The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1397

A group of people, like winners, walked to the fishing pier, looking for boats. A few peasant women washing clothes by the lake noticed them and quickly picked up the wooden basin and hid elsewhere. Two fishermen who were busy pulling nets on the fishing boat looked at them, talked to each other in a low voice, and shook their heads. An old man with a white beard was sitting in front of the grocery store, smoking cigarettes. Crowds passed by him yelling. The old man couldn't help but sighed and flicked the ashes.

They found a ship, and they didn't know who it was, but they had been docked here anyway. After the war broke out, many people fled. Because of the notoriety that Nilfgaard left in the past, every northerner knows that the Nilfgad people often massacred in places where they were resisted in the first two wars. . Although they did not slaughter the city in Vijima this time, more people believed that this was just because the emperor set up the palace in Vijma, and it took a long time to clean up after killing tens of thousands of people before they could live again.

Another witch hunter pulled her companion over, stepped back two steps, and back to the outer wall of the house.

"You don't really intend to distribute the treasure to these unsophisticated people, do you?" He lowered his voice: "What savings can such a baron in a remote country have? The money is definitely not enough for everyone."

"Of course not. When the time comes, we will say that the warlocks are doing human experiments, and we have swallowed the treasure, and let them attack the warlocks."

"How could they have beaten a warlock?"

"That's how we can report back and tell your majesty that some warlocks violated the Lomugne Treaty signed last year and attacked innocent civilians with magic. In this way, your Majesty can declare the Lomugne Treaty invalid." The witch hunter snorted softly. : "Your Majesty will be able to ask the warlocks to surrender and investigate. As long as the warlocks resist, they will rebel and despise the kingship."

"But what about the results of the investigation? Just one investigation can figure out what's going on. There are so many people watching here."

"Are you stupid?" The witch hunter snorted disdainfully: "What can these villagers say? They can still ride horses, village by village to inform others, what happened here? Anyway, the investigator was dispatched by your majesty. Your Majesty has the final say on what the result will be at that time. When His Majesty announced the result, who would dare to question? Questioning is colluding with the evil warlock and should be tied to a wooden tree and burned to death! Those who do not believe are controlled by the warlock's mind. , Must be sent to the hospital for treatment!"

"But what if the warlock doesn't fight back?"

"Is the sword on your body an ornament?" The witch hunter patted the long sword: "Then wait for the gangsters to kill the sorcerers, we will kill them again. It is said that the sorcerers slaughtered the civilians, we had to kill them. Warlock, then throw the corpse into his laboratory again. This is evidence that the warlock kidnapped civilians for human experimentation." The witch hunter waved his hand impatiently: "Your Majesty wants a name, who cares about the truth. Quickly. Click to go, then just follow me."

A group of people pushed Annabe onto the fishing boat. The dock was in front of Grahan's house. To facilitate fishing, the whole village was close to the lake shore. It is not difficult to find a boat, but the group of people can only row towards Feck Island slowly. The misty water is a big challenge for this group of people who have basically never caught fish.

Graham clutched his abdomen and staggered out of the house, but the ship was more than 30 meters away from the shore.

"Graham, how did you provoke this group of people?" A young man in brown linen trot over, holding his friend's shoulder with his cocooned hand: "Are you okay? Stay away from them."

"I'm okay, Carney." Graham wiped the corners of his cracked mouth. "I have to borrow your boat. I have to catch up as soon as possible."

"You can't go, you are injured. You have to rest." The fisherman's friend watched the boat disappear into the mist: "The gods cursed them all to be buried in fish belly! Oh, by the way, you have an outsider looking for you, he knows Your name."

"Foreigner? Who is it?" Graham asked subconsciously, and then he shook his head: "No, I'll talk about it later, I heard what they are going to do! Those hunters, they... "

"You're Graham, aren't you?"

Zelin walked out of the alley between the two wooden houses, and the cold wind from the lake swirled his hair.

"Outsider, I told you to wait at the intersection of the village, why did you come in?" Carney turned around dissatisfiedly: "Who are you? Know Grahan?"

"I don't know, but the person who entrusted me to know Grahan." Zelin looked at the scarred fisherman beside Carney and frowned slightly: "Baron Wieserard entrusted me to come here, his daughter Anna. Bei is missing, and he thinks Annabe might come here to find you. Graham, have you seen Annabe? Or know where she is?"

Zelin left the tomb early in the morning. He didn't find much valuable things in it. He didn't randomly move some of the instruments and props left in the laboratory. He knew that magic was never a simple thing, especially a powerful wizard. He only checked the records in the laboratory and found that the laboratory belonged to a sage he knew.


The last time he saw this elf sage was outside Constantinople, helping Francesca to search for a relic. That relic can help Francesca develop more cross-space interference magic, and most of his telescope's subsequent modifications are based on the magic contained in that relic. But he didn't expect that Avalak would actually have a laboratory in the world of demon hunters.

Or more than one place.

According to the experiment log, Avalak conducted experiments with ghosts in this laboratory. It is not a simple necromancy, but a kind of magic that can directly cross the barrier between the world of the dead and talk to the ghost normally. It seemed that he was partially successful. He could see the ghost normally, but he could not directly communicate with the ghost. The ghost found did not interact with him.

Zelin didn't know what this had to do with Xili, but what was certain was that Wild Hunt, like him, had nothing to do with Xili's whereabouts in the laboratory. There are traps everywhere in it. If it hadn't been for the encounter with Xili in the south that year, and knowing that a businessman had sent a dark horse named Kelpie to Xili, Zelin would have been unable to open the door of the laboratory at all.

"Annabel is on that boat!" Graham pointed to the surface: "You were sent by the baron to find her? You can use a sword, right? Come with me, we have to rescue her!"

"What happened?" Zelin looked at the lake: "Tell me, what's going on?"

"I, I just overheard they said they were going to kill." Graham took a deep breath, his voice full of anxiety: "Hurry up and get on the boat, we have to rush over, I can tell you on the way, they have rowed out. More than forty meters!"

"Okay, but you have to tell me what happened quickly, to make a long story short."

On the mist-shrouded Feck Island, Alexander paced back and forth anxiously, mumbling about what he wanted to take away.

"You have to bring all these instruments. I have experimented with these instruments. I don't worry about staying here."

"These are too heavy." Kayla pinched her waist dissatisfiedly: "Consider, so many brass instruments, you want to take away all? You are crazy. You know, we have to go through the war zone and wait to pass through Maha. The safe area can only be entered after the Kan Mountains. Before that, a heavy truck was like writing a sign saying'come and rob me'. Do you think the robbers can’t do it? They don’t understand what golden treasure is. What is a scientific instrument. Have you disinfected it?"

"Of course they have been disinfected, but when these instruments are thrown on the deserted islands, I am worried that nearby villagers will come in and dismantle these instruments and sell them for money. They definitely did this kind of thing."

"Then cast some spells to block the tower, and I will help you." Kayla said, "It's very simple, just take away the necessary research materials. In Lomugne, the order has enough laboratories. Assigned to each researcher."

"But what about the remaining research body?"

"What research body?"

"It's the experimental materials that the Baron gave me, and one was kept in a cage in the attic."

"Release him."

"But that's a murderer, let him out, just in case he..."

Before Alexander could finish speaking, the howling wind in the sky interrupted his words instantly.

"What's that?" Keira walked quickly to the window, holding the window sill with one hand and looking up.

A dark shadow crossed the sky, and the rolling wind made the branches rustle.

"Like a griffin." Alexander walked over to Kayla: "Wellen’s forest is full of monsters that are hard to see outside. Griffins, pterodactyls, and gliding lizards, even if someone tells me the forest. I’m not surprised if I live in a real dragon. Hey, there’s a boat there, isn’t it? I can’t see clearly.”

Chapter 2295: Cannibalism

"Look, this island looks like a place with treasures!"

The witch hunter opened his hands, and a young man leaned on the trunk, bowed his head and retched: "Hey, don't throw up, hurry up and find the treasure as soon as possible. I bet the treasure chest must be hidden in the tower of the warlock. Here. Go to the Warlock first, get the Warlock out, and let him tell how much gold Viserad has hidden!"

"What if the warlock attacks us with spells?"

One person asked: "I heard that they might use magic to move a mountain away. What if they hit a rock on our heads?"

"That's a fake, my friend. That's something the gods can do. Warlocks are a group of liars. What immortality is used to deceive nobles, and to intimidate civilians with magic is to deceive money." The witch hunter shook his hand: " It's a pity that people nowadays don't use their brains. Others believe what they say, especially in places like Willen. In Novigrad, we won't believe the lies of warlocks, so they can't cheat anymore. , Can only run here to deceive the Baron of Willen. You have to learn to use your brains, think about it, move a mountain away, and summon lightning? Is this something that humans can do? Fortunately, the great Ladovide Your Majesty has seen through the conspiracy of the sorcerers and wants to punish them."

"But isn't the warlock still there?" a person asked in a daze: "Where is your majesty's punishment?"

"How can you question the great Majesty Ladovide!?" Before the witch hunter could answer, another person shouted angrily, "Are you going to be controlled by the warlock too?! A brainless fool!"

"That's because the cunning warlock took many hostages in the venue, so out of kindness, His Majesty Ladovide reluctantly signed an agreement with the warlock. However, in the agreement, His Majesty specifically requested that no warlock be allowed to harm civilians, otherwise They will be arrested." The witch hunter said with a smile: "So don't worry, no matter what you do, these warlocks dare not fight back, otherwise, His Majesty Ladovide, who is favored by the gods, will hang them. Go ahead."

A group of people walked along the path to the tall tower not far away.

"Look at this group of **** nobles, the stakes are all overlaid with silver thread, what a **** rich!"

Stopping in front of the wooden stake fence by the water, they noticed the fence entwined with silver wire.

"These nobles just like to show off their wealth in strange ways." Another said enviously: "There must be more money in the castle."

Someone wanted to run up to untie the silver thread and put it in his pocket. After a while, the silver thread on the stake disappeared without a trace, leaving only the dilapidated stake standing on the mudflat.

"Hurry up, it's wasting too much time, maybe the warlock in the tower is transferring the treasure!"