The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 225

Get it...

Hidden behind, the back of the clenched fist burst into blue veins.

Get it.

The light white fingers almost let the nails penetrate into the palm of the hand.

Get it!

The bright red blood ran down the fingers, gathered on the whitish knuckles, and finally turned into blood drops on the bluestone slab covered with snow.

Her mutilated soul was struggling, as if to gush and rush out of the cursed ring on her back, embracing the flames again. She should ask for flames, kill more creatures, and capture more souls, just like ashes should do, constantly filling the empty body in order to return to the flames and return to the first fire. Go.

She should be like this...

"Do you have anything to do, Frid? Right, this name?" the priest asked again.

Biting her lower lip tightly, the mutilated soul instinctively stopped her, preventing her from speaking the next words. This is not what she should do, she belongs to the flame. This is the temptation from the flame. She should tell the priest that she is ashes, and the ashes from the flame should return to the flame. The ashes desire to be on fire, she desires to be on fire, and Freid desires to be on fire. This is what the ashes driven by the soul should do. Things.

What he did without the humiliation of the shackled gods.

What Yu Hui, known as the king explorer, should do.

But this is not what Frid should do, this is not what she should do as the eldest...

"Father, please listen to me, the flame should be suppressed and hidden..."

The soul was struggling, crazy, accusing her. Accusing her of hypocrisy, accusing her of disagreement. Frid slowly loosened her clenched hand, the palm of her hand was tingling with thorns, and her white skin was already scarred and covered with blood.

Master Cass was right.

She is not a prisoner of God. She is not a slave to flame.

Don't worry, we will succeed, Yulia, Lilianne.

She told the reasons she was prepared, but her mind had already flown to Yulia, the second sister who was arranging the parade to go northward, looking for the king of wandering souls; and she was living in the darkness of Rondoll, Xiang Nuo still The undead who stayed sane and avoided hunting are telling about the third sister Lilianne of Rondoll's dark miracle.

You will break free from God's yoke and live without incident, sisters.

The 428th chapter hunts ghosts

The undead settlement is dead.

A large group of black crows were pecking and biting the dead bodies that were imprisoned in cages on the trees. The height of the pillars and the number of birds made it impossible to tell who these wreckage belonged to, but there was no doubt that they were dead.

A thrown stone disturbed the crows who were eating, the black birds flapped their wings, and the scene of countless crows flying at the same time was like a black cloud hovering. The skinny Greirat spurned these crows, picked up the stones on the ground and slammed them at them. The stones grazed the birds and fell into the ditch or on the eaves, shaking the corpses that had begun to decay, or smashing them onto nearby houses. But no one nearby would care about the fact that their house was hit by a stone, after all, the living corpse would not retain the concept of home.

They are dead, all dead.

Until his hand touched the ground and couldn't pick up any more stones, Grelart sat curled up on the ground with his legs in his hands. Greirat's slightly sobbing voice was blocked under the big hat, and he could only be seen trembling. But at this time, even if he took off his hat, no one would notice Greirat, even if he was next to the wooden bridge in the settlement where the flow of people should be the most.

There was no one nearby.

Only the corpse. The new ones, the old ones, the ones whose glasses have been pecked off by the crows, and the ones that have been eaten up by the rats.

Under the gloomy sky, originally outside the holy city of Losric, there should be crowds of people, and the endless stream of settlements looked dilapidated and withered at this time. When Zelin came before, people were everywhere on the dirt road. Those who came to Losric and those who left Losric had their boots rumbling on the ground one after another; the coopers were rolling the barrels, noisy and busy; Many people are crowded in dilapidated houses. One family may live on the first floor of a house, while another family may live on the second floor. The trash thrown everywhere on the ground, mixed with dirt and feces always gives people a lingering smell.

But now, the only voices in the undead settlement were the unconscious wailing of the living corpses and the ominous crows of crows.

"You are here, Greylat, I have been looking for you for a while. Damn, you are still worrying me."

The sun knight Ferdinand appeared beside the thief, his heavy iron boots stepped on the ground and made a clear footstep, "Let's go back, Loretta is still talking about you."

Hearing Loretta's name, the thief shivered slightly, "She... how is she now?"

"I gave her the original vegetarian soup, but I don't know if I can make it through."

This evening sky has been going on for a long time. In the dim light, one after another corpses caught your eye. There are too few living people and too many dead people. No one is able to bury so many corpses. The gate of the high wall of Losric has never been opened since it was closed. No one will deal with the matter here. No one came to tell the people who were still alive what to do. They were abandoned and could only wait in a pile of corpses, waiting for the inevitable death.

"How is Manfred?" Grelart asked suddenly

"He is dead. I found his body in his house."

"Where is Albin?"

"I saw him at the priest's hut at the entrance of the village on the other side. He has become a living corpse."

"Elmer? He has been at the stables? I remember a while ago he was still complaining that he has no horses anymore."

"I dragged his body from the stable to the cemetery."

"Absolun, Andy, Fitzroy, where are they? Are they burying the body for you?"

The sun knight was silent.

The thief lowered his head and sighed, "Why do we suffer such a disaster."

Ferdinand looked at the thief and sighed, "Okay, let's go back. There is still a lot of the original soup. I figured out a way to hire the ghost hunting expert, the person from Dolan Gureg, she It should be coming soon, anyway, she is an undead, as long as the soul. And the teacher of Youxian Church seems to be coming back, and the situation should be better then. Let's go, stick to it, we can make it through."

The red-eyed crow screamed, seeming to mock these people who are still alive.

A difficult time.

Whether it is outside the painting or in the painting.

" are not a taboo..." A gray-white, bald arakkoa leaned in the corner, sitting on a round wooden chair, with one hand on the stove that lit the fire. "Come on. It’s really not the time... This world is about to be burned to death by flames... If you are not a taboo who came here to find a location, just leave as soon as possible..."

The arakkoa in this village are all faint. There are many arakkoa on Zelin Road. They seem to be another kind of inhabitants of this world, just like the tigers and the Argonians seen in Skyrim. , Although their faces are completely different from ordinary human beings, they all seem very...sane. At least the arakkoa in front of him who seemed to be leaning against the stove for warmth looked very friendly. Most of the houses in this village are open, and Zelin no longer knows how many houses he broke into to find a way to the mountain. The arakkoa were indifferent to the appearance of the demon hunter, as if Zelin was transparent. Only some arakkoa who can still move will look at Zelin a few more times, and then wander to where they don't know.

"Do you know Knight Gael? I accepted his commission and came to Eredel to find the priest here. There was a dangerous intruder. She destroyed the suspension bridge on the cliff. I must find a way to warn the priest. There is Ereder... the one you made the young lady?"

Zelin leaned against the fire stove, rubbing his hands, and said to the dejected arakkoa. It seems that only it is willing to talk to the demon hunter in this village, and the other arakkoa will only make some meaningless sounds.

"Old Gail... If you need to see the priest, follow this road and go straight up and you will see the back door of the chapel..." The slender neck fell off. "If you are going to go a little bit faster, you have also seen the corruption outside. After a while, the priest will use flames to burn the corrupt and decaying things, and then the lady will paint. Create a new picture scroll to make up for the dilapidated place..."

"Wait, I thought those things..." Zelin thought about the spoilage he saw outside and in the village. "I thought those things were your food?"

"Anyone can find their own right here, for better or for worse."

The arakkoa hung his head listlessly. "Go ahead, before the dangerous person Gale said hurt the lady and the flame. Oh, here you are." The arakkoa did not know where to take out a stone-like disc. "Maybe you will use it, accept it, it's useless to me anyway."

Chapter 429 The Path of Pursuit

Corrupt things are everywhere. It's disgusting, just looking at these directly makes people feel uncomfortable. This shouldn't be something born naturally, it's blood, like bubbles growing on the blood stains on the hair. They not only grow in pools, dry wells, or corners where the rocks and sunlight cannot reach, but also dense blankets of fungus grow on the walls of many houses. Arakkoa claimed that priests would burn these things with flames. Sticky things are like roots in the ground. The flame will burn them and the infested place together. Maybe as long as the time is long, the entire Ereder will be covered with such things. If you want to destroy them, I am afraid that the only thing you can do is burn the entire Ereder with flames. .

Along the road all the way up, Zelin saw many arakkoa in front of him, most of them kneeling on the ground, and some of them were stretching their hands forward, as if begging for something. In front of them, a fence wall with a height of more than one meter lay across in front of them, and the fence door was tightly locked to keep these arakkoa out.

Zelin squeezed in through the gap between the arakkoa. Behind the fence was a courtyard with a towering church at the end, and a small auditorium on the left. Considering how far he had walked upwards, Zelin could speculate that the top of the cathedral lying on the hillside should be the chapel on the top of the hill, where Sister Frid went. The doors of the church and the auditorium were closed tightly. The arakkoa people looked up at the church door with a layer of gray mist, as if they were waiting for something to come out of it, so that no arakkoa noticed one of them. Humans with different appearances.