The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 26

She was startled.

Not far from her, a group of charred and black rags fell on the ground. Francesca was curious why there was such a cloth. It stands to reason that the soldiers’ armor should be made of iron and Sewn from hard dry leather, it is impossible to have a piece of cloth

Later, the female warlock found that this scorched cloth was her fellow warlock, Joel, and the screams just now came from Kro's mouth, whose whole body was almost soaked in blood, falling to the ground from the side. As for Triss... if the object that fell to the ground and burnt to black is Triss...

For some reason, Francesca felt very cold all over, very cold

Compared with the noise halfway up the mountain, at the top of Sutton Hill, the noise in the command of the Allied Forces of the Northern States seemed to be no less inferior. A man with an iron crown and a blue and black striped knight’s chain armour was sitting. On the wooden chair, he leaned on the armrest of the wooden chair with one hand, with his cheek resting on his left hand, and the other hand gently stroking the Temaria Widowmaker emblem on his chest. The helmet covers most of the man's face, but the appearance of his appearance can still make people notice his handsome appearance. It seems that he is tired of the surrounding quarrels. The man coughed fiercely and stood up.

"We have been arguing for long enough, gentlemen and gentlemen, but the Nilfgaards will not retreat because of our quarrel, but just now, I saw the man in black almost breaking through the line of defense. Don’t deny it. Not just me, you can also see it clearly." The man from Tamoria gave a strong fist. "We can't hide behind when the soldiers are fighting bravely and discuss whether to run away with their tails clipped!"

"Let's be cautious, Foltest" King Vezmir of Redania put his ring-filled finger ** hair against his temple, and he raised his head and looked at Tamoria, who was much younger than him. King of "Let us be cautious, we can't afford any mistakes."

At this time, besides the marshal and generals in the command post on the top of the mountain, there were also several kings, Demawi, the ruler of Aden, deeply sunk in their seats, and the fighting outside made him uneasy. Sitting across from him, Cowend’s legal king Hensett was constantly observing the reactions of the people around him with a pair of small but keen eyes, and in the end, the queen of Leiria, Mayvi, was pulling her neck anxiously. Her huge ruby ​​necklace kept tangle of **** red lips and her expression was embarrassed.

"Then what shall we do?! Standing here watching how my army is defeated?" Foltest did not mean to respect Vizmir at all, or to say that he dared to ignore the advice of his ministers and rejected Rui. Princess Dania’s marriage, as far as the young king insisted on marrying his sister, did not have the slightest problem with this attitude. "The morale of the soldiers is low, but we are here to consider the retreat...Listen, there is no retreat, I will take The reserve team is moving forward. It's optimistic. The warlocks' battle just now caused the Nilfgaards to adjust their formation. If we can attack before they start a new round of attack, we can create enough chaos and turn the situation around. We... .Give me the telescope!"

The young king shouted to the guard beside him.

"We should follow the advice of military advisers and generals" Hensett muttered. The king looked as strong as a bear, but unfortunately, he did not have the guts of a bear. "We should retreat and attract the Nilfgaards Coming to the plain, on the plain, we can hold on to the castle, and then send a small group of cavalry to constantly harass their supply line. When winter comes, the men in black can only retreat to the south of the Yaruja River."

"Then let the generals and advisors go to hell! I believe my soldiers!" Foltest put away the binoculars, he held the dagger around his waist with one hand, and left the other kings behind and walked out of the camp. The officers waiting outside waved their greetings. "Gentlemen, let us raise the flag and tell the soldiers who are fighting that their king is standing next to them! Take everyone, and go, if this is God’s gift Our destiny."

"Destiny?" Zelin chewed on the words that the old dwarf mentioned during a chat, "Why do you believe in destiny, Ayres"

"Because it makes fun of people the most." Old Ayres smiled bitterly. "You know, Demon Hunter, I used to have a brother. He had a beautiful big beard. He liked drinking very much. He often fights when he is drunk. In the end, I had to run to clean up his mess. Every time he got into trouble, I would scold him badly. This guy is a heavy drinker, likes to be courteous, and often runs out to do meaningless things, and some Childish, but he is my best relative, especially after my mother died."

"What happened later?"

"Later? Then we went to work in the mine, but who knew there was an Anderlager worm in the mine. He died... in another mine that was only two slaps thick from me... He needed it most. When I was in my time, I didn’t even know I waved my pick, digging the ore in front of me, and I was still estimating how much money this ore could make for me..." The old dwarf wiped the corners of his eyes and sighed. "You said Well, demon hunter, maybe just when the person you care about needs you the most, you don't understand what's going on, and you are doing some self-righteous stupid things."

"...Maybe" Zelin sighed and reached out to take out a bottle of Dwarf Spirit from the left side of the rapeseed package. For some reason, he subconsciously looked in the direction of Sutton, "Drink something, Oakley? "

"Oh, thank you, you are a good person, really." The dwarf sighed and wiped the tears from his eyes. "You are such a good person, Zelin."

"Really..." Zelin smiled bitterly, "I haven't heard such an evaluation for a long time."

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ps: No trains, no trains, no trains, monthly tickets for For#5105, thanks to For#5105, Meihong Kuihara’s rewards. Uh, it’s the first time to push a book here. My editor Beifang wrote a new book called "Can't I Study the Membrane Method with Peace of Mind", which is said to be very pure. I would like to recommend it here (?ω?)

Chapter 61: Too expensive

Alto Terranova tried to shrink his body behind a huge boulder.

He regretted a little bit. Why would he obey the stupid order of the Order and stick his head into the giant meat grinder of Sutton Hill, just for those foolish kings? He was supposed to be sitting in his mage tower, eating fat and juicy pieces of meat, and drinking the most delicious wine, but now, he must stay out of the pile of corpses, hold his breath, and pray to Nilfgaard’s army. The warlocks don’t notice him.

The slightly fat mage lay on the stone and waved the dirt on his cheeks and forehead. The battlefield seemed to be covered with the dust splashed by the explosion, which could never be cleaned up, especially when the dirt was mixed with blood. . The warlock's brain is in chaos. Will the warlocks fighting for the Nilfgaard Empire just like him, lying awkwardly behind the boulder, full of **** smell that can't be removed by taking a bath with perfume? Worried that the endless chaotic energy around you will turn yourself into a burning fire in the next moment? Why did he come to endure the screams and the pungent smell of blood here?

Suddenly, Alto Terranova felt a pain in his back, and then he turned his gaze in a circle, and then his newly cleaned face came into close contact with the muddy ground again. Thanks to the pain not being very severe, he didn't let it go. He opened his mouth, otherwise it would be more than his face and clothes to clean up next time.

When he came back to his senses, he found that there were two, three people, and they were still people he knew. Francesca Fantabe is dragging a woman in black with her fairly intact right hand. As for the elf's left hand, if the piece is almost indistinguishable from the burnt dry wood, it can be counted as an arm. if. Terranova dared to use two bottles of the best wine to bet that the burning must have lasted a long time, but in the end the flame was contained under the elbow. It seems that the level of the caster on the opposite side is not as good as the wizard, or the wizard is trying to hide. Open interfered with the opponent's lock, otherwise this tarsus-like maggot curse would not stop until the target was completely burned out.

Then the warlock realized that someone had just kicked him.

"Francisska...great, it's great to see a living person you know. Tell me, did Wigofortes say that we can retreat?" Terranova quickly got up. , Hopeful and eager to ask, "Damn! We should leave this terrible place soon, let the kings and emperors fight each other, this is not our responsibility, no one has the right to let us do this! You too I think so, right... Oh, who is this? Did you pick up the soldier from somewhere? Leave it alone, let's go, can you still cast spells and teleport spells, I still have the strength to cover you and launch a teleportation Door, let us leave this ghost place!"

Francesca looked at Terranova coldly, and the corners of her mouth moved slightly. Terranova did not hear what the elf said. It seemed to be Dh\'oine (human). The ancient Luen writing was always that way. Around the mouth. It just doesn't need an elf to answer for him. The man who seemed to be between thirty-five years old and burly to not resemble a warlock beside Francesca had already answered.

"Retreat? No, of course you can't retreat, dear Aalto, if we go, what will the kings win?" The sturdy man lifted his robe and hood, revealing Wigwarts' handsome face. Different from the embarrassment of other warlocks, Wigwarts did not have any scars on his body, and there was not even a trace of dirt stuck on the black robe. There were only two cases, or Wigfortz had been hiding behind. In the war, no one of Nilfgard’s warlocks can hurt Wigwarts at all, and the former is obviously impossible, because not long ago, Terranova saw Wigfords commanding Radkerry. Husband and Vocath set up a defensive barrier together.

"Those kings, and their generals, can only do one thing. They just hold up their swords, howl and rush to the front of the team, and don’t see if the team is keeping up, or even knowing they are. Not in the opposite direction." Wigwarts lowered his eyes and looked at the iron rod in his hand, his tone was calm and soothing, as if the surrounding battle didn't exist for him. For some reason, Terranova felt a chill, and Francesca seemed to tremble similarly. In order to conceal the discomfort in his heart, Terranova forced himself not to look at Vigofortes. He kept his eyes on the woman leaning on the shoulder of the elf mage. After a while, he was surprised to find that this face was bloodstained. The woman of is actually Yennefa of Van Geborg, and the source of the blood stain is the closed eyes of the sorcerer.

She was stabbed blind.

"Without us, the kings of the north would never have won. There was no chance of winning at all." Wigwarts let out a sneer in his nostrils. He raised his head and stared at Terranova with smiling eyes. "Tell me , Who else is alive among my colleagues here, old Graz? Atlanta? Kirk? Laudbur?"

"They are all dead, they are all dead" Terranova shook his head low. "Do you want to find them? Maybe which charred corpse on the ground belongs to them. Don't let me describe what I saw. I will never again. I don't want to see such a scene."

"Oh, it's dead? Really, it's a pity" Wigwarts's tone couldn't hear any regret. Launch a powerful assault, then we will just as he wished." The warlock battle leader made a gesture. "Stop all the defensive measures in your hands. That's right. You heard it right. Stop all. Don't worry about it. The flames flying overhead, or the arrows that ignite the resin, let them go. All we need to do now is to hide us. When Foltest leads people to attack, we will give each other a surprise. A huge surprise will surely satisfy everyone."

"Do you even want to abandon the surveillance tower?" Francesca suddenly asked, "Without the surveillance magic, we can't even detect where the opponent is casting the spell."

The voice of the elf warlock was a little strange, but Ye Naifah, who was leaning on her shoulder, knew why Francesca was like this. The watch tower was built thanks to Rita Nid’s sacrifice. Without the sorcerer who had sacrificed her life to attract the attention of the sorcerer Nilfgaard, Francesca could not locate the enemy at the foot of the mountain. , And the price... This sorcerer who likes singing, likes men, and likes large banquets can no longer open her eyes.

"That's right." Wigwarts' voice was still elegant and indifferent. He stretched out a finger and shook "The tower gives up."

"Are you really not going to repair the guard tower on the castle wall?" Oakley Ayres unfolded the papyrus, and while looking at the collapsed guard tower on the wall, he wrote and painted on it with a pen. He asked with a slight regret, "Swear by my beard, these two towers will definitely make the castle look more beautiful, you know, if you don’t allow me to repair them, it’s like an engineer like me Just like feeding shit, you have seen it along the way. There are many monsters here. The monster heads you collected almost overwhelmed the mare. The two guard towers will definitely make the castle much safer."

"It's not within the budget... how much money?" Zelin shook his head. He thought it was not difficult to repair the castle. It was not until the old dwarf bombarded his ears with various professional terms that the demon hunter realized that he had looked down upon it completely. Job.

"Rough estimate, um... about four hundred Oren, I mean the lowest price for repairing a sentry tower."

"Four hundred? Too expensive, too expensive, can four be fine?"

"...You are very talented in bargaining, Zelin" the old dwarf coughed heavily. "Let's talk about the restoration of the main building."

Thanks to the old driver Rokosov for his monthly pass Zzi, and thank Turuntsov for his generosity.

Chapter 62 The Milk Doesn't Die

Peter Ivastan has been calculating and counting his entire life.

As the chief military minister of Emperor Enhill of the Nilfgaard Empire, he always calculated the expenditure of the empire every day, every moment, and every cent. Especially in the ongoing Northern Warfare, countless shiny gold coins rushed out of the treasury like running water and scattered on the battlefield full of rancid, dust, dirt, crows, and mosquitoes. He must make careful calculations to determine whether each coin will go to the arsenal or to the logistics officer's own pockets. From the outbreak of the war to the present, there have been many nobles trying to profit from the war on the square in Nilfgard. With officers, perhaps those carrion corpses being pecked by crows can help many people constrain, but as long as the profit can overwhelm their sanity, these guys are even willing to sell the noose that will be put on their necks in the next moment.

On the western front, Duke Joachim de Witte, commanding about 20,000 people, is responsible for covering the left flank of Marshal Meno Kochlen's Central Army, while exerting pressure on the Kingdom of Verdon to force them to surrender. The expenditure of this part of the army is relatively small, followed by the 20,000 people under the Duke of Elan Tirach on the Eastern Front. It is mainly composed of local garrisons. It is responsible for monitoring the direction of Leiria-Livia, and at the same time covering the right wing of Marshal Koheren. The expenditure is the least, and there is no siege equipment. And the most troublesome question...

Ivastan pinched the quill with three fingers, and frowned at the papyrus on the tabletop in front of him.

Marshal Coheren, who was in charge of the offensive, had the most soldiers and equipped with the most engineering equipment and warlocks. A stone dumper requires 150 francs, a catapult requires 500 francs, and a ballista needs 80 francs. Each trained soldier needs 10 francs per month, and each warlock’s spell and maintenance salary It takes 300 francs. The logistics supply can be solved by slaves. Now the cavalry can catch enough refugees to serve as slaves in the forest, but if the war continues for a while, I am afraid that we must consider recruiting civilians from the village to transport siege equipment. With food and grass, each civilian husband needs 2 francs.

Equipment maintenance costs are too expensive, let's cut the salary of the warlock with the army.

Ivastan scribbled **** the papyrus.

The mine, which is the backbone of the country’s economy, has an annual output of 20,000 to 30,000 francs. Coheren will pay 700,000 francs from the national treasury at the beginning of this month, and more than 30 mines throughout the empire can contribute 80 to the national treasury every year. Wan Fulang, the war is making the formerly wealthy treasury more and more empty. Foreign trade has been interrupted by the war. Skellig’s pirates are causing heavy losses to the coast and can support a large-scale war for up to four months. The former war cannot end...

Military support costs are too expensive, let's cut the salary of the imperial warlock.

Ivastan made another hard stroke on the papyrus.

There are 70,000 soldiers under Kochlund. Major battles will kill them by one third, and careful conflict will reduce them by another tenth. The rancid food, mosquitoes, poisonous gas, and sewage in the camp will also consume them, such as typhoid fever and dysentery. Malaria is also inevitable. This will kill another tenth, and then remove some accidents or monster attacks. The most unlucky thing like a dragon attacking the camp will also cause some losses. If they all add up, After the war, about 70,000 people will survive, and about 30,000 people will survive. Among them, one-fifth will die from wound infections after the war, and one-fifth will be left with permanent disabilities and have to retire. Only about 20,000 soldiers continued to fight in the barracks.

Ivastan looked at the parchment and calculated. He seemed to see the mounts under the hips of the hussars, the black chain mail and round helmets on the archers, the iron boots and pan hats of the crossbowmen, and those armed forces. The heavy-loaded infantry like crabs. Every death of one of them represents the complete reimbursement of their valuable equipment. Each set of armor consumes a lot of iron ore. If the Imperial Iron Mine cannot support sufficient production, it must be It takes more Franchise to go to Mahakam, and to Kervell to buy more iron ore, which is another huge expense.

Equipment manufacturing costs are too expensive, let's cut the salary of the imperial warlock.

There is another deep mark on the papyrus.

Wars, wars, wars everywhere, soldiers die too fast, of course, quartermasters and chief executive officers also die so fast. Ivastan rubbed his temples, lifted his sour eyelids, and scanned the empty room. There were originally ten executive officers here who were responsible for helping him with affairs, but now he is the only one here. The front-line quartermaster died too fast, and there was never a shortage of soldiers, but not everyone can become a quartermaster. Before new quartermasters can be added, he needs to send executive officers and general managers from the rear to supervise the operations of food, grass and military expenses. And the group of young executives just recruited from all over...