The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 1879

Jia Liya knew about this.

When the old tribe’s orc army broke through Stormwind, only a few people followed Sir Lothar and fled to the north. There were no residents of Stormwind. At that time, an army of orcs controlled by demons slaughtered all the towns, villages and settlements encountered along the way. Later, when the Seven Nations Alliance of Mankind regained Stormwind City, Galia's father, the leader of the alliance, King Terenas of Lordaeron called on the residents of the north to settle in the south, and Wari, who had just grown up at that time King Ann gave these immigrants a very favorable policy to help them settle and live in Stormwind.

Many Lordaeronites have relatives to settle in Stormwind.

"I will help them and inquire in Stormwind City..."

Suddenly, Jia Liya thought of something.

"What's the matter, Jia Liya?"

"No, it's nothing, I think, among the forgotten, how many people do you think want to meet with family members who are still alive?" Jia Liya carefully looked at the list on the note: "I can help them, and, There are people in Stormwind who are willing to do the same."


Eleanor breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good. They are very worried that if they become what they are now, will they scare their families. Oh! Holy Light, don't tell too many people about this matter yet, Undercity Some people worry, uh...not everyone wants to see this happen. In the Undercity now, everyone is very different and there are some differences. Some people think that they should accept their current identity, some people believe that they just changed They are alive. Before they die, they all have family members, don’t they?"

"I understand, Eleanor." Jia Liya nodded.

Yes, Lordaeron, maybe just a different way to live. Just like her and Eleanor, the two of them can sit by the bed and chat, share joy and distress, and share the same beliefs.

Since she can live with so many Forsaken priests in the Temple of Void Light.

Perhaps there are others who can coexist peacefully with their family members who have become the forgotten. Jia Liya believes that among so many human beings, she is definitely not alone, and many people have lost important relatives and family members in the undead natural disasters.

"I'm leaving now."

Jia Liya held the note in her hand. She has always wanted to do something for Lordaeron's survivors. Isn't this just a good opportunity?

What's more, she knew that there was someone supporting her in Stormwind.

"Thank you, Jia Liya."

Eleanor knows the identity of Jia Liya. But at this time, she couldn't think of any other living person willing to help the undead of Lordaeron: "I am here waiting for your good news."

"I'm going to Stormwind City, and..." She thought of another thing: "I think there is another saint who will be willing to go with me."

Eleanor knows who the saint in Jialia's mouth is.

In human society, there are very few people who can be called saints. And now the only one who is still walking in the world is the Archbishop of Holy Light who died for a long time before the outbreak of the undead plague.

Alonthos Fao.

Chapter 2983: Young People's Plans

The Temple of Void Light is located in the Twisting Void, but there is a portal that can help the priests here to return to Azeroth.

In the war with the Burning Legion, Dalaran became a location for cooperation between all parties in Azeroth. Everywhere in the city you can see the various races that live in it. Humans, dwarves, and orcs work together in the forge shop, the night elves and the tauren’s flower shop, the dwarf’s barber shop never lacks customers to enjoy services, and the troll’s pet shop attracts tourists from all over the world. In the archaeological shop, the ancient blood elves and the young dwarves discuss the work of excavating the ruins. The former has a long lifespan and the latter is best at digging. Their men can often see the forgotten because the undead can enter many harsh environments. And survived with antiques.

But even in such a lively city, there is a strong fortress on which the Union flag is hung. All tribes are refused entry, and opposite it is a towering magic temple and garden. Under the scarlet tribal flag, the guards standing guard clearly read the words Alliance Dogs Get Away.

The Land of Greyfangs and the Temple of Windrunners, the solid fortresses of the Alliance and the Horde in Dalaran, have left two distinct dividing lines for the city.

"Zelin brought us back a very good news."

Anduin held a letter in his hand and smiled with satisfaction: "He not only broke into Silithus occupied by the Bilgewater chaebol, but also rescued a very important scientist and a druid. They have arrived in Stormwind safely. They can testify to their father, that only the goblins attacked the prospecting team. This is a goblin's unauthorized actions, not a decision made by the tribe. This should prevent their father from deciding to start a formal war against the tribe."

"There is another good news, Your Highness." Jia Liya took out the note: "This is from the Undercity."



Jia Liya told Anduin all the news she had received in the Voidlight Temple. She could see that an unexpected surprise flashed in Anduin's eyes.

"This is really great, Jialia. There are also people in the tribe who are willing to release goodwill. This is a bridge. We should try. Humans and the forgotten, blood elves and high elves. Many years ago, we were It is one. Not long ago, the war against the Burning Legion together proved this. Since we can share the same hatred on the Broken Beach, why can't we celebrate together at the moment of victory? Not to mention, we also face another important thing. The problem. Azerite, this is the world we live in together, and we should heal it together."

"First of all, we need a little preparation time. Perhaps we can send a note to the Banshee King who now rules Lordaeron." Galia likes working with Anduin very much. They have the same ideals. The views on things are roughly the same. This is exactly why Jia Liya is willing to live in the Temple of Void Light. Priests usually become friends, even if they are shadow priests who have thrown themselves into the dark, they are just doing what must be done.

"Yes, note the letter." Anduin nodded and touched his chin: "The holy light is on. I have always hoped to persuade the father to represent mankind and hold a meeting with the banshee king to re-divide the boundary and solve the problem of the undead. The remaining problems of the natural disasters. Other representatives will definitely oppose this matter with the Kingdom of Lordaeron, but if you support me, they have no reason to say so. You are the only heir to the throne of Lordaeron, but if you Deciding to acknowledge the rule of the Banshee King in Undercity, the generals of Stormwind have no reason to declare war on her."

"You know, I don't care about this, Your Highness." Jia Liya shook her head: "If Sylvanas can better rule Lordaeron's survivors in the Undercity, of course I am willing to do so. I I just want to do something for the survivors...This is what my family owes them. I carry this surname, and I should pay the debt."

"But I should put this matter later. First of all, we should try to contact and tell the Banshee King that if her people want to meet their relatives who are still alive, we are happy to help." Anduin watched the list. , Pondering: "Then, we should also issue a declaration to the people of the Alliance, asking if anyone is willing to meet the family members who have died. I think that at this time, there will be consultants in Stormwind to stand up and oppose my decision, and then You just need to come out and use your identity to refute them." The little prince smiled like a prank: "They will be surprised! We will give them a frustration."

"Very good strategy, Your Highness."

Jia Liya chuckled. It stands to reason that Anduin should call her an aunt, but she is very happy to see a smart and kind young man in a royal family, and she is willing to work with him as an equal.

"By the way, Anduin." Galia suddenly thought of something: "Since I came back, I have rarely heard similar news. I know that Dalaran is destroyed, but Jaina she..."

"Aunt Jaina is safe."

Jia Liya was relieved by Anduin's words.

During the League of Seven Nations, Kul Tiras was Lordaeron's most steadfast ally. As the princess of Kul Tiras, Jaina Proudmoore and Galia Menethil have been close friends since childhood.

"But the aunt was in Dalaran and opposed cooperating with the tribe, so she left the Council of Six directly...I haven't heard about her for a year."

"I understand." Jia Liya nodded: "Her elder brother died in the hands of the tribe. At that time, we were both young." There was silence in the room for a while, until Jia Liya said: "Go back to the topic just now. Anduin. After the announcement, what should we do?"

"Then we should hold a meeting in a suitable place and invite a lot of people to the scene. Most importantly, we invite the top leaders of Stormwind. It is best that Sylvanas can also appear. I think the scene of the family meeting might help the top leaders. Rethinking, what exactly do their people need? Is it war? Or peace? They will understand." Anduin scratched his temple: "But first, we have to convince a few very stubborn people..."

"Like the King Grey Temple?"

Hearing Jia Liya's words, Anduin was stunned for a moment: "Who?"

"Sorry, I forgot, you may not know this joke." Jia Liya held her forehead: "It's King Gene Greymane. His surname sounds a lot like Greymane. At the time of the royal gathering, we were Little children will joke in private, calling Gilneas is actually a bear change. Hey, no one knows this joke anymore for so many years, Jaina should know."

"Yes, you are right." Anduin didn't notice Jialia's joke. He interlaced his hands and lowered his eyes worriedly: "King Jean will not approve of this plan..."

"Where is Your Excellency Zelin? Why don't you ask him to discuss it together?"

I haven't worked with Zelin for a long time, but Jialia can see that he is a reliable person and has principles. She believed in her own eyes. So many people in the court didn't see the hypocrisy of Count Presto, but she had already discovered this.

"He went to see Tess," Anduin said. "Since Silithus came back, he has not been happy at all."

"No one would be happy after knowing that a massacre happened somewhere, Anduin."

The little prince sighed: "He and I are doing our best to maintain the peace of the alliance and the tribe. Thanks to Baine in the tribe. I will find a way to convince King Jean, but first, we can do some simple attempts. Me. Going back to Stormwind City, Jia Liya, there are many people's files in MI7, including their former family members. I want to find some residents whose family members died in the undead natural disasters, and then ask them, suppose their relatives Become the forgotten, do they want to see them again."

"Wait, Anduin, I want to introduce you to someone."

"Who?" Andu raised his head unexpectedly.

"You may not know her yet." Jia Liya said: "But you must know his the history books and the sacred scriptures of the church."

Chapter 2984