The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1846

"We must let Zelin leave." She said, "He will only be bad if he stays in Azeroth. Now is the time when the Horde is at its weakest. If the **** beasts are allowed to rest and rest, they will soon gather one. A large army, invaded like it did when crossing the Dark Portal. Zelin has a few friends in the tribe, especially the blood elves. I really suspect that she is a spy of the tribe, who specially lured Zelin to make some decisions that are not conducive to the alliance. "

"Pillow wind, but the Princess Eberlock we sent seems not to be very enthusiastic about her mission..." Shaw's fingers stroked the beard at the corner of his mouth: "Unfortunately, we don't have many choices. , Your Highness. I have reason to believe that due to Stormwind's abandonment of Nightstown in the past few years, the loyalty of the Duchess of Eberlock to Stormwind may not be as high as we expected."

"Can we change one?" Tess asked tentatively.

"Trust me, Your Highness. If Your Highness decides like this, I will send the best agents to execute it." Shaw's voice jokingly said, "But it doesn't prevent me from thinking that this is an extremely stupid plan."

"Forget it, I just said it casually." Tess waved her hand as if she wanted to shake off the troubles in her mind: "Miss Eberlock is still in Stormwind? It seems I should arrange a time with her. Meet and talk."

"I recommend you not to do this." Shaw said, "Miss Eberlock is with her father. Her father has a good reputation in Stormwind, especially for the propaganda work of His Royal Highness Anduin. If you do this, you will Leaving a bad reputation and forcing her daughter to leave her dying father? Such rumors are not conducive to unity within the alliance."

"So do you have any suggestions, Shore?" Tess leaned back on the recliner, trying to find a comfortable position: "Can Zelin have to leave Azeroth without breaking the relationship? More importantly, we don’t know where he is now. He may appear in any corner, and he knows many of the alliance’s deployments. Once he leaks the alliance’s deployment information to the tribe for the so-called peace ? We will lose this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Shaw didn't answer, but instead asked a question: "Remember what it was like when the Uncrowned, Your Highness?"

"Uncrowned? Yes, I remember." Tess nodded.

"As far as I know, Zelin once helped the traitor's daughter at that time."

Tess knew who Shaw's traitor's daughter was. There is no doubt that only one person can get such a title.

"Vanessa VanCleef, she was just lucky and didn't die in the Broken Isles." Tess folded her fingers and put her in front of her, a hint of anger appeared in her indifferent voice: "The best result at the time was that you He came back alive with Zelin, and then VanCleef and the blood elves died. In the end, it was not good or bad, but no matter what you do, it is best for you to come back. The Alliance can't leave you. But you won't tell me, prepare to arrange VanCleef to perform the mission. She has no loyalty to the Alliance!"

"Van Cleef didn't join the league either, otherwise the first thing I did was send her to die." Shaw stretched out a finger and shook: "But she is loyal to her savior, doesn't she? After the Broken Isles incident, she even sneaked into Stormwind City to meet with Zelin. She said that it was a task arranged by the Uncrowned, but it was not. I asked Duke Chorad and it was her own decision."

"Your plan?"

"Tell her that the people of the tribe deceived Zelin. He is in danger, but unfortunately, because he has some tribe friends, he is convinced of the tribe’s lies. The alliance needs a neutral person to contact him again. Help him see through the tribe." Shaw said slowly: "This is in our common interest with Van Cleef. There will be no enemy in the alliance, and she can return Zelin's favor."

Tess raised her eyebrows suspiciously: "Will she cooperate?"

"Maybe we can try and hint at her a possibility." Shaw stretched out a second finger: "As long as she is willing to cooperate, Stormwind will reinvestigate the case of the Brotherhood of Masons."

"His Majesty Varian will not agree." Tess said without hesitation: "Queen Tiffin died in the hands of the mob, and the death sentence against the Brotherhood of Masons cannot be revoked."

"But what about the arrears? Edwin VanCleef is dead. Her daughter has nothing to do with this matter. I don't think His Majesty Varian will object." Shaw slowly explained: "Considering Prius With regard to the true identity of the Countess and the influence she exerted in the court of Stormwind, we can conclude that the royal family and the Brotherhood of Masons were all victims in that chaos, and those who are really responsible are those who are greedy and hateful. Noble... Please forgive me, Your Highness, I am not referring to you."

"I understand." Tess did not show anger, she just picked up the tea cup and took a sip: "Gilneas hadn't joined the league at that time."

She already understood what Shaw meant.

The nobles at that time are basically dead now.

The dead can be held accountable.

Not to mention, most of their offspring died in the fire that night.

A fire destroyed the entire city? And there is no survivor?

Suddenly, Tess wondered if MI7 had played some disgraceful role in it.

"For me, Deathwing's attack on Stormwind is a good thing." Shaw smiled pointedly, and sat on the wooden chair opposite Tess: "It burned the entire noble area in one go, helping Stormwind cleaned up the tumors that had been accumulated for more than ten years and could not be removed. Ten years of stubborn disease was turned into ashes overnight, and the rest of the healthy body was reborn from the ashes."

"When to contact Van Cliff?"

"Immediately, Your Highness, the sooner the better."

Chapter 2944: The Special Envoy Suddenly Appears

After discussing the latest plan, Tess' mood gradually improved.

Sometimes she couldn't help thinking, if that man could never come back after the Broken Isles. What does he think he is going to do? Save the world? Does Azeroth need him to save? He might as well think about how to save his castle. Every day in his fortress is a miracle.

Back in her house in the old town, Tess saw a letter on the table. She walked to the desk and picked up the letter with a puzzled look. There are very few people who can send letters directly into her house, and there are only a handful of people who are qualified to do so.

The signature on the letter is her father, King Jean.

With curiosity, Tess opened the envelope. Her father would never write to her, he would only tell her on the spot.

Take out the letter paper, there is very little content inside. But after seeing the content, Tess couldn't help but raised the corners of her mouth.

[My daughter, when you read this letter, I was on the way to Stromgarde by boat. The Alliance army is gathering at Thoradin’s Wall. Once the war begins, I will lead the Gilneas brigade to attack north and recover the land of Gilneas seized by the Banshee King. Do your job in Stormwind. After the victory, I will wait for you to go home in Gilneas. 】

Tess pressed the letter to her chest, closed her eyes, and exhaled with a smile.

So many years!

Four years have passed since the Banshee King invaded Gilneas.

The shadow of the country’s ruined family has been hanging over all Gilneas. The Alliance accepted them, but their hometown was in the hands of the invaders, and in the hands of the tribe. Every Gilnean can't forget their despair when they were driven to despair by the Banshee King's troops.

They wanted to maintain neutrality between the Alliance and the Horde, but the Horde wanted to take their land and kill all of them.

Perhaps this year, Gilneans wandering away, the homeless days will finally come to an end. They will take home the garden and let the **** debts of the **** tribe pay for it!

Heavy footsteps came from the stairs.

Tess raised her head and saw that the intruder occupying her house was walking down with heavy steps.

Skeleton-like armor and cloth strips dress like a shroud, which match Laetisa’s somewhat evil face, and her sharp eyes and angular jaws make her look like an evil witch from a fairy tale. . Except that Laetisa is younger and more beautiful, there is probably no difference.

"You are finally back, thank you for the hospitality these days, I am very satisfied."

Letisha lifted the skull mask up, exposing her cheeks, walked to the dining table, and took a sip of tea. Tess wanted to tell her that she had deliberately left the cup of tea for herself, not prepared it for her.

Eat meat, drink alcohol, worship skeleton decorations, and like to kill. Arrogant, but has a lot of peculiar knowledge about the void.

It was difficult for Tess to associate the Ayn clan with the elves.

"How was the meeting and talks yesterday?"

"Very well, I like the generals of the alliance very much."

Letisha grinned, revealing a neat row of teeth.

The Ayn people do not have canine teeth, and they are proud of it, believing that this proves that the gods who created them have created perfect bodies for them.

"Including their plan?"

"We are going to take the entire Stranglethorn Vale, Your Highness. As for Kalimdor, I want at least one coastal land in the harbor area."

"No problem, reasonable request."

After defeating the tribe, the Alliance will seize more land. The Ayn tribe has few requirements, probably Stranglethorn Vale and the Barrens, and the Alliance will retake Theramore and control all the lands from Theramore to Silithus, Stonetalon Mountain to Blackshore.

According to the plan, the west coast and central forests of Kalimdor all belong to the night elves, humans will get the east coast, including Theramore, Durotar and the Northern Barrens, and the mountains inside the coast belong to dwarves and dwarves. The Ayn can get the land between the Southern Barrens and Tanaris, as well as all the coastal ports.

"Conquer." Laettisha smiled triumphantly, put down her teacup, and reached out to Tess, her palm wearing angular armor: "I like their idea. That's right, destroying the enemy is what should be done. The enemy is not. Should be destroyed, caught as a slave?"