The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1697

Maybe the other two demon gods in **** are going to be removed?

But who is the demon **** who stayed last?

Thinking about this, Zelin changed into a robe with a little **** smell.

"You can stay here, rest assured, it's safe here. Everyone nearby is sleeping. The soldiers of the Iron Wolf Mercenary Corps are lying in ambush behind the nearby sand dunes. Soon, they will come in and kill all the evil here. Cultist." Zelin straightened his sleeves. This robe was a little short for him, only reaching the position of his calf. He hopes that in the evening, the cultists will not observe so much: "I will bring other people back soon. Since I already know your location, the mercenaries will come to you directly."

Of course there are no Iron Wolf mercenaries, but he can't directly tell the people here that there are enemies everywhere. They can only hide in the house and pray that no one will find it.

He will kill the cult leader here, and then lead these refugees away, but not now, and at this moment, he needs to appease the refugees first, so as not to do some irrational things, which is not good for everyone.

Several refugees nodded vigorously.

"They take a few people away every day." Joyd said, his teeth trembling constantly: "No one knows where they were taken. These cultists never explained to us. Last night, Clay The husband grabbed the door panel and didn't want to be dragged away, they actually cut off his arm directly!"

"Don't worry, they won't take anyone away."

Zelin made a calm gesture to them, opened the door, and walked out from the front door.

With the help of panic, these cultists quickly defrauded the villagers in nearby villages and tricked them into here. Some people did choose to join the Wizarding Club, and some were forced to stay here. After all, wizards are like their masters of hell, never known for their honesty and friendliness.

In the town, Zelin saw several cultists standing in the middle of the crossroads. Their eyes were dull and skinny. Zelin didn't pay attention to them, and they didn't care about the man in the cult robes. The Demon Hunter swaggered to the entrance of the cave like a real member of the Wizarding Society.

The two cultists guarding the entrance stared numbly ahead, as if this were everything in their lives. In the three months of dealing with the Wizarding Society, the Demon Hunters already knew what the leaders of the Wizarding Society would do to their subordinates. They will turn the cultists into some kind of numb creatures, completely unable to think, only mechanically executing orders. So when needed, Magda can send so many cultists to rush to death, and these cultists will not hesitate when they execute the orders of their mistress.

Just walked into the entrance of the cave, the heat wave rushing in isolated the cold wind outside.

Two torches are hung on both sides of the cave every ten steps to provide light to the cave. Walk forward about thirty meters. There is a step to the bottom on the right. Under the step is a square open space. The surrounding walls are covered with **** instruments of torture. Some cultists used whips and hammers to beat the humans who were fixed to the wall. The logo of the wizarding society was branded on the people who were beaten, and they looked like they had made mistakes or had just joined the society. A man who looked like a priest lowered his head, held a book, and walked in front of the tortured one after another, muttering.

"Remember your origin, remember your identity, execute the orders of the great, don't have doubts, don't have doubts, firmness makes you more pure..."

There was a huge furnace in the middle of the clearing. Many scrawny cultists were beside the furnace, weakly swinging their hammers and beating the wrought iron on it. Some swords and daggers that have been manufactured are hung on the weapon racks, reflecting bright red fire light.

No cultist questioned Zelin's identity and purpose, and no one even paid attention to him. Everyone is busy with their work. There are metal collisions, whips and whining sounds everywhere in the secret room, and there are many splashes of blood on the walls. Zelin saw two cultists carrying things coming from the front, so he stepped aside.

When passing by the cultists, Zelin saw that on the wooden planks they were carrying, there were many corpses that had been tortured to death and were bloody.

At the end of the corridor, a wooden door blocked the way.

Zelin walked to the door and looked around. After making sure that there were no other people nearby, he put his hand on the door panel and tried it, and found that the door was not locked.

So he pushed the door open a gap and flashed in sideways.

There was only one cultist in the room, and when the door opened, he immediately raised his head and saw Zelin walking in. Unlike the others, he is a bit fat, his face is ruddy, and he is wiping the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief. Flames burned in the fireplace on the right side of the room, providing a comfortable temperature.

"How dare you..."

Before the cultist finished speaking, he opened his eyes wide because he saw Zelin raise his crossbow and aim it at his head.


The crossbow arrow shot in from the cult leader's left eye. His heavy body was not knocked into the air by inertia. He just fell backward and fell heavily to the ground.

Zelin held his breath and listened to the voice outside.

After a few seconds, he was sure that no cultists dared to approach here, even if someone might have noticed an unusual sound.

After a long sigh, Ze Lin pulled the cultist robe off his body and threw it aside. It was very hot here, but compared to this, the demon hunter walked to the desk as quickly as possible, picked up the notes and unfinished reports on it. This information is very important, and this may explain why there is a cult branch that still operates near Kartim after the defeat of Belie, the King of Lies.

After removing the letter paper, Zelin saw the portrait placed on the table at a glance. It was a huge demon, a sketch.

Zelin had read the record of **** in Kane's notes, and this demon made him familiar. After a few seconds, he thought of the demon's name.


The 2738th chapter deadly clue

This is a rectangular room. The semi-circular roof and the walls made of red bricks block the moisture in the ground. There are many books on the table, and there are three letters in the middle, one of which has not been finished.

Zelin opened the first letter. The letter seemed to have been written, but there was no time to post it.

[I'm sorry to hear such news, madam. But I can assure you that our branch will not be affected by this terrible disaster. I am fully prepared to ensure that no one in Kartim will notice this remote and desolate town. And, according to your request, from now on, we will be renamed the One God Society, in order to pay tribute to the greatest existence. Finally, I want to report to you that the recruitment of refugees is proceeding in an orderly manner, and it is estimated that there will be more qualified members to work for your great plan soon. 】

This letter may have been written a few days ago. According to previous refugees, it was only in the last few days that they encountered vagrants who recruited members of the cult in the name of recruiting workers.

The second letter was only half written.

[Report to you, dear hostess. The iron wolf mercenaries have been near the desert. In order not to cause alertness, I have ordered others to act as workers and look for targets in the most fringe villages. The Westmarians sent a batch of supplies yesterday, and this stronghold has been repaired. Regarding the request of the hostess, your most loyal servant dare not slack, but if you allow it...]

The letter came to an abrupt end. Obviously, the supervisor could not guess what kind of request would not annoy his mistress. But for Zelin, there is enough surprising news.

The Wizarding Society still has a mistress, and this mistress is obviously not Magda. Moreover, they are not only in Kartim, but in Westermah in the Western Kingdom, it seems that someone is also doing business with them.

Putting the two letters into his jacket pocket, Zelin opened the last letter.

[Megda... is dead. We will be loyal to the greater power and be prepared to welcome it, and when it comes, the world will be afraid of it. I order you to remove the stumbling block in the plan immediately, at all costs! ——A】


Zelin narrowed his eyes slightly and snorted softly.

Here the cultists are worshipping Diablo, and the command book mentions that they must be loyal to a greater power and be prepared to welcome it. Zelin is not a fool. Such obvious clues can fully prove that the Wizarding Society has been loyal to Diablo, and some of them are planning to make it come to the world again.

Their leader called himself A, and Zelin frowned slightly. Although this A was very cautious and would not reveal his real name in the assignment book, Zelin's suspicion became heavier and heavier.

Putting the order book into his arms, Zelin took a deep breath and scanned the room. The flames of the fireplace were still burning comfortably, and the blood of the death cultists penetrated into the cracks in the floor.

At this time, he noticed that there was a white touch of paper beside the wood in the fireplace, which was unburned letter paper. Zelin hurriedly walked over and stretched out his hand to pinch the corner of the paper out of the flame. Under the cover of dragon leather gloves, he only felt a touch of warmth.

Most of this letter paper has been burned, and the remaining corners are covered with soot. Zelin gently blew off the dust on it. In this paragraph of letter paper, Zelin saw only one word.

Mount Arret.

After half an hour, Zelin wore a robe and walked out of the cultist's cave.

No one has noticed that the prisoner guard has disappeared, and Zelin comes to the place where the prisoner is being held. After seeing Zelin's appearance, several refugees moved back in shock and shrank into the corner of the wall.

"Quiet, it's me." Zelin took off his hood: "I'll take you out."

"What... Not Iron Wolf..."

"Don't ask so much." Zelin threw the cultist's robe aside. It is estimated that it will not be long before someone finds that their leader is dead in his room. He and Mai Tan agreed on this plan. If the defensive power inside is not strong and Zelin gets the necessary clues, then they will directly attack and destroy this group of cultists: "Follow me, listen to me Yes, you will be safe."

Several refugees immediately got up, patted the sand off their bodies, and followed Zelin.

Hearing the sounds nearby, Zelin could hear them. Their hearts were beating very fast and they were very nervous. Fortunately, there were not many cultists here. They ran into trouble in recruiting in Kartim, because of the attack launched by Belie, people's trust in strangers was reduced to a minimum.

When he came to the outskirts of the town, Zelin waved his hand at them and signaled the refugees to climb over the wall as soon as possible.