The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1829

"What happened later?"

"Later we found her head and a leg in an abomination body." Tallilian sighed again: "But we let her soul rest in peace... She is my sister."


"It's nothing, so many years have passed. I'm trying to forget her. My parents are trying to help me get a new one." Tallylian blinked and licked the corner of her mouth, as if trying to squeeze something out of her eyes. She went back, but she failed: "It's just been unsuccessful. Anyway, thank you, werewolf, I'm sorry that happened in your country. The people of Quel'Thalas feel the same for the plague."

"At least in some ways, we have something in common, don't we... Oh, thank you, no more wine, we drink enough."

Zelin thanked the goblin waiter again.

"It's my honor to work for you, sir." The goblin smiled with his signature etiquette.

"Do we drink a lot? Are there any?" Talililian looked at the troll with a charming smile on her face.

The women of blood elves seem to have some kind of attractive charm, and sometimes they always unwittingly reveal this deep-seated attraction. When Yamily was here, the Demon Hunter experienced this feeling more than once.

"We don't drink much." Zarka held a skincare in both hands and closed his eyes: "You drank too much."

The goblin waiter walked away with an empty plate, walked around the living room and then arrived in the kitchen at the back, with a sign saying that no one is allowed in at the door.

A female goblin wearing lipstick and exaggerated makeup on her face has already been waiting here.

"Did you hear what they are saying?"

"Yes, my dear." The goblin waiter couldn't wait to say: "I have all written down..."

"This will definitely sell for a lot of money!" The female goblin snatched the notebook over and stared at the scribbled writing on it with her eyes wide open. It stands to reason that they are employees of the Hot Sand Group, but as long as they can make money, who would mind having extra extra money. The outside voice is noisy: "The Prince of Trade will definitely be interested in this!"

Chapter 2926 The Menethil Family

Anduin realized that he could always get good news from Zelin.

"He succeeded."

The little prince put away the letter, and according to Zelin's statement, carefully stored the letter so as not to be seen by people who shouldn't have discovered it.

"Really, Your Highness? I'm very happy. There is no need to send the dwarf warriors to another battlefield just after the battle with the Burning Legion is over."

Moira Thaurissan is the daughter of Magni Bronzebeard. When she was young-a few years ago, to be precise-she planned a bold and risky elopement plan against the Bronzebeard dwarf. Emperor Dagran Thaurissan, the leader of the Dark Iron dwarves, is married. But unfortunately, her father thought that his daughter was controlled by the Great Thaurissan with psychic magic.

In order to rescue his daughter, he recruited a group of the best adventurers to break into the Darkforge. As a result, after the battle, the truth came to light. Moira and Dagran were indeed happy, and Magni's reckless behavior killed the daughter's sweetheart.

According to in-laws, Moira will serve as the leader of the Dark Iron Dwarves before her son, Prince Dagran, named after King Thaurissan, will lead Darkforge and the Dark Iron Tribe.

Thanks to Moira’s efforts, the Dark Iron Dwarf, the Bronzebeard Dwarf and the Wildhammer Dwarf, the relatives who were rivals thousands of years ago and fought hard in the Battle of the Three Hammers, actually restored peace in just a few years. And friendship, bridged the schism of the dwarf race for thousands of years.

Today, the three major dwarven tribes form the Council of Three Hammers to discuss the major issues of the dwarven tribe in Ironforge.

This is the unity that has never been seen since the death of Modimus Anvilmar, the last king of the mountains.

Even ten years ago, if someone declared in Ironforge that in a few years, there would be a leader of the Dark Iron Dwarf in the city of the Bronzebeard Dwarf, someone would think that he had drunk too much Thunder Wine. Degenerate to the point of a caveman.

But impossible, it became possible among the dwarves.

"This is a good sign. After my father sent an envoy to contact the tribe, Warchief Vol'jin agreed to hold talks with my father on the issue of Silithus. If the emerging allies can agree to communicate with the tribe, talk to them. Stay friendly. I think in the future, without supporters, those generals and advisers will no longer be able to suggest to my father to start a new war against the tribe."

"Good idea, Your Highness."

As part of the friendly relationship between humans and dwarves, members of the royal family of Stormwind will visit Ironforge at the right time more than once, and members of the dwarves will also visit Stormwind City as they sent people to Lordaeron from time to time. . For Anduin, everything in Ironforge is very good. He likes it very much, including the friendly and welcoming local residents. In many respects, humans and dwarves have a lot of acquaintances, and even in terms of faith, after the teachings of humans, followers of the holy light and paladins blessed by the holy light have appeared among the dwarves.

But on the issue of the leisure cocktail party, the two sides may have great differences. For the dwarves, leisure means eating and drinking, sipping beer, stuffed with stewed wild boar, broth for seasoning and brown loaves, roasted vegetables sprinkled with honey, and after meals piled as high as a hill. Dessert.

Anduin couldn't imagine what a formal party for the dwarves would look like. It is said that at least the food must push the intestines to the stomach to be successful.

"I think this may be a good opportunity for the Alliance and the Horde to reconcile comprehensively."

After the messenger left, Anduin and Moira walked the streets of Ironforge, and the sound of hammering in the forge echoed in the distance.

"Total reconciliation? This is a bold idea, Your Highness."

"It is also an idea that will be laughed at by everyone." Anduin sighed: "But why not try it? Humans, dwarves, gnomes, trolls, tauren and blood elves. I remember that some high elves are Joining the Alliance as the Silver Covenant means that we are not much different from the tribal race in many traditions and values. In the Cenarion Circle, the night elves and the tauren work together, not to mention the dwarves and goblins. Are you a master of engineering, aren’t you? There are also Tushui Pandaren and Huojin Pandaren who joined the Alliance and the Horde respectively. They used to be friends, neighbors and fellow brothers. Why can’t the Alliance and the Horde become friends and comrades-in-arms? ?"

"Except for the trolls."

"Trolls other than...Dark Spear."

Anduin cleared his throat. He is well aware of the grudges between the dwarves and the trolls. A few years ago, the Zandalari troll sent someone to instigate the frost trolls in Dun Modd. The Frostmane trolls almost broke through the gate while Ironforge was guarding against the emptiness. It was at that time that Moira stood up. , Led the dwarves of Ironforge, with the help of Stormwind City reinforcements, completely destroyed the Frostmane tribe and helped the Dark Iron dwarves win the favor of the Bronzebeard dwarves and the Wildhammer dwarves.

"In this matter, I support your decision, Your Highness." Moira said, "My child I don't want to live in an era of war and pain in the future. But there is another very important question."


"It stands to reason that the Council of the Three Hammers shouldn’t be arrogant in this matter, Anduin, but I should tell you that Northern Lordaeron, to be precise, is the ruins of the once human kingdom Lordaeron, inhabited by another group. Tribal race." Moira nodded pointedly: "In your reconciliation plan, this is inevitable."

Unlike other dwarves, Moira only wants some simple wine and some mild food. In the Council of Three Hammers, the other two members, Muradin Bronzebeard and Futasde Wildhammer, are both powerful fighters. Only Moira is more like a politician. So in many cases, Moira spoke on behalf of the Three Hammers Council.


"Yes." Moira nodded, "I think, you should introduce someone to you. Come with me."

"Who is it?" Anduin asked curiously.

"A person you used to work with, but I'm sorry, at her request, we concealed her true identity."

Anduin immediately understood what Moira was referring to.

Temple of Void Light.

This temple is far away from Azeroth and can only be reached through a portal.

It is located in the center of the Twisting Void. It used to be a prison for the Void Lord Salaka. Saraka is a fallen Naaru. For a long time, the draenei have been studying it. Until recently, they found a way to purify and make Void Lord Saraka back to Narusa Ella.

After crossing the portal, Anduin felt as if his whole body was immersed in some kind of pleasant radiance.

He stayed in the Exodar more than once, experiencing the soothing purple brilliance and the tranquility that permeated every corner. But the Temple of Void Light is completely different from Exodar.

There are many huge draenei statues standing here, and the lifelike statues seem to be watching scholars and priests with kind eyes. The gentle melody produced by the flowing water forms a beautiful note, which floats in mid-air with a little bit of starlight. Any priest from Azeroth will be thrilled by the sacredness and grandeur of this temple. Anduin is no exception. He is the prince of Stormwind, but he is also a priest.

Perhaps he should invite Zelin to visit this temple if he has the opportunity.

Duchess Altea has an extraordinary relationship with him, but according to Anduin’s understanding, or according to Tess’s report, Duke Eberlock is not a very firm and devout believer in the Light, at least the Alliance cannot count on her. Spread the faith of the Holy Light in another world.

He believes in Zelin's character and can accept the faith of the Holy Light.

Anduin has always believed that as long as he can appreciate the connotation of the Holy Light, it will definitely move everyone.

A slender woman with long blonde hair stood in front of Anduin