The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1427

On May 1, 1272, Kyle Mohan, in the evening—

"This scaffolding has been here for more than ten years, and one more year is nothing."

Standing in the courtyard of Kyle Mohan, Geralt looked at the wooden frame supporting the inner courtyard arch: "It will persist until we come back."

"It's a fluke, Geralt." Vesemir wiped the sweat from his forehead and sighed softly. The old demon hunter with gray hair moves his shoulders, but if someone thinks that he is old and weak because of his appearance, it would be a big mistake: "Since Kyle Morkhan has been ruined for more than 100 years, I I have been watching how this castle gradually became like this under the ravages of wind and snow. Think about it back then, there were always more than 20 apprentices in the castle who were in charge of maintaining the sanitation of the castle and checking for cracks in the walls. Clean the weeds, even the courtyard will always be so clean..."

"Now that place is called Thor Tisha." Geralt sighed, "Why don't you wait for Escal and Lambert to return?"

"I asked them to repair the gap in the wall that was blown up by the salamander gang two years ago. As a result, one of them went fishing and the other went camping. Every time they told me to do it tomorrow, they waited until they left, Lambert. The only thing he did was to push away the broken stones on the gap with Alderfa Seal, because the broken stones blocked him from fishing along that road." Vesemir clutched his forehead behind the hairline, full Facing helplessness: "In the past, even if you were a demon hunter, not an apprentice, you wouldn't make excuses in repairing the wall. Otherwise, once the enemy appeared and the wall was breached, the battle would be over in an instant."

"No thief has visited Kyle Morhan in a hundred years...Well, let's put wooden boards on the roof of the house before we walk."

"The Salamander Gang came here once two years ago. I thought you had amnesia again." Geralt and Vesemir climbed onto the scaffolding with barrels filled with clay. There were already several neatly cut piles on the scaffolding. Stone.

"Did you buy all the construction materials for last year's commission?"

"There are also cured meats that can be stored for a long time." Vesemir put the barrel at his feet: "I heard that the war will continue for at least a year. Find a way to hide the canyon trail outside the castle, lest the Nilfgaards find it here."

"Which side are we on?"

Vesemir looked into the distance, and the two opposing peaks outside the castle formed a narrow canyon. In the sky, only a few people who know Kyle Morhan understand that there is a small path in the middle of this valley, behind which hides the secret of the demon hunter: "We are on the side of the northern countries. Where do you plan to go this year?"

"Fujian, or Aden, there is the front line, the generals will not drive a demon hunter who can clean up the camp for them. I heard that there was a famine in Aden this year, and the carnivorous creatures were hungry enough to eat anything."

"Yes, in the three consecutive years of war, the farmland has long been overgrown with weeds. It is indeed a good place. There will not be a lack of opportunities. If the Nilfgadian people come over, they will first go to Mahakam to avoid the limelight and kill the red. Soldiers who catch the eye don't care what demon hunter you are, they will kill all the moving creatures in front of them."

"I see, I have some friends there, and I really want to know what they are doing."

"We are the demon hunter, Geralt, and the king said that brothers and brothers have nothing to do with us. Don't get involved in politics, just like Zelin, if you see his good lover has become a queen, he has completely fallen into it. "

"Ah, I know."


The hoarse tweet attracted the attention of the two demon hunters.

They raised their heads, and under the starry night sky, a dark crow flapped its wings and landed on the edge of the stable roof. A pair of dark eyes stared at the two people in the courtyard. To be precise, it was Geralt.

"Crow." Vesemir sighed, "Not a good sign."

"No, it's not a crow." Geralt shook his head: "Yenefa likes to use crows to convey information."

The demon hunter stretched out his hand, and the crow flapped its wings again and flew up, landing on Geralt's arm. The next moment, a light spot suddenly appeared in the middle of the crow's body, and its wings, neck, and bird's claws collapsed towards the light spot. In the blink of an eye, the crow disappeared, leaving only a folded letter paper in Geralt's palm.

"Dear friend."

Geralt almost bit his tongue when he read the first paragraph. He still remembered how such greetings were. About a few years ago, he and Ye Naifa fell out, and later he wanted to write a letter explaining that after a night of insomnia, he finally thought of one Appropriate greetings, and Ye Naifah unceremoniously satirized them with the same greetings.

"Dear friend? Are you sure this is Ye Naifa's letter?"

"Yes, it is." Geralt cleared his throat.

[I haven't given you any warm greetings in the past few years, please forgive me, I don't have much time.

I have very important news, and I must tell you in person, the sooner the better, come to Willoughby near Vizima, remember to ride a good horse, and don’t let me look forward to it for too long.

Your best friend

Ye Naifah.

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ps: I also bring unicorns. 】

"Yenafah has very important news and hopes to find him in a place called Willowby near Vizima." Geralt put down the letter.

"I guess she definitely didn't say the reason, right."


"Well, do you need my help?" Vesemir smeared clay on a stone brick and slapped it against the notch in the arch: "Vegima doesn't sound as good as Fjian, it belongs to Nilfgaard. Territory. But Ye Naifah has set the meeting place at Vizima, there must be her reason. It just so happens that I haven't considered where to go this year."

"Of course it couldn't be better."

"When will we leave?"

"Tomorrow morning."

Vesemir sighed lightly and smeared clay on the second stone brick: "You really can't wait."

That night, Vizima—

The sun-wheel flag on the Veterans Square hunted in the roaring night breeze.

This square is named after Marshal Natalis to commemorate his achievements in the Battle of Brunner. In the center of the square, there are now several scaffoldings. Craftsmen are busy engraving the names of soldiers killed in the Battle of Brunner. The stone stele was replaced with a statue of Emperor Enhir to show the conquest and rule of the city by the Nilfgaards.

The street was silent, except for the neat sound of patrol soldiers' iron boots stepping on the street. The Nilfgaard flag hung in front of every house, stretching down the street to the city gate.

"Cavory, is your team patrolling tonight?"

"Yeah, it's really unlucky. The draw is assigned to patrol the sewers." A Nilfgaard officer pressed his sword with one hand and spread his left hand: "Only the gods know why the northerners want to build a sewer as big as a city, and It was stuffed with monsters. Did you see Bobby being carried out the other day? It was so unlucky that a monster came out of the water and bit off a leg."

"I heard from the northerners in the city hall today that there is still a giant octopus in the sewer. Do you believe it? The sewer? The giant monster?” Another Nilfgard officer who was about to take a rest seemed very happy. The soldiers behind them talked to each other in low voices, discussing where to meet in the city during the vacation tomorrow: "My grandmother is right. There are only monsters in the north and there are monsters in the city. I really don’t know how people live here. Come down, aren’t they afraid of being dragged away by monsters when they go to bed in the middle of the night?"

"Barbarians are suitable for the environment of barbarians." The officer smiled: "Here still needs to be reformed. We have to teach these barbarians what is the etiquette and norms of civilized people. But their bodies are good, and the slave market is getting better every day. It’s lively. The day before yesterday, fifty healthy men and thirty young women were transported into the market. Two hundred Francs of gold were sold in one day! I really hope we can find more so-called kingdoms in the north, and so on. I have retired with another sum of money. Investing in a slavery team can buy an apartment in Nilfgard."

"Great Sun Wheel, now Nilfgaard's apartment is getting more and more expensive, I would rather go to Ebin to buy a manor."

"Wild land? I would rather stay in a civilized place. After Kagle retired and went to Martina, a group of gangs burned his manor." The officer shrugged, "See you tomorrow, I have to endure it tonight. These **** barbarians produce garbage in the sewers."

"Wait, Nezel."

The officer took his colleague by the arm and walked to the other side of the street, with his back facing the soldier. None of the soldiers showed a curious look. Inquiring into the secrets of their superiors is the same as treason in the army.

"I recently found a gang in the north. They have about forty people and they are willing to help me catch slaves." The officer lowered his voice: "Their leader said that as long as a deposit, they can send fifty healthy but very cunning. A northerner. And he has a goal. In Willen, there are at least two hundred slaves that can be captured, all young men and women."

"Is it reliable?"

"The opportunity to make money is risky. I don’t have enough Francs. The northerners want krona. The dwarf’s bank says that the exchange ratio can only be one to one. That group of freaks actually took the empire’s currency and the barbarians’ money. It's the same thing. But the palace ordered the protection of the bank, so are you interested?" Cavori stretched out two fingers: "Franc of this number."

"Two hundred?"

"I can pay half."

The officer pondered for a few seconds, his teeth biting his lower lip.

"...I can pay the money. If it's reliable, I can borrow money from my soldiers and repay them the interest at that time."

"Tomorrow we will meet." Cavour patted his colleague on the back, turned around and waved to the soldier: "Guys, come back to the camp and rest with me."