The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1848

Suddenly, Letisha's face became angry, she raised her head, met Talilian's triumphant gaze, then closed her eyes and took a slow breath.

"Very good gift, I like it very much." The navigator forced a smile: "Please tell your host, I believe that we will have a bright future for cooperation. But I think this is not a very good meeting place. , Isn’t it? Come with me, I will prepare a welcome banquet that fits the status of special envoy on Jaguero Island... Oh~ don’t worry, it’s a private banquet. I am very interested in your culture and heritage."

"The warchief is also interested in the culture of the Ayn ethnic group." Tallylian could hardly suppress the urge to laugh out loud: "I will be in Booty Bay, waiting for your invitation letter."

Joseph's smile froze on his face. The corners of his mouth twitched, and he patted his ears with his hands, wondering if he had heard him wrong.

There is a problem with that wooden box!

The werewolf warlock keenly perceives the key.

But the wooden box had been closed by Laettisha, and he had no chance to see what was inside. The werewolf warlock slowly moved to the side, trying to find a suitable opportunity. Letisa put the wooden box next to him, maybe he can propose to help the navigator pack the gifts, and then take the opportunity...

"Pay attention to your position, werewolf."

The warning sound of the troll hunter appeared in the ears of the warlock: "For safety reasons, you cannot approach the envoy."

"I'm moving my body, Horde." Joseph stepped back blankly: "It's too cold here."

The talks tonight ended very smoothly. Talilian invites Letizia to visit Silvermoon City when she has the opportunity. The Warchief will meet with representatives of the Ain tribe in Silvermoon City to discuss whether there is new room for cooperation between the two parties. Joseph tried to remind Laetisa more than once that, as an alliance, she could not bypass Stormwind and actively contact the Horde. But every time, his reminder was interrupted. As the representative of the Alliance on Haguero Island, he does not have the right to intervene in this meeting.

It's not just that the alliance is not authorized.

No one thought that the tribal envoy was still alive!

There was no one to prevent this from happening. Just when everyone focused on preparing for war, the tribal envoy suddenly appeared and successfully dispelled the Ayn’s hostility to the tribe.

This will make the alliance's war deployment a mess!

Joseph felt that he was indeed a bit cold. The weather in Stranglethorn Vale was very hot, but his hands were cold. He could imagine what kind of shock this incident would cause when it spread to Stormwind City.

But one thing is certain.

Stormwind must learn this information as soon as possible!

Chapter 2946: Tess's Assault

"She is still alive? How could it be?"

Tess was convinced that as long as it had something to do with Zelin, there would always be bad news.

The assassinated envoy of the tribe is still alive? And held a successful meeting with representatives of the Al Ain ethnic group?

"Are you sure it's Talilian Bloodblade?" The werewolf princess wrinkled her brows together, and her wrinkles were filled with doubts and surprises: "Why? The agent of MI7 has obviously... You are sure that the intelligence at the time was correct. "

"No, Your Highness." Anbo's legs were close together, his shoulders straightened, and there was no expression on his face. He just gritted his teeth tightly: "I swear by my life. I definitely saw the tribal envoy who was shot. Drag out from the arena..."

Tess noticed the agent's anger hidden deep in her pupils.

At this time, she realized that she should not question the professionalism of a senior agent. She participated in the reconnaissance mission of Broken Beach and was the only survivor at the time. She escaped under the rounds of the entire Alliance, passed through the hinterland of the Alliance, and successfully handed the information to the correct person in Dalaran. Not the novices who are easily deceived. Not to mention, before Broken Beach, she participated in all espionage operations in Pandaria and Draenor.

It is a great humiliation to question whether she is dazzled.

"Sorry, An Bo."

"...The dragger is a demon hunter, he... Your Highness?"

"I don't think there is any problem with your report. I was a little too irritable." Tess rubbed her temples, sorting out the context of the event in her mind: "Zelin was there when the tribal envoy was attacked? Interesting, tell me , Anbo, where is the position of the tribal envoy?"

"In Booty Bay, Your Royal Highness." An Bo's expression softened a bit: "According to the plan, she will set off into Haguero Island early in the morning."

Tess tried to recall all the information she had heard. The tribal envoy traveled with a priest sent by His Highness Anduin, and then the two of them were assassinated in the arena. The first is the special envoy, but Zelin arrived in time to save the pastor. At least so far, everything is normal, the **** people are dead, and the **** people are still alive. Then, the envoy disappeared, and everyone assumed that the envoy was dead.

Only here is the problem.

She actually disappeared, and there was only one person who could help her disappear at that time...

"An Bo?"

"Awaiting your order, Your Highness."

"Is Mrs. Enid still in Dalaran?"

"Yes, Your Highness, Mrs. Enid plans to leave tomorrow evening."

"And the tribal envoy will complete the meeting early tomorrow morning, and then leave Booty Bay, right?" Tess suddenly showed a face of awakening and slapped her hands hard: "I understand! An Bo, contact Joseph and tell him, Stay in Booty Bay and be careful not to leave the tribal envoy at one step. Anbo, tell Shaw that I'm going to Dalaran and I won't be back until tomorrow."

Anbo didn't understand Tess's thoughts, but out of professionalism, she immediately abandoned the curiosity in her heart and paid tribute to the werewolf princess: "Yes, your highness."

Tess was very efficient. In the afternoon, she passed through the portal to reach the Greyfang in Dalaran.

No matter how many times she came to Dalaran, Tess would be proud of the prosperity here. Dalaran is one of the seven kingdoms of mankind. It is a magic kingdom at the foot of the Alterac Mountains, between the kingdoms of Stormgard, Alterac and Lordaeron. She was very happy to see the familiar city escaped the disaster of the year and prospered again.

Unfortunately, the tribe re-entered the city and they defiled it. To restore the glory here, the tribe must first be completely driven out. Tess understood very well that when facing the Burning Legion, Dalaran needed a magister from the blood elves. The ancient kingdom of elves had powerful magical powers. But those green-skinned, blue-skinned beasts, and disgusting undead appearing on the streets of Dalaran really humiliated Dalaran's name!

But this will not last long, human beings are recovering, and they will retake the lost kingdom.

Stormgard, Alterac, Dalaran, Gilneas.

And Lordaeron.

Stepping out of the gate of the Greyfang, Sunmu Square is as lively as ever. Under the statue of the great Archmage Ronin, the goblin magician is busy using his third-rate magic tricks to coax the first-time visitors to Dalaran to get one. Put a coin under the hat. At the door of the familiar Glory grocery store, several travelers threw coins into the pool, hoping for good luck in the coming year. But Tess knew that there must be a spy for the Uncrowned, because the headquarters of the Uncrowned was hidden behind the Glory Grocery Store.

Passing through the bustling Sunshine Square, the heavily guarded Violet Prison is prohibitive. The fully armed Kirin Tor guards dutifully guarded the magic prison containing countless dangerous prisoners. Many tourists and pedestrians can't help but speed up when passing here. Mrs. Rina is the warden now. She noticed Tess when she was patrolling the prison gate and nodded to the werewolf princess. Tess responded with the same etiquette.

Crossing the Krasus platform, the bustling magical business district comes into view.

There is probably no dispute about the prosperity of Dalaran. Here you can find the world's most advanced magic props, enchanting equipment, and exquisite accessories. Rare and exotic treasures from all over the world are imported into the city, making Dalaran the most famous neutral trading place in Azeroth. Especially after the introduction of chef Nomi at the Magic Hotel and his signature that he can taste delicious cuisines from all over Pandaria in this restaurant, wealthy guests are constantly coming in.

That being the case, it is not surprising to attract foreign guests.

Francesca's favorite dishes are salt and pepper lion legs and salted storm rays, and it is best to sprinkle some flakes of sea salt and darapeno pepper on top.

"I want to take this recipe back." Francesca looked at the list in her hand intently, turning her index finger on the coffee cup. Although there was no spoon, the coffee in the cup was turning and stirring with the movement of her index finger. : "Didn't Joseph like to learn how to cook? It just happens to be a gift for her."

Altea smiled sincerely, and it was always pleasant to be able to taste Azeroth's food in another world: "That's great, Your Majesty..."

"Call my wife." Francesca said without raising her head.

"I think Joseph will be very happy." Altea deliberately changed the subject.

The wizard warlock sniffed a little unhappily: "How is your father, Altea?"

Altea sighed sadly and rubbed her forehead: "He kicked me out of the house and didn't allow me to go back to visit. He said that he didn't want to see the scene of saying goodbye to me, but wanted to be peaceful in the church. Leave. May the Holy Light bless his soul..."

The Elf Warlock looked at the Duchess calmly. It is difficult for her to understand the sorrow for the natural death of her relatives. For the elves, this is rare, and most of their sorrows come from swords and deaths.

"I have a way, maybe it can cure your father."