The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1514

Dark clouds drifted past, blocking the sun.

Noon is like night. The wind is getting stronger and stronger, and many people cannot open their eyes.

"Only under my rule, the creatures here will be rescued." The sneer in Saruman's voice was even stronger: "I guess Shire's tobacco has choked your head. You and Xiurton carry so little People stay here, thinking that words alone can stop me? You have no power here. And you think that the ranger by your side can really ascend to the throne of Gondor and defeat Sauron? Wishful thinking."

Aragorn, who was standing beside Gandalf on horseback, gave a mocking snort.

Gandalf suddenly took off his cloak and held up his wand.

The dazzling white light burst out suddenly, appearing especially bright under the dark clouded sky. Strong orcs and half-orcs raised their hands to cover their eyes, or backed away in fear. Such dazzling and pure white light made them frightened. Saruman's eyes widened in surprise. He saw the light of a white-robed wizard beside Xiurton almost overshadowed everyone around him.

"Master, master!" Grima grabbed the reins of Saruman's mount in horror, and pointed to the slopes on both sides: "Rohan, Rohan!"

On both sides of the hillside, a heavily armed knight leaped out, lined up in a row, looking at the phalanx on the plain below. The anger and killing intent can be clearly seen in their eyes. Soon, Rohan cavalry was stained on both sides of the hillside.

The orcs in the phalanx looked around in a panic, not knowing which way to face, it seemed that in an instant, they were surrounded by the Rohan from three directions.

Eomo rode his horse and ran to Xiurton: "Your Majesty, everyone is already in place. There is no need to waste time with this wizard to buy time, we are ready to kill!"

"His arrogance blinded his eyes, so that he did not realize the real danger." Gandalf whispered: "He made the most serious mistake."

"And he will never have a chance to make mistakes in the future."

Xiurton drew out his saber, and the Rohan knights raised their battle axes and mounted their lances, waiting for the king's order.

"They didn't leave at all!" Saruman suddenly recovered, he raised his hand and slapped Grima's face with a slap: "You trash!"

"Knight of Rohan!" Hidden exclaimed: "Today, we will eradicate the cancer and defend the kingdom! Hussars, charge with me!"

The hussars launched a charge from three directions to the orc army that had drawn a rectangular team due to marching on the plain below. The ground rumbling under the footsteps of iron hoof!

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ps: Sorry, I did my graduation project this afternoon, and I finally finished it. It was a lot of delay in updating time, so it was half an hour late. It will be normal in the future. Recently there have been a lot of things, the update time is not stable, I'm really sorry

Chapter 2458 The Lost Forest

"Raise the spear! Quick! Raise the spear and block them!"

Saruman’s mount paced back and forth in panic, the strong orcs around him still followed their masters, while the half-orcs were panicked: "Raise the spears and form a square array, let the archers come to the center, Come to the middle, archer!"

On the chaotic battlefield, the orcs could still hear Saruman's voice. Some half-orcs held their simple short spears, as in the previous training, a row of soldiers squatted in front, and the half-orcs in the back put their short spears on the shoulders of their front companions. But the orcs in these mountains are too short. Their height is almost the same as that of a hobbit and a dwarf, but they do not have the stamina of a dwarf and the agility of a hobbit. When their long spear phalanx appeared, the Rohan knight charging ahead did not pay attention to them at all. The knights shouted, mounted their lances, and rushed towards the orcs like a rushing flood.

Many half-orcs were squeezing forward, thinking that it would be safer to hide next to the strong orcs. More archers ran into the team in a panic, huddling with other running orcs, colliding with each other, and as a result, they didn’t run a few steps, but they were horrified to find that the knight charged from the other direction was already close. Close at hand.

"All the strong orcs come to me!" Saruman ordered his most trusted and most powerful force: "Hold up your spears and let the bodies of Rohan people hang on your spears! The other side! The king is right in front, and he is about to rush over to die!"

Leaning on his shoulders, the strong orc will raise a nearly three-meter spear, facing Theyurdon who is charging head-on, and Gandalf, Aragorn and Legolas who are next to Theyurdon.

Saruman had no time to take care of the screams behind him. He raised his wand and aimed at Xiurton, who was leading the charge.

"Your wand is broken."

Gandalf’s calm voice came into Saruman’s ears clearly and clearly. It was like a declaration. In the blink of an eye, the dark wand became hot, and the cracks spread at a speed visible to the naked eye. White light burst out in the middle. Saruman gripped the staff hard, his wrists trembling.

Two seconds later, the staff exploded into pieces, and the white gem on the top fell to the ground, shattering like glass.

"Children of Io, rush!"

Hidden raised his saber, the lance of the guard knight and the horse covered with iron form a deadly steel wall, and rushed towards Saruman unstoppable. Gandalf's wand stretched forward, and the strong orc in the front screamed and threw away the weapon in his hand. The spear turned red as if it was suddenly heated. There was a gap in the originally tight long spear phalanx in an instant, and it became fragmented.


The king's mount jumped up and passed over the strong orc's head. Hidden swung his sword downwards, and an ugly head with a helmet flew out.

"For Rohan!"

The Rohan knight slammed into the orc team hard, like a nail inlaid into a wooden board. Many half-orcs were knocked into the air by the screams, fell to the ground and hit other orcs, or were knocked over to the ground, and stepped into the mud by countless horseshoes. Rohan's army was unstoppable, they rushed down the hillside, invincible all the way, swept through Isengard's army like a violent wind blowing across the grassland.

After the Rohan people ran, Jin Li, who was charging with an axe, was left behind. He was left behind, but his footsteps did not stop at all.

"Let you see what is the endurance and combat power of a dwarf!" Jin Li roared: "And greetings from the axe from Gushan!"

No more orders are needed. The Rohan people already know what they should do in this situation. The knights rushed forward bravely, and countless orcs fell in front of them and were pierced by spears. The lance broke off, so they drew out the saber and battle axe from their waists, or took off the spare short spear behind them, and continued to charge forward, slashing any enemies that stood in front of them or appeared to their sides. It wasn't until the half-orc's figure disappeared in front of his eyes-completely penetrated the orc phalanx-and then continued to charge forward, until reaching the other side of the hillside, he held the reins, turned the horse's head, and once again slammed into the chaotic battlefield.

No orcs or humans can stop their offensive. Hussars kept chasing, the enemy ran away lifelessly, and Isengard's troops were crushed.

"Don't mess, don't panic!" Saruman wanted to control the army, but when the strong orcs were also defeated under the attack of the hussars, no orcs could raise their fighting spirit and resist the offensive of the Rohan cavalry on the plain: " Gather, gather together!"

Grima jumped up and grabbed the horse's reins. There are corpses and running orcs everywhere: "Run, master! Run, go back to Isengard, or everything will be over!"

The half-orcs fled in all directions, and the resistance of the strong orcs hardly lasted for long. From time to time, some strong orcs wanted to gather, but they had just gathered dozens of people when they were discovered by the Rohan knight. More knights immediately rushed towards the strong orcs and completely scattered them. A few of the Dunlanders who stayed behind didn't realize what was happening, they were broken up by the defeated Orcs in front, and then knocked to the ground by the knight who was chasing them down.

"I have a large army! How could I be defeated in front of Hidden! This is my army!" Saruman kicked Grima angrily: "Call the soldiers immediately, I have ten thousand soldiers, this group is riding on How could a barbarian on horseback defeat a strong orc armed by industry!"

Suddenly, the scream of air coming from his ear made Saruman bend down subconsciously, and an arrow flew over his head.


Legolas's angry voice reached the ears of the white-robed wizard, and the elf prince rode a white horse, once again taking arrows from the quiver behind him.

Saruman turned his horse's head, patted his horse and fled in the direction of Isengard.

"Catch up with Saruman!" The sword in Aragorn's hand was stained with orc blood. He held up the sword and chased Saruman in the direction: "Don't let Saruman run away!"

"Wait for me, Master!" Grima yelled, chasing after Saruman: "Wait for me!"

Rohan rode on the plains to hunt down the orcs, and Hidden led the guards around him to pursue Saruman with Gandalf, Aragorn, and Legolas.

When they rushed up the hillside, the landscape of the northern part of the Eisen Valley appeared in front of them. At the bottom of the hillside, Saruman rode a horse and fled to Isengard alone. Grima, who was wearing a black robe behind him, fled embarrassedly, but the gap between him and his master was widening. No matter what, Saru yelled. Man didn't mean to stop.

But Hidden took the reins.

He looked at the plain before him in confusion.

"What's the matter, Your Majesty?" Aragorn rode to the king's side: "Why stopped?"

"Is this the wizard's magic? Is it Saruman's trap?" Hidden frowned: "I remember this is a forest...Where did the forest go?"

The 2459th chapter forest fury

When the sun rises from the distant horizon, pungent gunpowder smoke floats in the sky dyed red by the rising sun.

The slopes of the valley outside the Black Man Temple were covered with corpses, charred remains, and corpses filled with arrows. The bodies of the dead almost covered the soil on the hillside, spreading on every inch of land. It was mixed with a little dark green cloak, and the corpse was spread all the way to the sixth section of the hillside, and did not stop until a huge rock.

"So much sacrifice..." The exhausted princess walked to Zelin, with ashes left by gunpowder remaining on her left cheek. She lifted the slightly curled blond hair on her forehead to her ears. When the battle was most dangerous, the prince also held a shield and a long sword, and walked to the front line to fight the Ruen offensive: "They didn't continue to attack, wizard."

"They are also humans and need rest." Zelin shrugged: "How about casualties, please?"

"One hundred and eighty-six people were injured, of which 57 were seriously wounded. Thirty-nine people were killed. Half of our soldiers lost their combat effectiveness, and only one third of the remaining soldiers could continue fighting." Owen exhaled softly: "Forty-two soldiers in the Elf Reinforcement Army were injured. Fortunately, their armor was good. They were all slightly injured and did not affect the next battle. But..." She looked at the block. The giant rock in front of the roadblock, the rock separated them from the Luen people below: "We have no retreat unless we escape into the White Mountains."