The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 179

The hood blocked the hot sunlight, hiding Zelin's face in the shadow under the brim of the hat. The caravan was slowly passing through the gate, during which a horse-drawn cart and a wooden cart squeezed under the narrow gate, causing a lot of chaos. A donkey ran out of the gate again. I accidentally kicked the basket that contained the hens, and the sound of chickens and dogs was endless, not to mention that those anxious people caused even greater confusion. The people outside bowed their heads and walked in, and the people inside wanted to Squeeze out from any gap, until the security team members who came after hearing the news severely beat everyone who was blocking the road with the cone of a spear, and then barely allowed the road to remain unblocked.

Zelin sat quietly on horseback, turning his head to look at the wooden boards with notices plastered beside the city gate.

The medicinal herbs dedicated to the King of Water, missing persons notices, lost and found, carpenters looking for jobs, and rewards for thieves are issued by the local sheriff.

There will not be much trouble during the daytime trip. Monsters don't like the sun, especially the harsh light at noon in summer. When the night falls, the monsters will appear in groups. Only the robbers hiding on both sides of the road are considered during the day. But here is still within the limits of the town, no idiot will reach so close to the sheriff's nose. After all, King Foltest is still alive, and the soldiers with the white lily emblem are still faithfully enforcing his laws-the captured robbers will be thrown into the mine or hanged on the gallows in the city. On.

So the boring trip of the caravan continued into the evening.

If he were a businessman, he would hire a few more helpers, a few strong players who can beat him, instead of a fool with alcohol and milk in his head. If he were a businessman, he would walk on the wide avenues and go with other people instead of looking for those remote trails to save time. If he were a businessman, he would buy a suitable carriage, a good carriage that can adapt to the rugged ground, instead of just randomly putting together a few wooden boards, which look like wooden frames to fall apart with the bumps.

Zelin shook his head while thinking.

If he were a businessman, he would spend more employment expenses than others. If he were a businessman, he would take a long road and detour, and eventually miss the opportunity to lose more money. If he were a businessman, he would have no savings in his hands because he spent too much money, and finally went bankrupt because of an uncontrollable disaster.

So he is not a businessman, and he doesn't need to hide under the carriage when he is in danger.

When the sound of horseshoes came from the wooden bridge, the first time the feather of the arrow sank into the side of the mercenary’s chest, the businessman sitting at the forefront of the carriage did not even raise his head to confirm what had happened—he let out a scream of change in pitch , Let go of the reins of the carriage that he was holding tightly in his hand, and then climbed under the carriage as quickly as possible. He was lying down, his back rubbed against the dried cow dung and mud stuck to the bottom of the car, and his whole body was shaking with fear.

"Hi! What the **** is this!"

The second person was shot in the stomach before he could react. He bent down, and the impact of the arrow made him take two steps back. He stretched out his hand to grab the outer rail of the carriage, but caught it empty. His back heel hit a stone on the road, and then fell down, and the corpse on the side of the road pressed the weeds and made a rustling sound, and rolled down the **** to let the burdock, nettle grass and blood stick to the clothes. . Eventually he spread his limbs and lay on the side of the road among the ribs, shin bones, and the skull half eaten by ants.

The third arrow made a melodious sound, a golden crash, and the arrow rolled and drew an arc in mid-air. Finally, it slapped beside the carriage and landed in front of the merchant under the carriage.

There was a moan from under the carriage, like an arrow hit a businessman.

One shadow after another appeared on both sides of the grass, reminding of the surrounding skeletons. This is a good ambush place, and it has been successful many times. This is a good place, some distance from town, and it takes about half an hour to get to the nearest crossroad hotel. The bushes on both sides of the road can hide many things, whether it is a robber or a monster who chooses to eat.

The businessman buried his head under his arms fiercely, and curled it up as much as possible, shouting and threatening sounds echoed around him. A man was yelling something, he was giving orders.

"We have ten people, he is only one! Surround him, don't let him run away!"

Then came the gasp, the clash of swords, and meaningless curses.

Someone rolled to the ground. The businessman didn’t know who died. He didn’t know this person. The blood was splashed on the wagon wheel and almost splashed on his face. The man’s chest was pierced, but the fatal wound was cut in half. Throat. A heavy object slammed into the carriage, causing the carriage on the businessman's body to sway. The dirt and scum fell on the hat like raindrops, and the tied fine linen rolled out from the side of the carriage that was knocked out, covering the corpse. Above, like a shroud. Later, more blood turned the linen cloth into a pile of waste cloth. The sound of flames burst out suddenly, followed by the smell of burning and the screams that were not like human beings.

The time has passed for a long time, and it may be only a few tens of seconds. Everything around was silent again, and there was only a very light footstep. The businessman pulled with both hands, pushed away the corpse in front of him, opened his eyes cautiously, and climbed out from under the carriage.

He saw the corpse, the cut corpse, the scorched corpse, the corpse with the arrow down---this he knew, the demon hunter was wiping a sword on the clothes of a corpse

Then he yelled.

"My carriage! My cargo!" he yelled, not knowing whether it was because of fear or anger. "The results of my hard work for three months! My possessions!" He whispered, "My money, My goods can’t be sold...the money is gone!"

The demon hunter who was groping for the loot on the corpse raised his head and sighed, "Go to the city guards. The bounty on these people's heads will at least allow you to go home."

"This is the goods I paid a lot of money to bring to Bruges to sell..." The merchant knelt and sat in front of the carriage. There was a corpse lying on the carriage. He hurriedly pushed the corpse out of the carriage and looked at the carriage. Putting on several bundles of cloth soaked in blood, he sat down again on the ground.

Zelin raised his head and blew a whistle. Rape ran out of the bushes holding his travel bag in small steps.

Nearly twenty robbers ambush the caravan here, and the only one who met in the city was Xi Anna. The woman may think that the demon hunter is just a relatively strong warrior, or maybe like a knight on foot, a group of bandits with a long-handled axe and crossbow can solve it. Zelin didn't know where she came from. It was certain that there were not many rumors about the powerful and evil demon hunters in that place.

Zelin’s sword sliced ​​her abdomen, which was deadly enough. If the merchant would go to the city guards, then the bodies of her and her accomplices would be hung at the gate of Martina tomorrow. Ghouls and other scavengers will solve all this.

He stood up from the body of a robber, with an extra bag of Oren in his hand. He turned upside down and hung behind his waist. Then walked to the place where Xianna's body was. She was the leader, and she would definitely have more spoils on her body.

Then he stood in place.

He was supposed to fall to the ground, his abdomen was cut open, and the corpses whose intestines were dragged around were gone.

This is impossible.

Zelin knelt down, there was only a splash of blood on the ground, but his experience over the years told him that that sword was enough to kill an adult. The sword of the demon hunter can't go wrong, he understands what kind of nervous reaction a person will make when he is injured at different points and different positions. That sword should cut open her abdomen, injure the internal organs, then cause internal organ bleeding, lose combat effectiveness, and finally cause her to die of organ failure.

The blood was looming on the ground, and the demon hunter drew out his sword, ready to follow. She is injured and she must not run far.

But the businessman's heart-piercing scream made him turn his head.

"Devil hunter! Help me!"

The businessman was sitting slumped on the carriage, and a few ghouls crawled out of nowhere. If these bandits often ambush travelers in this area, it is estimated that the ghouls have already settled here, and there must be their lair nearby.

Three ghouls were surrounding the carriage, devouring the warm corpse. These ready-made corpses attracted the attention of the monsters, leaving them to ignore the living person who was paralyzed on the carriage for the time being. However, these corpses may not be enough to satisfy the ghouls' stomachs. One of the strong ghouls chewed on flesh and blood, and from time to time raised his head to look at the merchant, causing another scream.

The demon hunter looked at the monster, and then at the direction where the blood stains stretched. There is no doubt that if he doesn't want to be entangled by thieves, he'd better get rid of their leader thoroughly. His contract with the merchant expired, and the other party was about to return to Martina, and Zelin was going to continue southward to cross the river to Bruges and to Tousant.

He took a sip and took out the corpse-eating creature sword oil from his waist.

There can be no problem with the sword.

Unless the person who was hit had a physical problem, the blow that should have killed her did not inflict fatal injuries on her.

Walking quickly towards the upright monster eating, Zelin was still thinking about what was going on with that sword. Is it because his skills are unfamiliar?

Xi Anna is not like a mutant, nor is she a half-murloc. A human being, a woman almost thirty years old, may have a different body structure from other normal humans. Although this possibility is very small, he couldn't help but consider the possibility of him hitting the ‘big prize’.

"The Curse of the Black Sun."

Francesca squeezed the silver dinner knife in her hand, and there were tender and juicy steaks and broccoli on the plate in front of her, but these delicious foods did not arouse the appetite of the elf in the least. Tisya de Vries, the honorary dean of the Sorceress Academy, is sitting across from her. Hen Gedides, the oldest human warlock, lowered his eyes and looked at what was on the plate. Warlock Alto Terranova, one of the five members of the council, was also at the table, swallowing pieces of fat mixed with fine wine from Tousent.

Francesca couldn't figure out why he would stand on Sutton Hill with such humans to resist the invasion of the Imperial Legion.

Four of the five members of the Council of Warlocks. Only one person is absent --- Wigofertz of Glover.

"Regarding the convening of the warlock conference, whether we should put the study of the black sun curse on the issue."

Hen Gedides’s voice fell, and Tisya looked at her colleague in the council. Like Francesca, she was not interested in food, but the elf drank some carrot juice, and the female dean took Most of the time was spent re-arranging her knives, forks and cutlery, in a symmetrical beauty that is important and should be respected in her eyes. Symmetry, everything in her room is symmetrical.

The elven warlock knows the curse of the black sun. Many years ago, the very famous occultist Etibad among the warlocks successfully decoded the stone pillars of the Deuk people, and the tombstones in the tombs of the Voljugor people, all the information There is no doubt that the solar eclipse will cause the resurrection of the evil goddess Lilith in the near future. In the East, Lilith is still respected as Niya. Her resurrection will bring destruction, and the way to prepare for her resurrection is through ‘sixty girls with golden crowns. ’

This curse led to the arrest of countless royal noble girls born after the eclipse. Some nobles who were unwilling to give their daughters to wizards chose to exile or put them to death.

Girls cursed by the black sun have irrational cruel tendencies, are extremely aggressive, are often angry, possessive and jealous are beyond ordinary people, and their **** and desires are also extremely strong.

"If the astrologers and astronomers are right, there may be another solar eclipse in the past ten years." Aalto swallowed the meat in his mouth and coughed a few times. "I have read the anatomy reports of those girls, and found too many things that cannot be described in words in their skulls and bone marrow. There is a red spongy body that I don't know what it is, all kinds of strange spongy bodies, There are also inexplicable organs that we have never seen in humans. Some internal organs are covered with a layer of moving cilia and blue-purple red silk. Other girls have six ventricles in their heart, although there are two. Shrunk"

He picked up Tousant’s wine. "The last autopsy was ten years ago, and I was there to watch it. It was a vivisection. It was incredible. Her internal organs were a mess, with black spots everywhere, and her abdominal cavity Most of the places are empty and the intestines are so short that she can't survive. It stands to reason that she can't survive. There are many cursed girls who have escaped from imprisonment and have not fallen there so far. We should find a way to start arresting them again, at least Before the next solar eclipse."

"Yes, Mr. Arnault, that is a terrible thing, but all this has passed." Francesca continued. "Maybe we can put aside the prophecy about Lilith's resurrection for a while. The most urgent thing is How to deal with the action of the kings, their action to destroy the elves has already begun, please forgive me for interrupting, but this is very important to me."

Tishaya shrugged, and the dean looked at the two male colleagues. "Enid is right. In Sidaris, the attack on Brockleron has already begun. The blood of the young elves is flowing, and there are rumors that, Soon, Aden’s army will attack the free elves of the Blue Mountains. We have to help Enid and quiet the kings."

"But those elves take the blame. We can't tell the kings to immediately stop your attack on the Squirrel Party. It's impossible. That will make the cult stand on the opposite side of the entire north." Regardless of Francesca. The worse his face, Aalto continued, "Sooner or later those elves will learn, and then the kings will focus on border divisions and trade frictions." Aalto stood up slightly and continued from the dinner plate with a silver fork. Looking for fat meat. "Don't worry about the elves. We need to stabilize our image. At least they haven't surrounded the Hundred Flowers Valley. If the Hundred Flowers Valley of Fenbeda is threatened, we will definitely visit the kings, no Huh?"

Francesca looked at Hen Gedides with a sullen face, who closed her eyes and said nothing.

Tisya looked at the two colleagues, staring displeasedly at Aalto who was focusing on the food. In the end, her gaze didn't change anything, she sighed, turned to the elf and said, "Enid, stay for a while, let's talk about the past, call Margarita together, and go outside Sunnider." Take a bath in your bath, relax, and let’s have a good chat."