The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1630

In the world of demon hunters, this situation is not common, but it is not uncommon. Rumor has it that Thor Tisha has a valley formed by the fall of a meteorite, and the goblins built the world's finest foundry in the valley.

Perhaps this was just a meteorite, Zelin had good luck and was able to witness the meteorite fall with his own eyes. Perhaps the appearance of meteorites on this land does have an unusual meaning. Varif looked uneasy, Zelin didn't know why, he hoped it was just because of some signs and traditions.

Suddenly, the demon hunter heard an unusual sound of breaking through the mutant ears.

"Varif." He turned his head and looked at the surrounding clearing. He chose a high slope. There was a bush on the high **** that could shade their camp, and there were only scattered trees on the surrounding open space. With a wide view, he could directly observe the situation nearby: "Go to the carriage and lean against the carriage. , Don't leave there."

The horses tied to the carriage rails snorted, neighed a few times, and stomped their hooves on the lawn, making a muffled noise.

"What's going on?" Varif stared at the surroundings vigilantly, but according to Zelin's statement, he slowly retreated to the carriage and leaned against the carriage, his eyes swept across the sides and the sky with a little panic: "Look. What's there?"

Zelin does not need to answer this question.


A rotten arm suddenly stretched out of the mud and grabbed the demon hunter's calf. Zelin lowered his head and saw that a festering head with rolled eyes and scars was buried in the overturned mud. The zombie opened his mouth, revealing a mouth that can directly see the ribs without the front teeth.


With a flash of cold light, the long sword pierced the zombie's mouth. The demon hunter turned his wrist, once again backhanded his sword, and cut off the arm holding the calf.


Varif exclaimed.

Ze Lin turned his head, and pale eyes appeared in the nearby bushes. The rotting and foul-smelling corpse staggered out of the bushes and surrounded the bonfire from all directions.

On the slopes of the canyon covered with shrubs, from the thicker and denser darkness, some rotten and ugly shadows emerged-these zombies were horribly thin and looked like skeletons. . They approached where the demon hunter and Varif were at weird, swaying steps, dragging their long legs with only one or two broken skins. Among the broken and thin zombies, there are still many bloated corpses, holding arms that seem to be swollen by liquid, moving heavy bodies with difficulty, pale skin like poor worms drowning in water, and flashing Eyes with yellow rays, and in their big mouths, which grin like frogs, are covered with sharp, white teeth. They kept approaching, making a low muffled gurgling noise from time to time.

Zelin stood motionless in front of the carriage with his back to Varif, like a statue. He suddenly raised his right hand and made a strange gesture that Varif couldn't understand. Those terrifying zombies flew back and fell into the bushes. The remaining zombies gave a louder growl, and immediately moved forward quickly, faster and faster, lifting up their stiff and rotting front limbs like a stick. .

From the left direction, another zombie suddenly jumped from the top of the carriage. It crawled out of the bushes behind and climbed up along the plank. There were only broken nails on both hands, and the fingers cracked due to gripping the plank. Other monsters jumped forward at a speed that was completely inconsistent with the body.

Zelin squeezed the hilt of the sword with both hands, and the moment the sound of the wind appeared in his ears, there was a whirlwind in the same place, and the lightning-out sheathed sword flashed in the air with a cold light. The monster that hadn't jumped down, the upper body that had been chopped flew out, flying about two meters away. More than five monsters rushed from different directions at the same time, Zelin took a step forward, jumped between the other zombies with one arrow, turning left and right, one sword at a time.

The zombies waved their forelimbs, screamed, and attacked him from all directions. They were already dead. Death could not scare the zombies. The monsters didn't care about the razor-like blades that shone with cold light. Zelin dodged dexterously from left to right, swinging his sword and slamming in the dodge. The severed arms, head and body were scattered on the ground, and a bloated floating corpse rushed towards the demon hunter from behind. Zelin did not turn his head. He raised his hand with a sword and drew from the zombie’s shoulder to the waist, then backhanded. Stabbed back.

Several holes were pierced into the pale skin of the floating corpse. The corpse fell backwards, flattening like a punctured ball. Several tiny snakes crawled out of the shriveled corpse. The stream of flame swept across, and the viper curled up together. Varif shrank up, his back pressed against the carriage. The horses paced uncomfortably back and forth, neighing.

Something fell in front of him. It was the head of a zombie, and then something flew over. Varif lowered his head quickly, an arm slammed into the carriage, and a few cream-colored maggots fell on. On his collar.

A shadow appeared in the clearing next to him, the horses screamed sharply, and a staggering carrion came out from behind the carriage, turning the head full of gaps and holes with only one eye to Varif.

The businessman screamed.

"This--in--!" he yelled.

"Get down!"

Varif lay on the ground, holding his head with both hands, and the sharp light of the sword's edge flashed from the corner of his eyes. The sword screamed in the air, and the pair of ankles in front of him shook a few times, and then a head fell in front of him. It was the monster that almost made his heart jump out of his chest. He felt something heavy hitting his back, he raised his head, and the stench of the zombie almost made him vomit out all the dinner he had just eaten.

Then he saw new boots appear in front of him.

Then there was only silence, and the crackling sound of the bonfire. A snapping sound, the sound of flames and the light disappeared together.

"It's over." Zelin stretched out his hand, grabbed Varif's arm and pulled him up: "We are in trouble."

Varif felt his cheeks numb, and he could hear his heartbeat. On the camp just now lay the corpses of more than a dozen resurrected zombies, cut to pieces by sharp blades.

"What, what?"

"Look outside the bushes." Zelin squinted his eyes slightly, exhaled slowly, shook off the dirt on the blade, and put it in the scabbard: "We are surrounded by zombies."

Chapter 2637: Warning from Town Guards

"Are you okay?"

Varif kicked a broken arm at his foot: "The corpse was resurrected from the ground... If it weren’t for the knowledge that the Dark Wanderer had left Kanduras long ago and was wiped out by the heroes 20 years ago, I I think it's back again!"

"What do you think this is going on?" Zelin stared at the surrounding vigilantly, watching the shadows of every bush with wide eyes, and listening to every faint sound around him. There was only the sound of wind in my ears, and a faint neighing faintly heard in the distance: "Is your enemy?"

"It's impossible." Varif took a deep breath, his face was a little pale, and a zombie almost caught it just now: "I have only seen one person who can summon so many undead at the same time. He is a necromancer. , His name is Zul. Twenty years ago, he took my van through Rogge Abbey and arrived at Lu Goin. He was a gloomy looking guy, but he was actually a very good man. He would not summon corpses. Indiscriminately attacking living people, doing so will only violate his cult laws."

"No, we might have all guessed wrong." Zelin tilted his head slightly, listening to the voice below the hill: "The corpses in the ground are still resurrecting, Varif, I can hear them crawling out of the mud. This...In any case, we'd better go to a place where there are more living people first."

This made the demon hunter think of what happened to the nightlight town in Azeroth.

Countless undead broke out of the ground and attacked the living.

But just after that meteorite? It is difficult for Zelin not to link the two together.

But in any case, he is not a magician and occultist in this land. All he has to do is to protect himself and the businessman next to him first, and get to a safe place.

"I remember you said that there is a small town nearby?"

"Yes, New Tristram, it was built near the ruins of Old Tristram." Varif patted his chest, slowing his breathing, his face seemed to be deprived of oxygen due to constant deep breathing: "Yes, you That's right, we have to go to New Tristram quickly. There are guards and walls, at least to keep these rotting zombies out."

Varif climbed onto the truck in embarrassment, Zelin walked to the bonfire, kicked away the rocks surrounding the fire, and erased the traces of someone camping here.

The carriage was not damaged in the previous battle. Only the horse pulling the carriage was frightened. Most of the attention of the zombies was attracted by the demon hunters. Varif must have trained this horse very well. Many named horses will flee in panic as soon as they encounter battles and attacks, throwing their masters in front of the attackers.

Varif sat in front of the carriage, blindfolded the horse's eyes with a black goggles, and shook the reins vigorously. Zelin sat behind the carriage and watched the previous campsite go further and further away. He subconsciously took the Lienbow behind his back, but he came back to his senses when he reached halfway through his hand.

His equipment was lost while passing through the portal.

"I hate this situation." Varif said loudly, not knowing whether he was speaking to Zelin or emboldening himself with his voice: "I knew that sometimes I shouldn't believe in prophecies and omens. I once sweared. I will never return to Kanduras again. As a result, Karina told me that I would be in danger, so I thought of returning to Kanduras and looking for Deca Kane, hoping that he could help me. Look at the result, because of the danger of prophecy, I returned to Canduras, because I returned to Canduras and encountered danger. From now on I will never believe those divinations that tell me that I am about to die, unless It can tell exactly where I will be and when I will take my last breath!"

"Calm down, Varif." Zelin didn't stop him with any action, but just exhorted him softly: "Since this has happened, you tell everyone you feel about it, and nothing will change."

The wheels rumbling over the forest path scattered with gravel and weeds, the wind whistling in his ears, mixed with the roar of zombies. The zombies in the woodland staggered onto the trail and chased the carriage, but were quickly left behind by the carriage.

"I understand, but I just can't figure it out. Every time I hear news from Kanduras, it is becoming prosperous and wealthy again, but every time I come, I will encounter all kinds of bad things. The last time it was a demon invasion, this time it was the resurrection of the dead, what will it be next time?" Varif's voice was restless: "This time I must ask Kane to give me an answer. He definitely knows many things that ordinary people cannot know. Secret."

"You've been talking about this Deca Kane before." Zelin said, "Who is he? Is he the guardian of this land? I still don't understand why Deca Kane is so important."

"He is a crazy old man, mumbling about doomsday prophecies and stories of heaven and **** all day long." Varif lifted his chin, widened his eyes and looked at the horizon in the distance: "But it turns out that he is probably right. ......."

One after another roars came from the foot of the mountain, and Zelin suddenly realized that they were heading south.

"Wait, Varif, are we heading south?"

Zelin remembered that the meteorite fell in the south.

"Yes, New Tristram is to the south, because it is closer to Westermah. After the fall of the Kingdom of Kanduras, most of the new immigrants to this land came from Westermah, so you can't blame it. They don’t build the town in the ruins of the past because they want to be closer to their hometown.” Varif stared nervously at the forest path in front of him, and the road went straight to the south: “Originally, we would see it early tomorrow morning as planned. The outer wall of New Tristram, but if we travel both day and night, it is estimated that we can hide in New Tristram’s hotel to rest in an hour..."

Varif suddenly pulled on the reins, and the horse neighed and raised its front legs. The carriage was thrown out to the side and hit an old poplar tree hard. The leaves fell, the door of the carriage opened, and the boxes and packages were sprinkled on the ground. Zelin grasped the edge of the carriage with both hands, barely maintaining his balance to avoid being thrown away.

"What are you doing, girl!" Varif yelled furiously in front of him: "You almost got run over by a carriage!"