The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 29

Blood therapy...

Zelin caught another noun from Gascoigne's language.

What is blood therapy...

"There should be some time." Gascoigne raised his head. Zelin suspected that his eyes were not invisible, but he was covered with a white cloth for some reason. However, he rashly asked the person he met for the first time about physical problems. It’s not right, but anyway, it’s lucky to see a friendly face in this weird city. "The Healing Church has a clinic in Yanan. If you don’t have a place to hide, you will feel a little uncomfortable." , I think you can go there, I know the doctor in that clinic, her name is Yusefka..."

Suddenly, Gascoigne pulled the blindfold. "Oh, yes, you are a stranger, I almost forgot. Come on, I can tell you where, Henrik won’t be so eager to see me, we still have time …Though not much."

PS: Thanks to Aruba, the believers of Zhuya, for the reward of no fire ash, thank you for the fried chicken ice cream, title page, and the monthly ticket Zizi for sleepless people.

Chapter 67: The Land of Blood Therapy

Yanan, a well-known hometown of blood therapy.

It’s hard to understand that blood therapy is just the name. It’s not that Zelin had seen red fuel mixed with river water and put it in a glass bottle before and said that it was a liar doctor who said it was an ancestral secret recipe. Yanan’s blood therapy is worthy of its name. For treatment items, drink liquid made from blood as a medicine. It was the first time Zelin heard that blood can cure diseases. It was not that no warlock had studied the role of blood. The biology of Orson Ford Academy also regarded liquid as a very important scientific research, but the therapeutic effect... never People have found out.

As the hometown of blood therapy, blood has unparalleled charm in the eyes of locals. Blood is not only a medical product, but even a popular consumer product. Later, there were even derivatives such as blood cocktails. Zelin can say with certainty that if there is any tavern owner in his world that sells to customers not mixed with water, but with blood, that owner will definitely be caught and sent to the local sheriff for trial. . But here, everything seems to be normal, everything is justified.

Zelin asked Gascoigne casually a few words along the way, and finally drew part of the situation about this place from just a few words. Obviously, this is a weird place.

"You didn't come to Yanan for blood therapy? Heh~ it's really interesting."

The buildings on both sides of the street were lined up. Zelin followed Gascoyne, who called himself a hunter. Along the way, he saw many creatures that were obviously not humans. Some of them weighed a tenth of a ton and were nearly four meters tall. Humanoid monsters that look like rocks, and guys who are similar in height to ordinary humans, but are huge, and wielding axes with both hands in their hands. Compared with them, the townspeople who have weird limbs and stiff hair on their bodies are more normal.

Gascoigne solved many of the townspeople who tried to attack him. He raised an axe and fell mercilessly, and it was the first time Zelin saw how his left hand weapon was used. When a townsman rushed in front of him and raised his hand axe, Gascoigne raised his slender iron weapon at the townspeople’s unsuspecting chest. With a muffled sound, sparks lit up from the front of the weapon. The townspeople staggered as if being hit by a heavy hammer, and then they were cut open by Gascoigne's axe.

This is definitely not magic, but Zelin didn’t know what to explain. Gascoigne seemed to attack the opponent with flames, but the spark did not touch the enemy. It is undeniable that the townsman was indeed at that moment. Being attacked, and using flames in single-player combat, Zelin has only seen warlocks doing this, and of course the dragons, but the dragons don't need a mask on their mouths to breathe fire. Although he wanted to understand what had just happened, Zelin still suppressed his curiosity. Everyone has their own secrets. If you want to live peacefully with strangers, you must remember one thing-don't ask too much.

People talk to demon hunters because they need the help of demon hunters, but no one wants to talk to a demon hunter who likes to inquire about news. Just like never asking the age of a beautiful female warlock, maybe she will smile and turn you into a humble wooden sculpture.

"What about you, are you here for blood therapy?" Zelin held a steel sword in his hand, but he had never used a weapon. With Yanan’s current scale, it is difficult for a demon hunter to imagine that such a huge city would erupt a plague that would mutate the entire city’s residents wildly, and he has not seen anyone responsible for removing the plague on the streets of the city. Apart from Father Gascoigne and the hunters in his mouth, there are no soldiers, no sheriffs, and even the mayor and other municipal officials to educate the people. This place seems to have been abandoned, leaving it to fend for itself.

"I first came to Yanan for blood therapy, but when I was about to leave, I met my current wife, and then I had a daughter. For them, I chose to stay in Yanan." Gascoyne trembles The hem of his clothes was shaken. At this time, the appearance of the priest’s clothes was already covered with the blood of all kinds of crazy people, but Gascoigne did not feel any discomfort, especially when he mentioned his wife and daughter, he was hoarse. There was a touch of warmth in the tone, "They will be safe. As long as they can kill these monsters, everything will be fine when the hunting night passes."

"You left your wife and daughter at home. Are they safe?" Zelin asked abruptly after a long time. He suddenly remembered the story that the dwarf Ayres told him. The good thing is about his brother. He said that when his brother was in danger of life, there was only one wall away from him, but he didn’t know it. Just when his closest brother needed him the most. Can't help me."

"..." Gascoigne was silent.

"Sorry, maybe I shouldn't say that." Zelin shook his head, he carefully organized the language in his heart while observing the priest's reaction. In fact, he doesn’t need to worry about extra things, he just needs to take care of the portal, and other things have nothing to do with him. When the portal opens again next month, he can return to the original world, the plague here. The riots will not affect him. But Zelin couldn't help but reminded him that he had seen too many similar things.

"Perhaps... Gascoigne, I don’t know what your hunting night is about, but I think it’s better to be with your family when disaster strikes. You’re right, it’s only you. Can protect them."

Suddenly, Father Gascoyne laughed very weakly. Zelin even thought it was not a smile, but coughing caused the corners of his mouth to twist. I hope I can use my power to let it pass. Some things have to be solved by someone. What do you think, a foreigner?"

After all, the priest put one hand on the white blindfold and adjusted the position by pulling the cloth strip. "Let’s go, there is no danger here for the time being. Go in this direction and you will see the Yusevka Clinic. He is a good person and would like to stay with you in the clinic tonight. Don’t walk around, you don’t know Yanan... In fact, I don’t know much about it, but I know that tonight... is very dangerous."

"Did the mayor here hire you to do these things." Zelin remembered that the mayor of Praxida had hired him to clean up the evil spirits who settled in a city factory. The situation here seems to be the same as then. It's similar, except that the scope is not only small factories and factories, but the entire city. "I thought there would be sheriffs or city guards to help you...Where did they go?"

"Mayor..." Gascoigne's tone did not fluctuate at all. He packed the weapon in his hand again, pinned the spark-emitting iron weapon to his waist, and then shook his hands. The original one was less than one meter long. The hand axe magically becomes a two-handed axe that requires two hands to hold. "If you are willing to chat, I am not an ideal person. Yusevka may be willing to chat with you, as long as the patients in the clinic are not too many Many, I'm leaving now, a foreigner. Henrik should be anxious."

Zelin looked at Gascoigne's leaving figure and sighed softly. About ten steps later, at the corner, the priest suddenly stopped, and a breeze blew over, curling up the hem of the blood-stained coat. He lowered his head and his voice was very small, so small that Zelin couldn't tell whether he was talking to himself or just talking to himself.

"After the hunting night is over... I welcome you to come to my home, a foreigner."

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ps: Today, we can sincerely and slowly watch the changes~ I can’t see the low spirit of vision. Chapter 66 Blame me~┑( ̄Д ̄)┍

纟工萌馆 2⑨83①63⑤4

ps2: Thanks to Dumbledore the White Robe, Tiger Tiger and Leopard Leopard for their monthly tickets. Thanks Aruba, the wind is all over the building, ah, for your reward

Chapter 68: Yanan Center is Your Forever Home

In a group of buildings with similar styles, the Yusevka Clinic is not very conspicuous. Thanks to the sign on the wooden sign at the door, Zelin realized that the building in front of him was the same as an ordinary house. Church clinics visited.

The door of the clinic was closed tightly, and Zelin could hear the faint human voice inside while standing outside the door. Many of the houses he passed by along the way seemed to be still inhabited by residents. According to Gascoyne’s explanation, the hunting night was about to begin. These unarmed civilians had better hide in their homes, waiting to heal the church’s hunters who would go crazy. All the patients with anaphylaxis will be resolved, and this disaster will be brought to an end.

Gascoigne is not good at talking, but Zelin can still find something useful in it. The priest has never mentioned the kingdom, nobles, soldiers, or territories. Which king does the people here loyal to? The demon hunter did not see a banner engraved with the emblem of the nobility. Instead, the name of the Healing Church is often mentioned. Gascoigne is a hunter of the church. The church will send hunters to hunt monsters. The chapel that Zelin saw before It seemed that it belonged to the healing church, and the clinic in front of him was also a subordinate of the church.

Churches, churches, there are signs of healing churches everywhere.

Standing in front of the Yusevka Clinic, Zelin hesitated for a while, then raised his hand and tapped three times on the wooden door. The color of the wooden door tends to dark black, and it makes a crisp sound when the finger is knocked on, elm wood? Bai Song? Or is it a kind of wood that he doesn't know at all? After knocking three times, Zelin turned his fingers on the wooden door hard. Feeling the touch from his fingertips, he pursed his mouth. The wood gives him a very rough feeling, it may be made of elm or similar materials. But this is definitely not a material suitable for making a gate, especially in this dangerous city. As far as the demon hunter is concerned, this kind of easy to crack and warp wooden gate can be easily broken with Alder's mark.

Soon, Zelin heard the sound of footsteps coming from far and near in the door, getting closer and closer, and then stopped. It should be the person inside standing at the door, but he did not hear the sound of opening the door. hesitate. There was silence for a while, and the person across the door slowly said with a trace of temptation, "Is anyone out there...?"

"If the person in your mouth refers to a sensible and non-aggressive creature, then there is indeed a person standing at the door." Zelin kept his voice down as much as possible. The peaceful voice can give him an impression of kindness. And aggressive creatures, such as bears or wolves, like to yell at other creatures, and humans are no exception. While talking, he backed up two steps and stood two meters away from the wooden door, so that he could show that he was not hostile, and he could also prepare enough reaction time for what happened after the door was opened. Two meters away, even if a werewolf threw out after opening the door, it was enough for Zelin to react.

"Sorry, I shouldn't doubt you, but now... not a good time. Your accent is not like a local. Did you just come to Yanan? Oh... why are there still people at this time?"

The soft voice behind the door sounds like it belongs to a woman in her twenties. Very gentle, but a little flustered, as if to say something to Zelin but worried that the next words would stimulate him. Zelin was very familiar with this. For example, there were some kind-hearted villagers who wanted to let the demon hunter leave, but they were unwilling to drive him away with stones and saliva, so they would tactfully inform Zelin that this is just a relationship In the small village where there is no dispute, they are all honest people, there are no monsters around, and they don't have the money to hire a demon hunter, hoping that he can leave.

Zelin will tell them politely that he will leave as soon as possible. But this time, Zelin felt that since he had come to a different world, maybe he could explain a little bit. After all, the people here don’t know what mutation is, what is demon hunter, even though he is a foreigner from the Yanan population, But as long as he keeps a low profile, he is no different from ordinary people. Maybe he can live like ordinary people for a period of time.

"Father Gascoigne told me that there is a safe clinic here that allows me to stay until the next morning." Zelin thought about what to say and what not to say. "I bring enough food for myself. I don't need Your material, what I lack is just a place for me to lie down and rest, but it will bother you."

Yes, if there is no exaggeration in Father Gascoigne's words, then Zelin did come into this world at a very bad time. On the night of hunting, although it is not clear what will happen, it is just a period of time with the priest. They encountered at least 50 so-called veterinary patients' attacks. The situation at night will be even worse. Putting himself in an extremely dangerous situation without knowing it, Zelin would not do that if he still had a trace of reason. His knowledge was more used to deal with monsters than veterinarians, and neither Someone will pay him for killing crazy people.

"Father Gascoigne, how is he... Oh, yes, come in first, it's not safe outside..." The soft voice paused. "Please be quiet. There are many patients here. They have become a little... well, come in first, quietly."

With a squeak, the wooden door opened a gap just for a single person to pass through. The sunset outside just shines through the gap into the somewhat dim clinic, illuminating the brown floor inside, the bookshelf full of books, and the white doctor's robe at the door. , An intellectual beauty about twenty-three or four years old. Her gray eyes are full of fatigue, and her cheeks seem to be pale due to overwork. It may also be due to staying in a clinic with poor lighting all day long. Her short silver-gray hair is combed to the back of her head and tied into a short ponytail. The wisps are sent from left to right slightly blocking one side of the forehead, giving people a very gentle feeling both in terms of voice and appearance.

When Zelin looked at the opponent, the opponent also looked at him. Seeing that the person at the door did not look like a beastly madman, the woman in a doctor's robe breathed a sigh of relief, and stepped back two steps to get away.

Zelin walked into the clinic sideways, and as the door closed behind, the Yusevka clinic, which had just brightened up, plunged into dimness again. He wrinkled the tip of his nose, and when he walked in, the patient groaned faintly, the red blood bottles visible everywhere, and the ubiquitous pungent smell of disinfectant instantly filled his audiovisual, the smell of disinfectant Zelin was familiar with. There are everything in the biology laboratory of Orson Ford College. It seems that in this respect, this world is no different from the world he is familiar with.

"It is very dangerous to stand facing the crack of the door when opening the door." Zelin turned around and said to the doctor who closed the door.

"Here are all my patients, and I am responsible for them. If someone with an animalized plague rushes in, I...I can stop them." The white-clothed woman narrated it for granted, although her tone was trembling, she said Maybe she herself didn't believe that she could stop the crazy crowd.

"It is very dangerous and unwise to block pitchforks and chopping axes with your body." Zelin shook his head. The other party was wearing a large robe, just covering her figure, but it is certain that the woman without a weapon in her hand could only use her body to resist the grass pierced through the door, and Zelin didn’t think she was. Will be harder than steel. "I'm sorry to put you at risk, but thank you for letting me in."

Listening to Zelin's words, the woman in white smiled slightly, "I am a doctor, and it is my duty to save people...Welcome to the Yusevka Clinic, a foreigner, I am the doctor Yusevka here. You seem to have just arrived here. Here...well, I hope that Yanan Center can be your eternal home, even if it's just tonight."

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ps: Thank you for the reward for the golden curry sticks. Thanks to Aruba, Alilua’s right hand, an ordinary passerby, non-clothed, hermit cat, what is the nickname, red has threex times the speed generously, thanks to the hermit cat, for the monthly pass of the Kunte brand.

Chapter 69—Yousefka Clinic

The interior of the clinic is made up of wooden structures instead of building stones. The wooden roof, the wooden walls, and even the ground is covered with dark brown planks. With leather boots squeaking on it, Zelin sat cross-legged in a corner. This corner could protect his back and let him have a panoramic view of the situation in the clinic hall, placing the cloth bag beside him. Chewing on the dry bread that he had just taken out. For some reason, Zelin felt a hint of hunger, as if it was time for lunch. Although the sun outside was still hanging over the West Mountain, he always felt that time had passed for at least six hours. .

Maybe the portal not only makes him dizzy, but also affects his concept of time... This is not good. Zelin's gaze swept across the wall of the clinic, and he didn't see anything used to calculate time. I originally thought that since this is a huge city, there must be things like clocks. Unfortunately, he was wrong. Maybe he would have to tie a rope to calculate time for the next thirty days, just like he did when living in Altria's castle.

The first floor of the clinic is divided into two rooms by a load-bearing wall. Zelin is in the outer room by the door. There are very few patients here, there are only a few people, and no injuries or obvious symptoms of the plague are visible on his body. They all sat next to the wall, with their heads drooping, either silent or sighing. From time to time, someone was frightened by what was in their minds, screaming and wailing, and the people around seemed to have taken it off. Weird, no one even wanted to look up and take another look.

There are not only patients or asylum seekers around the walls, but there are also many bookcases in the clinic, which are filled with densely packed books, thick books with dark covers, giving people an ancient feeling. Zelin didn't touch these books. They belonged to Yusevka after all. It's best not to touch them at will without the owner's permission. As for Yusevka herself, she was in the inner room of the clinic. There were a few patients lying on a leather flat bed. There were about three people, and the doctor was running back and forth between the three. The height of the bed is just right for the doctor to stand upright to help the patient, instead of bending over or sitting by the bed. In this regard, the world is doing well.

After swallowing the last bite of bread in his hands, Zelin clapped his hands to clean up the crumbs. After rinsing his mouth with light beer, he hid himself and the package in the shadow in the corner, kneeling on the wooden board with his legs together. After placing the two long swords wrapped in cloth strips in front of him and ensuring that he could reach out his weapon for defense at any time, the demon hunter closed his eyes and prepared to enter meditation. If there were no accidents today, there should be no other things. The night of hunting was just one night. As soon as he closed his eyes and opened his eyes, he could find a safe place the next day, such as spending a few days outside the city, or going to Father Gascoigne’s Take a look at home.

Thinking of the next plan, Zelin slowly sinks into the depths of his heart, passing through the exhaustion of the portal, and Father Gascoigne through the many welcoming crowds with torches and pitchforks, physically and mentally The double exhaustion quickly plunged him into contemplation, and then...