The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1572

Zelin looked at the spy chief, and the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

"Now, we all have a common enemy." Dijkstra spread out his hands. "Ladoovide is a lunatic. As long as he is still in the north, he will never be at peace. He is a hopeless idiot, and there is another one. Use his own theory to convince him to continue this mistake. More importantly, he has long hanged everyone who dared to point out his mistake."

"Wait, I think you should stop." Zelin raised his hand. "I thought it was something that turned out to be to discuss Ridania's state affairs? Please, Dikoscher, you may have the wrong person. You It’s an earl, I’m a demon hunter, this is a bishop, and this lady. Although you didn’t introduce it in detail, I don’t think you like to hold a beautiful woman in your arms when discussing major issues. You should Find more powerful nobles in Ridania to discuss how to save the country, instead of being carried into the abyss by a madman. As for me, you will not tell me the next moment that Ladovide’s head becomes crazy Was it because he was cursed? Or did a demon become like him?"

"Very imaginative, you should go to the theater to replace those increasingly boring screenwriters." Dixie sneered: "If so, that would be great, just find a demon hunter and a warlock, the country It will be back to normal. No, the situation is completely different. Ladovide’s plan is not limited to Redania. He wants to carry out his plan to the entire north. Who do you think he will regard as an imaginary enemy? All non-humans, In order for people to continue to endure, he has to set up a target for everyone to vent their anger. Dwarves, elves and all non-humans will become his targets, whether it is Hundred Flowers Valley or Fjian built by Saqiya. After he solidified his foundation, he became a new goal."

"Wait, don't you think it's too early to say that?" Zelin chuckled lightly, and Villemore frowned: "Nilfgard's army is still stationed on the other side of the Ponta River. They can be at any time. Cross the river defense line and invade Novigrad, Tritog, Linde, and all the towns of Ridania. Now you tell me that Ladooved is ready to initiate war?"

"Times have changed, Demon Hunter." Dixie stretched out a finger and shook: "I got the exact source. Enhill's efforts to manipulate the domestic trading company have failed. He is looking for his daughter. And prepare to pass the throne to her. Do you know what this means? The war may end because of the change of the throne, and the new Nilfgaard emperor is likely to stop the war and stabilize the domestic situation. Think about it, if Nilfgad With the army suddenly withdrawing, who is most likely to receive the results? Apart from Redania? Who has contributed the most in this war?"

"Temalia on the western front?" Zelin said casually, "Fujian in the east?"

"That's right." Dijkstra nodded unexpectedly: "The northern countries suffered heavy losses in this war, except for Ridania. Ladooved snatched too much gold from priests and nobles, and he took it. The gold was used to buy mercenaries and Nilfgaards to consume, and his main force remained in a safe rear. When the war was over, which northern kingdom could stop him? And when he took the kingdoms , Do you think he will let Fujian and Baihuagu?"

"...... Maybe he can't beat Fujian and Baihuagu?" Zelin shrugged: "Well, I can help you get in touch with Saqiya and Francesca. Then, you go. How about talking directly with them about this matter? I don’t care about it, and because of this **** war, my academy can only be relocated to Thor Tisha in the south. I’m here just to Visit friends, and then I will leave. I know your smart people, so that we don’t need to be ambiguous when we speak, I can tell you, I understand what you want me to do, and I will not agree. I will not participate in politics, Enough."

How could Zelin not know their thoughts.

Wizmir II left a substantial treasury for Redania, but even so, it was unable to support Ladovide’s military expenditures. This year, including the last time Zelin was helping Chape in Novigrad, Ladoovide was trying to find domestic wealth, arranging various charges for the nobles, threatening to blackmail their gold, or using In the name of patriotism, merchants and noble ladies are required to make donations.

Regarding the eternal fire, Ladovide directly extended his hand into the church to control the appointment and arrangement of the bishops of the church, and even ordered Heimfa to publicly sell the positions of bishops and temple guards. All the gold from the sale of positions goes to Radovide, and the salaries of these people are borne by the church.

Amelia caught the idea of ​​Radovide and defeated Manji with a sum of gold. The church declared that Manji died of a heart attack and no one came to investigate.

Obviously, Villermoor’s presence here represents the attitude of the Church of Eternal Fire. The church seems to be unable to tolerate the raids by Ladovide any longer, and this Highness Dahlia is obviously from an extraordinary background, perhaps Ridani Asia and China have secretly formed a group conspiring to overthrow Ladovide.

That's why Dijkstra and Philippa could return to the kingdom so easily.

They only need one person, a killer, to get rid of Ladovide.

"Don't worry, Demon Hunter, you did not participate in politics less on the battlefield of Frogen." Dijkstra chuckled slightly: "The full name of His Royal Highness Dalimila is Dalimila. Tritog, I know what you are investigating, and His Highness Dalimila has evidence to prove to you that not only did Ladovide fund the witch hunters, there are also another group of people he claims to hate most."

Chapter 2554: The Gift of Radania

Zelin stared at Dijkstra with slanted eyes.

"This is not a funny joke, Dixie."

"Do you think there are clown actors around here?" The spy chief opened his arms: "Or do you think I'm going to start singing the opera next? No, the demon hunter, Ladovide is crazy, he is talking to the whole world. As an enemy, he wants to control everything, including non-human powers, such as demon hunters, such as warlocks. One day he launches an expedition to Brockleron, I will not be surprised."

Dikoschi looked at Dalimila, who was a little nervous and took a deep breath: "This is true, Lord Demon Hunter." She looked at Zelin with a complicated expression: "In the palace, Ladovide once held a meeting. In the secret meeting, the waiters told me that he had recruited some men in ragged clothes, hats, and birch canes. Forgive me, I don’t know what they are doing, and the information I can get is limited. Radovide I and my sister are under house arrest."

Dali Mila Tritog.

After hearing her surname, Zelin knew how special the woman in front of him was. She is one of Ladovide’s two younger sisters. Once, fifteen years ago, Vizmir was going to be engaged to Foltest to unite Redania and Temaria. Unfortunately, Foltest has always been in love with his sister Yada, and considering the age of Dahlia at that time, he refused the marriage.

Later Foltest named his daughter Yada to commemorate the sister who died in dystocia.

Dalimila, like Radovide, is only in her twenties. Considering this matter, Zelin couldn't help but sigh. For the benefit of the country, Vezmir II could betroth his 10-year-old daughter. After being rejected by Foltest, Dalimila was no longer able to propose marriage to any member of the royal family.

Everybody knows Foltest’s refusal. Zelin also heard about it at the time. The streets and alleys were talking about Atta’s beauty and how sorry Dalimira had grown, that would make the young The king would rather marry his sister than refuse royal marriage. Wizmir II was also furious because of this, raising the tariffs on all imported goods from Tamoria, giving Foltest a severe lesson.

"Thanks to the help of His Highness Atha." Dikoscher said to the side: "His Royal Highness has been separated from Ladovide since the time of Lomugne. Ladovide will not live in the palace anyway. He stays on the battleship every day, and he has three guards guarding by the bed every night when he sleeps. Thanks to our beloved bishop, our witch hunter who is loyal to the eternal fire is willing to report to the king. Whereabouts."

Villemore narrowed his eyes slightly and puffed out his chest proudly.

"No one can escape the eyes of the eternal fire, even the king who was bewitched by the devil. Ladovide received the education of a witch since he was a child, and the witch must have dedicated his soul to the devil to make him do such a blasphemous thing. ."

"Think about it, Demon Hunter. We have common goals and common enemies. Moreover, you wouldn't think that I would be like Nilfgard's Imperial Intelligence Agency. The assassination is to send a martial arts assassin. Go to the ship and kill Ladovide directly? No, that's unrealistic and unreliable. There are many **** canoes next to Ladovide’s battleship. As far as I know, he is also accompanied by a warlock and can use the portal to help him immediately. Run away." Dikoscher gradually revealed what he had learned: "We need a message, a reliable plan. After the King Assassin appeared last time, he seemed to be mentally ill, always thinking that someone was aiming with a bow and arrow in the distance. With his head, he didn't even dare to walk to the deck."

Zelin thought of Altariel, and while in Lomune, the elf ranger threw a few arrows at Ladovide’s camp from a distance.

"You told me that Ladovide might be sponsoring the renegade warlock. To be honest, I am also suspicious of him." Zelin made up his mind and must tell Tisaya when she returns. She must recheck the truth of the members of the warlock cult. Identity: "I really want to deal with Ladovide, but you must tell me more valuable information, otherwise it is meaningless, you just proved my suspicion. But who did he hire? In what form? Apostasy Where is the gathering place of the warlocks? Who is their leader and what kind of tasks are they performing? This is what I really want."

"We've been here for too long, Lord Earl." Willermore coughed lightly: "There are also scums in the temple who deal with demons."

"As long as you want, Demon Hunter." Dijkstra stretched out his hand to Zelin: "You can go to Novigrad to see me. You know where I am, where I am."

Zelin thought of the social scene where he met Dijkstra after coming to Novigrad because of the big gambling game. After returning home, the Dragonborn was also furious about this.

"I see." Zelin shook Dixie's hand and shook it.

If the spy chief knew about Ladovide's plan, he wouldn't mind cooperating with him to some extent.

There is a secret passage in the basement of the hotel, which was originally a street in the underground city of elves. Human cities are built on the ruins of elven cities, and the old city ruins have become dungeons and sewers that are now filled with monsters and demon spirits. Some people who know dungeons will transform them into secret passages. People from the Salamander Gang once built anesthetic powder factories in the Vizima sewers, and even had a temple of the Omen God.

Villemore's figure disappeared in the secret passage.

But Dijkstra and Dalimila remained where they were.

"I knew you still had something to do." After the Shimen outside the secret passage was closed, Zelin said, "What can't you say in front of your partner?"

"He knows about it, but it has nothing to do with the church." Dikoscher looked serious and stared at the bishop disappearing with some dissatisfaction: "And he is unreliable. As long as Ladovide finds him, he will take everything within an hour. Everyone you know spoke up and claimed that he had participated in the plot to help the king find the traitor. As for His Highness Dahlia, what do you think of her?"

Zelin glanced at Dalimira on the side.

"I don't like to talk about this person in front of other people."

"Don't mind, I asked, just answer it."

"A princess, what else can be done." Zelin rubbed the tip of his nose.

Unless she hides well, but she doesn't look like such a brave person. She was nervous, even more nervous than the bishop. But this is normal. If things are revealed, Villemore can escape, but Ladovide will not be so kind to those who plot against him, regardless of whether she is a member of the royal family.

"The Tritog family has caused too much suffering to Ridania." Dikoscher waved his hand vigorously: "The ambition of the'Proud' Vestibo caused Redania to lose the rich and prosperous territory.' Under the rule of the daring' Ladovide III, Kevel completely became independent from Redania, and the kingdom lost the entire northern territory. The faintness of the'elves' Friedank caused the **** Foka rebellion and almost destroyed the entire country. Hebrett, the'wrangler', set a precedent for levying a magic tax, pushing all the warlocks who were eager to serve for Redania to the enemy country. Except for our old king Vezmir II, Choi The members of the Tog royal family are either stupid or cruel. The current Ladovide V has almost inherited all the shortcomings of his ancestors. Do you think that when Ladovide steps down due to force majeure, the nobles will endure a new Trito. Will the grid come to power? No, there is enough. Redania was originally the most powerful kingdom in the north, occupying all the rich land and prosperous cities, but now, these places have been almost all lost."

Zelin showed an unexpected look: "I thought you were loyal to the royal family."

"I am patriotic, I love Redania, not Tritorg." Dijkstra said in a sullen voice, "I am loyal to the royal family, because Wizmir II is a good king. We spent fifteen years together. Established the most fair court system and promoted it throughout the country. It took Ladovide a year to destroy it! If the Tritog family became an obstacle to Redania’s renewed prosperity, how could I be loyal to Cui The Torg family."

Zelin glanced at Darimira. The latter did not respond and said: "It looks really bad." He said lightly, "Let's see you in Novigrad. I hope you will have more about the apostasy by then. Warlock’s intelligence."

"In the future, you will understand how wise the decision you made." Dikoscher said: "Moreover, this is not just my decision. Many people in Redania have the same view. So, this is a result from A gift from Redania, for you, Demon Hunter."


"We must protect the remaining Tritog royal family. Even if we are to deal with Ladovide, we are civilized people, not those barbaric tribes who will kill the leader and the whole family after usurping the throne." Dikoscher extended his hand like an introduction, Zhida Remira: "Ridania hopes to allow the remaining members of the royal family to leave the country and live in a safe place. Princess Milena and the Queen Mother Hedwig will return to Kevel for refuge. They are Kevelers and tanks. A relative of King Reid. And His Royal Highness Dahlia, I recommend her to you."

Zellin stared at Dijkstra for a few seconds.

"I really don't want to repeat the same thing again, Dikoscher, it's boring. I will help, and the report I want is intelligence."

"This is not a joke, Demon Hunter." Dickos frowned slightly: "I don't know how many people want to make a fuss about the royal family. Before acting, we must eliminate as many uncertain factors as possible."

Dalimila put her hands crossed in front of her, bowing her knees.

"I will be good, sir."