The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1808

"It's very simple."


"Calm down and move on."

The 2896th chapter occultist's determination

It took Zelin a lot of effort to clean up the vomiting marks left by Li Min.

The magician just sat on the bench thoughtfully, not knowing what he was thinking.

It wasn't until late at night that Zelin held the mop with one hand, wiped the sweat off his forehead with the other hand, and exhaled for a long time. The place has been cleaned up, no traces can be seen. Although it is reasonable to say that this is what the innkeeper and waiter should do, since they are here, it is really a shame to mess up the hall like this.

Looking at the living room with satisfaction, Zelin turned to look at Li Min: "I suggest you take a rest now and go to sleep. Li Min?"

"Hey?" The magician slowly raised his head.

Seeing her appearance, Zelin determined that she must be immersed in the stamina of the red wine. This is why Zelin asked the barkeeper to bring some red wine. After the wine tasting is over, this can calm Li Min.

With a sigh, Zelin put the mop against the wall, walked to the magician, and reached out to her: "Come on, I will help you up. If you want to take a bath, I will help you to call Elena, she I have been worried about you."

Li Min shook his head without saying a word, grabbed Zelin's arm, and tried to stand up. After trying twice, she finally succeeded in leaning on Zelin's shoulder.

A strong scent of wine rushed over his face.

To be sure, tomorrow morning, she must be very uncomfortable.

He helped Li Min to walk to the guest room on the second floor, helped her take off her coat wet with drinks, let her lie down on the bed, and put the quilt on, Zelin was about to leave.

He sighed.

Returning to Mahakam tonight, he may not be able to escape complaints.

Tonight was supposed to be a banquet, but in the end he was absent. I can only hope that others can have fun, lest all the anger falls on him.

Suddenly, a small hand reached out from under the bedding and grabbed his sleeve.

"...I thought of my mentor." Li Min murmured: "My mentor, the same?"


"My mentor, she has defeated Diablo and Mephisto. After living in the sanctuary for many years, she hopes to use magic to help a region plagued by drought and sandstorms. There are several villages there. The groundwater seems to have dried up, and the stone wells can't get water. The best water seekers can't find a new source of water..." Li Min looked forward and was immersed in memory: "You must know the result later, right? That bad old man Fulkes must have told you. Her spell was out of control, and a very cold blizzard killed all the villagers in the three villages. So the witcher assassin sent their master assassin to kill her. I think At that time, my mentor probably did not resist at all. I saw the scene and there was no sign of fighting. She just stood there, waiting for the assassin to cut his throat..."

Zelin sat back on the bed and listened.

The bright moonlight passed through the skylight, sprinkling bright silver threads on Li Min's side face, and there was a strange pale white in those dark black pupils.

"I thought it was unacceptable at the time. It was just an accident, and those pedantic old men actually killed her for this." Li Min snorted bitterly: "Now I understand that sometimes, there are powerful Power, without the skill and heart that can control power, will only cause disaster. I was...if I was not so proud at that time, but was more careful and more careful, I should...all of this could be avoided."

"Now you are aware of this. When you understand this, you won't have the problem of losing control of your power. As long as you can carefully consider the consequences of this before casting the spell." Zelin scratched. Side face: "But I am not a mage. I can't give you any advice in this regard. So I recommend you to seek help from some mage."

"But, but if I still lose control in the future..." Li Min seemed to have made up her mind. She slowly turned her head and looked at Zelin with serious and serious eyes: "I don't like letting a group of inhuman assassins solve me. Well, when the time comes, can you help me? All you have to do is say,'Your loss of control is threatening everyone' and I will throw away the staff and wait for you to kill me. Is it okay?"

"Does this still need to be asked." Zelin withdrew his hand from Li Min: "Of course not."

Li Min's expression was disappointed.

"Are you lying to me, old man? I almost can't tell which sentence you are telling is the truth and which is the lie."

"Of course this sentence is true. Let me act like a killer and take the life of a person who once saved the world? Sorry, I can't do it." Zelin shook his head: "I will show a problem to you. Before, I helped you find the problem. Even if the so-called curse Fulkes said is true, then I will find a way to help you avoid the curse. It's not just you, Vera, or anyone else. I don’t think, a Those who have saved the world should end up like this, otherwise the world will be too unfair. You have done so much and deserve to be treated kindly."

"Have you sent it to me?"

"No, because I know what it feels like to help someone but be met with malicious intent." Zelin sighed, and helped Li Min lift up the blanket, covering his shoulders: "So I don't want other people to do the same. Experience. No one will like it, I know I don’t like it, so I don’t want others to experience it. Take a good rest, Li Min, don’t think too much, you also need to rest now. You must recover before you can go. Help the people in Heimstein port to rebuild their homes. If there is news in this regard, I will let you know as soon as possible."

After that, he stood up and walked to the door.

Sometimes, he should leave some space for the other person to think for himself

When he put his hand on the doorknob, there was a slight voice from Li Min again behind him, the voice was very small, as if she didn't want to say so much.


"What's the matter?" Zelin rolled his head.

"Go and tell Elena, I'm sorry about what happened this afternoon." Li Min shrank her neck: "If possible, can she come and take a bath? It's like rolling out... if this goes on, I might have to vomit again."

Zelin chuckled in relief.

It seems that this day, he did not waste it in vain.

"No problem, I'll go find her now."

He knew that Elena had been eavesdropping outside, and she was not worried about Li Min, but she would never abandon her followers just because of a few bad words.

"Take a good rest, I'm still waiting for you tomorrow."

Chapter 2897 Language Learners

This is a very bad thing.

In other words, it is possible.

When Zelin returned to Mahakam, the sky was already bright.

The castle was very quiet, it was May now, the weather was no longer so cold, and he could hear the worms in the grass. It may not be long before the sound of crickets and Zhiniao will be heard in the garden. He didn't know how the greenhouse kept the temperature, maybe it was magic, or some other knowledge that he couldn't. He has never liked places with lush vegetation, which means mosquitoes, filth and infectious diseases, or evil spirits hiding in bushes, ready to reach out their claws at any time. But the people around him like it, which is why this garden can be preserved and turned into a greenhouse.

Very quiet.

Zelin exhaled slowly.

It seemed that even if he wasn't there, everyone could have fun, so I fell asleep early. Otherwise, according to his understanding, someone will definitely not stop at night unless they are very tired and exhausted during the day.


Accompanied by the sound of finger snaps, the magic lamp fixed on the wall emits a soft white light, instantly dispelling the shadows in the teleportation hall. Zelin raised his arm, his pupils diffusing in the darkness could not adapt to the sudden emergence of light. Fortunately, the dim light of the magic lamp has always been soft. Looking through the bottom of his arm, he saw that the dark red long skirt was walking towards his master, and the fringe wrinkles were undulating like waves.

Zelin was a little surprised. He guessed the owner of the clothes, but he didn't believe it was the truth.

Putting down her arms, Francesca looked like a lady attending a ball, holding her skirt in both hands, and walked up to Zelin rashly.

"My husband is finally back? Ah, where did you fool around tonight? You are full of alcohol." The wizard warlock wrinkled his nose, covered his nose with his right hand, walked to the right of Zelin, and walked around the hunter. The hunter walked around, carefully examining every corner of Zelin's body, as if trying to find something

"What are you looking for?"

"Nothing..." Finally, Francesca walked up to Zelin again and raised her eyebrows: "I'm surprised, you don't have the smell of a strange woman's perfume."

Zelin was a little dumbfounded: "Am I like this kind of person?"