The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 156

With a sigh, Zelin was about to go, but he suddenly felt something vibrating in his personal pocket. He stretched out his hand and took it out. It was a little thing Francesca gave him before leaving.

Chapter 306 A Family

This thing, which looked like an ordinary stone to the touch or looked like an ordinary stone, had no special meaning from the outside. Two days after it came into this world, Zelin left it behind. After all, the dragon's attack has cost him a lot of energy.

The demon hunter originally thought it was just a stone, polished like glass. But now, the stone was emitting a faint light in his hand, and at the same time there was a harsh sound.

"...This is the thirty-seventh test..."

Zelin stared at the thing in his hand. If you zoom in on it, it looks like the lens of a telescope. The demon hunter doesn’t know much about magic. What he really understands is something related to curses, but even thousands of miles. The mirror can allow a person sitting in Nilfgard to communicate with another person in the Dragon Mountain Range in the far north, but it cannot communicate across another world anyway.

Amazing my friend.

"...Ada, help me again...should be successful..."

The shimmer and sound were like hallucinations, but after a few seconds, everything was calm again, as if nothing had happened. With a sigh, he put this strange thing in a safer place. No matter what the warlock can do, I heard that the mages of Ban Ade even tried to study the world of vampires through the gap left by the intersection of the celestial spheres. But no matter how powerful the warlocks were, even if they flew to the same height as the sun, Zelin had to solve the current problem first.

Anyway, when I go back, I will know what Francesca is doing.

"You, come here, I have to talk to you alone." Valerica and Serana didn't know what they said, she suddenly turned her head and called to Zelin, who was still considering this message. She was indeed going to talk to Zelin alone, and Valerica walked to the far left side of the barrier, leaving Serana to stay where she did not approach.

"I'm listening."

Zelin touched a transparent wall with one hand. This should be an enchantment, just like warlocks often use to defend arrows or resist cold spells, but this wall can resist the entry and exit of anything, and it is obvious. It is impossible for Valerica to lock herself in a place voluntarily, otherwise she might as well choose to seal herself in a corner of Tamriel like Selana did when she came to the soul stone mound.

"I'm very sad when I think of Serana being with a vampire hunter. Dawn Guardian, I know you, Serana may not recognize the sun emblem on your quiver, but I do."

Valerica pinched her waist with one hand, frowning and staring at the Demon Hunter. "Now, your strategy is successful. Under the guise of Serana's protector, you successfully found me. Then, what will you do next? , Think of a way to break this barrier and kill me? Are there your companions around? Or kill the two Vakiraha vampires first, and then deal with Hakon?"

Zelin did not answer her directly, "You remind me of a businessman who once hired me as a escort. He always regarded simple things as complicated, and then thought that he saw the essence of things and thought he was very smart. I and Selana went with her to find a solution to Hakon and protect her safety. This is not a strategy."

"Of course, of course, I believe you, as a vampire hunter, will definitely find a way to kill Hakon, but after that? What will happen to Serana? She is also a vampire and one of the prey of vampire hunters." Valerie Ka with the fangs showing the corners of his mouth "I can't watch my daughter walk into your trap ignorantly! A human being who hunts vampires says to protect vampires, I can think that you are deceiving me, or you Are you crazy?"

"I don't know if I'm crazy, but I'm definitely not crazy enough to seal her for thousands of years without asking the other person if she's willing."

"What do you know! Do you think I will let my daughter stay alone in that tomb to protect the Elder Scrolls?" Valerica was sullen, but she kept controlling her voice. "Serana has already told me, you guys. I came here for another ancient scroll. I guess you know the prophecy to overthrow the tyranny of the sun and the legendary Auriel bow, but you don’t know that in the Fall of the Sun, the real key is not the Auriel’s. Bow, but the daughter of Cold Harbor...that is, Serana herself."

Zelin frowned. He had never heard of the daughter of Cold Harbor, or the connection between blood and the sun, and Serana had not mentioned it herself. Valerica had no reason to fabricate a lie, only that this matter was so important that Selana herself knew nothing about it, or it might be that Selana didn't want to say it.

The demon hunter was silent, and Valerica walked aside again, as if she was afraid that Selana would hear something.

"When I was escaping from Hakon, I took two copies of the ancient scrolls. The prophecy declared that'the blood of the daughter of Cold Harbor will cover the dragon's eyes.' Do you know what that means, hunter. Be a Hakon Discovering that his daughter is an important part of the plan, what will he do to Selana? He will definitely kill Selana! I understand Hakon, any self-sacrifice to the species is necessary in his eyes. Of course, the premise is that the sacrifice is not him."

"So? You have to keep running away, seal up your daughter, and flee to this desolate soul stone mound, all day in panic. Do you think your plan is foolproof?" The demon hunter looked directly at Valais Rika’s eyes "I didn’t just notice the sealed crypt of Serana by accident. The vampires who were loyal to Harcon noticed it a long time ago. Sooner or later they can unlock your secret. I know the importance of Serana to him, but what about afterwards? When he unlocks and understands that he will kill Serana in order to fulfill the prophecy, will he just unlock your seal?"

This is a prophecy, and it is also a curse to Serana, who is the daughter of Cold Harbor. Zelin has solved countless curses in his life, and avoiding it is never the right way. No matter what, hiding his head under the stone will not make a person really hide it, let alone resist the coming storm.

"What do you think? Killed Hakon?" Valerica looked at the demon hunter with pity, and shook her head. "You are just a human being. You don't know me and Serana at all, and you don't know vampires."

"No, I think I know vampires. Just like this vampire Valerica who is standing in front of me and has lived for thousands of years. If this is a vampire, I think I know vampires well. They are timid and fearful. , She would choose to run away when she was in danger, hiding in a remote corner shivering, unwilling to believe in anything, suspicious, how pitiful. Serana, it seems that she is really a vampire, so she is willing to trust me, and Her purebred vampire mother can't do it."

"What do you understand! Humans, you..." Valerica closed her mouth suddenly, Serrana came over, the vampire dropped the demon hunter, and turned to her daughter. "Oh, Serrana, tell me, I Can you trust this human being with your safety?"

Selana seemed to have made some determination. She took a deep breath, "I have known you for centuries, mother, but what you did for me is not even as good as the human in your mouth, the two who met me. There are so many things done during the month."

"Serana! How dare you say that! For you I have thrown away everything I care about to protect you from that crazy father!"

"Yes, mother, he is indeed crazy...but he is my father. Why don't you think about my feelings when you fight each other? The humans in your mouth are willing to listen to my thoughts and be considerate of me. Mood, but what did you do?"

"Serana, open your eyes. If your father realizes that you have a very important place in his plan, he will definitely kill you..."

"So in order to protect me, you keep me away from all the things I worry about and care about? You never asked me whether hiding in the grave is a good way. You just want me to do everything you planned. Father. Think I’m just a tool for his prophecy, but what about you, mother? You planned everything for me. You always tell me what I should do instead of asking me if I’m willing to do it. You think you’re doing it for I’m good, but in fact, what is the difference between me and your tools against your father?"

Valerica looked at her daughter, she showed a confused look, and then looked at the demon hunter.

"I can't criticize your maternal love, Valerica." Zelin folded his arms. "But when you put everything in the name of care, you can no longer realize what you did to Sera. Is it for Na to care or hurt... You don’t have the guts to fight against Hakon, so you choose to escape, and you have to let your daughter escape with you, and seal Serana by yourself without knowing her thoughts at all. For thousands of years, do you think you are caring for her? No, you just hurt her in the name of caring. Instead of asking your daughter if she is willing to trust me, why not ask her if she is willing to be like you and choose when facing a disaster Escape, or just as she is doing, facing up to the difficulties?"

"Yes, mother, it’s not me who wants to open your eyes, it’s you." Serrana’s voice was trembling. I don’t know if we can go back to the time before the prophecy. Maybe we don’t deserve to have the happiness of our family. Maybe it’s not for us at all, but we can stop it before our father becomes out of control."


"Mother, I know what kind of dangers I will face, and I also know how powerful my father is. I understand all this... I will not run away, mother, I want to try my best to save it all... We are a family ."

Chapter 307 The Big Gamble: The Soul Stone Tomb

Valerica was finally willing to help Zelin, whether for herself or for her daughter. She told the demon hunter good news that another copy of the ancient scroll was kept in her hands safely, and Zelin could take the ancient scroll away at any time. The bad news is clear. This transparent wall isolates Valerica and the Elder Scrolls together in the cemetery. If you want to get the Elder Scrolls, you must unlock this barrier.

As a veteran necromancer, Valerica made a deal with the ideal lord after entering the soul stone mound. Facts have proved that trading with the devil will not end well, but Valerica is a smart and wise man after all. When she realized that she was not a tradeable object in the eyes of the ideal master, but a soul to be harvested, she gave up trading and prepared to escape. But the ideal master sent some servants to build this place into a cage, so that Valerica could never escape from the soul stone mound.

The ultimate time game. The concept of time is meaningless to the ideal master, and Wachihara vampires never die due to aging. The devotees of their demon **** Morag Barr, the most pure blood vampires, their There is no such thing as aging in the dictionary. Just in front of this wall, not far from the entrance, the Lord of Ideals will not let Valerica go, and Valerica will not voluntarily surrender to the Lord of Ideals, so they are deadlocked here. Millennia.

Fortunately, the scope of this cemetery is large enough. Valerica transformed it into a more comfortable place to live after solving the undead inside, and the research materials and books she brought with her to escape from the castle, so that she could be in a few places. He has been sensible and sober for thousands of years.

"There are three tallest stone towers nearby. There is a strong undead creature guarding the stone towers. The pipes in the stone towers **** in the poor souls nearby. After a series of reactions, they finally turn into energy to charge the barrier and kill them. If you drop the guard, you can block the operation of the pipeline. I can feel that the power of a tower has disappeared."

"Yes, we saw a tower and killed the guards in it." Gneia hasn't returned yet, presumably she won't go too far. Zelin will do what Valerica said, and solve the remaining The guards of the next few towers, and then wait for the dragonborn to return, take the ancient scrolls and leave here "I won't leave for too long."

"I'll go with you." After talking frankly with her mother, Selana seemed to have let go of her burden, which could bring her mother back to what she wanted, and made Miss Vampire look much happier. She proposed to work with the demon hunter to solve the guard, but the latter rejected it.

"You keep it here, Selana, and chat with your mother. We all know the power of that guard. Gnaiya and I can solve it all."

There seems to be a thin white mist floating in the soul stone mound forever, and the buildings in the distance can only show black outlines in the mist. The world seems to have only four tones of white, black, purple and light blue. But finding tall towers is not difficult. Valerica said that they are the three tallest stone towers nearby. Most of the buildings do not exceed two stories, and those tall stone towers appear among the few low buildings. Outstanding.

Without a saddle, riding on Avak is definitely not a comfortable thing. Not far from the entrance to the cemetery, Zelin saw the owner of the horse again. He was with several ghosts. One of them was a merchant who had seen the demon hunter before and planned to sell goods in the soul stone grave. Soul. A group of their souls gather together, and it's hard not to notice them.

Zelin took Avak and walked over, only to see these ghosts gathering together, then the merchant was talking endlessly, while Avak’s master was sitting cross-legged on the ground, staring at a soul in his hand. The coat didn't know what was thinking.

"I brought Avak back for you."

The demon hunter called him, but did not respond.

"Hi, your horse is here, I found it."

At the second sound, the ghost came back to his senses, he saw the demon hunter, and then came the spirit.

"Oh! You found Avak? That's great." The ghost nodded, but Zelin was a little unclear about the next words, so "Then you must have been to many places, right, how many soul skins you have, Ava Ke is a good horse, how about I use it to replace all the soul skin on your body?"

The demon hunter raised his eyebrows, "Could you ask what happened before I got this unexpected gift."

"Oh! We have a clever man here. Luke has provided us with a fun card game. Can you believe it? You can make a perfect game by drawing something on a piece of paper. He plans to be here now. To open a ghost casino, we have to use the soul coat as currency to buy cards. Damn it, I lost all the coats on my body in the demo just now, do you still have it? I will sell Avak to you."

Zelin sighed. This reminded him that outside the big casino, with some good-quality gold, he can always buy precious gemstone jewelry at very cheap prices. Gamblers often use any of their previous things as collateral, saying that they will redeem the things after they have won the money.

Although Zelin also likes playing cards and gambling, it is difficult for him to understand the mood of these people because he has hardly lost.

The demon hunter gave him the soul coat of nearly forty chapters on his body. Zelin left a few of them as a research gift to Francesca. She would like to study this kind of soul-related Stuff. Avak is a good horse. It is a physical horse, but it is a ghost in nature. It does not need to eat or breathe. When Zelin goes to other worlds in the future, he no longer has to look for means of transportation and worry about the death of the horse. Tangled between accidents.

Leaving these ghosts who found something to do, suddenly excited, Zelin found the second tower. But he was late, and the dragonborn girl had already visited here. Except for a few smashed skeletons on the ground, the boxes that were originally placed around the tower were opened, and the inside was empty, leaving nothing. There is no doubt that this must be done by Gnaiya.