The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1749

Zelin said nothing. What the Skellyjie people say is their own business, but as a person from the mainland, it is best not to let people hear: "Do you have any other things?"

"Are you not a warlock, or a warlock's servant? Do you know how to do some magic?" Birna pinched her waist with one hand, and looked up and down the demon hunter: "I have something here that requires the help of a warlock. If you are willing to help, this I'll give you the reward."

Gnaiya didn't hold it back, and laughed out loud.

"Can't you understand me?" Bienna frowned at Gnaiya: "Is this funny?"

"I don't think it is. It's just that we have something to do next, go to Indalsfail." Zelin stretched out her hand to Bienna: "My name is Zelin. I am a demon hunter. I am glad to meet you. . If it is normal, I will not refuse a commission that seems to be rewarding, but we have already accepted another commission. For professional ethics considerations, I cannot accept the previous commission before it has been completed. The next new commission. Otherwise, who would believe that a person who has not completed anything can guarantee that he can complete the task?"

"I seem to have heard of your name. You have some reputation in the mainland? But it doesn’t matter, but Indalsfell Island? Then your commission can be released first. That island is very unsafe now, whatever you want Nothing is possible."

"What happened to that island?" Zelin asked curiously.

"Is it entrusted to you to pick it up? I will tell you why." Bienna asked: "It's actually not difficult, my son, he went to the most infamous bear ring in the Little Skellig Islands, he thought To prove that he has the strength to become a candidate for the king there. He is crazy! Who is he? He is the patriarch of the Tursek family, the descendants of King Bran and I, he should be the next king, he To risk my life, it’s just a nonsense! I can’t leave Keljo Castle now, because I have to wrestle with these lords and patriarchs. I wanted to find a female warlock to bring my son back. They weren’t Can you talk directly with people who are hundreds of kilometers away? I think you all have swords on your body, and maybe you won’t be afraid of the savages and monsters on Little Skellig Island?"

Zelin shrugged: "I'm sorry, ma'am, I think if something major has happened, I can ask the local people directly."

Now he knew who the woman in front of him was.

King Bran’s wife should be one of the wives, probably the most powerful one. Bilna Tursek, according to Skellig’s custom, a powerful warrior should have at least one wife and one concubine. If there are too few concubines, they will be criticized behind their backs. This is about personal prestige. It's just that the price of this prestige may be family disputes. There are rumors that King Bran often goes out to looting, just to not worry about women's disputes at home. Of course, no one will say it in public. In the eyes of Skellyjie, a man who can't tame a woman is weak and incompetent.

Now, Zelin understands very well why Birna would disdain or even hate Skellijie’s traditions, because according to Skellijie’s standards, a heroic warrior died. If his woman is willing to be with his corpse Stepping into the fire boat together, disappearing into the sea, you will be praised by songs.

However, this is not mandatory, and women who have not stepped into the fire will not be blamed, but the existence of this custom is always very uncomfortable. It is said that during the funeral of King Bran, another of his concubines volunteered Cremated with his body.

Bienna is right. The mainland people don’t know much about the royal family of the islands. Because of the elder election system, every family can become a royal family. The land of the islands is completely in the hands of the seven families, and all of them belong to a certain family. Among the members, the six major families have the right to be elected. In this case, who would have the mood and leisure time to remember the family members in each family? Not to mention that this is Skelliger, who is completely separated from the mainland. Only the best heraldry scholars can do this.

"I don't know how many people want to be thanked by the future king, but you have thrown away this opportunity." Bienna took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the anger in her heart: "Indalsfell Island has suffered recently. When the monsters attacked, at least two villages were abandoned. I don’t know why. Recently, a lot of monsters appeared on that island. The sky was full of monsters with human faces and wild beasts even rushed into the village and died 20 Many people, the rest of them either flee to Grand Skelliger, or flee to the village under the temple of Freya, which has walls."

"Where is the local lord?"

Bienna stretched out her thumb to point to the Keljo Castle behind her: "Busy to help her son in the election."

Zelling looked at Keljo Castle, and the majestic hilltop fortress was flying the flags representing the six major families: the Quite family, the Drummond family, the Tursek family, the Haven family, the Brocvar family, and the Dimen family. .

"As soon as the king died, the lords turned the banquet hall into a vegetable market, treating bribery of votes as buying and selling sheepskin. Everyone was busy soliciting votes and support for their children, turning a thing that should have been mourned into one It’s a boring farce.” Bierna waved her hand like a fly away: “My son doesn’t need to seek support for the throne that belongs to him. He has already taken the wrong path, so I hope you can Bring him back."

"This is the tradition, Birna, I thought you would support the legacy left by King Bran."

"Not all traditions are good. The eternal fire on the mainland will tie wise women to pillars and burn them to death. Burning witches is a tradition in many places. Some traditions need to be changed and reformed."

She resolutely made a cutting gesture: "These candidates not only enclose territories, but also promise supporters to grant privileges and official positions, and make judgments that are beneficial to supporters in disputes, even if they stole neighbors’ sheep. The verdict may also change from cutting off a hand to passing a heroic road...How is this different from a prostitute who raises a skirt on the side of the road to solicit customers? It is not the king who enthroned with the votes, but the debt of favor. The debtor, do you think that a king respected by everyone is a good thing? That means that the king has split the national interest and cede all rights to the lords and families who support him. I hope to start from this generation, Only the eldest son is the best way to stop the unhealthy trends of elections."

"Excellent speech, madam, you must have won a lot of votes for your children...but you should talk to the lords about this, not tell a passing demon hunter."

"So I will tell you now, help me, what you can get. I will allow you to take the best ship of the Tursek family. Even the strongest wind and waves and dragons can't destroy him. Then, you You can pass through the human-faced monster bird surrounding the island of Indalsfail and enter that island." Bierna looked confident: "And your task is also very simple, find my child, and then write this letter , Give it to a guy named Gunnar, who lives in Yuriala Port on Little Skellig Island."

"I want to discuss with my comrade-in-arms."

"Then hurry up."

Zelin turned around and walked to the other side of the hotel with Gnaiya.

"What do you think, Gnaiya?"

"I have no problem, but listen to what she said. If we take the Griffon, we might have to fight a group of demon birds in the sky before entering the island?" Dragonborn frowned: "You used to ride before. Has the Griffin ever fought?"

"I have been in Middle-earth, but most of the time I was dealing with enemies on the ground, or there was an archer to assist me."

"I can give it a try. I was also a hunter." Gnaiya scratched the back of her head. "But it sounds like it’s more convenient to take a boat? It’s better to take a boat. I fly around in the sky. I'm about to vomit out. It's really strange. Every time you turn to fly, I feel like seasick. Talos is on the back, obviously I don't feel this way when riding on the back of the dragon. The archer refers to Ai Altariel, right? Ah, if I have a chance to run into her in the future, I will ask her how to aim at the enemy on the back of a griffin that is flying so fast."

"It's probably because the dragon flies very smoothly. Okay, that's it. Just send a letter and find someone by the way. There shouldn't be any trouble."

Zelin walked to Bienna again, and Bienna stared at the demon hunter impatiently.

"The answer?"

"We accepted this. Where is the boat? Give me the letter and take us to the boat. Your child will return to you without incident."

"Very well, you made the right choice. I hope this letter can be delivered to Gunnar without being opened."

"Of course, ma'am, this is professional ethics."

Chapter 2818 The Question of Liability

Zelin usually didn't expect much of Skelliger's ships. The islander’s ship is usually a long raid ship, like a sharp knife, which can quickly approach the enemy in wind and waves, rather than the common cargo ship on the mainland. After all, Skelliger rarely chooses to become a merchant. This kind of profession There is not much glory and wealth.

However, the style of the boat provided by Birna is obviously different from that of Skelliger.

"This is obviously a Nilfgaard-style ship." Zelin looked at the ship anchored in Keljo Harbor: "Skelliger's craftsmen would never make such a ship."

The majestic Keldra Castle failed to share part of its majesty with the port below. Keldra Port is the largest port in Skelrige. All the raid fleets will return here after completing the plunder, so that it became Skelly. Jie’s largest freight terminal. But just like other ports, this port is just a wharf with a few trestle bridges. The only difference is that Keljo Port also has the largest shipyard in Skellige, and the looting ships that frightened southerners came from This.

"Because that woman is from Nilfgaard and has always looked down on our customs and traditions." A sturdy man with only a curl of hair on his forehead walked up to Zelin: "I'm Bujorg, the supervisor of the dock here. I heard that this ship is going to Little Skellig Island soon? Are you the passengers?"

"Yes, it's the two of us." Zelin nodded, "It's nice to meet you. When can we leave? Time waits for no one."

"I'll do it right away." Bujorg looked at Zelin and Gnaiya: "You really picked the worst time to come to Skelliger, outsider."


"Because this is the worst time for Skelliger. I think back then, outsiders never dared to set foot in the archipelago. Even if they did, they had to leave everything behind before leaving. What happened now? What outsiders have to come to history. Kelly Jie, witch, witch hunter, since a Nilfgaard woman married the king, everything has become more and more weird, mainlanders are no longer afraid of us, until now, so many years have not There is a hero like Crazy of the Sea Boar! Skelliger's power is weakened, and Hamdor's power is fading in our blood."

"Thank you for your speech. If it is a local, I will vote for the Quett family." Zelin said blankly, "Go on the boat, time waits for no one."

The restlessness of the monster usually means that there is a problem with the local chaos magic, and a portal opened by an elf is likely to cause this. In Great Skellig, there is the Ring of Druids led by Ermia, a magical explosion will not cause too many disasters, but on Indalsfair Island, the sudden riots of demon birds and wild wolves are very It may prove that Yennefa’s conjecture is correct.

There must be someone casting spells there.

"Honestly, I didn't expect that the people on the Skellig Islands didn't know you at all." Gnaiya stood on the side of the ship and joked: "If he knew, you still had two princesses in the castle. , I might be surprised to stick out my tongue."

"Captive? It's just a mere political asylum, Gnaiya." Zelin corrected Longyi's wording: "Don't say that, they will definitely be very upset."

"Talos is on, do you really think so, Zelin?" Gnaiya slanted her eyes and looked at Zelin: "Or, do you really think they will be angry? What if Redania and Temaria The lords in the country know that you are the protector of Dali Mila and Aneth. They still don't know what they will do. Maybe they will reconsider their political stance?"

Zelin propped his hands on the side of the ship and watched the sailors raise the sails. The sails unfolded, revealing the Tursek family logo depicted on it: "I always thought that only Enid would tell me this."

"If Enid hadn't gone to Hundred Flowers Valley, soon everyone in the castle would talk about it with you." Gnaiya snorted and rolled her eyes: "The woman kept saying that the mainlanders are a big deal to the islanders. I don’t know. As a result, isn’t she actually ignorant of the situation on the mainland? You don’t know. Once I passed by a monastery. He gave me a servant’s tower to rest, and I had to walk away a sum of money, saying it was a donation. Later, when I was chatting with a monk and mentioned that I was living in your castle, they immediately put the money Give it back to me, and invited me to the best room in the monastery, prepared the best food, and hot water to relax in the bath, and even sent two nuns to help me rub my back. I can’t get it. Qing, are you a demon hunter or a king after all."

"I guess it might be because of Enid. Many people know that I and Enid have a good relationship, and don't forget that you have a position in Enid's court." Zelin scratched Scratching his chin, he couldn't imagine such a scene.

"Remember when we left Southam by boat together? At that time we really looked like two adventurers."

"Of course I remember, Gnaiya, there are some things I will never forget."

"You said, in the future, can we stay away from those troubles?" Gnaiya gently leaned against Zelin: "On that day, I thought we would always be far away from all kinds of troubles, travel and explore, and drink. , Singing, walking through one town after another, seeing the beauty of different worlds and places, until one day I get tired, I will stop and build a home in the most beautiful place I have ever walked. I always feel that you and Enid I can never get out of this vortex."

"No, Gnaiya, everything I do now is to get out of this vortex completely." Zelin took the dragonborn's shoulders, the ship sailed out of the dock, and the sunset was sinking into the distant sea: "I I assure you that soon, there will be no trouble coming home again. But before that, I have to fulfill my responsibilities."