiting for the traces of the water to evaporate.

"What is this?" Zelin firmly remembered the appearance of the symbol in his mind, and compared it with the marks of all the organizations and forces he had seen in Azeroth. In the end, he sighed and didn't find any suitable objects.

Suddenly, a low sound of footsteps came to my ears.

Zelin put down the plank, quickly leaned against the broken wall aside, holding the hilt of the sword at his waist with one hand. After a few seconds, he poked his head out slightly and looked vigilantly at the open space outside the abandoned house.

A familiar figure stood in the clearing, looking around.

"Burnes?" Zelin stood up, half of his body exposed outside the bunker, whispered softly.

The orc warrior seemed to be taken aback, and quickly looked in the direction of the sound. After seeing Zelin, he grinned.

"The last second I was still thinking about where I could meet you. For the two fighters, this is really a good meeting place. But I prefer the celebration after the battle."

"What are you doing here?"

Zelin asked calmly, looking at the opponent carefully. The orc warrior stood five meters away from him, still wearing the leather armor.

"Of course I'm here to find you." Burns patted his chest, and his strong muscles made a low noise. "I ran into the elf who was walking with us at the market. She said that your carriage was robbed, and you ran out to hunt the robbers, so I rushed over immediately. Did you find the whereabouts of the robbers? They robbed them. Got you a box of weapons?"

"Oh, that's it." Zelin sighed lightly. "Actually, I got nothing. I don't know where the little thief fled, but since she stole my weapon, she must find a place to sell it. But I can be sure that she has temporarily escaped from Karazhan. By the way, uncle Ens, do you know that there is a sign of organization, a fist holding a dagger blade? Or a fist holding an arrow?"

"I don't know the dagger." Burns shook his head. "But for bows and arrows, you should ask the elves who live in the trees. Those little ladies like to paint the moon blade and the bow and arrow signs on the banner. They don't have a sense of power."

Zelin was stunned for a moment before realizing that the spirit living in the tree was a night elf. Their city is built on a huge world tree.

Maybe he should find a chance to ask Hesally, if there is a chance to see her. She escorted Allegar back to Stormwind City, but the next step should be to stay in Nightshade, and continue to help the local druids study the Luna Scythe, and learn the ways of druids.

"Are you stalking the robber? Let's go together, I can't wait to use my fist to severely teach these shameless parasites!"

As he said, he rolled up his sleeves, showing his tightly muscular arms.

"This is not the time, Burns, if you don't mind, you can compete with your own shadow." Zelin smiled and waved his hand. "It's going to get dark soon, let's go back first. It just so happened that tonight someone asked me to go to the tavern for a drink, so that the little thief can blow the cold wind in the wilderness. Let's go."

Chapter 2041 The Welcome Ceremony of Magic Hotel

"I thought you had already reported to Dalaran."

Standing by the portal of Karazhan, Zelin said to Burns. "Those great fighters decided to send you on missions?"

An Bo managed to escape temporarily.

She left the area of ​​Karazhan Town, and Zelin found a gap in the wall behind a withered bush. She must have slipped away from there. Zelin didn't know why An Bo chose to hide in her carriage. She must have some purpose. Maybe it was to avoid the checkpoint, maybe it was to get down to Dalaran under unobtrusive conditions, or both. However, Zelin prefers that she is to avoid the riots that may be caused after she escapes. Even if an ordinary cargo clerk finds that the goods are missing, he will report it to the guards of the Kirin Tor and ask them to retrieve the lost items for themselves. At this time, it is very unwise to stay in the town.

If her target is Karazhan, or the city of Dalaran in the sky of Karazhan, then she will definitely appear again. Rather than leaving the town rashly and looking for an unfamiliar canyon outside, it's better to stay here and wait for it. The Demon Hunter will stay in Dalaran for a long time. So Zelin didn't say anything. If An Bo finds that the town is quieter, maybe he will come back sooner. At that time, Zelin will be able to figure out what is going on.

"I have submitted an application. Someone will be responsible for investigating my abilities. Nothing can be more glorious than defending my homeland in a demon invasion. The great Eitrigg also came to Dalaran. After the battle is won, these glorious warriors It must be incorporated into a ballad. I only hope that in the future, the ballad will mention that Burns, the orc warrior, has contributed to the victory of these powerful warriors."

"It looks like you are in good spirits. They won't reject a fighter with high spirits."

"What about you? Don't you plan to join a leader's command?"

All the people in Azeroth who could fight were mobilized. In addition to alliances and tribes, those hunters, warriors, and even pirates and thieves, these are the most hidden professions that most people can only become. The well-known warriors of the mainland call on adventurers with the same profession to join them and fight against the demons. Both bows and arrows and muskets can cause damage to demons. In this case, there is no reason to stay in the forest when the demons invade and run for a few elk and hares. If the future will be destroyed, it is meaningless to consider the livelihood of the moment. Most people choose to join the army, and many adventurers with some abilities choose to join the warrior's professional hall.

Many adventurers who arrived in Karazhan came with this purpose.

"For the time being, uh, I might help you in another way. People with high fighting skills will also need someone to forge equipment and maintain weapons." Zelin rubbed the tip of his nose. "If you are willing to help find the whereabouts of the robber, please pay attention to a woman in a large trench coat when you are in Karazhan. She may be wearing a blindfold, but I can't tell the color. Blond hair, keep it With a ponytail."

By the square, many travelers who came to Karazhan for the first time curiously inquired about the rumors of the magic tower and the cursed land. The guardian, the Council of Tirisfal, the guardian's battle against the devil, half-truths and half-fake stories are mixed together, and become a new legend.

"I try my best. I can't guarantee anything. Except for beard, hair, and skin color, everyone in my eyes is similar to humans." Burns scratched his head. "I will pay attention. If I see it, I will help you get back what was stolen."

"No problem, by the way, I want to ask you about one thing." Zelin said suddenly. "Do you know that Karazhan has the legend of the black knight?"

Since the disappearance of the black knight in the twilight forest, this matter has been in the heart of the demon hunter. There is no doubt that the black knight is related to the devil, and there is a magic sword that contains powerful power hidden in this land, so that the power of the sword corrupts the entire forest.

"Black Knight? There has never been such a strange rumor in Kalimdor." Burns frowned and thought for a while. Then shook his head. "As for someone who looks like a black knight, I have heard the Forsaken say that after the Crusades inside the Scarlet Monastery in the east of the Undercity were destroyed, there were rumors of a headless horseman. Karazhan’s rumors, I’ve heard of it. Not many, most of them are ghost opera houses, necromantic horses in the stables, and a flame mount called Midnight. It is said that a demon prince once appeared, but was later wiped out. As for the others, this is a haunted tower. Tower, people often walk into the illusion inadvertently. But the black knight...I suggest you ask the Ethereal. These bandaged people often haunt Karazhan."

"Well, I understand." Zelin touched his chin, he thought for a few seconds before letting go. "Burnes, if you have anything, you can go to Karazhan's magic business or the simple enchantment shop to find me."

"Are you an enchanter?" Burns asked in surprise.

"No, I am a supplier." Zelin spread his hands. "All in all, if you need to buy weapons, you can go to that store. I should be able to give you some cheaper."

After bidding farewell to Burns, Zelin went to the portal of Karazhan, preparing to pass through the portal again and enter Dalaran City. Zelin thought he had been to many worlds, and many worlds also had magic and various means of transmission. But after comparison, Zelin found that the world may be various, but the dizziness caused by the teleportation is always exactly the same. Rotating, twisting, folding, stretching, and finally being thrown out of the water when he was about to drown, just like a drunk who can't afford to be thrown out of the door by the bartender. Standing on the edge of the Krasus platform, Zelin held the arch with one hand, bent down, and took a deep breath. After a few seconds, the cold air pressed down on his tumbling abdomen, and he was happy that Tuvis had booked the banquet in the evening instead of noon.

The Magic Hotel is probably the most luxurious tavern in Dalaran. The hotel is located on the side of the Guardian Temple, facing the bustling magical business district. That place used to be called Luin Square, an open-air fountain square, and now it has been transformed into the Guardian's Temple. The table on the first floor of the tavern was full of customers, mostly adventurers working for Dalaran. Generally speaking, adventurers and soldiers from the Alliance and the Horde would rest and dine in their territory. The location of the former is called the Silver Territory and is guarded by the high elves of the Silver Covenant. The latter has not yet received permission to return to Dalaran. The Temple of the Sunreaver is still in an abandoned state, and there is only an inn for adventurers.

Zelin walked into the Magic Hotel, the expected smell of alcohol and sweat did not appear, a breathtaking fragrance poured into the tip of his nose. Walk into the noisy tavern, but you seem to be in a garden full of violets. A maid walked past the demon hunter with a tray on which was placed a plate of hot noodles and a glass of light blue fruit wine

"Sir, please don't stand at the door." The maid turned around and passed between Zelin and another customer ordering at the counter, gracefully like dancing, and quickly passed between the two. The gap did not allow the beverage in the tray to spill out of the cup. Obviously, many similar situations have been encountered. "You are blocking other people. If you want to order, please go to the counter and look for the boss of Amis. If you have not yet decided on the dinner menu, I recommend you to go to our bartender Erere and the barista Mel. Order a cup Drinking at the counter while thinking."

"No, sorry..."

Ze Lin quickly walked into the hotel. At the table on the right hand side of the door, a male human mage and another female human mage were discussing academic issues, and their robes were embroidered with a sign representing the Kirin Tor. A blood elf was sitting on a wooden chair in the corner, with only a thin corset under his shawl, looking at the bustling hall, wondering what he was thinking. On the other side, a female class and a female goblin feasted at a small table. The food was almost all over the table. Watching them gobbling down, people couldn't help but wonder if this was their last dinner. A troll pirate wearing a skull hat sits alone at a long table, staring at the three empty wine bottles on the table in a daze, and the maid is putting a fourth bottle of wine for him.

Looking across the tavern, Zelin wanted to find a familiar face, but soon he found that there was no one he knew.

More adventurers were sitting at the bar, tasting coffee and wine, a blood elf bartender changed the color of the cup like magic, and another human female was busy pouring a new bag of coffee beans into it. In the mill. Zelin's attention was drawn to a race in front of the counter that he had never seen before. A long-faced monkey about the size of an adult sat on a round stool, watching the quotation sheet in front of him vigilantly, as if suspecting a trap inside.

"Here, humans!"