The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1699

Entering the city, Zelin unfolded the map to compare his location. Looking along the direction of the tower of Corrison, Zelin saw the towering spire at a glance.

Some water stains remain on the road paved with bluestone slabs, and it may have rained here not long ago. The sky is still gray, and the doors and windows of the houses on both sides are tightly closed. This is when you are working. There are no vendors selling goods on the streets and alleys. You can only see vendors in the crossroad square not far away. Colorful convertible.

In front of the tower is a long and high white staircase. Every fifth step of the staircase is two guards standing on the left and right sides. A warrior wearing a white shirt and carrying a cross heraldic shield was standing on the stairs, negotiating with a guard in front of the tower.

"In the name of the Holy Light, you have no right to prevent me from entering the tower to investigate. Soldier, the books in this tower are basically from the Sakarram Church. He does not belong to Westermah, let alone one from the church. Of soldiers investigate the contents of books and archives."

This is a female warrior with golden shawl hair. Her arms and arms were wrapped in a sturdy plate armor, and her body was painted with a tabard with the Zakarum church logo, which was hanging down to her knees, revealing the sturdy metal boots underneath. With a flail hammer hung around her waist, she negotiated with the guard at the door while holding a helmet decorated with wings in her other hand.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Johanna." The guard scowled: "My captain has ordered you to never enter this tower."

"This is a place open to the outside world."

"Yes, ma'am, but you are not included."

"Can you take me to see your captain?"

Faced with the unabashedly expelled by the guards, the soldier known as Johanna was not annoyed by it. She still asked calmly: "I just want to know, why did he make such a decision?"

"You have asked enough time today, and I will continue to stand guard instead of being a servant who specializes in answering questions." The guard directly rejected Johanna's request: "If you can, I hope you can stay away from this high tower. One point. Yesterday Captain Mapton issued an order to temporarily close the tower after nightfall."

"I understand." Johanna nodded: "But I will come again tomorrow until I find the answer."

After that, the female soldier turned and walked down the steps.

As he passed by, Zelin glanced back at Johanna. This was the first person he had seen in Westmar related to Zakarum, but the city’s guards obviously couldn’t talk about her attitude towards her. Respectfully.

Staring at Johanna's back, until she left the stairs under the tower and disappeared among the street crowds, the guards immediately looked at Zelin, who had been waiting aside.

"What are you looking forward to here?"

"Sorry, I'm here to find someone." Zelin spread his hand: "Someone gave me this badge, and then told me that he could find a priest of Rasma here and give him a letter."

"What badge?"

"It's this." Zelin took out the badge and showed it to the guards: "A Rasma priest gave it to me in Kegistan."

"Keijistan? You have walked a long way. My name is Gallaher, the guard here. You can give me the letter. I know where the priest Rasma is."

"I'm afraid not, the priest Rasma of Kagestan told me to hand the letter to the people here." Zelin shook his head and put the badge back in his pocket again: "If you can tell me, Where is he, I will thank you very much."

Contrary to Zelin's expectations, Gallagher did not treat Zelin as embarrassing the previous visitor.

"If you insist." The guard held out a thumb and pointed behind him: "Go in and turn left. I remember that Priest Rasma is often in the library over there. She is called Kara Yekage. She is not that easy to talk. People, and when you come out, I will check if you have stolen things inside."

There are not many visitors to this tower, at least on the first floor. There are many statues, carved with the appearance of the kings of Westerman, and various oil paintings, recording major changes since the establishment of the kingdom. Zelin moved forward against the leftmost wall, and instantly raised his head to observe the paintings on the wall.

The first painting is a gray-haired old man sitting on the throne and accepting nine strong men kneeling and worshiping. The nameplate below records the name of the painting-Lakis's victory. The second painting shows a bishop holding a crown in his hands. A man with a goatee kneels in front of him, bowing his head, and waiting for the bishop to put the crown on his head. The nameplate below has a line of small characters-Justin I was crowned.

"...This is not the same as in Lu Goin, Norek, the prophecy in the Order has been very clear. The era of doomsday has begun, and this will be the end of an era."

A cold female voice came from behind the arch in front.

"But who can end mankind? End the age? Let me say that the place of refuge has been used for thousands of years on the Kegistan calendar. Maybe someone will propose to change the age soon. It's no big deal, prophecy." This is the voice of a somewhat old man: "Prophecy is always valuable when it happens. Before that, it was just unproven worries."

Zelin walked to the arch, and he saw a slim woman in a black robe behind him turned her back, arguing with another man covered in strong armor. Long black hair hung down on his back, shoulder pads decorated with bones were worn on both shoulders, and a delicate ivory dagger was pinned to his waist.

The moment the Demon Hunter appeared, the man noticed him.

"Is this your guest, Carla?"

The Necromancer turned his head, his almond-like eyes narrowed slightly, carefully observing Ze Lin.

"...No." She turned around: "I don't remember someone coming to visit me. Who are you, who are you looking for?"

"I have a letter from Maitan." Zelin took out Maitan's letter: "He said, someone will get the letter to the Lasma Order here, I guess it's you, right?"

"Matan? I know him, I thought he was still studying with Master Zul."

Cara was a little surprised. She stretched out her hand and after taking the letter, she tore open the envelope neatly. After scanning the content of the letter, she took a breath: "I knew that something bad happened. Thank you for sending this letter. It is really important. I have a few gold coins to pay. Your reward."

Cara stretched out her hand and passed five gold coins.

"Death Whisperer Yul'dan must know about this right away, let's go, Norek."

"You are always so busy, Carla." The veteran soldier known as Norrek shrugged: "Perhaps we have a chance to go to King's Port together in the future? It is said that it is as beautiful as Lu Goin."

"Now is not the time, Norek. Believ has been defeated, but there is another Azmodan who is about to launch an invasion. This news is more important than anything."

Chapter 2741: The Crusades of Westmar

This trip went more smoothly than Zelin expected.

"What letter did you send them? I just saw a priest of Rasma leave, walking in a hurry."

Guard Gallaher carefully checked Zelin's pocket and package, and after confirming that there was nothing in it that had been brought out by hand, he waved his hand: "Okay, no problem."

"I haven't read the letter." Zelin shrugged, "I am a messenger, and the messenger can't peek at the content of the letter to be sent. This is professional ethics. But I don't understand why you just rejected the man with pizza. The woman in the shirt of Mu? To be honest, I have never visited Westerm before. I always thought that the Zakarum Church should have a lot of influence in Westerm."

"That was in the past. Of course I admire the Prophet Akarat and his teachings, but what does Akarat's teachings have to do with the pastor of Zakarum? I don't like them, my commander Captain Nowell. I don’t like it either. I’m glad I have the same opinion as many people.” Gallaher touched his nose with his thumb in disgust: “After the bishops have lied to us for so many years, who would want to believe them? You? Is it a resident from the East? I heard that in Kejistan, there are people who actually listen to the sermons of Pastor Zakarum. The woman called herself the Holy Order and was from Trevank. There is no good person in that fallen city. ."

"Can I ask you something?"

Zelin does not intend to learn too much about the sectarian disputes in this world, at least temporarily, there is no need: "Can you tell me where this family lives?"

He took out the address Kane had written to him: "A friend of mine, he knows the young people of this family, and he hopes I can help announce a message."

Gallaher didn’t even look at it and waved his hand: “Come on, man, there are so many people in this city, not to mention the people who come and go every day. I bet that every day in the port of Westerman The number of people who disembark may be worth all the nearby villages. If you are looking for someone, you can go to Gideon to the north and have a look. All the residents live there, or that they used to live there, but I I think what you are looking for will definitely not be people who live at the gates of the city or in the lowlands below, or it may be Midtown, where many people live, but most of them are new residents."

Kane's heart has always been heavy, he has seen too many young people who believed in him, died in the hands of the devil. Although this is not for him to decide, he always blames these responsibilities on himself. He led these young people on the road to fight the **** demons, but in the end, they all died. Kane finally hoped that Zelin could help him and tell his parents about Akarat's death, which is why Kane paid so much attention to Liya.

"Thank you, I see." Zelin nodded: "Are there any hotels in the city that I can recommend?"

"There is a Tavern of Rakis Glory in the Upper Town. To be honest, I don’t think it can be called a tavern. There are often events like masquerades, and it’s expensive. You don’t want to throw all your money into it. Huh? I recommend you to go to Mouse Street. Most of the people living there are servants of the nobles in the upper city. The wild boar tavern there is very cheap and the things are good." Gallaher scratched his face and said, "Oh, that's right. , When you arrive, remember to tell the innkeeper Eddy that I recommended you to go."

Zelin immediately understood what the guard meant.

After walking down the steps of Kreisen Tower, Zelin looked at the map in his hand. He has few clues, only one report mentioned that there are materials from Westmar to support the wizarding branch of Kartim. Zelin knew how far to get to Kartim by land, the best option would be to take a boat from Westermah, bypass the Skovos Islands in the south, directly into the Twin Seas, and then arrive at Kegistan. .

The supplies arrived in Kartim five days ago. Counting the distance in the desert, it was about fifteen days from the Twin Seas.

It takes a month to depart from Westmar to the Twin Seas. The cargo may have been loaded on Westma Bay, or it may have been loaded from King’s Port. He will not stay in Westmar for too long. After passing Kane's letter, he will find the members of the Wizarding Society here as soon as possible before the news of Belial's defeat reaches Westmar.

There is not much time left for Zelin. Once they all hide, the demon hunter may not be able to find clues so quickly.

"Wait a minute."

Suddenly, Zelin heard a familiar female voice, because he had just heard it not long ago.