The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1622

Admit it, you are mad at me when you sleep with other women in Azeroth! 】

In the second half of the letter, there are some possible guesses by the wizard warlock, including the possible magical impact of the portal, and how to deal with it. She could not go with Zelin, the war was about to be won, and so was her war. She can't leave at this time, and the closer she is to the end, the more she has to stay to make sure that there will be no mistakes or accidents.

Zelin took a sip of water and thought for a while.


Suddenly, he heard Siris' voice. The female knight held a letter in both hands and stood at the entrance of the restaurant: "You are awake, Master. This morning, there is a messenger from Lomugne who hopes to deliver this letter and this package to you."

"Romune's messenger?" Zelin folded Francesca's letter and put it in his jacket pocket. "Is he still there?"

"No, he left after leaving things behind."

At this time, Zelin noticed that there was still a square parcel behind Siris, the parcel was as high as her knees.

"What is this?" Zelin stood up and walked to Siris: "Didn't the messenger say?"

"No, master." Siris shook his head again: "The messenger left after staying. I have been waiting for the master to wake up."

"Ah...Thanks for your hard work." Zelin pinched his waist, rubbed the back of his head, and yawned: "Let me see what this is..."

The package is sealed, wrapped with a rope, with the name of the recipient written on it, and received by Zelin, the demon hunter of Mahakam.

After cutting the rope with a knife and opening the wooden box, Zelin couldn't help holding his breath.

"...I almost forgot about this thing." He patted his forehead: "This was sent by a male warlock, right? Banless, I remember him."

At the Lomune summit last year, Zelin met a class Ader Warlock who specializes in materials science. The latter investigated the rumors about the three Freya brothers in Lomugne. According to records, the armor of the eldest brother of the three brothers was left in Lomugne and was the relic of the murderer. At that time, the demon hunter decided to hire this warlock to investigate the whereabouts of the armor, and it would be best to get a complete set of armor for him.

No matter what time it is, the pursuit of weapons and armor will never change.

Only after getting the armor of the master craftsman demon hunter hunter, most of the armor in the world could not match the suit he was wearing. But perhaps the sacred armor blessed by Freya in the legend is even better.

"This is armor?"

Siris walked behind Zelin and looked at the neatly arranged armor in the box: "Master, the armor you ordered?"

"It seems yes, I almost forgot them."

Too many things happened at the Lomune Summit, and what happened afterwards made Zelin so annoyed that he forgot about it. But the warlock didn't seem to forget about it, he did his job well, and he really sent a set of armor that might be the family killer.

"This is the armor of the family killer?" Zelin frowned: "Siris, give me the letter."

This is indeed Banless’s letter

In the letter, Banles explained why he found the armor so late. He did not find the original armor, but in the labyrinth-like underground city of Lomune, he found the damaged golem and The design drawings stored in the box included the materials needed for forging the armor, so it took him a year to collect enough materials.

Banrus did not specify the materials in the letter, but he said that most of these materials came from the bodies of monsters, as well as the most special meteorite iron.

Of course, there is also a bill.

He ran the farthest to the goblin city of Thor Tisha, and found suitable rutile in the goblin's forge. Most of this metal is produced in Kerviel, but in Tor Tisha, the goblins replaced these metals with a huge meteorite. In addition to these, there are some anti-magical metal pieces on the armor, and after the Foca’s Dragon-like biological leather soaked in blood. Banles said that after his test, this type of armor can indeed withstand high-temperature flames. Perhaps the legend is correct. The armor given to the three brothers by the goddess Freya can indeed withstand the dragon flame.

Therefore, the deposit left by Zelin was not enough for such a huge expenditure. Banles listed the funds that need to be subsidized as a bill, hoping that Zelin would receive the armor and send the remaining money to Lomugne.

Seeing the money on the bill, Zelin was silent for a few seconds.

"Master?" Siris asked quietly, standing behind him, "Is there a problem with that visitor?"

"...Uh, no, no problem." Zelin wiped his forehead, and he suddenly thought that he could forge the master's armor back then, not because of how rich he was, but because he saved it. An elf blacksmith, so he decided that he only needed some materials from Zelin. He forged armor for the demon hunter for free: "Nothing, thank you, Siris. I have to find a way to test such armor."

The armor is light gray, decorated with light brown anti-magic metal plates and dragon leather that has been treated to become dark black, and there is a brown leather jacket on the outside.

The pants are just like ordinary leather pants. Zelin didn't know where Banrus found such a large piece of dragon leather, but it must be expensive. After hunting pterodactyls in the past, the value of the materials harvested by the demon hunters can even exceed the commission. In addition to armor and pants, there is also a pair of gloves and boots. But Zelin did not see the two legendary sacred long swords in it.

So he took out the letter again, only to see a paragraph on the back of the letter.

There are two swords, called the weeper and the mourner, which are weapons left behind by the murderer.

Banles said that he would send the two swords to his castle after Zelin made up the remaining money.

Zelin couldn't help but chuckle.

In this era, warlocks must also learn to be like a businessman in order to prevent themselves from losing money in research.

However, he had to test whether the armor was as indestructible as Banles described. He doesn't know how to wear armor, and when he faces the high temperature that can withstand Long Yan, he understands whether the armor is effective.

"Ah...Where is the water?"

At this moment, on the stairs, Gneia, who was only wearing a large shirt on her upper body, rubbed the corners of her eyes and yawned and walked down: "Zelin? You are here, no wonder I didn't find you just now. Is it already afternoon? Oh, I Go and wake Altea."

Zelin thought of something.

"Wait a minute, Gnaiya."

"...What else?"

"Help me test an armor, Gnaiya. Test how strong and heat-resistant it really is."

In the end, Zelin decided to follow Francesca's idea and enter the newly opened portal channel. Perhaps that will be the last time it will be turned on, at least, the last time it will be possible to go to a new place. A lot of everything Zelin got from this door. If he could, he really didn't want to see it shut down, or disappear along with other transmission channels.

He has settled the matter of the Demon Hunter Academy and helped Tishaya rebuild the Warlock Order. Enid’s Elven Kingdom is now on the right track, and is very likely to become one of the rule-makers in this battle. .

Now, he has to think about this portal.

"Test?" Long Yi turned around, resting his elbow on the handrail of the stairs, and looked at Zelin with interest: "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to a different world recently. It just so happened that I got a set of the latest armor, but I don't know how safe this armor is, so I want to try it." Zelin wiped the corners of his mouth. He was in a good mood: "To be honest, I guess this may be my most luxurious trip. There are two sets of armor and weapons, one set for use, one spare set, and a flying mount. I guess it won’t be long before I can. Finish things over there and come back."

Chapter 2626 The Worst Welcome

The sun rises by the river and shines on the sparkling river surface.

A recessed ground in a clearing by the river was covered with fallen leaves. The bare branches signaled the arrival of autumn, and the dark soil was moist and soft. The damp brown-yellow lawn confirmed that a rain had passed not long ago, but the accompanying wind had weakened, and only faint ripples could be blown on the surface of the water. Flocks of crows fell on the branches, and the reflection of the forest path was reflected in the dark pupils. Clumps of woods are scattered on the barren land, and the morning fog brought by rain has not yet dissipated. In the darkest corner, mushrooms grow tenaciously under the broken logs.

Cedar's pine needles pierced the clothes and stuck tightly to the wet collar. Feeling the chill, dampness, or itching sensation from his body, Zelin moved his somewhat stiff shoulders and slowly opened his eyes. I stared blankly at the moving tree crown above my head, as well as the sun shining on his face.

The dragging feeling under him made the demon hunter suddenly alert. He closed his eyes slightly and breathed flat.

His head rubbed against the uneven soil surface, and only the rumble of rubbing against the ground was left beside his ears. The hood was drooping beside his shoulders. He wanted to reach out and put it on, but the vigilance in his heart told him that it was not the time yet.

Through the slightly squinted eyelids, the first thing Zelin saw that he was tied together, his legs pulled up, and the white spider silk tied to his leather pants.

Continuing upward, what came into view was the dark and swollen abdomen of a giant spider. The web is linked with the spider's abdomen, dragging the demon hunter.

As consciousness gradually returned to the body, the muscles in the body felt pain that was difficult to suppress. Zelin took a breath slowly, feeling the pain and numbness on his body, turning his head slightly to look to the other side.

Five meters away from him, there is a spider, also dragging a man **** by the spider web. The man has neat brown short hair and a short beard, and is dressed in light white linen clothes. The clothes were cut apart from the chest, and the rest was stained red with blood. The man looked at the sky with fearful eyes, his mouth opened wide, his purple tongue drooping at the corner of his mouth, his lips were bitten, and he must have been very painful before he died.