The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1261

Tallylian and Zaraka shrugged, Burns scratched his chin, and a bandage was now wrapped around his muscular arm. "He may have other ideas. Isn't he working for the Kirin Tor Council? Maybe the mages have any plans and need to do this. In our tribe, don't speculate on the ideas of shamans and wise men. That's not Things you can understand. Just do what he said. He found the devil's hiding place, which proves that he is right."

Oleja thought for a while and slapped her hands hard. "Yes, you saw his golden light in the tomb. That must be the Holy Light blessing him!"

"The Holy Light should protect you from being surrounded by undead."

Hisalie's voice appeared on the other side, and Oleja had just turned around. Then he was hugged into his arms by the druid. After several seconds, Hisalie let go. Taking a step back, he looked up and down at the draenei in front of him, as if to make sure there were no injuries.

"I heard you fell into the trap of demon minions?"

"No, it's not that we are caught in a trap." Olega shook her head vigorously, and her words were filled with joy that could not be concealed. "We caught them! Right in the cemetery! They separated the necropolis, disguised the outer cemetery as normal, and then carried out their conspiracy in the cave inside the cemetery. Had it not been for Zelin discovered that There is a problem with the wall, we may be passing the enemy. Oh, yes, Xisali, do you know? Zelin is blessed by the Holy Light! I saw with my own eyes that he used golden light to deal with the enemy!"

"I thought he was a warrior, but he was actually a mage." Burns said from one side. "I saw him blasting a stone wall with magic. He might have worked for the Kirin Tor Council in the past."

"A werewolf mage who knows how to use a sword? Oh, stop joking." Xisali rubbed her forehead. "I rushed over as soon as I heard about Karazhan. Where is Zelin? I didn't see him."

"He and the other Kirin Tor guards are in the necropolis." Oregaard muttered dissatisfiedly. "As a result, I was not allowed to enter, asking me to stay here and not walk around. He was killing the undead, but I could only stay behind and wait."

"He's still down there?"

"Yes, look." Oleja raised his hand and pointed to a battle mage next to the entrance of the tomb. "He is still publishing a mission to allow adventurers who can kill ten ghouls at once to report to Zelin in the lower tomb."

Hisalie looked in the direction Oregaard pointed. A warrior in heavy armor waits for the battle mage to count the ghoul's claws while wiping the slime from the armor. A group of soldiers ran past the druid and followed the captain to block the deadwind path.

"You did a great job, adventurer." The battle mage handed a small bag of coins to the human warrior. "This is your reward. If you want, you can go to the lower tomb and report to our soldier Zelin. He will give you a new mission."

"Warrior of the Kirin Tor?" Hisalie frowned, and she lowered her eyes. "Damn it, that profiteer didn't tell me about it."

"What's the matter?" Olega poked her head curiously. "What were you talking about?"

"No, nothing." The druid shook his head. "You are fine."

In the tomb, Zelin rubbed the tip of his nose and looked at the adventurer sent to report to him by the Kirin Tor Council. Originally he didn't know about it, Carre told him and asked him to stay in the catacombs to assist the Guardian of the Kirin Tor. As a result, it was not until an adventurer came to find him that the demon hunter realized that he was also treated as a kind of coolie by the Kirin Tor Council, and he had not been paid.

"The Necromancer in the tomb is using the weapons buried in the ground to arm his skeleton, and bring those weapons back. Bring back seven funerary weapons, and you will be rewarded with twenty silver coins."

"You are a squad? It seems that some of you know how to use magic equipment. Take this detector, place it in the five inner tombs, and then return to report to Mage Sunrena."

"Go along the main tunnel. On the right of the fifth fork, there is a powerful undead creature in the third tomb. He may have been a knight before his death. Several of our soldiers were injured in the battle with it. Defeat it, bring back its emblem, and report to Mage Sunrena. You can choose one of the four magic equipment she provided as a reward."

After sending away a few adventurers, Zelin took a deep breath. The Kirin Tor Council attached great importance to this matter, and Carre personally led the wizard to come here in order to solve all the enemies here with the least loss possible.

After explaining the task to the other three wizards, Carre walked to Zelin.

"When the clues are determined and all retreats are blocked, the Kirin Tor will launch a general attack. The wizards suspect that there are demon summoners inside. We have contacted the Shadow Harvest Council and they will send warlocks to assist in the battle."

"There is no need to worry, Carre." Zelin watched as the Kirin Tor guards defended the zombies from the barricades. The soldiers opened up a foothold at the exit of the lower tomb and established a line of defense. The sealed crypt restricted some mages, so more mages were sent to the Deadwind Trail and the twilight forest on the back of the mountain to prevent the enemy from escaping along the possible secret roads. "Perhaps we should focus on Dalaran at this time."

"You have been suspecting that there is a spy inside Dalaran. Is there any evidence? Or the witness proves who is suspected?" Carly did not directly deny Zelin's guess. "We can't just wrong any innocent person. Now many mages in the Kirin Tor are too...too nervous. We can't kill each other before the Burning Legion launches an attack."

"You are right, so I'm looking for evidence."

Chapter 2090, the beginning of the turning point

"Think about it, Carre, Dalaran has been under martial law these days, but if something happens suddenly that causes the Kirin Tor Council’s attention to a place outside the city, it must be a problem for some people. Good opportunity. Originally, they could only hide and conceal their true intentions, but they were impatient in their hearts. They wanted to do something as soon as possible after the violet eyes that were watching them were turned away, just like students cheating on exams. . Now the eyes are twisted away, but as long as they act, they will inevitably reveal flaws."

"Your analysis makes sense, but the premise of all this is based on the fact that there must be spies in Dalaran. What if there are no spies?" Carly asked hesitantly. "I don't doubt your ability. Finding this hidden location has proven your strength, but there are demon spies hidden in Dalaran, which is really unbelievable. Khadgar would not have hoped such a thing. Gossip. Too many rumors without evidence will only make citizens panic and lose confidence."

"I think the secret agents of the Kirin Tor Council are not in short supply enough to dispatch a few temporary agents in the city? Even if there are no spies, there will be no loss." Zelin stretched out a finger. "I told Master Sunrena before that the innkeeper who caused the explosion could not hide so much gunpowder in a tavern without a basement alone. He must have a source of supply, and now the most suspected location is Dalaran. After all, this is the city closest to Karazhan and it is said that there is a black market in the sewers of Dalaran. Arrange some spies, even if there are no people who take refuge in the devil, the merchants in the black market can understand that some goods should not be sold. "

"Um...I will go and tell Khadgar about this." Carly finally agreed with Zelin's proposal. "You can stay and assist the Guardian of the Kirin Tor to attack the enemy. I believe your ability can help us reduce casualties."

"When are you going to attack?"

"One day later. The blockade is not over yet, and the necromancer is still resurrecting the corpse, so he still has no idea of ​​escape. When the blockade is completed and the attack is launched, he will never want to escape again."

"It seems that I still have some free time." Zelin scratched his neck. "Remember the investigation you entrusted to me before? Investigate the whereabouts of Demon Sword Apocalypse. The mage I hired can find the clue right away. She is about to summon a new illusion. I think she should have completed the preparations."

"Do you think Apocalypse has something to do with this matter?" Carly frowned. "That is indeed a very dangerous magic sword. However, I don't think a Necromancer can control Apocalypse. Now there are enough enemies to use Apocalypse in the catacombs. He doesn't need to summon the undead. He can defeat it by relying on Apocalypse. Adventurers and wizards here."

"Um... it's not a bad thing to pay more attention, is it?"

In the Twilight Forest, Pastor Rister thought he had found the whereabouts of Apocalypse. Moreover, during this period of time, the illusion seen by the demon hunter also corroborated this point. He believes that this magic sword that has disappeared for decades is related to what happened here. Although there is no direct evidence, Zelin will not easily throw away his suspicion unless something can be directly confirmed and his suspicion is wrong. . Maybe he was wrong. There is no demon spy in Dalaran, and Karazhan does not have apocalypse. There is just a necromancer who takes refuge in the Burning Legion. This is undoubtedly the best result, but if a person has been careless for nearly a hundred years working in an environment that may lead to death, it is difficult not to have doubts about abnormal things.

As soon as she walked out of the tomb, Xisali walked up to face her. But before she could speak, Allegar squeezed over.

"Zelin, have you defeated the necromancer?" the draenei asked expectantly. "Holy Light, killing a necromancer is the best gift to you to become a Paladin!"

"Well, Olega, if you think you are boring, why don't you go nearby to help the priest heal the wounded?" Xisali pressed Olega's shoulder and pushed her away. Then he looked at Zelin. "How's the situation below? I came over when I heard that something happened to Karazhan. I guess it must be related to you."

"The situation is fine." Zelin looked at the soldiers running past him. Under the order of the Kirin Tor Council, Karazhan instantly became a militarized town. On the streets under martial law, Kirin Tor guards and battle mages were everywhere. "At least temporarily within control. But tonight, I may not be able to go to Dalaran on time. Maybe dinner can be pushed to another time? I'm going to find Amelie first, she should have completed the structure of the summoning ceremony venue. ."

"No problem, I don't think anyone will be in the mood to enjoy food when I know that there are a group of demon minions hidden around me." Xisali shrugged. "As a paladin, your attitude towards mages really surprised me. I thought you all don't like mages."

Zelin could only sigh with a wry smile.

"You actually believed it too. This is just something that can create lightning. I heard that some dwarf engineers can make frost grenade. Are they also mage specializing in frost? This is just a small item, if you want it. , I can give you some later."

"Are you an engineer?"

"No, no, although I would like to know how this works."

In Tallylian's mouth, Zelin learned that Azeroth has a technology called engineering, just like the alchemy of the demon hunter, which can make explosives such as bombs. Although their engineering can also make more peculiar things, such as muskets and mechanical toys. But compared to other things that he didn't know much about, Zelin was more curious about frost bombs and other bomb manufacturing methods called grenade.

The effect of the Frost Bomb sounds similar to that of the North Wind. Maybe their manufacturing cost is lower?

"Are you going to participate in the magic ceremony now?"

"Yes. You stay here and look at Olegar, I am very worried that she might do something irrational." The dry mountain wind made Zelin squint his eyes slightly. "I think this ceremony shouldn't be delayed for too long. If something unexpected happens, you know where to find me."

"North of Karazhan Tower, right? I know." Xisali nodded. "May Elune bless you. I hope this is the culprit that caused a series of events in Duskwood and Karazhan."


Zelin thought of the envoy behind the forgery of the king's seal in Yese Town, and the so-called Brotherhood of Shadows. Maybe this is the master behind the scenes, maybe, this is just the beginning.

Chapter 2091 The Last Guardian

On the east side of Karazhan Tower——

"The preparations for the ceremony have been completed, sir." Yamily squeezed the skirt with both hands, her tone clearly tense. The priest's treatment allowed the wound on the tip of her tongue to heal quickly, at least for the time being, it would no longer affect her life and life. "Just like last time, stand in the middle of the ceremony, relax, and calm down. We are located on the edge of the Karazhan Tower. The flow of time is very chaotic here. This ceremony should help me easily grasp the pieces I want. "

"It is very dangerous to rush to the flow of time." The white-haired battle mage frowned and stared at the magic circle depicted by Yamily. "Psyche Rune? Do you want to use Necromancer Rune to fix the traces of the undead? Very smart. No matter who it is, those who can hold the Apocalypse will inevitably become undead. But I hope you understand, maybe it is You find the fragments of time, maybe you are involved in another time. Everything that happens in time is real, although it does not exist for the time we are in, but what you do is in another time stream. It is the real history."

"In those illusions, they can't see me." Zelin said to the white-haired mage. "And I can't touch the people and things in that world at all, how could it have an impact."

"I have read the research diary of a mage." The white-haired mage covered his mouth and coughed slightly. "He said that when we enter other times, we enter in the form of projection, which is closer to ghosts in a certain sense. Ordinary people cannot see ghosts. Only some users of supernatural powers can do it. Only certain powerful times can be achieved. Only wanderers can directly enter other time and space. Maybe the bronze dragon can do this kind of thing, but since the cataclysm, I have not heard of them. Be careful, werewolves. It is always very dangerous to watch evil with magic. Things, especially the enemy’s power far exceeds ours."

"Then try again." Zelin took a deep breath. "I have come to this point, I don't like to give up halfway. At least, there is no sign of danger yet."