The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 238

Very weak.

It stood in the middle of the cathedral, looking at the closed door.

Everything seemed so deserted, as always. The image of the past appeared in front of you like a revolving lantern, in the era when the flames were still flourishing, in the era when King Gewen was still alive, in the era when the Sun King and the princes lived in Yanorlund. In the age when the boundless sun shrouded the king's city.

While the White Dragon Hiss was still dormant and the Duke’s Library, while the four kings of Lund were still under the flames, the eldest son of the Sun, as the eldest brother, still served as the elder brother and heir to go out with Ge Wen to spread the fire to take charge of the king’s city. At that time, when the Sun Princess, who was the second sister, was still in the royal city...

Before the news of the dim flames first reached Janor Lund.

The cathedral was silent, and it seemed as if any fine needle fell to the ground.

Just like when the news came to Wangcheng.

It's like a stone thrown in a calm water, like a glass painting a prosperity mural being shattered by a thrown stone.

The sound of broken glass.

The illusion was crushed.

The door of the cathedral collapsed.

The black mud poured into the cathedral violently and quickly like a flood.

The corners of the mouth under Gwendelin's headgear were tight, and he looked at the muddy puddle that seemed to see some delicious food. To be precise, Aldridge the lonely saint.

If they were unprepared and faced such a rapid offensive, anyone anywhere in the church would probably be swallowed by the black mud before they could react. But it has been prepared.

Gwendelin waved his cane, and the environment of the cathedral instantly turned into an empty corridor. There are huge statues of knights on both sides of the corridor. The swords of the statues are held up high in the air. The straight surroundings are hidden in the shadows out of the range of vision, no matter where they stand. As if they were all staring at the invaders in the corridor, the raised stone sword seemed to be swung down in the next moment, beheading the rebels who broke into this place.

The fierce mud stayed in place, which seemed to be different from what it knew.


The voice of the Dark Moon God echoed in the empty corridor.

"Eldridge, how dare you defile this place. I swear in the name of Gwendelin that I will never forgive..."

Gradually, the faint saint seemed to notice Gwendelin's position in the endless corridor, and the worms in the mud were surging, spreading to the depths of the corridor with the surrounding mud that swallowed everything. At a distance of more than 30 meters, Gwendelin's figure appeared in a cloud of gray smoke.

Its power is not as good as before. It is the limit to create such a huge illusion. As for the use of invisibility spells and other tricks in front of Aldridge, it is just a pointless waste of his little power.

Gwendelin raised the tomb king's sword like a sickle, the light of the soul gun flashed in front of him, and a sturdy magic gun like a sycamore tree slammed into the creeping worm in the mud. The worm's twisting movement paused slightly, and its body seemed to have been smashed into a hole, and several severed hands that had not been digested flew out, turned a few times, and hung on the shoulder of the statue on the side of the corridor.

Eldridge, he didn't know how many creatures he had swallowed to make his soul so powerful, enough to become a salary king. No one remembers what Aldridge did when he was a human, and no one knew what other behaviors Aldridge did besides devouring and devouring. But this devouring not only swallowed the flesh, but also swallowed the victim's soul, so that an ordinary human priest became what it is now.

So scary.

But also so powerful.

Just for a moment, Aldridge's action immediately rushed to Gwendelin in front of him. The mud around it seemed to have life, surging towards the injured area of ​​the worm's body. In just a few seconds, the area hit by the soul spear returned to its original state, and there was no trace of damage. Compared with the black mud that covered the corridor and almost submerged tens of meters, the mud used to repair the wound was even weak enough to be undetectable by the naked eye.

Looking at the mud rushing like the waves, Gwendelin shook the Tomb King's sword, and five groups of soul crystals floated into the air, hitting Aldrich's body with the tail wing like a meteor. This was soul magic, a spell that directly attacked the soul, but Aldridge didn't know how many souls had been swallowed and merged. Compared with the soul, the magic crystal was like a stone smashed into the ocean wave, without any ripples at all.

In just a moment, the waves formed by the mud hit the place where Gwendelin was standing.

But the mud fell on the ground, and there was no appearance of Gwendelin being swallowed in the rolling wave.

Aldridge stopped, and everything around seemed to be back to the beginning. The corridors at the ends of the two ends are still invisible, and Gwendelin is still standing thirty meters away.

This time, the Dark Moon God bent down and took the bow, using the sickle of the Tomb King’s sword as the bow, like an arrow condensed by moonlight and shot towards the top of the corridor several meters high. The next moment, a dense rain of arrows faced Airdrie. Qi swept all the way, without any corners in the range of tens of meters, the dense moonlight arrows turned the mud on the ground into a stinky long hedgehog. The undigested remains of the body tumbling inside were sputtered out, turning the corridor into a tragic hell.

Taking a breath of exhaustion, Gwendelin slightly wiped off the sweat that had flowed to her lips. But even so, sweat dripped from his white cheeks and wet the white gauze on his chest.

This blow consumed a lot of its strength. Hundreds of arrows filled the corridor covered by Aldridge within sight. This blow was enough to completely destroy an elite team of knights. If it were in the past, it wouldn't have been exhausted to this point after this blow, but it was a pity that it was already the same as this Yanorlund, with only one exhausted body left under its majestic appearance.

Looking at Aldridge, who was paralyzed in place, Gwendelin sighed.

But in the next second, the suddenly violent black mud rushed over a distance of more than ten meters in the blink of an eye, submerging Gwendelin's figure.

But the surrounding illusion did not dissipate, only a slight shaking and returned to normal. Gwendelin's disheveled figure appeared further away. It was panting, covering its chest with one hand, and was caught off guard by the violent black mud. It looked up at the black mud that had failed the sneak attack without any pause, and continued to approach the tired Gwendelin. The scope of the mud seems to have shrunk by a few points, but it is only a few points.

"How can I fall here!"

Gwendelin swung the Tomb King's sword again, and several moonlight arrows took Aldridge's body. As always, only a few quarters later, the black mud once again swept to the place where the Dark Moon God was.

Chapter 450: Escape into the Ancient Dragon

Giants don't take the usual path.

In fact, the underground passage through the mountains is not suitable for giants to enter, but he has another way.

A closer, faster, and more dangerous method.

The giant climbed the rock,

They flew over the river, and climbers on the mountain roads, some of the trails were so narrow, listening to the falling rocks, Zelin could only hope that the giant's climbing skills were sufficient. They have traversed mountain streams, cracks, and climbed over raised rocks. Even the most sensitive wild goats dare not jump in these places. Every time the giant jumps, it will be accompanied by a deafening sound. Most of the people who were stepped on by him The sound of rocks and the ground.

The flat surface became rugged, the snow-covered coniferous forest outside Janor Lund was left behind, and the towering mountains of the Casas area gradually filled the field of vision. This was the place where the ancient Casas ruled. This powerful ancient country once destroyed many countries. The place where the Casas warriors set foot has spread to the current Lengyu Valley, until their overlord Warnier touched the abyss. Destroyed by the undead legion of Fran, only the Catacombs of Casas, which witnessed the overlord’s wish for immortality, remained, and no one had ever touched this area. Except for the Sin Karma Capital, which is closer to the direction of Lengxu Valley.

Even in the mountains, the broken slate floors that appear from time to time in the aisles between the mountains and rocks still have traces of Casas back then.

Sometimes, the shadow of Yanorrond would appear among the rocks, and then would be blocked by another rock as the giant moved. There are some pale blue stones in his vision, but looking at the winding staircases on the mountainside, and the footprints that have been stepped on the snow, Zelin can confirm that this mountain is not without people. There seemed to be some corpses on the ground. They seemed to be thrown on the ground randomly. Some of the corpses had decayed and only the bones buried in the snow were left, and some of them were still covered with broken prison clothes.

"Where is this place?"

Zelin asked the giant.

"Ilusil Prison, the ruins of Casas."

The giant urn said angrily, "Be careful of the jailers, they are bad guys."

After speaking a few words with the giant, Zelin could almost understand what the giant said. The way the giant speaks seems to be different from other humans, but as long as he can pay attention, he can easily understand his meaning from his vocabulary.

"This is Irushiel's underground prison? It is transformed from the old Casas ruins?"

Zelin looked at the mountain road extending into the cave in the distance. There were slabs of stone around the entrance of the cave, and a round arched portal was built. Standing at the door and looking inward, only one elevator can be seen. Like the elevator in the undead settlement, only one step on the elevator can enter the prison guarded by the jailer.

He didn't know what was being held inside, but he didn't have much time, he didn't need to set foot in unknown danger. So Zelin retracted his gaze and looked at the other end of the cliff, a mountain peak hidden in the clouds at the end of his vision. Standing so far away, the demon hunter can still notice that there are remains of tall man-made buildings on the top of the opposite mountain. According to what Gwendelin gave him, there should be the so-called top of the ancient dragon, where the descendants of the ancient dragon lived and were isolated from the world.

"I'm going to meditate."

"Aldridge is awake, the Salary King is awake, and the Undead Team Falan is also awake. Go and ask for help, good luck."

"Good luck to you too, nice to meet you."

After that, the giant nodded to the demon hunter and left.

The road to the cliff is obviously different here. There are several non-human statues erected on the side. These statues are thin but tall. They all have phosphorous skin and beveled heads. They are also iconic behind. Wings. If you want to say it, these are like human beings with the traits of flying dragons. There are two such statues, and there is an obvious platform for sitting and meditating between the statues.