The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 203

"This is a friend I know today. He is going to Losric, and he is also in Onuma..."

Greirat stood behind the old woman and winked at Zelin.

"Zelin." The demon hunter coughed.

"Oh, yes, yes, that's the name." Grelart opened his eyes and nodded, secretly stretched out his thumb and made a gesture of praise and thanks. It’s impossible to find the old conjurer without knowing anything, and cheekily said that he wanted to be an apprentice of the conjurer, so I went to the tower today and waited for someone from Onuma..."

"Oh... Grelart, it's great for you to have this self-motivated..." The old woman chuckled. "Don't mix with your friends all day... Like a teacher, you can learn something and be worthy of your parents..."

"But those conjurers are big people with flames in their hands." At this moment, a voice sounded from the stairs on the side of the hut, and a young man dressed in the same type of clothes as Greirat stepped on the edge of the stairs and put his head halfway up. A body leaned down from above, "This person has no gloves at all on his left hand, and no flames are coming out, so you can only lie to your grandmother."

He smiled treacherously. "You just ran to the bridge and walked your dog, and then you can find someone to help your poor grandma. Don't think I don't know that you have fished for a day."

"Hey! Are you **** crazy?" Greirat walked over, grabbed an iron cup and threw it at the person protruding from the upper stairs. But when it was smashed, the cup hit the wooden cabinet on the side, hit another iron plate with a click, and then fell on the wooden floor, rolled several times, and fell into the gap under the steps.

With a burst of ridicule, the stairway leading to the second floor was covered with a snap of a movable wooden board.

"This **** guy's head is definitely not normal." Grelart waved his hands irritably. "Maybe this guy has a scary hole in his body long ago, turning into a **** to be pulled to burn..."

"Greirat." The old woman knocked on the ground with her cane in both hands.

"He couldn't believe what he said, as if he had seen those great conjurers, he..."

"Grerat." The old woman called again.

"Uh..." Greylat's wildly waving arms froze in mid-air "I'm...I'm listening."

"I believe in you, child..." Loretta coughed heavily. "I believe what you said... Let's have something to eat. You must be hungry. It's exhausting to help move the corpse, come on child , Dress up better when you see the teacher. If you don’t like spells, do something else. I’ll find a way to help you find a job where you can live..."

"Curse." Zelin said suddenly. "You can talk about the flames that can come out of your hands?" The demon hunter can be sure that cursing is definitely not just such a simple thing. It’s not difficult for the demon hunters of the school of thought, "Like this?"

He shook his hand suddenly, and the flames of Igni's Seal suddenly burst from the palm of his hand, sparks splashing everywhere. He controlled it well. The scattered sparks did not ignite any piece of rotten wood, otherwise Zelin was very suspicious. With the wooden house here, only one house needs to be ignited, and it is estimated that most of the village can be burned.

Just like here, the lower floor is Greylat’s residence, but the upper floor is other people’s houses. Connected by a staircase, there is no gap between them, and the two houses can be burned together with a single ignition.

"Oh, uh, I..." Greirat exhaled. "You see, I didn't lie to you, it's that fool's brain."

"Oh boy, you really..."

"Okay, Loretta, you must be tired. Go and rest. I have to think about how to find the conjurer." He helped the old woman to stand up. "Go to sleep. I'll go until night." Call you."

Greirat helped Loretta walk to the side room, and Zelin sat at the wooden table, thinking about any valuable clues he had just received in their conversation. Onuma's conjurer, there is no doubt that this is definitely not an ordinary place, otherwise it is impossible to have a relationship with a profession that is obviously related to mysterious power such as the conjurer.

When Grelart came back, he slumped on the wooden chair as if he had lost his strength, and the chair squeaked overwhelmedly, "Huh... really a nosy stupid woman. No way, I can't really go." Find a conjurer."

"There is a conjurer here?"

Zelin asked Greirat, "What kind of person is he?" This made the demon hunter frowned slightly, and it was another world with mysterious powers. He thought this place was like Rome, or Yanan, at least not so much obvious magic. But now it seems that this is probably not a world where you can vacation as easily as Rome.

"Yeah, an old man who stayed in the big tree garden all day and said that he was studying something." Grelart sipped, "I don't want to do those bad things, hey, you are a conjurer apprentice." ? Or the apprentice of the magician at Peterheim College?"

"Can't it be from other places?"

"You can't come from Irushiel? That's where the ancient moon nobles lived. Maybe I can go there and steal things someday." Greirat grinned. Mouth "Have you considered it? You don't look like a rigid guy. Let's go steal things together and make a fortune."

"Sorry, I don't steal anything."

"Don't rush to deny it, you can't go to the high wall now anyway. And it's not for you to steal things, it's just a favor."

Chapter 384 Past Events

After knocking on the side, Zelin almost figured out where he came.

This is a place called Los Lik. The magnificent city Zelin saw was the city of Losric, ruling the royal city here. The current king is Osrois. According to past habits, the king will have two princes, the first prince Lorian and the second prince Losric. As a resident of an immortal settlement, Greirat only knew these things. He didn’t know much. For example, there was a huge person imprisoned in the tower connected to the bottom of the mountain with a lift. There was a sewer not far from where Zelin met him, that connected the tomb of the settlement, but recently A group of mice emerged from nowhere.

Not too far from the bottom of the settlement mountain, even standing on the steps leading to Loslik, you can see a huge church --- the Youxian Church. It is rumored that something terrible is hidden in that church, but this is not something a person who wants to be a thief needs to care about. Let alone whether it is a treasure, even if it is, he cannot risk being smashed into the church with a hammer from the church knight.

Not everyone can go to the church. Ordinary people like him go to the small purification church at the door.

Although the city of Losric, he can only go outside the courtyard where there is a sacrificial management outside. The city of Loslik is built on the hill, and the layout of the entire city is naturally ascending up the stairs. Anyone can go from the city gate to the cathedral, and only knights are qualified to go up the Lothric high wall. The higher-level library is controlled by the sages. As for the top courtyard, that is the Lothric royal family. Where to live.

The undead settlement was originally just an ordinary village outside the city, but there was a peculiar tree, which is said to be a cursed tree. The priesthood of the Youxian Church came to the settlement through a road down the mountain, and they were the people in black robes. Guard the cursed tree and spread the doctrine to the villagers.

It's just that it's time to spread the fire recently, and the flame that has been burning since the time of God seems to have a tendency to gradually extinguish. Once the power of the flame fades, all kinds of bizarre things will appear in the world. In the dark and eternal night, humans will appear dark circles, becoming undead, and eventually they will gradually become living corpses, a kind of endless greed for the soul. Of creatures.

Regardless of the angle of view, this is something that will destroy the world, just like the hoarfrost sweeping the world, hoarfrost will make the whole world lose its vitality, and eventually become a lifeless ice block. But people here seem to be accustomed to this, because the flame will gradually go out every time. At that time, a new Prince Losric will enter the furnace as the Salary King and let the flames continue to burn. And precisely because every time the flames faded, the undead who appeared in Losric would be sent to the settlement until the flames reignited.

After the curse of the undead disappears, they can survive. Or he became a living corpse before the prince spread the fire and was executed.

So there will be some undead people living here, so this nameless village is named the name of the undead settlement.

"There are undead here?"

"Yes, they will all be taken care of safely. If there is any sign of becoming a living corpse, they will be locked up in a cage hanging from a tree." Greirat curled his lips. "The fire-spreading ceremony has been pushed for a long time. I haven’t started, I don’t know how many of these people will survive." He squatted on the ground, his small eyes looked out through the holes in the big hat, "Did you see there? There lived a believer in the sun, and he met Just ask him for trouble, oh~ really a boring old man. How can someone believe in this? I have never heard of their church."

Of course, it's impossible to get a good old person to help with things like stealing.

Grelart's residence was not far from the entrance of the settlement. On the roof, you could see several Losric knights at the distant entrance. They were wearing bright knight armor and the red cloak behind them swayed as they walked.

"Tell me, Greylat, what on earth do you want to do?"

"Stealing things, you need a helper."

"You are lying."

Zelin crossed his legs on the ground on his side, and he also put on a hat like Greirat to cover his face. "To be honest, you guys are not hiding anything." The demon hunter stretched out his fingers. Two people with the same clothes as you.” The fingers moved to a cliff on the edge of the village. “I noticed that there were more people there, just like you, and on the way, I saw some people who didn’t wear hats, but The clothes were not changed."

Looking at Grelart who was silent, the demon hunter continued, "I am here for the first time. Thank you for being willing to introduce me and telling me where I can live. Thank you for giving me this one. Hat, but I think, just near the city of Losric, with so many pedestrians, a thief must have gained a lot, and there may also be valuable things on the undead who are sent, and it is estimated that no one will care. Will these deeply cursed people die here or if things are stolen?"

Grelart still squatted beside him.

"You don't want Loretta to know what you are doing, do you? I won't say anything more. You helped me. I should pay you. But I don't understand. You want to steal from Losric Things, you have many accomplices who can help you." Zelin changed his position and patted the dust falling on his shoulders. "You should probably tell me what your real purpose is? Sometimes I will do the same thing. For example, spend money to buy a lamb from a sheep pen and use it as a hunting bait."

Zelin looked at the thief.

He has lived for many years, and once he has seen many warm-hearted people, or people who seem to be warm-hearted

"I also need to know what's going on. Your plan may not be the best. I can help you. But even if I want to help, I won't be willing to be the bait to get into the trap. That's stupid."

Listening to the footsteps below, when people talk, they are mixed with the hoarse cry of the living corpses in the cage from time to time. The ominous black crows pecking at the unprocessed corpses, and under the supervision of the priesthood, the overworked workers carried one after another who were judged to be living corpses to the execution ground and put them in cages. There are so many living corpses in some cages that the countless hands and feet sticking out of the cage make them alive like a more terrifying monster.

The thief looked at the sky and sighed, "Well, I'll tell you. But don't tell Loretta, or the stupid woman will worry again."

Chapter 385 The Succession of the Play

Janor Lund.

Under the gloomy sky, the ancient royal city was wrapped in silver.