The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1834

Jia Liya sighed sadly: "This is what the Menethil family owes them. The Menethil family... should have protected them from the undead, but turned out to be the culprit who killed them. I As you can imagine, how much they hate me."

"Galia Menethil. Are you the royal family of Lordaeron? I heard my friends talk about you." Zelin scratched his head, trying to recall what Altea had said: "But she thinks, When you killed the old king in Arthas, you died in Lordaeron."

"Yeah, everyone thinks that I am dead. Sometimes, I also think that it might be better to die than to live." Jia Liya smiled sadly: "My brother was corrupted and fell into evil. , My father was killed by relatives, so many Lordaeron people died in the hands of my family members... The Holy Light made a joke to me, when the undead army swept through the city of Lordaeron, I fell into the sewer. I don’t remember many things, I only remember that I was lying in the ditch and the undead natural disasters walked by. I almost thought I was dead, my body was lying in it, and my soul was watching all this. Until the past day and night Later, I came back to my senses, crawled out of the sewer, fled south, and fled to Nanhai Town. I once had a family there."


"Yes." Jia Liya sucked her nose, her eyes flushed a little: "My father, he is a Mingjun, but the king always considers the interests of the kingdom, so I must marry an unfamiliar nobleman—— Count Prestor. I can’t resist his decision, but the first heir to the throne is not me, but my brother Arthas. Therefore, after the disappearance of Count Prestor, the father will pay more attention. When I put it on Arthas, I secretly fell in love with a person whom my father would never approve of. He is a sergeant of Lordaeron. We spent a long time together without telling my father. I even found a kind pastor in Stratholme to marry us. I even have a daughter. If it weren't my mother, I wouldn't be able to hide it."

Ze Lin quietly listened to Jia Liya's narration.

He never thought that Anduin would send a descendant of the royal family here. It seems that no one else in the league knows anything about it.

"The marriage between mother and father is also a political marriage. At first, she was furious, as if she wanted to immediately ask her father to sentence my lover to death. But later, she understood that this was my own decision, and it was not a simple one. After being seduced, she decided to help me. I had a daughter, but for many reasons, I could not live with them. My husband took his daughter to live in Nanhai Town... They even escaped the first natural disaster. Because Nanhai Town is too remote."

Zelin tried to think in his mind whether Altea had told him where Nanhai Town was.

"After I escaped from Lordaeron, I fled to Nanhai Town and reunited with my family... But then, what we were waiting for was not the reinforcements from the Alliance, but another group of undead, who took orders from the Banshee King Hill. Vanas. The defenders of Nanhai Town couldn't stop them. On the street, my family and I were separated. I called their names desperately. Someone pityed me and dragged me at the last moment when the undead broke through the city gate. I got on horseback and escaped from the town. Since then, I have never seen them again. I heard that the residents of Nanhai Town have experienced terrible things. They were turned into undead or disappeared completely. "

"As far as I know, Sylvanas is now one of the leaders of the tribe. Do you hate her very much?"

"I don't know..." Jia Liya slowly exhaled, turned her head to look at the sea level where the setting sun was falling, her eyes glowing: "Sylvanas's encounter was entirely because of my brother, if it weren't for Alsace. Kill her, she cannot become a banshee. I don’t know if she is qualified to hate her, but hating has no meaning. I heard that she still leads the Lordaeron who regained their will after resurrection, living in the ruins of the city In. Sometimes, I can’t help thinking. If she attacks Nanhai Town to expand the population of the Forsaken..."

Zelin immediately understood what Jia Liya meant.

"You mean, do you think your husband and children may still be alive, as undead?"

"That's right." Jia Liya nodded earnestly: "I know that the tribe will send missions, and their missions will include representatives of all tribe members. In other words, representatives of the Forsaken will also appear in Tibet. Treasure Bay. I hope to ask the representative of the Forsaken to help me investigate whether my family is still alive, as the subjects of the Banshee King... I just hope to be reunited with them, no matter what they become What happened."

"But what if they are undead?"

"As long as they maintain the will of the past, as long as the rotten body is still their soul, why should I care about their appearance, what do you think, sir?"

Zelin thought of Maria.

He sighed slowly.

"You are right, Your Royal Highness. We are alive, isn't it because of our souls? As long as our souls have not changed, why are we accidentally appearing and our bodies? That's just a carrier."

Jia Liya showed a relieved smile: "I am not a princess. If I have to discuss the family, I only hope to make up for the wounds caused to the people of Lordaeron who are still alive. Zelin, my friends will call it directly I am Jia Liya."

"No problem, Jia Liya."

Chapter 2932: Unexpected Meeting

The biggest advantage of goblins is to take money to do things.

"Please go here, sir."

The goblin in the black shirt bowed to Zelin, and then made a please gesture: "Your room is here."

"Thank you."

"If you have any needs, you can always ask our counter."

The goblin bowed again.

"Well, I see, thank you."

Zelin repeated it again, and the goblin took two steps back, left the room, and helped the demon hunter to close the door.

The room is very spacious. Compared with other guest rooms, it is definitely built according to the physique standard of a tauren. A bed about three meters in length, very spacious, with several chairs and a guest table. The guest table is placed with a covered dinner plate, a three-pronged candlestick and two pairs of stemware, and a vase with roses. . Sunlight shines on the dining table through the window, which provides good lighting.

Walking quickly to the dining table, Zelin opened the lid, and after seeing what was inside, he couldn't help but chuckle.

A letter lay on the dinner plate.

Take out the letter and tear open the envelope. Inside is a short letter written in a beautiful circle font.

[Mr. Zaraka was recently witnessed, talking with a strange goblin at the exit of Booty Bay. 】

Zelin turned the letter over, and there was a line of fine print on the back.

[Goblin Detective Franz is here for you, please burn after reading. 】

The demon hunter released his finger, and the letter slowly fell under the influence of gravity. Suddenly, a flame emerged from one of its corners, and the letter paper quickly shrank, carbonized, and torn apart in the flame, leaving only a few fragments still remaining with the flame, and fell to the ground.

Franz is not a goblin-style name at all.

The second sentence is estimated to be true only after reading it.

Zaraka had a conversation with a goblin at the door of Booty Bay last night. The letter mentioned it was a strange goblin. According to Zelin's experience, this sentence means that this goblin does not belong to Booty Bay.

Goblins who are not part of Booty Bay...

There are only two options left-venture capital companies and Bilgewater Chaebols.

As for why it can't be an ordinary goblin.

If it weren't a very important goblin, Zelin didn't believe that the special envoy guard appointed by the tribe would leave the members to protect without warning and disappear alone.

As night fell, Zelin walked along the trestle bridge around the coastline towards the exit of Booty Bay. The Booty Bay at night was as lively as ever. The sailors who stayed on the dock unscrupulously radiated their energy that had nowhere to vent, pouring countless inferior rums into their throats, and goblin salesmen from different companies took the opportunity to sell them. Exquisite amulets, rings and necklaces that are actually useless. Men and women gathered around the trestle and yelled, as if they would become dumb tomorrow. The ragged bankrupt hid in the corner and cast a resentful look. The giant statue of Boss Rivigas stood on the small island opposite the harbour, looking down at the night-shrouded city with a smile on his face.

The exit of Booty Bay is a tunnel through the mountains, the end of the tunnel is hidden in the dense rain forest, and two listless guards stand at the door. It seems that no one has ever attacked Booty Bay, or that no one has chosen to attack this town from land, so that the guards are not so much standing guard as they are practicing how to stand and sleep.

"...A troll named Zaraka used to communicate with a strange goblin near here?"

The goblin guard touched his chin with two thick fingers: "I'm so sorry, sir, my memory is sometimes not good. Can you remind me again?"

"Like Goblin Detective Franz?"

The guard froze for a moment, then slapped his hands, and slowly raised the corners of his mouth, grinning in a friendly laugh: "Ah! I remembered! Yes, when I was standing guard here last night, there was indeed a troll. Standing on the dirt **** over there, yes, right there, under the palm tree, talking with a goblin I don’t know. As for what they’re talking about, far away...I just It's impossible for a little guard to know anything about Camp Grom'gau, can it?"

"Yes, I'm pretty sure of this."

Grom High Camp.

This is a problem for the demon hunter. He knows Grom'gol Camp, which is the Horde's stronghold in Stranglethorn Vale. Just as the Alliance had barracks and fortresses in the Barrens, the Horde also chose to establish Camp Grom'gol and Stonenard in Stranglethorn Vale and Swamp of Sorrows near the hinterland of the Alliance. The forces of the two sides are intertwined, so that it is difficult to find a few areas where only one power dominates.

It is said that Kaldorei even set up an outpost on an island near Yongsong Forest to monitor Sindorei's every move.

But Zelin couldn't swagger into the Grom'gau camp, and the Horde's guards would definitely attack him as soon as possible.

Unbelievable, not long ago, the Alliance and the Horde were standing side by side against the Demon Legion, and as a result, the two sides still couldn't appear in each other's camp, as if they were still enemies.

In the last Nilfgaard-Northern battle, this situation did not happen in the Northern Allied Forces. Even a few years ago, Tamoria and Redania were at odds with each other because of the tariffs on the Ponta River.

Before leaving last time, Zelin thought that because of the invasion of the Demon Legion, the Alliance and the Horde would probably form an unbreakable alliance.