The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1320

"Well, it seems that the gift we left was discovered by the devil." Tao Shi sighed. "The Four Spirits are on."

Valeira left a simple trap under the demon's corpse, which can clamp the legs of other demon, better than nothing.

"Go!" Valeira waved her hand, and she added. "Don't worry, the sewer entrance is very close here, we have time."

The second thousand one hundred and eighty-eight chapters meet

The rock wall covered by the hanging algae is constantly being washed away by the waves.

The waves slapped on the rock wall for the first time, the wave faded, and a dark blade suddenly protruded from the rock wall. The blade picked up the hanging plants, exposing the drain hole hidden behind. Zelin cautiously looked at the sea outside, and the tumbling waves poured sea water into the pipeline from time to time. After a few seconds, he made a safe gesture behind him.

"Very well, the devil hasn't found us yet."

Zelin jumped out of the drain, and the sea water flooded to his knees. Shaw followed, followed by Valeira, and finally Taoya stood on the edge of the drain. Slightly squinted his eyes. Not far away, the river merged into the sea, and Zelin could vaguely see the shallow shoal opposite the sea entrance, with a trail of dragging and sliding on it.

"Where is this place?" Shaw asked, and he looked around warily. "Is the respondent here?"

Valeira looked at Zelin, who raised her hand and pointed in Suramar's direction.

"Go west along the beach, and when you encounter the first slope, head to the top of the mountain. There is an abandoned temple where a group of ghosts of ancient elves occupy it." Zelin knew Valeira's doubts: "Others just There. It's a high ground, which is more suitable for helicopter landing, if there is a helicopter to catch it."

"There will be helicopters to pick us up, and they will arrive when we send a signal." Tao Shi took out a long cylindrical gunpowder. "Hurry up, the devil may already be searching our whereabouts."

Suddenly, Zelin raised his hand.

"Wait, I heard some sounds." He paused, then turned his head: "Go back, it's a Fel Bat!"

Tao Shi stepped back, and the others immediately retreated into the drain. Although they didn't hear the sound, they didn't have any questions. In the realm of the devil, no matter how cautious it is, it cannot be overstated. After more than ten seconds, groups of fel bats screamed and flew across the sky, like a black cloud, covering the sky and the sun.

Through the drooping plants and vines, Zelin looked solemnly at the black cloud of fel bats across the sky and flew towards the Broken Isles.

"This is a big army," Shaw said slowly, his brows furrowed. "Until they find a way to weaken the strength of the Burning Legion, the coalition forces must not fight head-on with it."

"Allied forces have received a warning, Shaw." Zelin picked up the hanging plants slightly and looked at the direction where the fel bats were flying: "Anbo has completed the mission, and now His Majesty Varian already knows about it. It's Dalaran. Ms. Proudmoore notified the coalition of this incident."

"Does the entire Azeroth already know about this?" Shaw asked suddenly: "This information can be used to fight the Burning Legion by surprise. I am afraid that such a good thing will not happen again in the future."

"There will be no more than fifteen people who know this." Valeira tilted her head and whispered. "Some people want this matter to be kept silent, just like you think."

"Is Duke Jorazzi?"

"No." Valeira frowned slightly: "The person considering this plan is right in front of you. I can now be sure that he is not a member of your MI7."

"You did it, warrior?" Shaw immediately understood what Valeira meant. He looked at Zelin: "You did a great favor to the Alliance, and your Majesty will definitely give you the reward you deserve."

"I'm just passing the news. Karek in the Kirin Tor Council is the most important person. He and Ms. Proudmoore's plan. Ms. Amber is a very good agent. She successfully arrived in Dalaran. All I did was tell Her Excellency Karek about her news." Zelin quietly pushed down his credit: "Just like this time, thanks to the two ladies Tao Shi and Valeira, I can be so fast. Find this place. Let's go, those demons may think we have fled overseas."

"It may also be inland." Tao Shi added. "They are strong enough to conduct searches in many places in the Broken Isles."

Along the coastline, they stepped in the sea, along the cliffs, and marched towards the abandoned temple. Along the way, Shaw kept asking what happened in Azeroth and MI7 during his detention. For a person who has a lot of information, no contact with the outside world for nearly two months is enough to make a lot of his information lose value. The Legion has launched an invasion, and he can't wait to return to Stormwind City, trying to minimize the loss as much as possible before everything can be repaired.

"The Dreadlord who pretended to be you is still in Stormwind, at the headquarters of MI7. The plan now is to **** you back to MI7 and kill the impostor without the knowledge of others. In this way, you can continue to replace him. To find out how many people in Stormwind chose to take refuge in the devil during the appearance of the counterfeit."

Moving up the slope, after night fell, Zelin couldn't help speeding up as he watched the dark outline on the top of the mountain in the distance.

"Good idea. In the past, it was the devil who recruited spies among us and planted undercover agents. Now they absolutely can't imagine that there will be our spies among their spies." Xiao Er narrowed his eyes slightly. "These demons have wanted to clarify information about the Alliance and the Horde in my mouth for the past two months. Obviously, their **** hasn't had time to return the exact information."

Zelin was a little surprised.

Maybe there is no such spell as mind reading in the Burning Legion? In his world, if there is no warlock, a person without magic power can't hide any secrets in front of another warlock. During the Warlock Civil War, no one would be stupid enough to send a spy near the opponent’s mage tower, because a mind-reading technique might reveal all the secrets. Either Shaw has a way to resist mind reading, or the Burning Legion hasn't had time to cast a similar spell on him, and it may be that the Burning Legion does not have such a spell.

Unlike the last time Zelin arrived at the abandoned temple, this time, he did not see the ghost sentry, only Vanessa, who was lying on the stone slab and looking at the stars in the sky, did not know what she was thinking, and stayed on the edge of the temple. , Amelie looking worriedly at the Evil Soul Fortress in the distance.

Noting someone coming from the hillside, Vanessa sat up abruptly, holding down the dagger around her waist, her dark pupils staring at the figure in the night. Yamily also followed Vanessa’s sight, and when she noticed the demon hunter’s polished metal eyes in the twilight, she trot over quickly, but after noticing that there were other people beside the demon hunter , She stopped in front of Zelin, pinched the skirt with both hands, bent over and bowed.

"Sir, you are back!"

Chapter 2189: Escape from the Sky

"It's fine if you are safe." Zelin saw Vanessa stand up from the stone slab and patted her clothes. "What happened here? I remember there should be a group of ghosts of ancient elves here."

"They retreated this evening." Vanessa came over. "The devil moved in the camp of Azsuna, and it seemed to be preparing to attack the court of Farodis, so all the ghost sentries retreated to avoid being surrounded by the devil. You rescued people? We can leave this damned place Is it?"

"Vanessa VanCleef." Shaw frowned. "Why is she here, Valeira?"

"Recruited." Valeira said coldly: "The Duke of Chorazzi thought she could be useful, so in the voting, she passed."

"So is this a critical meeting about me?" Vanessa snorted with her hands folded on her chest. \"Or the so-called just trial?"

"Sooner or later you will get a fair trial, but not today, Van Cleef." Shore waved his hand. "When fighting against the devil, no one cares what you and your group of little thieves have done. As long as you don't take refuge in the Burning Legion, you can live for a while. But if you dare to betray Azeroth at this time. ....."

"Ladies and gentlemen." Zelin interrupted their conversation unceremoniously. "It's time to go. Tao Shi, use your props to contact us. We will go back as soon as possible, the sooner the better."

"This is indeed a good point of contact."

Tao Ya nodded, took out the bamboo tube, aimed at the sky, and pulled the string below.


A dazzling fire light went straight into the sky.

"According to the plan, Duke Jorazzi will send two more helicopters to assist us in our retreat. Admiral Tethys’s ship is waiting in the open sea. When we meet him, he can directly drive us to the Wild West. We can return to Stormwind from the Westfall."

After sending the signal, Tao Shi waited while explaining to others.

"But when Admiral Tethys sent us to arrive, his ship was attacked by the Crimson Sword pirates." Zelin suddenly thought of what happened before he arrived in the Broken Isles. "Is the plan going on as usual?"

"Yes, a pirate ship is not enough to stump Teses." Valeira continued. "This operation is absolutely not tolerant of failure, so don't worry, Tethys will wait for us to arrive at the predetermined location. You have to believe that his ability is not only to command a ship to stay in place, waiting to be bombed to pieces by the enemy. Duke Jorazzi is not interested in how many artillery he can command, or how many wastes he has."

"But two helicopters are not enough." Zelin scanned the people around him. "We have six people here, but the two helicopters can only carry two other people as the pilots. Could it be that we have to leave in batches? If so, I suggest that after sending off the first group of people, we can send them to another place. Leave the second group of people."

The terrain here is good for the aircraft to land, and the pilot can also see the people waiting to be evacuated on the ground in the sky, but again, it is also a conspicuous place for the devil. Fel bats may not be easy to spot, but they are undoubtedly a target for the guards of the doomsday. You can only retreat here for a short time, it is impossible to wait for a long time.

"Don't worry, you Gilneans may rarely see dwarf aircraft. After all, you were sealed off by the Greymane Wall for a long time, and later lived with the night elves." Valeira waved her hand, and her eyes flashed. A trace of doubt. "The aircraft you took when you arrived was used for combat, because no one knows whether or not you will encounter encirclement. But we won't be able to evacuate this time. This kind of aircraft used for transportation can normally carry three people. So don't Worry is enough for us."

"Look over there." Tao Shi raised his hand. "The aircraft to greet us is here."

The others looked in the direction Tao Shi pointed their fingers. Zelin stared at the black spot in the distant sky, frowning involuntarily. As the black spots got closer, the expressions of other people gradually turned from relaxed to solemn.

There is only one.

And the outline is much larger than ordinary aircraft.

Soon, the appearance of the aircraft appeared in front of everyone. This is a rectangular aircraft, supported by two spiral wings, which is much larger than Zelin's aircraft when he arrived. Through the front windshield, Zelin could see a red-brown dwarf sitting inside, holding a rocker to control the machinery.

As the aircraft approached, the others backed away and moved away. The spiral wings blow the weeds on the crooked ground and raise dust. Ze Lin pursed his mouth and narrowed his eyes to prevent wind and sand from blowing into his eyes.