The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1729

This small house is only more than ten square meters, a bed, a bedside table, and a basin placed on a wooden bracket, that is all the furniture.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Zelin pressed his hand to the back of Liya's hand.

It's cold.

"...Are you still there, Mefara?"

Liya slowly opened her eyes, a pair of dark eyes, with a playful smile.

"Say it again, I'm very satisfied with your sacrifice."

"How is Liya's situation?"

'Liya' sat up stiffly, and slowly turned her head over: "Poor girl, frightened by reality, she cried for a long time."

"She's fine." Ze Lin breathed a sigh of relief: " long are you going to stay here?"

'Liya' stretched out her hand and put it on Zelin's shoulder. The smile on her face became intriguing. She stretched her other hand to Zelin's waist: "If you are satisfied with me, I will leave tonight. It’s been a long time since I received such a delicious offering. You satisfied me, my champion, but not enough."

Zelin pushed away'Liya''s hand: "What else do you want?"

The tip of the hair covers the left eye, but the eyes in the right eye stare at the demon hunter without any concealment: "The ebony blade has already drunk the blood of relatives. It will be sharper, but you offer me something. I think you should get a new reward for the sacrifice beyond your quota." Li Ya stuck out her tongue, licked the corner of her mouth, and stretched out her arm again unkindly, the aroma of her body poured into the nose of the demon hunter. 'Liya' sighed with a charm that was completely inconsistent with her appearance, but she had a peculiar attraction that ordinary people couldn't do: "You can accept this feedback with peace of mind."


The door was knocked.

"Sorry, you can take a break first." Zelin pushed Liya away again, he knew what was going on: "I want to reward Liya later. Some people think Liya is still in a coma, so I want to come with me. Visit her. I think it will be good for all of us if Leah gets back to normal soon...coming!"

Listening to Li Min knocking on the door again, Ze Lin stood up and walked over.

Opening the door, Li Min stood outside, holding a pile of gift boxes in his arms. She gave Zelin a defiant expression: "This is a gift from the soldiers of the Bastine Fortress. They can definitely use it as a bet, right?"

"...Aren't you gonna bet against me with magic items?"

Zelin asked curiously. Before leaving the restaurant, Li Min vowed to get all the goods in the hands of the gambling merchant named Kadala.

"What do you ask so much for?" Li Min snorted impatiently: "Quickly get out of the way, the genius who is about to win all your property is coming to you!"

"Actually it is like this." Elena smiled apologetically, and twisted her hands a little tangled together: "The savior used blood rock fragments to go to Kadara to gamble, but... lost all the rocks. , Only got a bunch..." She hesitated for a few seconds: "Broken copper and broken iron?"

"I will never play that kind of gambling without any technical content in the future. It is meaningless!" Li Min put all the gift boxes on the table, turned around to look at Zelin, and stretched out his thumbs backwards: "Hurry up. Put your silver sword and that strange spar on it. This is our bargaining field. By the way, don’t forget your griffon~ Say goodbye to them, and soon you will lose all of them. ."

Zelin sighed.

He was originally worried that if Li Minzhen's card skills improve so quickly, it would be bad if he loses, so he proposed to use new decks and rules, and bully her again, the newcomer has no experience. As a result, he was relieved now.

"It looks like your luck is not too good?"

Zelin and Li Min sat cross-legged on the carpet, facing each other.

Li Min took off his headgear in Zelin's curious gaze, and confidently threw off his ponytail, then took off his short trench coat and shirt: "Look, I will soon win back all that I lost. Then put your things in my pocket a little bit! Put these aside first, I'm the one who is willing to bet, but I will be able to wear them all back soon. As for luck? I'm a genius, do I need this thing? We play cards by technology! It’s not the simple, crude and boring gambling games~"

The 2789th chapter Francesca's thoughts

Francesca feels a headache recently.

Not because of her kingdom, but because of...some things


After sighing heavily, she glanced at the contract in front of her for the last time and made sure that every clause above was in line with her own thoughts. She put the contract in a folder on the side, and when she met with the guest tomorrow, it would naturally be delivered. Useful.

It has been a month since the last contact with Zelin, and the elf held his forehead a little angrily. Zelin has not actively contacted her since their conversation was interrupted that day by a woman who didn't know where she appeared. She waited for so long, waiting for Zelin to solve the trouble there, contact her immediately. As a result, he didn't guess his thoughts at all, as if he turned his head and forgot about Telescope and her.

With her chin supported, Francesca was lost in thought.

What exactly did Zelin encounter over there?

Raising her eyes and looking at the other side of the study, Virginia was sitting on a wooden chair with a heavy magic book on her lap, looking down at the book intently. Her black hair fell on her temples, seeming to be a little tired, she rubbed the corners of her eyes. After being able to reach the Valley of Flowers through the portal, Virginia would often go to the Valley of Flowers to read at night. The magic crystal lamp that emits soft white light in the palace is much better than the candle in the castle.


"Huh?" The mage girl raised her head: "What's the matter, Enid?"

"How long has Zelin been away?"

"It's probably been... almost three months." Virginia rolled her eyes and thought, then nodded vigorously: "Yes, he left in November last year, probably in October. At the end of January, it’s now the beginning of February, but the winter here is so long. The Eight Holy Spirits are on the top. In Cyrodir, it will not snow anymore in February."

Virginia glanced out the window, the snowflakes were still floating, and the snow covered the garden, burying the flowers that were kept in full bloom by magic. The guards of the palace stood in the corridor to avoid the snow, and among the attendants coming and going, a few young people could occasionally be seen. A werewolf and a night elf stood in the corridor, pointing to the magical plants in the garden. They are members of the Alliance Mission, and Virginia knows that this group is planning to build a permanent embassy.

It's like mud stuck to the body.

Virginia couldn't help but speculate maliciously in her heart.

I can't wash it clean.

After knowing how Xisali and Altea took the initiative to seduce Zelin to bed, it is so enviable...No, it is shameless courage, which will always be used by Genya to laugh at Virginia. Evidence of timidity. Although, in the face of the end of the world, people may want to leave no regrets, but this is really not a behavior that a knowledgeable woman should do.

She has always had no good feelings for people from Azeroth, and there is that werewolf princess who doesn’t look like a princess at all. It’s not as if the two who came to take refuge are more like princesses, Aneth of Tamoria and Darimira of Redania. Fortunately, Enid seems to have the same view. She likes to stay with the wizard sorcerer more and more, the two of them always have a lot of common language.

"Oh! Is it that late?" Virginia glanced at the hourglass on Francesca's desk. The count beside the hourglass indicated that the hourglass had turned twenty-two times, it was ten o'clock in the evening. She hurriedly closed the book, stood up, and smoothed the wrinkles in her robe: "I should go now, Enid. If it's too late, Hawke may have to wait for me to go back to sleep."

"Well, see you tomorrow and say hello to Joseph for me." Francesca nodded slightly: "If the castle is boring, I welcome her to play at any time. I miss her too."

"Oh, she, she went to Cowell."

"Cowell?" Francesca raised her eyebrows unexpectedly: "Why? When?"

"The day before yesterday, you know, Oceanford University was closed, and the professors there went to Cowell to take refuge. Joseph's sister was also a member of Oceanford College before, so Joseph thought she would always go back to work." Virginia smiled bitterly: "She spoils her sister too much, as if everything that happened to her before was caused by her not giving enough care and protection. Holy Spirit, this is really true. It's too far, so Gnaiya and Altea accompanied her and set off together."

"Well, I understand." Francesca thought for a while and nodded: "Good trip, Vinnie, I won't see you off."

"It's okay, I've walked many times." Virginia put the book in her shoulder bag, waved to Francesca and pushed open the door: "See you tomorrow."

Watching the back of Virginia leaving, when she left the corridor, Francesca put down her work and took off the telescope on the side.

There are some things that she doesn't want to share at all.

After looking in the mirror and making sure that he didn't seem to have any problems, he thought about greetings in his mind and how to answer questions he might be concerned about, and then the elf warlock opened the telescope communication.

First, she saw that it was a table. The telescope did not seem to be in the pocket of the demon hunter. The elf was a little surprised. In the past, Zelin would put the telescope in the inner pocket of his jacket very securely, but this time, he just put it outside.

Rubbing his temples, Francesca decided to remind him that he must pay attention to safety. Once something like a telescope is lost, he is likely to be trapped there in an unexpected world where there is no regularity in the opening of the portal. Can't come back either.

The telescope's image gradually expanded, allowing Francesca to see the rest of the room clearly.

Then she saw a smooth back, a girl wearing only **** and a bra with her back facing the telescope, sitting cross-legged on the ground, and a lively and energetic voice came to her ears.